Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Zuka said:
Help me.
Refaulted said:

Jacob Foles

Machine of the Mist









5 feet 10 inches


145.6 lbs.

Guild and Guild Mark Location:

No Guild

Class(C, B, A, S, etc.):

Considered S-Class


Mist Magic:

While Mist Magic is not considered a powerful magic, it can be used for a variety of purposes. It can create a large cloud that will spread and disorient foes, and can be condensed into a thick cloud that can slow enemy movements. A user of this magic can also transform their body into mist for a few moments, before having to reform. This, of course, drains the users magic considerably if the mage does not have enough practice doing this. A user of this magic can also use it as a way to fly or hover, as they can create a cloud that they can stand on.

Metal Manipulation Magic:

This magic is only useful if a source of iron, steel, titanium, or any sort of metal similar to those is nearby. The user can mold the shape of metal to their liking, as long as they have the correct amount of metal needed in order to create the object they wish to make. Some examples of items that can be created are weapons, such as swords and hammers, and sculptures, such as tiny figurines of people or animals, and a user can even create parts to machines with enough practice. As a user has more practice with this magic, they can manipulate metal faster and faster until it only takes a few seconds.

Temperature Magic:

Temperature Magic is the ability to alter the coolness or warmth of an item or multiple items. This can include the air around a target, or a sword that a user wields. This magic is most commonly used for mages who are cooks and require stoves or freezers. It takes a long time to master this magic, as achieving perfect temperatures someone needs is a very difficult task.

All of these magic come together to form Jacob's very own magic type...

True Assassin Magic.


Jacob is a very quiet and serious man. If he is given a task to complete, he will not stop until his task is done. He is strict when he works with people, expecting them to pull their own weight and not have to rely on him. He enjoys working alone most of the time due to this. He has trouble getting along with overly bossy people, and he isn't afraid to sacrifice something in order to achieve his goal. While a cold-hearted person, Jacob loves spending time with children. He finds them calming at times, and is very loving to them. Jacob is kind to the elderly and the sick as well, sometimes only carrying out a job to kill one if they are in serious pain. He hates killing those that can't put up a fight.


Born in Fiore, Jacob was the son of a family of lower-class mages. Not part of a Guild, his father was a cook for a local restaurant, and his mother was a blacksmith. They just barely made ends meet, but Jacob was happy with them. He learned both of their magics, both from them teaching him and from them being passed down to him in his birth. He was gifted with Metal Manipulation, while he struggled a bit with Temperature Magic. He soon began to pick it up easier as he grew, and he began experimenting on how to mix the two magics together.

One day, Jacob's parents were assassinated. The police deemed it as a simple murder for their belongings, but nothing was missing. Jacob knew better, and went out hunting for the man who had killed his parents. He disguised himself as a simple orphan that was abandoned, and he managed to pick up information. He followed his hunt for an entire year before he found his murderer. When he confronted the man, Jacob was simply dismissed. He attempted to kill the man, but he was just easily defeated and thrown out of the bar he had found him in.

Over the next few days, Jacob would continue to try and kill him, only to be defeated and sent away again.

Jacob's rage soon disappeared, and he became curious. He approached the man again, who was fully ready to send the boy away with a beating once more. But Jacob threw him a curveball and asked him to train him as an assassin, and how to become strong. The man, baffled, decided that he would teach the young boy who looked like a devil, with red eyes and white hair. Taking the child under his wing, Jacob was brought back to the man's Guild, Noxus Ravens, in Boscow.

For a decade, Jacob trained and did jobs as an assassin. He learned how to use different weapons, with his favorites being dual daggers. He also learned how to properly dispose of bodies, as well as make them look like a simple murder. He was taught ways to kill quickly, quietly, efficiently, in every way. He also learned how to incorporate his magic into the business, and soon picked up Mist Magic in order to help with his hunts.

One day, when Jacob was a young men, he received a job from an anonymous source. The order was simple: kill all the members of Noxus Ravens.

The rage Jacob had felt so long ago rekindled, and he returned to his Guild Hall, and that night, not a single survivor was found among the piled up bodies in the torched building.

Jacob then moved on as a freelance assassin for a few years. He continued practicing his magic in order to better himself, mixing them all into his own form of magic style. He soon dropped being a hired assassin all together, and began a life as a drifter.


- Fancy occasions

- Cold weather

- Hot chocolate

- Children

- Dancing


- Those who target the helpless

- Singing in front of crowds

- Other assassins

- Hot climates


Jacob carries a long metal staff around with him so he always has access to metal for his magic.

(This is a character I would begin using in the next arc, if possible.)

I think this one
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki had been sat on that crystal chair for what felt like hours... Days. He could hear the sounds of crickets inside that would slowly dissipate from time to time, fizzling out into the dark of the night. Masaki got up from the chair and brushed his left hand in the air as he walked over towards a window, the chair shattered and the crystals that formed it, vanished. Looking out the window, there was practically nothing in sight. Nothing that was interesting and worth taking note of to be totally honest. Street lights were on and they helped to illuminate the place, adding the necessary light so that Clover wasn't just a heap of darkness and the moon, well... It was a pretty moon. Masaki smiled to himself as he turned around to check on Beau, and smiling as Winter spoke and set off for the balcony. The building was quiet, it made Masaki want to crack open a book instantaneously but he knew that 'now was not the time'.
The silence of the town lasted for quiet a while, until a loud voice boomed through Clover. "HERES FAIRY TAIL", it echoed and traveled throughout the city, Masaki wouldn't have been surprised if their arrival had woken up all of the residents as well. Masaki sighed, "Well... At least I know I was right." He spoke to himself softly, "But my God does she have a voice on her. I'm imagining she's about 6ft tall... Yes, that should do i-" Masaki stopped speaking and scratched his head, "It most certainly can't be their Guildmaster... She's so small and nice, and... Innocent, I think. It's best not to jump to conclusions.". Oh how he was wrong. Masaki broke into a small amount of laughter. He had seen their Guildmaster around on occasion, probably only once or twice though. But she is definitely a character you remember upon first glance.

After looking out of the window for a while, Masaki acknowledged a familiar presence with Winter. "Sasuke's here?" Masaki smiled, "Alright we're sorted! THIS REWARD IS OURS!" He yelled, quite loudly. But as soon as he realised how out of character that was for him he quickly retreated to a corner and sat there. As to hide the blush of embarrassment that had covered his face.

@Any of you Saber lovelies, or anyone else heyhhyy come join the cat party
Kayzo said:
The train ride for Grace was very uneventful. She talked with Marcus for a few and then slept the rest of the time. Pretty much what she would be doing back at the guild. She didn't have a clue how long that ride ended up being or how far away they were from home, but it must be pretty far.
"This place is huge!" She whispered to Ferra as they arrived at the Mage filled mansion. Never in her life has she seen so many guilds at one place, but the one that caught her Attention was Fairy Tale. She really didn't like that guild, seeing that they got much more recognition than Lamia Scale, and they were such show offs! She couldn't help but roll her eyes at their mass amount of people, and continued to follow Lloyd.

Next thing Grace knew was that she was in the mansion. Lloyd was speaking to some guild member, while the rest of the group stood behind him. She really didn't bother to listen to what they were saying, so she fiddled with a strand of hair. However, what she did hear was someone yell out how the reward was theirs, and that made her frown.
"Hey, shut up! You aren't going to get anything!"she yelled back, searching the crowd for whoever yelled that.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Bunny @Mitchs98

First two Grasaki posts.

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