Fairy Tail [[Closed]]


Smol potato
I love the anime, and wanted to start a thread that is sort of a spin off of it. A couple of the original characters will possibly be in the rp, but mostly I want you guys to make your own Fairy Tail members.


  • No God-modding
  • Try to be realistic when fighting
  • Be polite when talking to other role-players
  • 2-6 sentences, anything below that will need an explanation
  • 2 characters per person
  • Romance is allowed but don't get too frisky
  • Have Fun!!!

Character Sheet:




Type(s) of Magic: (maximum of 3)





If you have anything you would like to add to the character sheet, please feel free to ask me :3

Name: Yui Kanabara

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Type(s) of Magic: Snow Magic, Sleep Magic

Personality: Quiet but usually upbeat, loves missions, cares deeply for guild and friends. Loves snow (of course) and wolves. She will always help out a friend.

Other: She loves her headband with wings on them, almost never seen without them. Yui is almost always getting hit on by the male guild members.

Appearance: (Without gloves and lantern :P )

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Hello, I hope this RP gets more popularity. I would like to join this because I am a fan of Fairy Tail as well. I am only 40 episodes in though.

Name: Noah Oekaki

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Type of magic: Pict Magic, as well as some negate magic

Personality: Noah is very quiet, loves to draw and is very kind. Noah prefers to stay out of battles and likes to sit on the side lines or on the fence. (Doesn't like to choose sides.) He isn't very brave, but is always supportive of his fellow guild members. If Noah does fight, he mainly animates pictures that will distract or irritate the opponent. Favorite color is green and tends to draw things with different shades of it.

Other: Once an opponent uses a spell, Noah can take some time to copy/draw it and cast it, but to a weaker degree. The downside is that he has to survive the spell first. A favorite spell used to irritate the opponent, is to send a swarm of bee's their way.

Appearance: Very rotund. Not circular like Reedus, but more oval. Noah is tall with black hair underneath a dark green top-hat. He wears a plain green t-shirt with beige pants. Has an artist's palette on one hand and a brush in the other. In his back pocket are different kinds of brushes of varying sizes.
Name: Melody Ravish

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Type(s) of Magic: Web Magic

Guild: Fairy Tail

Personality: She is very quiet. Mainly due to the fact of her horrid past which has made her lose her vision. She does not speak to guild members that much, not even on missions. Some have said her voice sounds angelic, and one was able to hear her sing. But it is rare for her to ever speak. Yet. . .

Other: Blind -

Appearance: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/061/7/9/hinata_hyuga_by_blackrose140792-d4rh7qu.jpg
Name: Takuto Zukuchishi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Type(s) of Magic: Elemental Dragon Slayer(Third Generation)

Guild: Fairy Tail

Personality: Takuto can get a bit angry easily. And that usually ends him up in fights. He usually rushes in first without thinking and talks big. He will never turn his back on a friend and never hit somebody when they’re down. He believes in the code of Honor his Father Brigoth passed on to him. He loves to eat. It would be surprising what all he can eat. But the most Surprising thing is that he never gets fat no matter how much he eats.

Other: Sees Wendy Marvel as a little sister

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be524b750_TakutotheElementalDragonSlayer.jpg.c7edaaf4a933e57f917b7a583ba38654.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be524b750_TakutotheElementalDragonSlayer.jpg.c7edaaf4a933e57f917b7a583ba38654.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Takuto the Elemental Dragon Slayer.jpg
    Takuto the Elemental Dragon Slayer.jpg
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Melody opened the main doors of Fairy Tail, of course greeted by a couple drunks and people fighting, and she sighed and just walked to the Job Board. The silent girl knew her way around the building, for one secret only the master knows. She dodged a couple people tumbling over in a fight and hops around the passing out members. She without thinking grabbed a paper and just walked out of the building. The blind woman was to mature and refined for this guild. She could have any guild crawling to her feet if she leaves, yet she stays for something she promised in her past. Melody flinched as she remembers the last words she heard when her vision disappeared forever.

