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Fandom Fairy Tail

K!! :D

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Name: Jaden Bevan

Age: 14

Gender: Male


Personality: Confident in himself, Jaden Bevan is always trying to be the best at something. He is rather competitive and can be rather vain at some points in his life. Unfortunately, that continues over to battle. Whilst being in battle, he thinks that no one can touch him and gets way too big headed.

Bio (optional): The first thing Jaden remembers is the dark. He woke up and was engulfed in shadows. At first, he was afraid, but eventually, he gut used to it and even came to like them. So, it was only natural that when he found the shadow dragon, he would ask to be taught magic. The dragon saw some what of a resemblance and took him in to train. When Jaden was 12, the shadow dragon disappeared and Jaden lost his only father figure. So, he began to travel the world in search for him, not joining any guild as he thought it would only slow him down. Now, his journey around the world has finished, and he has nothing to show for it.


Magic: Shadow dragon slayer magic

Guild: None

Rank: None

Special Nickname: Abyss

Weapon: Anything

[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]
Name: Jaden Bevan
Age: 14

Gender: Male


Personality: Confident in himself, Jaden Bevan is always trying to be the best at something. He is rather competitive and can be rather vain at some points in his life. Unfortunately, that continues over to battle. Whilst being in battle, he thinks that no one can touch him and gets way too big headed.

Bio (optional): The first thing Jaden remembers is the dark. He woke up and was engulfed in shadows. At first, he was afraid, but eventually, he gut used to it and even came to like them. So, it was only natural that when he found the shadow dragon, he would ask to be taught magic. The dragon saw some what of a resemblance and took him in to train. When Jaden was 12, the shadow dragon disappeared and Jaden lost his only father figure. So, he began to travel the world in search for him, not joining any guild as he thought it would only slow him down. Now, his journey around the world has finished, and he has nothing to show for it.


Magic: Shadow dragon slayer magic

Guild: None

Rank: None

Special Nickname: Abyss

Weapon: Anything

Name: Liza Corona

Age: 18

Gender: Female


She's a laid back, care free person. She studied her magic under the original iron dragon slayer, Gejeel Redfox. When in battle, her personality quickly changes. She's got a mouth on her too. She never backs down from a challenge and is happy to show off what her master taught her. She's pretty nice too, if you're nice to her as well.

Bio: Liza may have been trained by the original iron dragon slayer, but she did not join his guild. She wanted to be on her own and find the perfect place for her. She loves being by herself alone in nature and just practicing her moves. She wants to be in a guild but she's not sure which one to be in just yet. Fairy Tail is a well known guild and she really likes them, but she wants to be able to showcase her powers. Not be overshadowed by others.


Iron Dragon Slayer

Guild: None

Rank: None

Special Nickname:

Iron Eyes (given to her by Gajeel)

Weapon: None

Special informations:

Since she learned from the best, Liza can turn her whole body into steel/iron.

She basically has the same powers as Gajeel and then some.



Name: Reeve Jestu

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Personality: Reeve is like the Gildarts Clive of Sabertooth. He's a big hit with the ladies but is a skilled fighter as well. He is nice to everyone he meets and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt when he meets them. He usually always has a smile on his face. He will do anything it takes to protect his guild and guild mates. To him, everyone in his guild is worth something. He's also a flirt too. So when he sees a cute girl, he's on the prowl.

Bio: To be revealed in Rp


Magic: Gravity Magic

Guild: Sabertooth

Rank: SS Class

Special Nickname:

None, but he'll be glad if you give him one!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-21_12-6-47.png.5f367b35b3dccbdbf0faa72ff82a4bf2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-21_12-6-47.png.5f367b35b3dccbdbf0faa72ff82a4bf2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Special informations:

His weapon can cause the ground to split.

Yes, he only has one usable eye.

He stands at 6'4




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lonecoyote said:
Name: Liza Corona
Age: 18

Gender: Female


She's a laid back, care free person. She studied her magic under the original iron dragon slayer, Gejeel Redfox. When in battle, her personality quickly changes. She's got a mouth on her too. She never backs down from a challenge and is happy to show off what her master taught her. She's pretty nice too, if you're nice to her as well.

Bio: Liza may have been trained by the original iron dragon slayer, but she did not join his guild. She wanted to be on her own and find the perfect place for her. She loves being by herself alone in nature and just practicing her moves. She wants to be in a guild but she's not sure which one to be in just yet. Fairy Tail is a well known guild and she really likes them, but she wants to be able to showcase her powers. Not be overshadowed by others.


Iron Dragon Slayer

Guild: None

Rank: None

Special Nickname:

Iron Eyes (given to her by Gajeel)

Weapon: None

Special informations:

Since she learned from the best, Liza can turn her whole body into steel/iron.

She basically has the same powers as Gajeel and then some.



