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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Elizabeth keeps her nose plugged and bashes down the front door of Blue's cabin, deciding that she would repair it later. Her head was starting to hurt immensly, but she ignored it and started searching around for Blue.
Elizabeth walks into Blue's room, seeming a bit disoriented. Her headache kept geting worse and she felt like she was going to throw up. "B...Blue...W...what is going on?"
blue takes the sickness away from her but keeps her eyes down" just processing somethings "she looked down ,her voice held no emotion and if it did it wasnt a good one
Elizabeth walks over and sits down next to Blue, trying to ignore her headache. It wasnt caused by sickness, but by something else. "Blue, something is obviously wrong. Please tell me." (@Sixxx)
Lilith wakes up late, as she slowly gets out of bed. She doesn't eat and goes to the shower, and remembers her brother has work today and shrugs as she gets dressed in skinny jeans, a tank top, and converse. She walks outside and starts walking to school slowly
"its all wrong ... Han killed my father , didnt torcher him ,let him into heaven when that bastard deserves to rot, and then i found out that he had kept my father interested in killing me when he first found out about it all he kept him at it... he appologized its just...."
Elizabeth went completely silent. From what she knew about Blue's dad he certainly did not deserve to go to heaven. "Why the hell would Han do that....that just isn't right..." she says, confused as to why Han would do such things. (@Sixxx)
Arrives at school and sighs walking to her locker, " Another horrible day." Opens my locker slowly and grabs supplies for art putting her book bag and skateboard in the locker.
"because aparently people can change" she said with a poison tongue "im not mad at him but im not happy , im pissed and i dont want him to not be my friend ."blue looks down

"because aparently people can change" she said with a poison tongue "im not mad at him but im not happy , im pissed and i dont want him to not be my friend ."blue looks down
Elizabeth stared at the floor silently, thinking to herself that Han was wrong, and that her past experiences proved that. She thought that Blue's father should have died in the slowest, most torturous way possible and then rotted in hell.
" hes gone now . no revenge for me or my mother or my sister " blue sighed and looked up at elizabeth confused , she smelt death "oh my gosh " she got up to the window and fixed the land and the animals
Elizabeth sighed, feeling a bit sad to see Blue so unhappy. "I guess justice is a bunch of bullshit." She says, standing up. "Otherwise you would have gotten your revenge." She sighs, starting to walk away, staring at the ground silently. (Gtg)
Walks in the art room as the popular girls smirk as they see me and start whispering and giggling. I sit in the back and start drawing.
Han opened his eyes. "Of course I sent him to Heaven...the Purgatory version of it." He stood up. "It looks like Heaven but after it gains his trust, it all falls apart. Endless cuts, emotional trauma, reliving the worst moments of his life. If you want me to send him to boring old Hell, I'll be happy to oblige." He shrugged.
" relax its fine i just need to breath " blue gets dressed and grabs her ipod " thank you Han i didnt realize that, i wish you had told me that earlyier" she hugged him , her eyes were grey still ,she was still upset but better

(@Han Alister )
Han nodded. "I'm sorry but the man seems to enjoy your misery. The more pain that you are in, the happier her gets. The happier he gets, the more pain he feels." He smiled. "And no, I didn't really give him the info about you. I just had to hurt you emotionally as much as I could."
Vex crawled into the windowsill of he and Cerin's dorm room, still reading the same manga as earlier. He ran a slender hand through black hair and sighed when he realized some of the tips were white. Cerin, you awake?

No response.

Vex closed the book and tossed it onto the bed, "he must be waking up still" he said to himself with a huff. Quietly, he went ahead and slipped the gas mask on over the bottom half of his face and dropped from the window. He landed on the balls of his bandage-covered feet with a silent pat of the cement.

Vex was much taller than Cerin, so he often had joints popping as he moved like they did as he began to walk around campus in search of amusement. Don't you pull a stunt like last time. Cerin finally spoke to vex and he smiled behind the mask. I won't, Cerin.

Promise? Cerin asked, obviously still tired.

Whatever..I'm already bored. Vex looked around as he mentally spoke to his brother.

Well, deal with it, I'm tired.


Slaxt woke up on Layla's breasts, he realized what he was sleeping on so he got off quickly and sat there quietly waiting for Layla to wake up
(Smooth move xD )

Layla yawned, shifting her position wherever she was, in reaction to pressure being relieved from her chest. Pulling her knees to her chest, she released a small mumble, barely audible unless at close range.
Layla allowed her eyelids to release her hazy irises to stare at Slaxt. Having just woken up, she was clueless as to what he was apologizing for and why. "What?"
"im not bad tho , i havent done anything wrong , i dont kill i try to help others "blue looks down " the land is healed animals saved and brought back the ones i killed"
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