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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

((marcus doesent think, and its ok im fine. I got this)) 
((also im gonna bring my second char *marcus's assistant and voice of reason older sister type of char* into this fight to even the odds a bit, unlike marcus she has no problem using more advanced tech))
Alexandru looked around, this battle was strange. He stood up still holding Victoria, he turned to one of the others with him.

"I'm taking Madam Victoria away, stay here and bring the wolves to the new safe house. If there are any other wolves or vampires here bring them as well."

He walked towards a car and put Victoria in the backseat and got in the drivers seat. Two identical black cars followed him as he drove off. After a while they reached the hide out. Like all Vampire hideouts this one was under ground as well. he took Victoria out of the back and put her in a room. This hideout was a simpler then Victoria's but shared a similar style. Above the couch in the sitting area was the same portraits that were in Victoria's, portraits of her and Dracula. He sat waiting for the others to arrive.

Mean while back at the battle. Three humans walked towards the battle each one was to ordered to collect the wolves and the vampire who were left behind and take them to the safe house. They were supporters of the vampires and carried a seal to prove that they were harmless.
(sorry I had a busy weekend and work's been crazy and Marcus got away from Lupa) Lupa watches as Shartheth handles Marcus, wanting to get her teeth sunk into him for the silver burn mark under her jaw. She rolls onto her feet after she had been kicked off before turning her attention towards Tyrone at hearing him attack Conner. She growls angerly, having more than enough of these damn humans, deciding to break her own rule because simply killing Tyrone would be too easy. She runs full speed at Tyrone sinking her teeth into his left hand through the glove he was wearing and having no intention of letting go anytime soon. She was glaring up at his helmet where his face would be the entire time, rage completely apparent in them.
Conner yelped in pain as some of the bullets hit his foot, and gave a grunt as he was kicked in the gut. But this little human was not going to get rid of him so easily. Ignoring the pain, Conner barrels into Tyrone, trying his best to pin the human's arms out and all the while biting at the helmet, shaking his head furiously whenever he thought he had a grip.
Tyrone was surprised by the sudden bite, he did not moan or screen on it. Tyrone was never the one to submit to an opponent's move. "DAMMIT! GET OFF ME! " he yelled tried to pull his hand free, it was a reward-less attempt. Soon the other werewolf came and tried to penetrate Tyrone's helmet. Tyrone was certain he could not possibly do so but it could surely damaged it. " ROSE SEND THE SQUADS NOW! " he yelled at the pitch of his voice, his words hinted of pain and agony. Tyrone knew that the teeth had penetrated him and it was just a matter of time before the inevitable will be on him. Tyrone grunted as he tried to push the two beast away but a mere human's strength was nothing in comparison to that of a werewolf. Tyrone could feel Lupa's teeth penetrating his sin deeper by every minute, he was sure that he would have to lose the hand but then suddenly ( jesus descended and killed all others and made Tyrone the lord of this universe ! jk, it was what came to my mind while typing this ) he could feel a sudden hit at the left side of his temple, it seemed that the powerful jaws of the werewolf were crushing him. " Dam " he said. Soon he realized that he still had his silver claw on. Tyrone trusted it to his left trying to hit it at Lupa. Tyrone's aim was inaccurate after all it seemed that his vision was stolen away as his helmet was being crushed by the wolf's strong jaws.
Lupa let's go at Tyrone when the silver claw moved against her bad ear. She lets out a yelp since the ear was already tender and still in the process of hearing. She took a few steps back and shook her head in an attempt to shake off the pain. She simply glares in Tyrone's direction, licking his blood from her chops but makes no attempt to attack him again. She turns her attention towards Conner. "Let him go. He'll be back soon enough...."
He had him, one more shake and the hunter's neck would snap or his head would come off, which ever came first. But Lupa called him off, why? Looking over at the hand that she latched onto, he saw the puncture marks in the glove and the blood flowing out. Now he knew. Getting off, cautious of the silver claw, Conner walked over to Lupa, slightly limping on his left foot. "Will see you soon, hunter." he said in Tyrone's direction, clearly saying hunter sarcastically. Now it was time for this other hunter that apparently required giant worms and magic.
One of the human supporters radioed to Alexadnru that they were still waiting for the wolves. One of them walked up to Lupa and Conner.