Melody takes a deep breath as she closes the door, and she starts to walk down the main road, getting the feel of the paper. It had braille on it due to Mirajane's kindness. Melody only really liked Mira in the guild, she has been so kind and helpful when she started. Well, she wasn't always like that. The guild member sighs and grins as she remembered Mira in her youth.
Noah was sitting of to the side of the road near the Fairy Tail Guild. He was taking a little breather because unfortunately, his big torso didn't come from Master Marakrov's Titan Magic. It came naturally. While sitting, Noah notices Melody walk by with a paper in her hands. Probably a job, Noah thought to himself. As he watches her pass by, he notices her smile. Noah mainly knows Melody of a silent, yet strong, person. Seeing her smile brought a warmth to Noah's heart. He pulls out a sketch pad and quickly draws Melody as she passes by. Noah always finds it nice to draw happy things like a person happy or a celebration.
Name: Akita Sasumaru

Age: 16

Gender: Female.

Type(s) of Magic: Electricity magics, illusionary magics.

Guild: Fairy Tail

Personality: She used to be a very nice person, a social butterfly, all smiles. But then she got into a horrible fight with another guild wizard, a guild gone bad, and was left unconscious in Fairy Tail's infirmary for weeks before she woke up scarred for life. Since then she never smiles, she's all serious business, no time for fun and games. Lonely and secretly depressed she keeps to herself, does difficult jobs on her own. If you can break down her defenses she'll open up to you.

Other: She carries her sickle with her. No matter what. Never leaves without it.

Appearance: Tall with many battle scars , short curly brown hair, always wearing black clothes, with a hood covering her heavily scarred face.
Yui smiled lightly as she entered the noisy guild. She giggled when there were many people fighting. A random guy was throw across the room and she dodged him skillfully, her hair blasting past her. Yui smiled again and walked over to the job board, taking off a random one and inspecting it. She tucked it somewhere in her dress and sat down on the bar, ordering a soda.


Melody was finally here, another guild. She walked in without knocking, or anything to gesture someone was outside. She swung open the doors and as men stared her down and barked questions. The girl seemed to not hear the requests, but she only walked towards the master. 'Three feet, two feet. . .one' Melody's words bounced around the room. The Fairy Tail member was right in front of the master. She shot out her arm, some people got to their feet as she opened her palm and and revealed the letter. It was only a delivery. But simple jobs also needed to be completed.

All jobs needed to be completed to have a good reputation to Fairy Tail. She smiled, and the master laughed and took the letter. They knew each other, but no one else knew how. They both hugged, for quiet a long time. Not one member in the guild spoke, all looking at the two. And without another word, the mysterious girl with the long loose dress. Walked out.

I am sick of orange juice.

All I wanted was a measly soda. But nooooo, Master Makarov's orders, I'm not healthy enough for a sugar packed soda.

"Too soon after your recovery," He says.

"You're not fully healed yet," He says.

I could outpace any of these guys, even with an arm behind my back! As long as I can use my sickle, I could beat anything...

I exhaled. I need to calm down, so I ordered another round of orange juice.

"Ugh... I am so not feeling the work today...." I mutter as I wait for my orange juice, and dig in my coin purse for the money to pay. I ran my hands through my hair quickly, brushed my palm over the scars on my marred face. I flinched at the touch, I don't even know my own face anymore.. A horrible feeling washed over me as my mind was thrown back into horrible, horrible blood filled memories of pain and suffering... Shaking my head gruffly, I grabbed the orange juice now in front of me, slammed the jewels on the counter and stewed as I drank my orange juice.
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Noah walk into the Fairy Tail Guild a little out of breath. Everything appeared the same. People sitting or standing around with drinks, or perhaps at the bar. Some fights here or there. Noah made his way to the bar to get something to drink as always. Sitting down with his sketchbook Noah asks for a soda before drawing some random people or items.
Yui notices Noah sit down next to her and she smiles, turning to look at him. "How are you doing Noah, have you drawn anything today?" She giggled already knowing the answer. He usually always comes in with a sketch or two already in his sketchbook. Yui got her drink finally and sipped from it, not someone who would gulp it down quickly.

