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Fantasy Fantastic Desolator: Realm of Hrenna

She turns back towards the wolf, "Show me."

The wolf motioned for her to come forward. Shado touched the forehead of the wolf, and collapsed.

"Tell me little one, do you know what this is?"

A swirl of silver magic danced around the palm of the stranger.

"It's moon magic, right?"

"You're right, it's moon magic. And this is sun magic. There are people who can control both, along with healing. Wolves are wise creatures, in which we found one that can control moon magic. We're going to put it's magic in you, since you're already a Silver hand that lacked the ability to control moon magic."

Shado was confused, as an 8 year old she didn't know what to do. After 8 years, the project was a success with one minor flaw. Not only did the magic get transferred, but also, the DNA of the wolf.

"She's a hybrid, a minor failure. We're almost there, but in the meantime, transport her somewhere. She is not needed anymore."

Shado woke up screaming, the wolf weakly smiling.

"This, this can't be true. Can it?"

"It's very true, you just didn't want to remember. So you forgot, I'll meet you again, when the time is right. By then, make sure to solve that problem of trust."

The wolf disappeared, and she turned to the team.

"You saw the flashback didn't you? Sirens can broadcast anything within a 25 meter range. Now you know what kind of a monster I am. Why I don't trust easily."
Momoka smiled sadly. "I don't think you're a monster. I guess we're all freaks here. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You're a wolf, Haruto's got an evil shadow. It makes sense that we all ended up as a team. I think we were meant to find each other."
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Haruto continued to lean on his sword.

"A wolf... You're an Okami?" Haruto inquired. "Personally, I don't think you're a monster. You're a good person, just maltreated. Once we slay the dragon, we can prove you to be a heroine."

He spoke with genuine feelings. An Okami? I find wolves somewhat adorable, when they're not going to eat me... He thought.
"I guess, it's almost sunrise. Get as much sleep as you can, I'll stand guard and watch again. We need all the energy we can get in order to slay the dragon."
"Right. Stay vigilant, Shado." Haruto said as he walked back to camp with Momoka following. Both climbed into their respective tents and fell asleep, gaining as much energy as they could before the sun rose.
Momoka awoke in the morning, gasping for air. Her mind was filled with images from her dream that night. It was the same as before. Is it a coincidence? Or is it foretelling something? These thoughts filled her mind as she quickly bathed and started on breakfast before Haruto woke up. She called to Shado, "Hey, how should I make your breakfast?"
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"Uh..." Momoka looked unsure, and scratched her head. "I have raw bacon... and maybe some rare steaks...?"
"Nah, I'll just hunt for a rabbit or a gazelle or something, thanks though," Shado says wandering into the woods after transforming into her wolf form.
"Okay!" Momoka called after her friend. She then proceeded to make some omelettes. She put both meat and veggies into them to add a balance. She soon finished cooking and setting up the table. "Breakfast guys!" She made sure to be loud so Shado could hear her.
Haruto awoke shirtless again, but remained in his tent this time. I think I'll bathe first... Haruto thought upon hearing Momoka yell out that breakfast was ready. Grabbing an extra set of clothing, a towel, and his bag, Haruto left his tent and walked by Momoka on his way to somewhere secluded. By using a Water rune, Haruto could shower in peace, and returned after 15 or so minutes, fully-clothed and yawning.

"How are you doing Momoka?" Haruto inquired as he put an omelette on a plate and sat down to eat it. "Hayato can be quite a pervert. Sorry you had to put up with that..."
Shado walks out from the clearing, wiping blood from her mouth, "Jeez Momoka... I'm a wolf remember? I have a better sense of hearing than a normal human. On the bright side, I got my food."
"It's okay. I don't really care about him really. As long as he doesn't try to kill us, I don't think he's completely a bad person." Momoka nodded to her friends. "Okay then! Let's eat and keep on going! Which way next to the volcano?"
"We'll head north through this jungle, then travel across the plains. We'll see the volcano soon after the plains." Haruto spoke after finishing his meal, then swapped his pajamas for his usual adventuring attire. "If we're all ready, let's be on our way."
"Very well. Let's finish this journey in style!" Haruto packed all his items away and lead the group out of the jungle and through the plains.

