Family Counts [Inactive]

Jake brushed his hair aside once more before taking a comfortable seat back on the couch. He didn't really feel like doing much, or conversing, but listening to the families conversations would be fun in his eyes, plus looking at more of the children that came along. It would be fun, He thought. His eyes darted around the house for something to do. A play set, a board game, anything really.
Abby opened her eyes for a minute. "If any of you get bored, there's laptops and board games in the closet.." She mumbled, her head ache getting worse every time she talked. "Sorry I just.." She said, rolling over.
Anabeth & The Twins

Anabeth looked down at the new children she had picked out to adopt..well in truth she took the ones that seemed like good kids; Her kids' safety always came first with her. Just as she was about to speak again the Twins trudged down the stairs looking tired as ever; there sleeping habits were really bad. Jeffery was wearing a plain black long sleeved shirt with grey pajama pants while his brother, Evan, wore red/black basketball shorts and no shirt at all. The both of them were even to tired to give attention to all the new people in the house. Anabeth just let them wander into the kitchen then gave a quick huff of breath. "The dead has awoken~." She joked as she turned her head to give her twins a quick smile.
Abby had suffered a headache earlier, but it was gone now. "Hi, Jeffery, Hello, Evan..." She said,stretching and smoothing out her outfit from laying down.
Jake gave a small wave to the boys coming down the stairs. What were their names? Jeffery- Evan? Jake thought, dismissing it. He would find out soon enough.
Abby got up, looking at the twins moping into the kitchen. "Youo been asleep all day, how are you tired?" She said, grabbing her iPhone and turning around. "I'm shower." She said, turning down the hall.

In the shower she listened to her music and scrubbed her hair with Heads and Shoulders. She washed her body and got out. She got in sweatpants, a tank top, and her slippers. She put her hair up in sassy bun and went into the living room again.
Terrence glanced around before returning his gaze to his new 'mom'. "Uhh... not to be in a rush or anything but.. do you mind telling me or us what rooms we're going to stay in?.." He said tilting his head to the side. "Also, what time is it?.."
Ava checked her phone. "It's 5:30. We will eat dinner soon, and I'm not sure which room you'll getx, we have lots."
Cassie sighed and looked at Terrence, "Last time things went a lot smoother for getting organized, but since there are seven of you that are new, I think Mom is taking a bit more time with it." She cups her face, slightly losing the excitement she had earlier. "Anyone want to do something while we wait for the others?"
Allison raised her hand. "I would," She smiled pulling out her headphones. "What do you wanna do Cassie?" She was bored of sitting around, she wanted to explore.
Cassie thinks, "Well, you haven't got to see much have you. Want a tour? I can show you around some. Anyone else want to come? And, as long as Mom doesn't mind us going."
"Sounds perfect!" She smiled. "Oh do you guys have a park near by?" She loved the outdoors. Running, and tree climbing. "So where do you wanna start?"
Cassie grinned, "Yeah we got a park! Well, we could either tour the house, or we can go outside, and I can show you the neighborhood first? Do you want to do the second one first?"
"Oh, can I join? I'd like to get to know around here. I think we can intoroduce ourselves to mom later when everyone else is here."
"Of course!" Cassie replied, standing up. "Does anyone else want to come? We're leaving in couple minutes, so decide soon!"
Cassie grinned, and ran to the entry hall, slipping on her boots. She waited by the door for Scott and Alli, and anyone else coming along.
Terrence raised his hand enthusiastically. "Can I come? It's better than doing nothing here anyways." He asked them. It was true that he'd rather go exploring then to stay in the living room all day, since he couldn't go to his own room and sleep because his mom had not assigned rooms yet.
Scott put his headphones on his backpack and left it in a corner of the living room, he followed after Cassie. "Let's go." and smiled.
Cassie exited the house and stood by the front door talking to the little group. "Alright you guys. I will be your tour guide. Please enjoy... The tour. Alright come along!" She started walking away from the house, heading to the park of the neighborhood first.
Terrence stood up and put his belongings in the corner since he didn't know where else to put it. He walked to the door, not having to put on his shoes since he was wearing them the whole time. He smiled as he walked through the door and waited for them at the front lawn, he had been wondering what was around this neighborhood.

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