Family Counts [Inactive]

Scott smiled at Alli. "It's ok, nothing wrong in being good at something."

"It is bad, it was all his fault and you got all the punishment, but that was last year so maybe you should move on and forget about it, it's no good to be embarrased about something for so long."
Cassie smiles softly, "I know. And I try. But he won't let it go..." Cassie looks over at Dylan, and back at Scott, "I have forgiven him for that. Just haven't haven't forgotten. Now I just don't like him because he's annoying in general."
"Well if he gives you any more shit, he's gunna have to deal with me." She said from a tree branch. "Honestly I think he should be jealous because he doesn't have as many brothers and sisters as you do." She nudged Cassie.
Cassie laughed and smiled at Alli, "No kidding. Brothers and sisters are the best! I think he has... One younger brother." Cassie grins. "He's missing out."
"Tell me," Jake said to no one in particular. He was facing the family, and he eyebrows were arched into a curious and questioning manner. "What's it like to live with so many people?" He was genuinely curious. His family wasn't big in itself; consisting of his mother, his father, himself (of course), and his grandma who lived in a small house in their backyard.
Cassie thought for a moment, "Um, it's chaotic, noisy, conflicted for the bad parts. For the good, it's easy to find someone to talk to, lot of siblings to hang out with, you can mess around more. You got more people there to have your back. More people to split up the chores, haha, and overall it's a lot better to have siblings I think." Cassie smiled at everybody.
"well this is a new experience for me , I was abandoned on the streets of Italy." she smiled at the boy named Jake. "I was running away from the Italian mafia." She laughed falling out of the tree. "But I agree with Cassie, the more the better."
Jake smiled at the answers. His eyes widen slightly as the girl mentions the mafia. "The Italian mafia? That sounds... hardcore." The male gives a small, amused laugh.
"Yep that's me, I stole things from them, and they'd be looking for me." She smiled at Jake, "Ya know honestly i wouldn't be surprised if they followed me." She climbed back in the tree.
"I think that depends on what kinds of things she stole, coming all the way over here for worthless stuff would probably be a waste. But if they care about whatever it is you stole, then maybe we should all worry." Scott looked seriously at Alli, meeting someone who has stolen from the italian mafia wasn't an everyday thing.
"Nah.." She smiled, "I'm just teasing. Although I wasn't lying when I said I've meet the Italian Mafia. The leader took me in, then Social services got involved and boom I'm here, But that all happened in the span of a year or so when i was 10 , but that was seven years ago." She was known as a Prankster.
"Well, having big family is new to me too, since my family went missing, then a few years later I found out they died in a crash. Then, I lived on the streets for few years until the orphanage took me in." Terrence said, thinking how his life was like so far.
Cassie pursed her lips, and sadly looked down, "Wow. You guys... Had it... Rough..." She sighed. Her own problems now felt far easier than what they went through, and it made her feel bad.
Jake anxiously combed his hair to the side, laughing nervously at what Allison said. "Phew. I wouldn't want to be hunted down the mafia, Italian, no less..." He murmured, smiling again. He turned his attention to the boy Terrence. He heart softened as he felt sorry for the boy. Jake's life was mostly a breeze. Growing up with loving parents... well, it was nice. "Sorry to hear about all this, guys..."
Terrence shrugged. "Well, the past is the past. I've gotten over it, i'm not one to dwell on sad things, anyways." Terrence said with a smile. "Besides, I got you guys now." He grinned wider.
Scott smiled. "That's right, let's thank we're all together and enjoy the present." He had refrained about talking about his past, because even if it wasn't as bad as any of his new siblings, there had been plenty of sad moments.
Jake smiled, pulling another one of his hearty laughs. "Oh? So that means your all going to school with me too, huh?" He studied the thought for a moment, coming to a conclusion that he knows he'll like it. "You guys better get used to me, because I'm going to be around for a while."
"We are going to such good friends! All of us! Come On Group Hug!" Jake (Towne) said with wide arms and huge smile plastered across his face. He was grateful he had loving parents but be felt glad to have such unique and understanding friends "School isn't going to be a problem if we all stick together like glue!" He giggled like a 5 year old he gets very immature.

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