Tall grass, various plants, and a plethora of trees comprised the landscape of the plains the group was greeted with soon after leaving the jungle. This area would be the perfect to ambush the group... And surprise! A group of monstrous wild cats jumped at everyone! Haruto was the first person to respond, quickly summoning his longsword and holding it over his head as the wild cat jumped over him; this resulted in the cat being bisected and the two halves dropped to the ground, grotesque organs still twitching before their movements ceased completely.

"Ambushed... Knew this wasn't going to be so easy... Everyone, prepare for combat!" Haruto prepared his sword for another attack by the pack of wild cats.
Shado looked up at the wild cats, an icy stare on her face.

"It seems that we are being tested."

Shado unsheathes her giant sword and drags it as she walks towards the wild cats. The animal lunged at her and she calmly sliced upwards, cutting off it's head. Another lunges and she stabs it, her icy stare still normal.

"Weak. I expected more from them."
"When it comes to these cats, it's usually quantity over quality." Haruto told Shado as he sliced another wild cat apart. "There's bound to be a much more powerful monster somewhere!"

The pack of wild cats seemed to be never-ending; for every cat slain, several more would take its place.
"Got it! Time to shine, Kakku!" Haruto replaced his longsword with Kakku, the silvery green scythe began to slice up the cats left and right.

Noticing the movement patterns of the cats, Haruto followed the trail backwards, slicing up any cats in his way until he noticed the direction change. Clever cat... it knows what I'm planning. Haruto thought as he continued to follow the trail.
Shado listens, looking for a difference in sound.

"Got it."

Shado runs at a cat, but it somehow disappears.

"Damn, this is a lot harder than I thought."
As Haruto zeroes in on what he believes is the target, he swings Kakku to decapitate the wild cat. Unfortunately, the cat faded into multiple others, and Haruto had to slice his way out. This cat is much more clever than I expected. Maybe it's blending in with the other cats, or maybe the prime cat has a slight difference in appearance. I'd need to get a clear view though... Kakku, show me your power. Haruto thought, then jumped into the air. As the wind gathered in his scythe's blade, a burst of wind energy surged through Haruto; his clothing then turned into a sleek green bodysuit adorned with silver detailing and a flowing, wind-like mask with a black outline in the shape of two bug eyes meant to be the visor of the suit.

"What is this?" Haruto verbally commented, then realized he was standing on the air, in the air. No rune supported him, the wind had generated a platform underneath him to allow Haruto to stand. "It's certainly something..."

Using this platform to dash around, Haruto kept a look out for the prime wild cat.
Terra stood on tree branch watching , a small smile on his face but he was hidden so no one could see him unless he called there attention or were looking for him. " Interesting . " He muttered as he folded his arms and continued watch.

PyroHunter16 said:
As Haruto zeroes in on what he believes is the target, he swings Kakku to decapitate the wild cat. Unfortunately, the cat faded into multiple others, and Haruto had to slice his way out. This cat is much more clever than I expected. Maybe it's blending in with the other cats, or maybe the prime cat has a slight difference in appearance. I'd need to get a clear view though... Kakku, show me your power. Haruto thought, then jumped into the air. As the wind gathered in his scythe's blade, a burst of wind energy surged through Haruto; his clothing then turned into a sleek green bodysuit adorned with silver detailing and a flowing, wind-like mask with a black outline in the shape of two bug eyes meant to be the visor of the suit.
"What is this?" Haruto verbally commented, then realized he was standing on the air, in the air. No rune supported him, the wind had generated a platform underneath him to allow Haruto to stand. "It's certainly something..."

Using this platform to dash around, Haruto kept a look out for the prime wild cat.

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