"On request of our Lady Victoria we are here to take you to the safe house."

He showed them the seal of the vampire clan which was a fleur wrapped by a thorny rose vine.


Mean while back at the safe house

Alexandru grew impatient of the wolves. He sighed as he stood up and checked on Victoria. She was still out, he poured another glass of blood in her mouth. He was glad he had found her when he did. Any longer and she would have been dead. He walked back into the sitting and sat on the couch. Now he waited for the wolves to come.
[QUOTE="Xarnuth Oreta Crena]It took but only a moment as Rogthar, the mage knight, stabbed his huge sword into the ground which caused his magiks to affect the ground as far as he could will. This power caused the earth to heave and shake beneath their feet as the land became broken up and wet from the rain. Shartheth stood stoic and silent before Marcus with sword in hand ready to fight. Zengram, The Necromancer, saw his chance at capturing/killing Marcus and began to move his sickly green orb stave in a circular motion in time with his rapid and quiet chants. The chants brought the insects, parasites, and all manner of other dwellers to begin a revolting mutation as many bonded to form larger ones. What came next could only be described as shocking as 3 of the bonded pairs had formed huge worm-like creatures that had a body length of 12ft and was 16in in diameter. The 3 necroworms broke through the loose and wet earth, surrounding Marcus as hundreds more remained singular and began to crawl their way up Marcus' body.
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When earth shook marcus maintained his footing, bouncing from part to part he found mostly solid ground. When marcus noticed the worms he immediately jumped and slammed his spear into the ground deep enough till he reached some of the thicker, lower earth. He sliced the few worms that managed to get on him while holding on to his spear with his other hand keeping him off the floor. "Well this is a problem, when i really wished i had some grenades on me." He said with a chuckle. Then his phone ran and marcus very casually answered it, quite the balls considering his was in the middle of a battle field. "Yeah?" On the other side a girl voice, one very farmiler to him said. "I would pick your feet of the floor." Marcus just smiled. "About time." Then he turned his whole body and brought himself up to the butt of his spear standing on it with one foot with perfect balance. "My assistant has arrived." He said happily just as 3 arrows streaked out of the darkness and landed among the small worms around marcus before letting of a powerful electric shock that would barbecue the smaller worms especially with the rain on the ground being a excellent conductor. While the current would travel up the spear his boot were heavy duty leather and rubber as all but invalidated the shock. Then two explosive arrows from the right side slammed into the worm on marcus's left as a archer suddenly ran pass it with a modern, high tech bow before coming up next to marcus. Her head was bare so her face was uncovered like marcus but she had a eye piece currently showing inferred images. "Seriously marcus this is like 15 on 1, or you suicidal?" Marcus came off his spear grabbing it again and taking it out of the ground. "Tyrone was here but i think he ethier ran or was taken out." He said looking out at the scene in front of him. Mari sighed. "I cant convince you to retreat can i." Marcus just grinned a bit crazily. "Not yet Mari." Mari sighed again, it was like watching a brother and sister bicker. "Very well master, then we will fight until i can drag out out of here." She said drawing her bow while marcus said. "Sounds like a plan."
Shartheth than snorted within his helm and commanded everyone, except the wizard, battle mage, the hunter, and the necromancer to encircle the two hunters with their close range weaponry at the ready. Twas at this time now that the dwarf withdrew a small barrel shaped cartridge which he threw into the air above the two. The device instantaneously exploded into a foam shower that grew as it absorbed rain. The group of bladed weapon wielders was standing in a 60 ft circle with a radius 25 feet between the two and the group. Mourdrin had by knocked a few explosive arrows, 3 of em, ready to fire should the two try to leap outwards. The Wizard then slammed his stave into the ground as it gathered the muddy earth to form a total 8 Mud golemns that each stood 8 ft in height.
