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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Daniel reaver]Thana glared at him "your an idiot..... He's known as an omnipotent a race above gods a race that can't be defeated by any thing unless they want to be" Thana said defiantly [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15598-kalin-scarlet/ said:
@Kalin Scarlet[/URL]
"Heh. So he can do whatever he wants? That makes me wonder..." Luce said, turning around to face Thana again. The smile on his face grew wider "What would Mr. Almighty do if he didn't have any of his vast and terrible power to rely on? What if he had to play by the same rules I do?"

@Daniel reaver

(Sorry, my internet rabbited on me)
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom chuckled. "Not right now." He pushed her off. "You can wait, can't you?" His eyes glowed purple.
"I just wanted to nibble on your ear" Shira said as she walked around the couch and sat down close to ansom "I wasn't trying to do it again I just wanted a little nibble" she said with a smile


"He wouldn't have to if he didn't want to" she said defiantly to him as a soul floated around her

@Kalin Scarlet
Dakota was sitting in her usual spot in the courtyard reading as always.
"That's a pretty impressive ability. " Madoka said, watching the bag rattle slightly as Peaches enjoyed his meal. "But I'm guessing its normal for a nymph to be capable of something like that." He then turns towards the plant, closing his eyes in focus. After a moment, a red rose grows out of the pot, as well. Madoka picks it up, and sniffs it, opening his eyes.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"It's not my fault your eresistable" she said as she nuzzled his side and crossed her legs happily

Ansom chuckled. "I am not irresistible, silly. I am just very seductive. More seductive than a Succubus or an Incubus by the look of things." He laughed even louder and stood up from the couch.
635 Walks up to the cabin, it is in really poor condition with rotten wood walls and vines hanging from almost everywhere


Mac walks through the courtyard then spies Dakota "Hm......" He walks over to her
"Hmmm, yes" she chuckled a bit "unfortunately im just an ordinary Nymph, nothing godly or special" she tilted her head as she looked at the flower he'd grown "thats a pretty rose ~" she chimed

@Kalin Scarlet
Dakota pushes her hair out of the way of her face and sigh, she continues to page over the book, not noticing the boy.
Shira stoof up with ansom and kissed him "so what if you are you're still eresistable" she said as she hugged him affectionately then nibbled on his ear again

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira stoof up with ansom and kissed him "so what if you are you're still eresistable" she said as she hugged him affectionately then nibbled on his ear again

Ansom returned the kiss. "Whatever you say, hun." He laughed and walked out of the living room, heading up a set of spiral stairs. "I have rock climbing up here." He called out.
635 steps into the Rotten cabin and looks around as the orb glows bright purple and is shaking violently

((@AsongOfIceandFire could u somehow involve this orb however you want please?))
((Huh? I didn't really think it mattered xD , shes studying through a potion book))
"Everyone has to follow the rules of the game..." Luce says, smirking. "For example, if I challenge you to catch that spirit near you, We'd obviously be working on equal terms. That would mean..." Luce snapped his fingers, and the spirit went silent, and disappeared from sight. In fact, Thana couldn't sense any spirit, or dying soul of any sort."No death god powers. And I'm guessing your strength, speed, and extra sensory abilities are tied to your divinity. And that means..."

Luce dashed forward, reaching for Thana's throat, but stopping short when a pale glow covers his hand. It takes the shape of a sphere, and within it is the soul he indicated. "All you've got is the air disturbance to tell you where it is. " Immediately after finishing his sentence, the spirits are revealed to Thana once again, as all of her abilities return.

@Daniel reaver
Shira perked up and quickly ran up after ansom "yay!!" She called as she ran past him looking for the climbing wall "I've always wanted to try climbing" she said excitedly

"Being normal among special people is perhaps even more special than anything in this world." Madoka said. He then handed Mariko the flower. "Thank you, but it wasn't me. I made it with your power, so I think its only fair that I give it to you, along with the compliment."

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira perked up and quickly ran up after ansom "yay!!" She called as she ran past him looking for the climbing wall "I've always wanted to try climbing" she said excitedly

Ansom chuckled and pointed to a small door, so small that a person would have to crouch to get through. He nodded and bent down, crawling through. Once he stood up on the other side, he stood in front of a climbing wall that was the size of Mt. Everest.
"Hmm, I know my fair share, I'm just brushing up on it since I border this book and its due back soon" she replied as she turned the page
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