False Heroes

The man's voice rang through the empty street. Sighing again, Farra got up. 'Oh? Well... you know, you seem like an ordinary. But you're not, are you? I could give you protection. I'm right up here if you'd like to talk out loud... if I can.' Looking down over the ledge, she spotted two men; the white haired boy from earlier, and the man who's book she stole. "Up here," she tried to yell, but her voice came out harsh and raspy. Fortunately, it was loud.
Jumping again (although he managed not to drop the bag this time), Kasemir turned to the other man, whom he recognized as the one from earlier who had returned his book. "O-oh, yeah I know .... I work here all the time, but I forget the layout every other day, it's annoying." Caught between two people talking in his head, he tried to juggle the conversations. Adjusting the bag on his shoulder, he used his now-free hand to fish the black book from his pocket; thankfully he'd had the foresight to dog-ear the page he wanted, so he was able to flip to it easily and show the shop name and recipient to the other man. "This is where I'm going .... I forgot what it looks like though so I can't really get there the easy way," he sighed. He was about to add another comment when a raspy voice from above interrupted him, however. Looking up, there was the woman from before, calling to the both of them. "Oh," he murmured, more to himself, "so she's up there, huh ...."
Xavier looked at the book, then up the street a few shops over. "It's that-" he started, but stopped at the raspy voice, looking up and catching sight of the woman from earlier. Switching his own bag to the other shoulder to be more comfortable, Xavier gave a mock salute to the woman and a wave to the man. He really didn't want to get involved with a self-proclaimed assassin in case she was as nuts as she seemed, so he just started walking away, lighting another cigarette and watching the smoke vanish in the air as he walked.

(Gtg. Be back later)
Clearing her throat, Farra repeated herself, " Yeah, I'm up here. Are you busy with him," she motioned to the white headed kid, "or that bag? Because I can take care of both." Her eyes glinted mischievously. Her long blue hair fluttered in the cold night's wind, and her t-shirt waved. "Come on up." (I HAD TO EAT DINNER SORRY)

Kasemir opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly the other man was walking away; halfheartedly he gave a goodbye, and then a more sincere thank you, before turning back to look up at Farra. "I guess .... the bag could wait," he murmured, adjusting it on his shoulder again as he restored his notebook to his pocket. It was plenty possible to scale fire escapes up to where the woman was, but frankly Kasemir didn't feel like dragging himself up there, never mind what was most likely a chopped up body, and so with a deep breath he decided a short cut was in order. With a flicker he vanished completely; a few seconds later a thin wave of purple smoke heralded his arrival on the rooftop, fading quickly as he tossed the bag down with a huff. Shaking off the hazy aftereffects of teleportation, he looked at Farra for a moment as if he'd never seen her before he was reminded and recognition seeped into his eyes.
Farra smirked. "I see. Well, as you probably saw my loud and confident announcement out in the square, you can probably imagine who killed that guy. And I also killed the man who paid me to kill the guy in the street, if that makes sense. You probably don't want anything to do with me, but you seem like you have a memory problem, and I think I could help with that," she said without stopping. "It's quite a bit to take in, but tell me when you're ready for my idea. That is, if you're up for it."
Sighing a bit, Kasemir replied, "Not really surprising .... This is, after all the southwest. Although you are a bit loud about it, aren't you ...."

The bit about his memory issues piqued his interest, however. "Memory is the cost of my power, yes .... the more I teleport the worse my memory gets. That book you scattered earlier is the only way I can keep things straight. In fact I need to record you before I forget," he added quietly, although he supposed it could wait a few moments longer. "I suppose I could hear out your 'idea', though."
Farra sighed, and began to speak quickly. "I'm not quite sure if this will work, but... I can do a few things other than just making things move and 'speaking' in your mind. For instance, I can steal and retain memories. I think I could figure out a way to instill this power into you, and it could improve your memory a bit. This'll take an intense amount of time, and it might not even work, but it's worth a try."
".... I've never heard of someone gaining a power," Kasemir said tentatively, a little suspicious but still feeling the curiosity rise in his chest. It was possible to remove a power--the ordinaries had proven that, albeit in a rather gruesome way and with the added side effect of death shortly after, but was it really possible to add powers? The teleporter supposed there was only one way to find out.