I piece of hair fell in my face, but I didn't try to brush it aside. My mad curls always fought my hood, and I tried desperately to keep them tame. I yawned and stood up, noticed a kid, Noah I think? He was sitting at the bar drawing on that sketchpad of his. With a sigh, I brushed past, tucking my hair behind my ear, and headed for the Job Board. A few cheap jobs...

I sigh,"I just want a quick job. The one that takes the least time is chasing some notorious criminal... Just what I want..." Another sigh. I know these jobs need to be done, but can't they take less time? I want to relax for once...
Melody opened the doors. To her surprise, everything was calmed down. She already knew that there wan't a fight. But. Why? Everyone is calm and collective for once. The girl would take steps, hearing them for once. Melody felt her dress flow around herself and she sat on the bar. She knew exactly where she was, sitting to the left of Yui. "The usual Mel?" Mira asked. Melody nodded, and smiled. Out of the blue Mirajane called her Mel a few years ago and has ever since, and she liked it. Of course no one else calls her that, because no one really knows her. They just see Melody as a stone wall with no feelings. But her insides were different.

Melody sighed, and sipped from the fancy high glacier water.
Noah was halfway done drawing an anthill when Yui asked him a question. "Oh, hello Yui. I'm fine today. Just a lttile winded." Noah replies timidly. "... Pictures? Well... I just drew this quick little one. It's of Melody I believe." Noah says as he pulls out the sketch from earlier. He notices Akita by the job board looking a bit disappointed. 'Hmm, I wonder what is troubling her. Perhaps no good jobs.' Noah blushes a bit as Melody sits next to Yui. Hopefully she won't find out that he drew a picture of her, otherwise that would embarrass Noah. Normally he would ask people before drawing them.
Melody felt the change of temperature in Noah's body. His heart rate went up a bit and she wondered why. It only happened when she sat there. She questioned why, but she is more of the silent type. So she wouldn't just ask him and get him embarrassed. She wondered and wondered. She then started thinking about other things and Mira's voice shocked Melody into reality. Mira repeated herself , " How did the delivery go?" The blind girl nodded and smiled. " Oh, thats nice! And how are things between the master in that guild and you?"Melody blushed. She didn't know Mira knew that.
Yui smiled at Melody as a hi and turned back to Noah. "Wow, that's really good. I wouldn't expect less than from you Noah." She giggled once again and sipped at her drink. The guild doors open and a few more members come in, instantly starting up the fights again. I wonder who they were? Yui peeked behind her and saw two boys fighting like crazy, each other going from one side of the guild to the other. Another smile appeared on her face.

With a sigh I ripped the job from the board. I guess I can deal with this... It'll take hours, but jobs have to be done... Turning from the board and walking for the door, I read over the job description. Wind magic, huh? I can deal with that. Reading it over, the job givers suggests a group to do this job... Well too bad, I don't have a team. Nor do I need one. This'll be easy enough, and hopefully I can just go home and sleep afterwards. I walk past Noah, Yui and Melody as I head for the door.
Something makes Akita trip. It was to thin to be seen, but enough to make the girl trip. Strangely, Melody gulped all her water and got up from her seat and started walked towards Akita. The girl offered a hand, with a look of- I am coming with you. Mira sighed, " She knows all the jobs posted on there." Mira looked at Yui, " You know, you can go along too, its a big job." She started washing away the dishes. " Might as well have Noah along. He can keep you guys safe."


I fell forward on my face, and rolled over, trying to see what tripped me, but it was gone before I could get a look. "Wha-" Then I noticed Melody stand, and offer a hand to me. I get a sneaking suspicion she tripped me somehow, but I'm not going to call her out on it. I also feel if I take her hand, it'll somehow seal the deal that we're going together. Then Mirajane suggested Yui and Noah come along too.

A big group? Oh please no.

"Um- Um-" My nervous stutter came out, "Mirajane, are y-you s-sure about that?" I reached and took Melody's hand, and pulled myself up, and muttered gratefully to Melody.

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