Name: Reeve Jestu

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Personality: Reeve is like the Gildarts Clive of Sabertooth. He's a big hit with the ladies but is a skilled fighter as well. He is nice to everyone he meets and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt when he meets them. He usually always has a smile on his face. He will do anything it takes to protect his guild and guild mates. To him, everyone in his guild is worth something. He's also a flirt too. So when he sees a cute girl, he's on the prowl.

Bio: To be revealed in Rp


Magic: Gravity Magic

Guild: Sabertooth

Rank: SS Class

Special Nickname:

None, but he'll be glad if you give him one!


View attachment 145083

Special informations:

His weapon can cause the ground to split.

Yes, he only has one usable eye.

Name: Amaya

Age: 14

Gender: Female



Personality: Amaya is a very quite girl who likes to keep her distance from others. Amaya doesn't trust others and shuts everyone out, she also can be very cold and mean at times. But gain her trust and she'll start to show her true colors

Bio (optional): Unknow (Find out later)


Ice Devil Slayer Magic

Guild: Fairy tail

Rank: Class-A

Special Nickname:

Ice Devil



Special informations:

*Amaya has nightmares very two-three days

*Dozes off randomly

*Her closest friend is a talking fox named night

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-21_12-3-39.jpeg.0b796de457ab160881ef43a817291ea7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63208" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-21_12-3-39.jpeg.0b796de457ab160881ef43a817291ea7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Amaya loves eating sweets

(Making this took awhile xD )



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SkyDust101 said:
Name: Amaya
Age: 14

Gender: Female



Personality: Amaya is a very quite girl who likes to keep her distance from others. Amaya doesn't trust others and shuts everyone out, she also can be very cold and mean at times. But gain her trust and she'll start to show her true colors

Bio (optional): Unknow (Find out later)


Ice Devil Slayer Magic

Guild: Fairy tail

Rank: Class-A

Special Nickname:

Ice Devil



Special informations:

*Amaya has nightmares very two-three days

*Dozes off randomly

*Her closest friend is a talking fox named night

View attachment 145162

*Amaya loves eating sweets

(Making this took awhile xD )
Btw ur accepted.
Name: Dru

Age: 17



Personality: Kind and gentle Dru just likes to read and live his life. He will defend things to that are important to him to the death but it is hard to get him to think something is important but if someone believes in it hard enough he will defend it if he likes them.

Bio (optional):


Magic: Sand make

Guild: Fairy tail

Rank: A

Special Nickname (like Salamander): Sandman

Weapon: Whatever he makes

Special informations:
strong enough water can wash away his creations. After a run in with another mage that became his friend/ rival he now has a tiny pet made entirely of sand. The sand was animated and if he gives his pet more sand he grows bigger but he can't get any smaller. he usually takes on the form of a little sand monkey
Drumonkey said:
Name: Dru
Age: 17



Personality: Kind and gentle Dru just likes to read and live his life. He will defend things to that are important to him to the death but it is hard to get him to think something is important but if someone believes in it hard enough he will defend it if he likes them.

Bio (optional):


Magic: Sand make

Guild: Fairy tail

Rank: A

Special Nickname (like Salamander): Sandman

Weapon: Whatever he makes

Special informations:
strong enough water can wash away his creations. After a run in with another mage that became his friend/ rival he now has a tiny pet made entirely of sand. The sand was animated and if he gives his pet more sand he grows bigger but he can't get any smaller. he usually takes on the form of a little sand monkey
Name: Nico

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Personality: Kind but misunderstood Nico could be described as creepy but that is just because he always has his head in the clouds. He doesn't like to deal with people much just because they usually call him a creep or something like that

Bio (optional):
will be revealed


Magic: Shadow God-slayer

Guild: Blue Pegasus


Special Nickname (like Salamander): Hades

Weapon:has a Katana on his back that he sometimes uses.

Special informations:
has a shadow wolf that basically is his shadow when it is awake it's eyes glow red and he will have two red eyes in his shadow the wolf usually just looks like him and looks around but when threatened or bored it takes its true shape.
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Drumonkey said:
Name: Nico
Age: 17

Gender: Male


Personality: Kind but misunderstood Nico could be described as creepy but that is just because he always has his head in the clouds. He doesn't like to deal with people much just because they usually call him a creep or something like that

Bio (optional):
will be revealed


Magic: Shadow God-slayer

Guild: Fairy Tail


Special Nickname (like Salamander): Hades

Weapon:has a Katana on his back that he sometimes uses.

Special informations:
has a shadow wolf that basically is his shadow when it is awake it's eyes glow red and he will have two red eyes in his shadow the wolf usually just looks like him and looks around but when threatened or bored it takes its true shape.
Accepted and is that pic from Young Justice by chance?
(yes it is I couldn't think of another picture to use and that was the first to come to mind lol)

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