Fairy Tail (Hexed and write.explore.imagine)


@write.explore.imagine so post yourCS when your ready ^^ 
Name: Hex Nightflare

Age: 13

Guild: none

Magic: dark magic, fire magic

Personalty: hex is cocky and cheeky but very determind. He can be manipulative an deceptive and a daredevil.

Bio: yeah cuz I can be bothered to do that


Name: Maia Fernandes

Age: 17

Guild: none

Parent: Jallel

Magic: abyss break, self destruction spell, light magic

Personality: Maia is a sweet person at most times but can be fierce. She's loving and caring and likes to help whoever she can.
Ok cool. Loose forgot my pictures

Hex: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.1f053fbeed63897615d6425f6cfa161e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.1f053fbeed63897615d6425f6cfa161e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maia:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.f5ffc54e6d86bc81651b6e89031f7d84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.f5ffc54e6d86bc81651b6e89031f7d84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ok well I'll start now. 
"Get a move on!" Maia said shoving the kid infnront of her. She hadn't liked this from the minute she'd sen him. A dark guild child most likely and she was going to take him to the nearest light guild.

Hex sighed, this girl was annoying. She'd taken him and now he didn't know where he didn't like this one single bit.
Devi hummed to herself, kicking her legs as she looked around. She'd managed to perch herself up on the arch leading into the fairy tail guild. How she got up there, well only she knew. She twirled a dagger though her fingers. She was bored. It was a common problem with her actually. She seemed to get bored easily. She looked up when she saw Maia approaching from the distance. She smiled jumping off the arch and too her ground. The jump was enough to break a bone except when she reached it it bent like a trampoline under her feet before returning to it's original state. She ran towards the other girl. "Maia! Maia! You're back already? How'd it go?" She asked as she approached them, looking Hex over curiously.
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Maia smiled as she saw Devi, "Devi!" She shouted, "it went alright I found this kid on my way back." She said pushing Hex, "he took out three kids atleast two years older than himself with dark magic. Thought he could be something to do with a. Dark guild."

Hex growled and turn looking up at the girl who'd pushed him, "do t you push me!" He growled.

"Oh yeah? What you gonna do about it." Maia said putting her hands on her hips.
Devi smiled, "So that's what took so long." She laughed, looking over at the boy again as she talked about him. "Dark guild huh?" She asked, looking at him. "So are you from a dark guild?" She asked him, circling him and watching closely. Her gloved hands were clasped behind her, glancing back at their guild. "Or were you just picking on kids bigger than you?" She asked again after a second, not giving him time to answer in between.
Hex sighed, "I've told her and I'll tell you. I'm not I a dark guild..." He said, "anymore.." He mumbled under his breath. He couldn't deal with these people. Maia crossed her arms, "I don't believe hm," she answered looking over at Devi, "do you?"
Devi watched him, as he spoke. "Hmm..." She though aloud, not missing his quiet addition to his statement. She took a deep breath, "Hard to tell. He reminds me a lot of the people on the street I used to live with. he might be telling the truth but I'm not willing to put my life on it..." She said, standing up and stretching. "Well... may as well take him to the master, he'll know the truth." She pointed out.
Maia nodded, "yeah, that's probably the best thing to do." She agreed grabbing the boy's collar and starting to drag him off.

"Hey hey hey!" Hex said digging his feet into the ground, "do I get.no say in this whatsoever!?" hestill did not like this.
Destiny smirked, skipping after them but staying even with the boy. She shook her head. "Actually, you don't..." She told shrugged as if it were a casual situation. "So what's you're name? Where do you live?" She asked.
"Why do you need to know? And I don't live anywhere." Hex replied scowling. He didn't want to be taken to see their guild master especially after he saw what guild it was. Fairy Tail, he'd met their master one too many times. "Quiz the boy later Di,"Maia said dragging him through the large doors.
Devi watched him, "Because I'm curious... and I used to live on the streets, I wasn't sure if you did." She simple told him. She sighed, glancing over at Maia. "Fine, Fine." She threw her hands in the air. "Done quizzing." She sighed, looking around as they stepped into the guild.
Everyone seemed to turn their way as they came inside, Maia smiled and then looked forward. "Nothing to see guys, we're just going to see the master." She said, "I'll tell you all everything later."

She pushed Hex slightly who moved at a quicker pace.

"Keep up Di." Maia said.
Destiny looked around, smiling at the people she'd seen only a little bit ago. She got distracted briefly watching someone before running to catch up with them. "I'm coming I'm coming... jeez." she laughed, shaking her head.
Maia smiled at her and then walked through a door, "do you know where the master is?" She asked turning back to Destiny, she'd been gone for awhile things could have changed.
Devi blinked, looking around. "Oh... yeah, He's over by the stage." She smiled, jumping as she grabbed Maia's hand and dragged her through their guild mates until they arrived at the other side where the master was sitting on a table. "Good afternoon master." She smiled, glancing back at Miai and moving out of the way to let her through.
Maia quickly stepped through the boy dragged behind her but he was keeping his head down for some reason. "Master," she smiled, "long time no see."

"A long time indeed my child." He said back, "how was your mission?"

"A success!" Maia replied, "I found this kid on the way back. I think he might be attached he'd to a dark guild."
Devi slid over beside him as Maia spoke. She smirked, after a second, nudging him with her hip almost causing him to fall but, causing him to look up. "There... I think he might live on the streets... at least he says he's not in a dark guild but if they are you can't expect them to say." She pointed out, looking him over for any sign of a stamp.
"Damn you." Hex hissed lowering his head again but the master had had enough time to notice who he was. "Well as far as I'm aware the child you are looking at is Hex Cailier, a dark guild member and probably one of the strongest children I've ever met."
Devi raised an eyebrow, looking over at the boy as the master spoke. "So you are from a dark guild." He said, leaning back against a pillar. "Well... mystery solved." She shrugged, "Now the question is what to do with him..." She thought, not really to force him into a situation to use magic if he was as strong as the master said.
"I'm not in a dark guild ok!" Hex growled shaking from the girls grip and looking at the master. Maia looked down at the boy, she didn't want to annoy him or upset him any more.

"Put him somewhere where he can't harm anyone." said the master almost having a staring competition with Hex. Hex growled, "your some idiot old man." he smirked.
Devi raised an eyebrow. "No? you saying you left?" She asked, playing with the gloves on her hand absently. She exchanged glances between the two males as they stared down. "Alright... well that leaves out back on the streets, where exactly were you thinking?" She asked him as they broke their stares. "Short of isolation it's hard to guarantee he won't harm anyone."
The Master looked at Devi, "well then you two can look after him." he said.

"wait what!?" Maia exclaimed, "you're giving us the job of baby sitting some kid wizard!?"

"yes." The Master replied seriously, "its not a baby sitting job Maia."

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