Family Counts [Inactive]

Simply laughed at the hug but shook his head at it. "I'm not really a fan of hugs either." He mumbled, giving a small laugh.
"I'm almost graduating from high school, actually. I'm a senior." Terrence said, scratching the back of his head. "I'm already preparing for exams and applying to college." He stood quietly for awhile not sure what to say, hoping he didn't ruin the moment, if there even was one in the first place. "I think i'll only stay with you guys for another year.." He continued awkwardly, kicking the ground, creating mini dust clouds.
(GUys, Muffin quit being the mom. Does anyone want to be the mom? OR should I?)

Abby ran outside, now in basketball shorts and a white tank top. She didn't feel the need to wear shoes, it's summer and she wasn't allergic to bee's. She went over to where the others were, slipped on her converse, and climbed the tree.
[QUOTE="Panda Angel](GUys, Muffin quit being the mom. Does anyone want to be the mom? OR should I?)
Abby ran outside, now in basketball shorts and a white tank top. She didn't feel the need to wear shoes, it's summer and she wasn't allergic to bee's. She went over to where the others were, slipped on her converse, and climbed the tree.

(Hm, do you think you could be the mom?)

Cassie had laughed and had hugged Jake when he wanted one. She liked hugs! She listened to her siblings talk about school, and frowned when Terrence said he'd only stay for a year. "But you'll be our family forever now Terrence..." She looked away and noticed Abby come, and smiled at her, waving. "Hola Abby!"
Jake said "Yay a hug! And guys, if you don't hugs... Stuff might not work out." He frowned he joked hoping at least one of them to be tricked. "Guys we will be friends forever. Even though you have just met me, I feel a bond" he smiled and puts his hands over his heart for a dramatic effect.
She hung upside down in the tree. "Hey Im a junior but yeah the relevance of that made no sense." She shut up. She chipped the fingernail polish off her nails.
Abby was sitting with her legs crossed on the branch of the tree. (The moms name is Diana) Diana opened the back door. "Come in whenyoure ready to eat." She said, observing the activity and closing the screen door, leaving the big door open so they have easy access.
Jake looked down at his stomach as it grumbled hungrily. The male sort of laughed/coughed nervously as he covered his stomach up with his hands. "I am rather hungry..." He murmurs, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.
Abby smiled. "Go inside. I know Mom, she always cooks big meals. There's enough for you." She said, seeing the family dog Stellar come outside. She was a big black lab. Stellar ran around in the yard, playing with her baseball.
She didn't come down from the tree immediately, she waited for everyone to head inside and pulled out her phone that her "father" gave to her engraved on a keychain that said "Potrei non essere sempre lì per te mia cara, ma mi ricorderò sempre e non dimenticare mai." (I might not always be there for you my dear but I will always remember and never forget.) She smiled at the saying and walked inside to join the others.
"Would your mother mind if I come over to dinner?" Jake (Towne) asked not to anyone in particular. "Hey might as we'll add that high school starts in two days hope your prepared" Jake said he took education very seriously but he considered himself street-smart not book-smart.
Cassie smiled at Jake and nodded, "Of course! Like Abby said, Mom makes enormous dinners, and... She loves people, especially teens...! Weirdly..." She smiled, joking. Although it was kind of strange. How many kids are lucky enough to have a parent that just loves to put up with your annoying, dramatic, overly passionate attitude?
Abby leaped off of the branch, landing onto the ground. She was highly skilled at climbing and jumping. She practiced a few cartwheels, her tank top pulling up so you could see a small bit of stomach.

(Guys, there is romance allowed. Just don't go overboard, if it gets really mature content, fade it to black)
She stood on the branch, jumping and grabbing onto the next one. She pulled herself up into a handstand. She hoped no one could see her in the trees. She once again put in her music in and sang.
Cassie smiles as her siblings do gymnastics, the goes inside, to get some food. She sits at the table waiting for people to join her, because she doesn't like to eat alone.
Terrence trudged through the door and entered the kitchen. He was immediately flurried with multiple aromas of delicious food, making his mouth water. He glanced about, looking for the woman he would call 'Mom' from now on. Finally catching her at the corner of his eye, he slowly walked up to her, hesitant to tap her shoulder, since he did not want to scare her or anything. He slowly tapped his finger on her thin shoulder anyways. "Um, Mom, if you don't have anything planned for dessert today, would you mind if I make something?" He asked quietly. Terrence loved to cook and bake, he was used to doing it everyday at his orphanage, and had gotten very good at it, or so people say. He gulped, anticipating her answer. He wanted to do something for his new family and he thought making them something would be the best.
I entered after Terrence engulfed by wonderful smells "this is like my second home" Jake (Towne) sighs.

(Sorry kinda busy)
Diana smiled. "Of course not,.go ahead and make whatever you'd like.".she.said,.turning to.the oven and pulling out a chicken.

Abby giggled and herded the dog into.the house, giving her more foods and water.
Cassie smiled at Terrence. "Yay. New sibling likes baking. That's going to be fun." She watched Jake come in and gestured at the table. "Sit anywhere you like." Cassie waited for more of her family to come in.
Abby sat down at the table, the dog sitting by her bowl and eating. Diana sat the chicken, potatoes, salad, and green beans on the table. "Eat up, everyone."
Cassie grinned and served up some food, avoiding the green beans, but grabbing the salad. She happily started to eat her food.
Abby smiled and shoveled all she could eat on her plate. "Yum. THANKS MOMM" She grabbed her fork and dug intotinto the chicken, releasing a puff of steam.

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