Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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LeSoraAmari said:
Maya is going to go beserk when she gets news of Sora's kidnapping oml
Gonna need a contrived reason to incapacitate her so she doesn't just go and solo the enemy in her rage.
Colt556 said:
Gonna need a contrived reason to incapacitate her so she doesn't just go and solo the enemy in her rage.
She's going to make it her goal to find and retrieve Sora whatever the costs.

Sora is practically her daughter, she'd be damned if she just let it slide.

Kyuubey said:
I feel like I just offered Sora up on a silver platter. I'm a horrible person, help. QQ;
It's going to be okay :3
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LeSoraAmari said:
She's going to make it her goal to find and retrieve Sora whatever the costs.
Sora is practically her daughter, she'd be dammed if she just let it slide.

It's going to be okay :3
Precisely why we need a contrived reason to knock her out and throw her on the sidelines.
LeSoraAmari said:
I know how to control my characters. She wouldn't go into a blind rage anyway.
Like you said, Sora's like her daughter and she'll stop at nothing to get her back. Times like this you require an outside source to render her out of action. Like Makarov in the Phantom Lord arc. Actually we need something to deal with most of the OP chars since they're all in similar situations. It'd be out of character for them not to just go in and destroy the enemy. Then again Mitch's probably already thought of that so eh.
Kyuubey said:
>puts face in hands and sobs
I'll have to time back peddle a few minutes before Noah showed up. I'll make it work. @Jackaboi
Ok btw I wasn't expecting the plan to work anyway, Noah's arrival will just make it more funny xD
Jackaboi said:
Ok btw I wasn't expecting the plan to work anyway, Noah's arrival will just make it more funny xD
I'm avoiding Noah. I want to kick him in the gonads. Hue. Either way Aria is going to follow him ANYWAYS, because she can't be outrun by a little boy. @Embaga Elder
Kyuubey said:
I'm avoiding Noah. I want to kick him in the gonads. Hue. Either way Aria is going to follow him ANYWAYS, because she can't be outrun by a little boy. @Embaga Elder
Gonads!!?!?! For what he did no such thing, and he ain't no little boy, just because Aria is old asf
Every wizard saint seems to have some kind of rapid movement capabilities and here I am just walking everywhere.
[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Gonads!!?!?! For what he did no such thing, and he ain't no little boy, just because Aria is old asf


GONADS! Noah's ruining Aria interacting with Kelica. She's probably the only one who can help her with something. QQ;
Embaga Elder]The lightning would've attracted get back to the guild so all's well that ends well [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25795-kyuubey/ said:
I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. xD
Lol yeah my bad. The lightning strike at the guild hall could've attracted everyone back to the guild hall. Where they will find Kelica sitting on a table and Noah drinking wine @Kyuubey
ThatSideCharacter said:
Name: Terra Ashford
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race(PM Me before making a race that hasn't been accepted): Human

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 156lbs

Guild and Guild Mark Location: none (as of currently)

Appearance:(Picture is required, textual description is optional, anime preferred)


Class(C, B, A, S, etc.): C


Bone Memory Magic:
This magic revolves around using bones of animals via biting on it. It allows him to recall memories, experiences and abilities. That being said, it also alters his personality slightly whenever he uses this magic. Because of this he limits himself from taking abilities of other intellectual beings, dragons included as there is a greater chance that the altered personality could very well take him over completely. The bone gives off a smoke effect on the end of it to signify its use.

He also has basic knowledge on Fire Magic but due to an accident he's very hesitant to use it.

Bone Memory: Wolf: He becomes stronger and much more agile. His sense of smell is also heightened. Most of the time he's on all four limbs when using this bone. This is his most commonly used magic due to its simplicity.

Bone Memory: Turtle: He can harden his skin to extreme amounts for a short period of time in order to greatly increase his durability.

Future Magic (For later on):

Bone Memory: Mammoth:
He gains tremendous strength and he's much more durable. He also becomes three times heavier along with being much slower. His fighting style revolves around palm strikes.

Bone Memory Manipulation:
This magic further draws from the bone and creates a weapon.

(Planning to add more... but for now this is all I have...)

Personality: Despite how his face looks, he's actually quite a passive person. In most cases, he'll try to explain that he's actually a nice person which in turn gets him confused as some sort of ruffian. Basically, he's misunderstood constantly, getting into unwanted trouble. He's also very diligent and responsible in any task or chore. His concerns lie in other people more than himself, regardless if they are ally or foe.

When using the bone of the wolf, his personality becomes much more erratic and hostile towards others, regardless of who they are. The other bones so far don't change his personality much.

Bio: Terra is a person born into a family of mages. They were not well known, but they carried the unique magic Bone Memory. Their family carried the job of helping with families who have lost loved ones and allow them to speak with them at least once to help their struggles. Due to this strange job, along with the fact that Terra was born with a natural glare, most kids his age would be afraid of him. That was when he'd come up with the idea to try to use magic similar to a hero, that hero being Natsu Dragneel.

Of course, what he'd try to learn was not Fire Dragon Slayer magic, but simple Fire Magic. And he'd succeed in doing so. Confident in showing off his abilities to control fire, he'd attempt to show off his abilities to the other kids. It would work at first but he'd become over confident and try to increase the size of his flame. As a result he would lose control of it and end up getting burnt on his left arm and face While some of the burns would heal over time, burns across the left of his face would remain, and his already scary, natural glare would become even more frightening.

His parents would scold him in using such dangerous magic without supervision and he'd learn his lesson and give up on trying to use fire magic. In exchange, his father would teach him how to use Bone Memory, a magic Terra was reluctant to learn. But experiencing it first hand his impression would slowly change. Feeling the experiences, and memories of the deceased and realizing what the magic truly was taught him this: "It is not the magic that makes the person, but rather the person who uses the magic."

He'd eventually grow to his current age and travel to Fiore, in order to get into a guild and send money to his parents.


  • Animals
  • Graveyards
  • Travelling
  • Helping others (no matter how small the task is)


  • Being irresponsible/laziness
  • Being misunderstood
  • Seemingly random acts of violence/destruction (although he becomes indifferent to this when biting into the wolf bone)
  • Getting close to fire


He is often misunderstood due to his face, and because of this he's really good at running away from unwanted trouble.


Ehhh... nothing else I guess...?
I like this character
Embaga Elder]Lol yeah my bad. The lightning strike at the guild hall could've attracted everyone back to the guild hall. Where they will find Kelica sitting on a table and Noah drinking wine [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25795-kyuubey/ said:
Oh. Sora won't really notice that, she's on a mission! Painful life of a medic. xD

But I will have Aria go there to stalk Kelica. Huehuehue.

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