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Fairy Tail

Miri Lidell

Dragon Princess
Before I post the forms, two questions:

1. Who do you want as a romantic interest, if you want one?

2. Are you alright with a same sex couple in the roleplay?
First off, the same sex couple, whatever you want. It isn't my place to judge. As for the romantic interest, maybe you should go first. It was your idea anyway. plus I have to finish making my character first.
Sorry, I got distracted typing up my character's form. (Still in progress.) If you don't mind, I'd like to have Natsu as a romantic interest.
Well then I think I might take Lisanna Strauss if you don't mind her not going to the other world.

Natsu couldbe her GBFF
I don't mind at all! And Natsu is the feistiest GBFF ever. cx Would you like a blank form, or do you have your own format?





Magic Type:

Romantic Interest:

Extra Information:

Name: Koriland Noel Rosewood.

Nicknames/Titles: Kori or Ice Prince.

Age: Eighteen.

Traits: Quiet x Kind x Seemingly timid x Independent x Strong x Protective x Intelligent x Compassionate x Loyal x Intimidating.


To say the least, Koriland doesn't look like a formidable foe. Petite in stature with adorably large ice blue eyes and rosy cheeks, he's flat out adorable. With fair skin and hair so light that it could almost be considered white, Koriland's brand of magic rarely comes as a surprise. His hair is stick straight and always messy, reaching his earlobes while his bangs brush his eyelashes. He has a peculiar birthmark in the form of small white spots, almost like freckles, that cover his shoulders and some of his chest. His guild mark is on his right inner wrist, and is light blue.

Guild: Fairy Tail.

Magic Type: Elemental magic - ice. Though everyone knows the type of magic Koriland uses, very few people have actually seen him use it. This is because it is very powerful, and therefore very dangerous, so he only uses it when he absolutely needs to.

Romantic Interest: Natsu Dragneel. Though they joined the guild at about the same time, the two had never really conversed until one day, nine year old Koriland asked Natsu to accompany him on a quest. Natsu agrees, happy to have an opportunity to show off his abilities. The two set out together, and didn't return for almost a month. A search party was about to be sent out when the boys returned, banged up but beaming. No one knows what happened on the quest but them, and they're perfectly happy that way. Ever since they returned, they've been close as can be, and though Natsu treats Koriland with the same gruff behavior he treats his other friends, their affection towards each other is clear. Strangely enough, Natsu has never tried to pick a fight with Koriland, and the younger boy is one of the few people he will listen to without question. The majority of the guild is waiting for one of them to crack and confess their very obvious romantic feelings for each other.

Extra Information:

+ Like the majority of the Fairy Tail Guild, Koriland has his own horror story, and like most, he doesn't like to talk about it. Not even Natsu knows all the details, even though he certainly knows much more than any of the other guild members. However, the entire guild knows the effects Koriland's past have had on him, including his hesitance to use his magic and his extreme fear of small spaces and the dark. The fears was discovered when, as a prank, Jet and Droy locked Koriland, who was fourteen at the time, in a closet. Immediately, Koriland began to shriek, throwing himself against the door and screaming profanities. When the door was finally unlocked, the inside of the closet was completely covered in ice, and Koriland had tears frozen halfway down his face. Needless to say, Natsu beat them into the ground when he found out.

+ [To be discovered.]
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Name: Kazu

Nicknames/Titles: Dragoon of Light

Age: Seventeen

Appearance: Kazu has black hair and dark brown eyes. His eyes are dark enough that from more then a few feet away they look black. He has a tan from being outside all the time. His hair falls down completely straight which made a few girls in the guild jealous. He has a black guild sign on the left side of his chest, right over his heart. He generally wears a black short-sleeve t-shirt, jeans and combat boots.

Magic Type: Dragon Magic: Light/Energy

Romantic Interest: Lisanna Strauss- Kazu joined the clan when Lisanna had her near death experience. He was walking through the woods looking for the monster to test himself when he saw Lisanna trying to calm down her brother after his transformation. As she was struck and sent flying Kazu caught her. Healing her wound with a light spell, the boy then went to face the monster, but before he could attack Lisanna stopped him. He came back to the guild with the Strauss siblings and stated simply that he admired Lisanna for risking her own life for her brother. Afterwards the two went on a few missions and started growing closer. Before anything became of it though Kazu left on a long-term mission.

Extra Information: Kazu never once talked about his parents, but has spoken about the dragon who trained him on multiple accounts. He left on a long term mission soon after leaving the guild that only the Guild Master knew the details off.
would you rather do it over pm since the person I was going to rp with stopped replying. Sorry it took me a bit to respond, I have been really busy. Also yes you can be an ice dragon slayer.
hello! can i rp with you? for a love interest id say maybe natsu or gray. im fine with same sex couples. i play an oc btw

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