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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah gave a small nod and sighed heavily "Alright, just...just let her know I love her." He murmured before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep
Carmen eventually called nick a few hours later to give him the update, “hey, thank you so much for doing this again, absolute life saver nick…. Uhm, Keaton is out and he did good. They’re hoping he’s gonna wake up in a few hours but it will be a few hours. They’ve promised that he’s stable so I’m gonna pop down to come check on Noah in a little bit. He doing okay?” She asked him, getting her stuff out back in Keatons room, sitting on the edge of the bed and smoothing his hair back
Nick gave a small sigh as he watched Noah sleep and listened to Carmen "Thats great to hear about Keaton. Noah says they're keeping him for observation, but I haven't talked to a nurse or doctor yet." He explained quietly to her.
Nick nodded and sighed heavily as he hung up the phone. He bit his lip hard as she came in about thirty minutes later to see the state of him "He didn't want to worry you..." he said quietly when he caught her glaring at him
She shook her head and went to sit with him. “Observation my ass Nicholas.” She muttered. “God sometimes I think you both are still just teenagers tryna hide the weed smoke from your mom.” She muttered, taking Noah’s hand in hers tightly.
Nick sighed some and went over to squeeze her shoulder "You need anything?" He asked her quietly watching Noah as he struggled a bit to take a normal breath "Let me go get a nurse." He murmured
She just nodded and moved a bit as it had woken him up and frowned. “Hey, hey it’s alright, nicks gone to get a nurse alright?” She coaxed gently, “Keatons doing okay, he’s just resting alright? … Noah… Noah breathe.”
She stepped out the way when the staff started coming in, stepping out with Nick when they were asked to and just sat down staring at the floor, “I uh… if Eden wants to come here tomorrow, just shoot me a message and I’ll arrange someone to come pick her up.” She told him quietly. “But don’t… she doesn’t need to know about Noah right now.” She mumbled.
Nick nodded and gave a small sigh "Alright I'll make sure not to say anything. I was thinking of taking her to the shop tomorrow to do some art stuff, that alright with you?" He asked her softly
She nodded and smiled some. “She’d love that. She keeps trying to convince Noah that he should let her give him a tattoo.” She smiled and shook her head. “He just doesn’t have much space left.” She told him, taking a deep breath and looked to the door to the room he’d been put in,
Nick gave a small chuckle and nodded some "I'm sure he has space on his legs." He murmured before looking at the door once the nurses came out 'We've got him stable, the doctor is looking him over fully now and then you'll be allowed back in.'
She frowned but nodded and thanked them quietly, rubbing a hand through her hair. “Shit I gotta call Eric to let him know I won’t be in the studio for a while.” She muttered, shaking her head and went to send him a message at least to let him know what was going on before she could get a call telling her off for it.
Nick sighed heavily and gave her a nod staying put just in case they needed to tell them anything else. It.was another twnety minutes before the doctor stepped out and ushered them into the room.
Carmen walked inside quickly and sighed a little seeing him sat up. “Hey, what did I tell you about scaring me?” She asked him quietly, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking his hand tightly.
Noah gave a small smile to her completely drained of all energy by this point. He looked over as the doctor came in and toook a deep breath hoping it wasn't horrible news.

His doctor looked over his chart real quick before speaking to them "Its looking like you were having some really bad arrhythmia, we're going to try out a new medication to see if it'll possibly help for now." He explained to them "However, if this continues to get worse we may need to look at pacemakers."
She nodded and sighed a little, leaning over and kissing his temple. “Is it gonna be just an overnight stay?” She asked, nodding when he said that it should be and thanked him as he left, looking to Noah. “You gonna be okay if I go to Keaton?” She asked him quietly, gently stroking his knuckles.
Noah nodded some and took some steady breaths "Yeah, give him my love....Eden too." He whispered before pulling her fingers to his lips and kissing them gently
She nodded and smiled, leaning over and kissed his forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow okay? I love you.” She murmured, giving his hand one last squeeze before getting up and heading back to Keaton to wait for him to wake up,
Keaton was awake the next morning frowning as he looked around and started to freak out at all the wires on him "Mommy?! Mommy!" He yelled out not seeing her in the room but relaxed a little when he saw her come out of the restroom in his room.
She went right over and sat down on the edge of the bed, taking his hand. “Hey, hey it’s okay baby it’s okay.” She murmured, frowning. “Don’t touch anything okay?” She coaxed gently.
Keaton whimpered and reached out for her "Cuddles!" He said letting a few tears fall taking deep breaths sending a few alarms "Whats that?!" He asked in a scared voice
She shook her head and held him as much as she could. “Shh shh, it’s okay baby, keep taking deep breaths okay? You had a big ouchie but the doctors have helped okay? It’s real important that you relax though okay? I’m here baby, I won’t let anything happen.” She promised.
Keaton nodded some and took deep breaths "Where is Daddy?" He asked once he was finally calmed down and cuddling her close.

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