" DAMMIT YOU B*TCH! " he yelled as he saw the two leave. Tyrone could just curse he knew that with his body, he couldn't possibly fight off the beast that now dwells within him. If only it was a quick nip, Tyrone could have chopped the limb off but now it was too late. Tyrone tried to raise his head to take his helmet off which had nearly crushed his skull but apparently he could no longer move ti. " dam " he said as he raised his other hand to remove the helm. " rose, help... " he said but the helmet was brutal attacked by the werewolf. Tyrone tries to get up, his eyes filled with vengeance. He picks up his pistol, his right hand lying at his side as if dead. " I AM COMING FOR YOU! " he said, his voice filled with rage and sounding beast-like. Tyrone rushed towards them running faster then he normally would, even though he was feeling the pain ascend but he tried to ignore it. Tyrone knew if he was to turn into a deadly beast, his team would kill him on sight and so he had little time left. If he was going to die at least he would after killing his adversary. As soon as he glanced Lupa, he empty the whole clip at her. Tyrone's breath was fast and the pain made his vision blur but it could not take away his experience even if a couple of shots have missed, he knew that a few did hit and hit bad.
Lupa yelps as one bullet hit her and quickly moves to dodge out of the way of more but several more of the silver bullets hit her and she quickly turns her attention on Tyrone glaring dangerously at him. She went to take off running after him but the burning of the bullets made that idea go out the window as she crashed to the ground, one bullet was in her front right leg and another in her back left leg making running out of the question at the moment. Not to mention the one embedded in her nape and another in her thigh. Her breathing grew heavy as she tried to breath through clenched teeth not daring to let herself whimper. She turns her attention to the human that was sent to bring them back and shifts back into her human form, it was definitely time to leave this battle. She needed to get the bullets out of her before they burned straight through. She limps over to the human before looking around for Conner. She'd leave as soon as she knew Conner was coming along. She made a mental note to make sure Tyrone knew exactly how silver felt once he turned.
As Lupa fell, Conner's instincts told him to make sure she was ok. But before he could, she morphed back and began to walk off the battlefield. It was most definitely time to leave. Walking up next to Lupa, he waits for her to lead the way. He would do better, next time.
Lupa looks over at Conner as he approaches her and gives a forced smile, not wanting to show how much pain she was in. Even though of all people she should be able to show her second but that just wasn't who she was. "Let's head back to Victoria's and get these god damn bullets out" She follows the human Victoria sent to the vehicle the human had with them. She made her way into the car and gingerly sat down with a sigh. She touches the back of her neck delicately before looking at Conner. "I may need your help to get that one out." She sighs irritatedly and looks out the car window as they drive off to wherever Victoria and her son were stationed at the moment. She closes her eyes as they drove trying to block out the pain until they could get the tools needed to dig bullets out. She thought about how she broke her rule about biting a human and if it would come around to "bite her back." She knew it was only a matter of time until Tyrone found her. Obviously his humans would kick him out if not kill him and one was always drawn to the one that bit them. It was like a new found sense, you could always tell if they were nearby. Which is what her pack mates found strange about her that she never did the changing since it would add that extra bit of loyalty towards her. She always had Conner do the biting if she needed it done and being loyal to the second who was loyal to her was good enough for her. After all she didn't demand loyalty she wasn't a cruel dictator, everyone was welcome to stay or leave. But if they betrayed her loyalty then there was no second chances or being outlawed, pledging loyalty to her was pledging your life and it's what made the pack run smoothly. She didn't tolerate mutineers or talk of uprisings within her pack, they could leave whenever they'd like if they didn't like the way she ran things but if that line was crossed then it was lights out.