"Let me deliver this," he replied at length, "so I can get my pay and not have it rotting on the rooftop, and .... I suppose we could try it once that's finished." Still looking a little bewildered, Kasemir shouldered the bag and disappeared from the rooftop, reappearing in front of the street the delivery boy had pointed out to him earlier. Dropping off his burden and actually getting the proper amount of pay this time, he stepped out and, picturing the rooftop again, teleported once more. Unfortunately this time he fell a little short (perhaps teleporting so much in such quick succession was a bad idea) and landed on a fire escape, but it didn't take long to scale that and by the time he'd reached the rooftop again he'd remembered why he was there in the first place.
Farra smiled. She was determined to try, but she didn't know why she was helping this complete stranger. Maybe it was guilt, from what she did earlier. "Hey. So, um, what was your name again? I never asked," she said tentatively.
"Kasemir," he supplied, "Kasemir Alde. I think." Resisting the urge to check his ID to find out for sure, he shoved his hands into his pockets. "I already got your name and, ah, profession .... Oh, that's right, recording it." Pulling the book from his pocket, he produced a pen after a moment's searching and neatly lettered 'Farra' onto the list tucked among the pages, adding a few shorthand strokes for a description. "I'm not so good with remembering people, so I keep a list," he sighed, tucking the notebook and pen back into place.
She stepped on one foot and switched to the other, and the wind started picking up. Frowning, she looked up. "Don't mean to startle you, but.. I think my welcoming committee is here. Remember how I told you about that guy who paid me and how I killed 'em? Well, his buddies are here. You might want to.. run!" But before she could even grab Kasemir and drag him away, the moon was blocked out by a girl with bright red hair and even brighter green eyes.

"Hi, Farra! We're here about Johnathan. I heard that you disposed of him?"
the girl said cheerily. "Oh, hello, Claire! How's your furry little problem?" Farra replied in an equally fake-cheery tone. Suddenly all business, the called called Claire frowned. "Some aren't as lucky as you are, being psychic and all," she spat. "Anyways, we're not here to talk about me! Oh, no, we're here for revenge. Johnathan was a mentor to us all, and you just...snapped his neck so easily. He trusted you!" Claire cried, tears beginning to stream down her face. A grin began to spread on Farra's face. "Hehe...you actually think I care? Like this is the first time I've done that? Honey, once you've been doing what I do for a while, you get know that your dealers usually come after you sometime or another. It's just protection. But, by all means, you can go ahead and try to kill me. I dare you." Claire frowned. "What are you, twelve? I'm just a messenger! The cavalry is coming later. They'll take care of you."

And with that, the girl disappeared as quickly as she appeared.

(Yeah, so, just kinda threw that in there if that was cool with you...)
"Th-th-thank you Dr. Lariat, sir, lord...." said a man in his mid to late 40's

Alec held up his hand to calm the man gave him a soft smile "Steady yourself Mr. Jecks, and Alec is fine...hows the leg feeling?"

"Fine, great as can be, how much I owe ya?" said Mr. Jecks

"Same as always old friend...nothing, you tell the others if they need me just give me or Bartharl a call"

"But we could disturb you....or you father's estate."

Alec sighed, this isnt the first nor the last person who mentions his father with fear (and rightly so) Lord Alexion Efre Lariot was not a man to trifle with.

"Listen....you call ME if anything is needed and just focus on getting yourself another job" he glance at his pocket watch "Well I had better head off I have a conference in a couple hours up north" Alec runs his hand through hair once and gathers his coat in one hand and his briefcase in the other, straightens his tie and black vest and steps out the medical lobby into the streets.
Sun Luna sat on top of a Lightpost she was so bored she didn't know what to do. Sun decided to play with her small watch that.. Did not tell time.

"'.....man I am sooooo bored......" She said with a sigh. She the jumped off the Lightpost and took time to slowly walk around.
He looks up at the person landing as he continues to walk beside them toward the subway and smirks a little. "Well that is one way of getting down from high places."
Sun looked at the man that was next to her and answered."Well you th ok nk that is amazing wait till you see me run." She then put on her beenie on.
"Haha settle down settle down, no need to run, I'll take your word on the matter. But where are my manners, the name is Alec Lariat, a pleasure." he extends his hand with a slight bow of his waist
"Sun Luna. Thats our name." She said taking his hand and gives him a almost crushing handshake. "oh sorry I can't control my strength most times."
Raises an eyebrow at both her statement and rather intense handshake, returning a firm but not as strong handshake and smiles "Oh no worries, my father made sure that my siblings and I had an intimate relationship with pain when we were younger, my body reinforces that lesson quite regularly. But Sun Luna, you did say 'our' name correct? Might I assume you have multiple personalities....or is there a smaller person behind you?"
"Yes we did say our name..... Introduce yourself..." Sun's eyes change to a light blue color and in a young boys voice spoke.

"my name is Moon Sol." The voice said as her eyes turned back normal.

"Sorry he can be a trip."
"No problem Sun and if you can hear me, it was a pleasure to meet you Moon. Do you live around here Sun or just out for a stroll?" checks his pocket watch again to see the time and places it back in his vest pocket.
He pauses for a moment with a concerned look "And for how long have you been without a home?"
"...uhhh i'm 18 now so...7 years now." She answered with a small voice. She was embarssed to say that though.
"My word...since you were eleven...a moment." Pulls out a small cell phone and dials "Hi, Kathrine? Yes, I need you to inform the members i may be late to the conference, I want you to cancel my reservation if I'm not on my way in an hour. Yes?" Looks at Sun "Yes something came up...good bye and thank you Kathrine" Hangs up the phone and places it back in his pocket

"Well you are old enough to live on your own, and clearly you were capable of making your way so far, but what say you to trying to finding yourself a residence?"

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