Family Counts [Inactive]

Cassie laughed from Alli, "Your crazy!" She looked over and saw some of her classmates and waved at them. One of them ran over. "Who are you guys?" He asked Scott, Alli, and Terrence.
"Um, I'm Terrence.. What's your name?" Terrence said to the person who asked who he was. It would have been more respectful if they had said who they were first and greeted them, since it would be easier that way, but Terrence let it go, not wanting to be thought of as bossy.
"What Scott?" She flipped out of the tree. "I'm just me, but ya'll can call me alli." She smiled holding out her hand so the boy could shake her hand.
"I'm Dylan." He replied shaking Alli's hand. Cassie sighed, and looked at her new siblings, "He's in my class." She turned to face him. "Sorry Dylan. I'm hanging with family. Will you-" "Wait, there's more?" Cassie closed her eyes frustrated and opened them, "Yeah. There's more. Please. Will you... Let us get to know each other alone right now?" She muttered quietly, "In peace..." Dylan smirked and held up his hands. "Okay. I'm leaving. See ya'll around." He smirked more and walked away. Cassie sighed, and rolled her eyes, annoyed.
"Oh you know... the tree climbing thing." Scott smiled. "Pretty cool."

"What did he mean by 'there's more'?" he looked at Cassie as Dylan walked away.
Cassie sighed and looked at Scott, "He's just talking about how there's more siblings. Try to ignore him. He's... Annoying to say the least." She looked over to where he was playing with his friends, and glared before pulling her gaze back to Scott and smiling softly.
Terrence glanced at Dylan then at Cassie. "I could tell. I know I just met him and all, but he already sort of ticked me off." Terrence said to Cassie. He didn't want to be judgmental or anything, but he was just being honest.
Cassie laughed softly, "You judge correctly Terrence. He's a jerk, and he likes ticking everybody off. I'm surprised he actually walked away..." She thinks about something that happened in the past and looks away, angry for a moment. She reminds herself to forgive and forget, and turns back towards her siblings looking down.
"Huh, that's weird. It's like he makes fun of the fact that our mom is so good she gives a home and a family to teenagers like us." Scott smiled at Cassie and then looked at Alli. "Well now you have to show me more of yor skills Alli, I bet it's awesome."
"Well if he gives any of you a hard time, I'll curse him to the gods." It was a known fact she believed in the greek gods. "and you're sure I will scott, You know how to parkour?" She demonstrated her skills.
"Well don't let anyone who criticizes you or us get you down, they don't know how good it is to have a family like we do, and I just arrived today." Scott said and put his hand on her shoulder for a moment.

"Not at all Alli, I would probably break a leg if I tried." he chuckled.
Cassie looked up, "Well it's too bad you all weren't here last year... Things probably would have been a lot better..."
"I bet if I was there it would be a MILLION times better." Terrence said jokingly as he sat on the lowest branch of a tree.
Cassie grins, and nods, "It probably would have been. He got me into trouble, and it would have been nice to have you guys there."
"We'll make sure it never happens again, and maybe you would like to tell us what exactly what happened." Scott looked at Alli "Now you're just bragging aren't you?" he chuckled.
Jake Came to the park and saw the family and waved and jogged over to the family "hey" he says simply.

((kinda busy will type soon promise)))
Cassie sighed, "Well... Last year, we were partners in a Science project, and we were supposed to work together. He's not... The smartest student, so I told him what to do, and I did my part. Although he'd never do it. On the day we were supposed to present our projects, I realized he never finished his part, and I got... Peeved. I kind of... Yelled at him. We had enough time to go back on the computer and try to finish, so I left him to do that. Then it was our turn to present, we went to the front of the room, and turned on the presentation. I found out... That he deleted everything we did. We stood at the front of the class with nothing to show. I... Got angry and stormed out of the room, and he followed a moment later. He was laughing. I turned around... And... Slapped him... Of course with my luck a teacher was nearby and sent me to the principals office. Might I add that was my first time going there. I got suspended, and Mom grounded me. I got an F on the assignment, and it was... Not fun. And it wasn't even a hard slap! Which he continuously brings up and laughs about to everybody. Allowing me to be embarrassed about it forever." Cassie rolls her eyes. "I know it may not seem that bad, but... It really... Sucked for me."
"Hey you said it not me" She laughed. "Ok, number one my biggest pet peeve is others being mean." She balled her fists in anger.
Jake awkwardly sat on a bench as the family began to play around at the park. He had no intention to actually do anything, or move, so he just timidly sat there blankly watching the grass. If anyone wanted him to join in, they would just come up to him. Or, at least, that was Jake's theory. He rested his head on his hands, a soft smile lingering on his face as he eyes every detail of the park.

((Sorry about not posting! I've been busy! >.<))

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