( @Lady Luna Ravenswood sorry for taking control of your human character slightly, I was just moving things along)
(That's okay! I am doing new student orientations at my school)

Alexandru was relived when he got the radio message that they picked up the wolves.

"Alright, bring them to the base."

He sat waiting for them to arrive. The driver told him they would arrive in ten minutes. He hoped his mother was well by then.


The driver of the car spoke to Lupa and Conner

"We should be there in ten minutes. Sir Alexandru is awaiting your arrival."

He didn't know that the two wolves had never met Victoria's son or even knew she had a son.
[QUOTE="Xarnuth Oreta Crena]Shartheth than snorted within his helm and commanded everyone, except the wizard, battle mage, the hunter, and the necromancer to encircle the two hunters with their close range weaponry at the ready. Twas at this time now that the dwarf withdrew a small barrel shaped cartridge which he threw into the air above the two. The device instantaneously exploded into a foam shower that grew as it absorbed rain. The group of bladed weapon wielders was standing in a 60 ft circle with a radius 25 feet between the two and the group. Mourdrin had by knocked a few explosive arrows, 3 of em, ready to fire should the two try to leap outwards. The Wizard then slammed his stave into the ground as it gathered the muddy earth to form a total 8 Mud golemns that each stood 8 ft in height.

"Finally all coming at once? What does a girl suddenly arriving scare you that much." He taunted as they all got around him. When the foam fell on they nethier akio or mari seemed to be concerned and didnt move even after to foam covered them completely, though as it started to reach their face mari did throw marcus a high tech helmet which he put on though a bit reluctantly. Then he spoke threw the radio on his helmet while the helmet filtered the air, "You know i dont like these things mari." Mari said exasperated, "Bare it for now, you can read the situation with your inferred." Turning on the filter akio could see several things, those mercenaries that surrounded him, lupa and conner getting into a car and walking away, he had already knew the vampire escaped. 'So my targets arent here anymore.' He said a bit disappointed. Still he liked 1v1 fair battles and this wasent it, he was board fighting summoned monsters and warriors who jumped away like monkeys. "My targets have left, ive lost my interest. Feel free to get us out of here Mari." He swaid in a bored tone. Mari nodded and then said, "Move." Without hesitating Marcus leaned back as arrows flew past him released from mari's bow. Mari's aim was at the archer keeping watch on them as her arrows arc'd over the surrounded and fell at him exploding as they hit the ground, blowing him to bits if he was still there. Then mari reached into her pack and pulled out two smoke grenades and threw them left and right covering the entire area in smoke. "To the right." Marcus said as he suddenly moved to the right incredible quick eating the distance between the outer circle. Both mari's and his food steps were near completely silence, a testament to their training. When they could see the silouate of the outer circle Mari tossed a flash bang at them as both she and marcus were shielded by the helmets to blind thier enemies as mari went into a dead slide on the wet ground and marcus used his spear as a pole vault to leap up and used the golemns closest to him and a spring board and launched over it as he twisted and stabbed with his spear at the nape of his neck with a quick in and out movement before landing and taking off to the car. Mari had her own so she got up and ran in another direction as they both took off from the scene at max speeds.
(im going to say it now. @Akio you are doing WAY too many assumptions here. Not to mention how your other assumptions in your other posts. It really makes it a pain to read, let alone, reply to your actions.) Muldrin sighed and snapped his fingers as it caused the foam that coated their entire bodies to explode violently. The force and heat of the contact would be enough to destroy tank armor let alone let a human with/without armor survive as Muldrin dodged the blast radius after seeing the woman launch her arrows.
((oh are we saying things the other person is doing wrong ok ill go second, one your controlling 14 characters in a rp that was supposed to only have two, you are using magic, you didnt specify what the foam did, for all i know its soap bubbles until a post after))
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"Sir who?" Lupa asks, the name not ringing any bells to her. Slight panic ran through her as she thought the human betrayed them. "I do hope you're kidding if you think you're kidnapping us" She says a slight growl heard in her voice. She was ready to tear the driver to shreds if he decided to use the wrong words on explaining the situation.
"Do you not know of Sir Alexandru? I'm sorry I thought you did since you knew Lady Victoria. He is her son after all."

he looked ahead and picked up the radio.

"We are almost there, how is Lady Victoria?"

he waited for the reply. He nodded

"Yes my lord."


Alexandru sat on the couch in the sitting room when he heard the report.

"very good I will meet you outside."

He stood up smoothing out his jacket. It was easy but hard to tell that he was Victoria's son. He spoke with the same Romanian accent , resembled her slightly, and has the same yellowish eye color. The difference was he was a more pleasant deal with. As he walked outside he saw headlights approach the underground base.

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