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Fandom Fairy Tail: Ultimatum









Guild Mark (Location and Color):

Magic: (add special Magical Skills, like Metsuryu Ougi)


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(Hmm...Alright, my interest has been caught. I haven't done a FT RP in a while, so I might as well join then...)

Name: Kaito Nakajima


Age: 12

Gender: Male

Kaito has dirty blonde colored hair and dark blue eyes. He has pale skin and a small nose. He ofter wears a scarf that covers a bit of the lower half of his face and a large, baggy, grey hoodie (though, it looks kinda green). He wears a pair of blue slacks and black boots that reach up to his knees. Kaeto also has his right hand bandaged. Not because it's broken, but he wants to hide the mark for some reason.

Personality: Kaito is often quiet, but if you can get him to talk he isn't that bad. He's mostly a kind person. MOSTLY. He's always willing to lend a hand to those that actually need it. Kaito is very sensitive about his past, so it's best not to talk about it.

Bio: Kaito had a chaotic childhood. His parents were broke, his older brother continuously vanished without a trace, and people claimed that him and his family were sent from the depths of hell. Kaeto had been taught Gravitational magic by his father, who wasn't skilled with it, but wasn't unskilled at the same time. This is what life was like for him, before his mother died. The day that she passed, Kaeto almost went insane. He even tried to kill himself right there, but that was when his father knelt down in front of him, grasped him by the shoulders and said, "Run. Get as far away from here as you can. I always knew you would do great things..." Kaeto snapped back into reality. Not long after, his father helped him back a bag and then Kaeto was on his way. Immediately, he had known where to go...

Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Mark (Location and Color): His mark is placed on his right hand. The mark is purple.

Magic: (add special Magical Skills, like Metsuryu Ougi) Gravitational magic. Kaito is currently able to use Fall.

Extra: The scarf Kaeto wears 24/7 once belonged to his mother. It's the last thing he has from her.
Name: Roxy Mist

Age: 10

Gender: female

Personality: always has her headphones on, rule breaker, tries not to get caught, sweet if she cares about you, fun, loyal


Guild: new member of blue pegis

Guild mark: blue and on her neck

Bio: her father always wanted to join blue pegis, but was kill before he ever got the chance. He gave her a pair of headphones right before he died and told her to follow her heart. She traveled for weeks, then finally found blue pegis. She became a member and ever since, she has been looking for the person who killed her father.

Magic: transformation of cute little animals

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