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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Roman said:
(( @AsongOfIceandFire
"In this body, yes this is my first time to this school." Castiel nodded and turned towards the girl that seemed to crash through the other girl's dorm. Too much people for my liking. I need to leave soon. This girl better hurry with her drawing.
Angel was almost done drawimg him and looked at roman "oh im sorry im Angel iv been here a couple of days" she said and finished. She turned the drawing to show the boys
*Add starts thinking how shes gonna get out of the dorm room...without flying cuz that could be the death of her*

Mind: i can ditch it...i can hide somewhere till she passes...or i can just leg it........why not

*Add then started to take one step and tried to run out the dorm without being noticed but instead...she ran into the guy with the wings and she took a hit to the face by his left wing and basically she then fell like that moment you slip on something and you fall on your back...yeah thats what happened to her...*




"Oh. So your pretty much immortal?" Roman asked rubbing his chin.He then looked at the drawing "Thats pretty cool."

@AsongOfIceandFire @Sweetone
Castiel looked at the picture. "Looks okay." He nodded but did not smile. His blank expression did not falter. "Well....it was....nice, I guess, meeting you. I need to-" He was cut short when a girl hit his wing. "Whoops. My bad." He said, offering a hand to help her up.

@Himeragi Seiker
Daniel reaver]Thana reluctantly closed the door then looked over at him "what is it" she said while watching him [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11487-shiroe-kurona/ said:
@Shiroe Kurona[/URL]
You said that i was yours for eternity Akihiko said standing up and looking at her What Does that mean?
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Castiel looked at the picture. "Looks okay." He nodded but did not smile. His blank expression did not falter. "Well....it was....nice, I guess, meeting you. I need to-" He was cut short when a girl hit his wing. "Whoops. My bad." He said, offering a hand to help her up.
*Add then accepts Castiel's hand to help her up while slightly blushing and she sorta stuttered on her words as how nervous and embarrassed she was*

Zero smiles, looking at her, his eyes shifting colors between green, yellow, red, and blue.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,

My love as deep; the more I give to thee,

The more I have, for both are infinite."

He reached down, stealing a gentle kiss from eveangel's lips, with closed eyes.

Castiel nodded. "Mondai nai." He muttered. "As I was saying, I should probably get going." He said, turning around to leave.
*As Add got up to where she was standing she turned around putting out her hands infront of her in defense*

''n-n-n-n-n-no i-its not what you think Angel...!''

*She then looked at the side and rubber the back of her head while blushing slightly out of embarrassment*

''i-i was practicing to fly on my dynamos and keep balance while...flying and...yeah i crashed into your bed room w-window...''
"fine but i would like to be alone" she said to her and walked to the pond. When she got there she opened the page to the drawing of castiel and smiled as she began to fix it.
*Add watched Angel leave*


*She then walks out of the dorm buildings*

''sigh...i guess il just start little by litte i guess...''

Lumina said:
"Make-up person huh....?" Her voice trailed off as she thought about it. "I mean, it couldn't hurt, right? Worth a shot I suppose..." she glanced at himeragi.
@Himeragi Seiker
''ah cool! il submit the application form i filled out for you right now!'' ^.^

*Himeragi then goes through the space crack to submit the application*
Castiel walked out of the dorm building and sat on a bench, folding his wings behind his back. "I just got here and I already got overwhelmed. Great." He muttered as he lied down on the bench.
Roman shrugged his shoulders, "Guess today is my alone day." He mumbled to himself and continued to walk the opposite way toward the dorm building.
Angel was on a bench by the pond and didnt notice castiel was kinda near her on another bench since she was focused on her drawing. She wiped her cheek and got pencil smuge on it but didnt know.
Himeragi Seiker] [COLOR=#5900b3][B]*Add watched Angel leave*[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3] ''a-ah...''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#5900b3] [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][B]*She then walks out of the dorm buildings*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#5900b3] ''sigh...i guess il just start little by litte i guess...''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0059b3]''ah cool! il submit the application form i filled out for you right now!'' ^.^[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0059b3] [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3][B]*Himeragi then goes through the space crack to submit the application*[/B][/COLOR] [/QUOTE] "That...you filled out...." lumina's eyebrow twitched. "Himeragi!!" She yells after her friend. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13377-himeragi-seiker/ said:
@Himeragi Seiker[/URL]
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