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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Lumina said:
Obviously having heard her, Lumina grinned, hiding a smile.
"What, did you say something Himeragi?" She teased, winking. Man, these people were really rubbing off on her. She never used to be so jovial and joking.

@Himeragi Seiker
*Himeragi drops her head letting out a small sigh*

''you heard anyway...''

*Himeragi then picks up her head with a smile as if none of that happened*

''oh by the way...i think i found a job for ya...well if your interested...''

Angel saw a person she never seen since she joined the school, she wondered who he was and why she never saw him before.
Castiel wandered farther into his dark dorm. "Needs light." He snapped his fingers and the room was illuminated with a soft white light. "Better." He mumbked under his breath as he stepped inside, set his stuff down, nd walked back outside. As he stretched, his wings expanded, going out as far at five feet in both directions.
She smiled as she looked at his wings "wow i wish i had my drawing book i would love to draw those" she said outloud but to herself.
*Add is currently at school practicing to become afloat as she stands on her dynamos and tries to move around with them...especially going up to high places*

''w-whoa..! ahh...dammit...harder than i thought......''
Castiel turned and noticed a girl watching him. "Oh....hello." He gave a small wave. "Are you looking for something? Can I help you find it?" He asked with a slight smile before returning to his neutral expression.
Roman walked around the courtyard. He was wondering where all his friends have been lately. Roman continued to walk until he seen the two people conversating and decided to say hello. "Hello, are you two new?"

@AsongOfIceandFire @Sweetone

(( Dude your awesome xD ))
Castiel chuckled softly. "Yes. You may draw my wings." He turned towards the new voice. "No, I am not new. I have been here since the beginning of time, young one." He smiled again and quickly went back to a blank slate.

(Why, thank you, my friend. *Gives a small bow*)
*As Add tries to keep her balance on her dynamos (basically its like riding a skate board but...3 dynamos each support your foot and its not straight, and your flying also), she then goes up to a higher elevation but instead, she crashes through Angel's dorm window as she landed on her back in the middle of what appears to be the bed room and her dynamos deactivate and lay around her*

''itai....why is flying so hard...?''
She looked up and saw han "oh hey han well you already know im new" she said and began to draw castiels wings in her book
*Add then gets up and rubs her head, reactivating her dynamos*

''sigh...i guess il just go take the leg walk then...''

*She started walking and went to the dorm door...until she saw Angel*

''oh shit...'' O- O;;


Lumina said:
Lumina tilts her head, looking at Himeragi.
"A job? For me?" She asks as if jobs were something never heard of before. She never really expected herself to be suitable for any job. This was an interesting notion.

@Himeragi Seiker
''yeah...i saw earlier that there was a job for...make-up person for the band 'Lunar Blaze'...wanna apply?''

*Himeragi said with a smile*
PixelScoreMC said:
((I LOVE the notifications I get from this RP.... *cough* none *cough*
@Metaphysics , did you reply?))
(( Mine are stupid too. ))
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