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Fantasy Nyxfield School for the Darkened Souls (FallingFire & Calisto)

What are the best glasses style?

  • Nerd Glasses 4 The Win! XD

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Reading Glasses. . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Normal Glasses!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fake Glasses /\/\(fake nerd glasses)/\/\

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All Of Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Don't Like Glasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I Write It How I Read It

You are an average teenager,

bullied, depressed, and darkened.

Dear [insert name here],

Depressed, darkened soul, you have been invited to attend;

Nyxfield School for the Darkened Souls

Here, you will be taught to use your depression, and darkness, to help or hurt others. Some of the greatest villains and heroes were taught here. To accepted this invitation, or ask any questions, email;




Greek Goddess of

Night and Darkness


The Schedules and Room Mates for this School are in Overview.

Dorms, Dining Halls, and Pool are in
Settings & Locations.

Extra Curricular Activities and Adventures are in

School Uniforms are in

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Selina walked into the school. She walked up to the front desk to get her schedule and her dorm. Yes, she thought. I get my own room!


Selina Whind ~ N/a


J'zar Silver ~ Drake Chase

Lynx Chainsaw ~ Jasmine Archer

Trinity Ash Patin ~ N/a

((This is only for the beginning.))
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Jasmine stared at the school. No gates, she thought. It'll be easier to sneak out. She laughed at the thought. Jazz walked inside. The lobby was filled with couches and chairs, with tables piled with magazines. Behind the lobby, straight across from the entryway, was the front desk. She walked over to the desk and a woman gave her a sheet of paper. Who's this other girl? She sighed, and began walking up the steps.
J'zar would walk up to the front desk, getting his schedule and his dorm. Great, nobody... He think, slightly angry but happy in the same time.

J'zar would rush up the stairs, going towards his dorm. He look around, before taking off his shoes and laying down on his bed, thinking.
In her room, Selina collapsed onto the bed. Sighing, she thought about school. What's my schedule. . . ? Selina thought, reaching for the paper.


1-History of Heroes

2-Weapon Making

3-Casting Spells

4-Creating Traps


5-Free Period



She sighed. This was going to be boring.
((@Sh3w0lfSp1r1t, I'm reading the wolf book; 'The Sight'))

Jasmine growled. "Tomorrow? School starts tomorrow?" she seethed. That was only enough time to unpack! For most students anyways. . . She didn't have anything.
Jasmine walked down the stairs. She grabbed a map of the school and scowled. It was a maze! Dammit. . . She started walking to the back, hoping to find the pool.
Lynx walked in to the school with a smirk on her face. Why make it so easy to leave? She smiled and walked up to the front desk. Without saying a word, she took the paper and began to walk. Her foot steps slow and steady. Another student watched her with interest and she smirked under her mask before faking out a rush. The kid went running. She got to her room and opened the door. She placed down her weaponry and left. She locked the door and began walking aimlessly. Eventually she would find some sort of store.
J'zar would jump off the chair, going towards the back of the school, where he woke up.

"Weird place..." He mumble to himself, walking around.
August 31 ~ 4:27pm ~ (All students come to unpack)

Selina sat up in her bed. Putting the dorm room key in her pocket, she slipped on her shoes. She walked around a bit inside the school, then stopped. In front of her were glass doors, surrounded by a huge glass window. Through the doors was a pool, behind it, the lake that surrounded the academy. "Cool," she murmured, pushing the doors open. The instant she stepped outside, her clothes changed into a swimming suit. Hers was navy blue with teal stripes. She looked around the pool, looking for something. What am I looking for? she wondered.
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((Oh we're doing the time now??))

Jasmine reached the pool. She walked outside and her clothing changed into a swimming suit. She dove into the pool and sat on the bottom. Cupping her hands around her mouth, she blew bubbles in the shape of rings. A fish swam by and startled her. What the hell? They let fish in here? The fish swam away. Jazz began to ascend. Air burst into her lungs as she broke the surface. Swimming to the edge of the pool, she saw a young girl looking around. Jasmine smirked. "Whatcha looking for?" she asked slyly.
((Nope, just me!)) (o'v'o)

Selina looked down at the girl. She was smiling, and that made Selina nervous. "Nothing," she replied, and started to walk to the doors.
Jasmine hauled herself out of the pool. She caught up with the girl and tapped her shoulder. Together they began walking through the school, their swim suits back to clothes. "Are you good or evil?" Jazz asked. "Wait, obviously good. Hero? Of course!" Jasmine realized she sounded weird. "Okay, I'm a hero too," she lied. "Friends?" She stuck out her hand.
"J-" Jasmine faltered. The girl was a hero, she a villain. Heroes told people stuff. She needed a fake name. "Josslynn," she replied, instead of her real name.
Eventually reaching a small convenience store, she grabbed a couple bottles of iced tea, a couple of water, and a bag of BBQ chips. She also ended up grabbing a little poison bottle from the villain section. She stuck that right in her pocket. She paid for the rest and left walking back the memorized route to her room. Too easy to memorize. I thought this was supposed to be a challenge.
Jasmine led Selina into her dorm. Waiting for her room mate, she wondered if she was, well, evil. If she was, her roommate, Lynx, would help her with kidnapping the heroes. In the middle of the year, there was a supposed 'competition' between the Heroes and Villains. She thought that if the Villains kidnapped most of the Heroes, they would win. Without Heroes to stop Evil, Good loses it's pride, trust, and purity, she hummed to herself. Selina was sitting on her bed, whilst Jasmine sat on Lynx's.
J'zar would go up the steps, holding the small note on his hand, as he knock on the door, leaving the note on it. He run off and unlock his dorm, entering it.

Jasmine heard the knock. "Hold on a minute," she muttered to Selina. She opened the door and grabbed the note. Opening it, she read through it quickly.

((What does the note say?))

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