Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Colt556 said:
congratulations, you just triggered a Vietnam flashback
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.0927d9f7e61d8dd0ada7d8671740cdb7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126351" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.0927d9f7e61d8dd0ada7d8671740cdb7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Tfw you ran out of toilet paper and didn't have an extra roll but because you're such a wreck you find a piece laying on the ground and you break down and cry in happiness.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.eb6c95a4717c7c684ef1e4f54be84e46.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126360" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.eb6c95a4717c7c684ef1e4f54be84e46.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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HuorSpinks said:
Would you like to post for Kelica first? I need her location, so I can have Lloyd look for her.
Ok, @Isune kind of gave me a blank >_> seriously what BF passes out when their GF is clearly mentally disturbed.

lolica is still on

I'm kidding! I'm still way nervous about them meeting. IC a month, but OOC like... how many months now?!
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@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98

January is when our characters had the Malnia fight. Just for a read through... they are adorable!

Zuka said:
Kelica - Edge of the forest near the town
Kelica had been warped the last of mages, figuring it must have been her severe lack of magic power compared to the others. Her eyes blinked slowly and painfully opening, hearing roaring, crashing and devastation around her. As her green eyes tried to focus in on what was going on, she felt the overwhelming agony of the forest. The death and fear of the creatures, the marks on the trees, the burnt ground. She took a shaky step forward before dropping to her knees her fingernails scrapping at the bark of a nearby tree as she tried to hold herself up. She groaned, tears whelling up at the corners of her eyes and she fell violently ill. Heaving the last of her breakfast up before willing herself to stand, the pale looking girl hobbled through the overgrowth and trees. She came to the edge of the forest, clinging desperate to keep her upright and she looked high in the sky to the overlooming red dragon.

So they were real... and they did destroy everything in their wake.

She wept openly for the forest. Though she ran a finger under her eyes to brush the tears partially away, she stumbled closer to the scene where the dragon battle was happening. What could she do? She was so weak and fragile as she was, the overwhelming fear of the forest making every step agony, to the point she simply fell to her knees once more, in the open. "why... why would they do this..." her knecklace starting a low green glimmer.

HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Malnia Forest Ruins
Lloyd heaved a sigh of relief when the fires around the dragon's legs winked out of existence. It had been getting unbearably hot on the dragon; his shirt was already half-covered with sweat. Perhaps he should have taken off his jacket before jumping on the dragon... but his relief was short-lived as the next thing he knew, the dragon, and he himself with it, was free-falling all the way to the ground at an extremely fast rate. as if the dragon was being pulled down by an extremely powerful force. Once again, he held on for dear life, but the final impact of the dragon hitting the ground was so great that he ended up loosing his grip on the dragon and down onto the ruined grass beside the dragon. The impact flung him a few feet in the air and before he could right himself, he hit the ground. Unfortunately for him, he hit the ground knee first, and there was a sickening crack as an extremely sharp pain shot through his entire right leg.

He gritted his teeth, refusing to cry out from the pain, instead forcing himself into a sitting position to gauge where he was, abet a bit slowly as he could barely even move his right leg. He was a few feet from the dragon and there was no way he was going to be able to get back on the dragon, not with his leg in this state. In addition, it did not seem likely that the dragon would be flying again; or at least for very far so it probably would not matter that he was earthbound. His leg refused to support him so he pretty much had to crawl to a ruined tree a good distance away from the dragon, biting on his lip the entire time so as not to cry out each time movement caused that sharp pain to spike up his leg again. It was definitely broken. There were many other ruined trees in the vicinity, so he assumed that he must have crawled into what used to be a forest. Either way, it would provide him good cover from the dragon.

He pushed himself upright against the tree, standing on his good leg and leaning his back against the tree for support. Fortunately for him, he had not lost grip of his bow and he still had a good many arrows with him. He was facing the dragon head on now, and before the dragon could attack him he whipped out an arrow and sent it speedily through the air, channeling his magic through the arrow to increase it's speed and strength. Hence, it was with the strength of a thousand arrows that he sent six arrows right through to the dragon's eyes, three into it's right eye and three into it's left, in quick succession. He was pretty much running on guess work, however, and much like he had guessed that the wings were a dragon's weak point, he was hoping that the eyes would be one as well. His first guess had proven to be correct, as his arrows had damaged the dragon's ability to fly, and hopefully he would be lucky again.

@Colt556 @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
Zuka said:
Kelica - Ground zero - Dragon fight
Kelica felt numbness wash over her. The overwhelming presence of the burnt forest and dead creatures waste making her chest hurt. Her eyes finally focused in on the red dragon and watched as something grasped it's leg and dragged it down. She threw her arms up infront of her face to protect from any debris and when it settled she spread her arms open to peek out.

She heard a very loud crash and crack near her, and turned slightly to look that way. Something had flow off the back of the dragon and tried to drag itself away, her eyes widened when she noticed it was that guild master from before, Lloyd. She watched him fire off those arrows towards the dragon before looking back as it howled and started spewing fire in all direction's. He was in no shape to move anywhere. She gulped down her fear and agony, whispering as she leapt off the ground and ran straight for him. "The forest, hear my plea, I am sorry I could not help you sooner, but I need your help now!" Her knecklace glowing brightly, as she raced she saw the red dragon take a huge breath in and aim straight towards Lloyd, not even knowing he was there without it's sight.

In her head time seemed to stand still even as she ran, the world quietened around her so all she could hear was her footsteps. And the whisper of the trees on the wind. "help us... use us... save us.." she skidded to a halt standing tall before the Guild Master, a green circle firing around them both. She crossed her arms before her face, clenching her eyes closed. "Guardian of the Forest: Tree Shield!" At first there was nothing, then a huge rumble in the ground, shaking the earth all around them even as far as the church. Then with a loud crack huge roots burst from the ground and encircled them both, intwining, tightening, gripping each other in a doom shape. It was constantly wriggling, strengthening. And a moment later a loud crash outside as the dragons fire hit it head on. Yes, fire burnt wood, but this wood was alive and continually growing and thickening, mending itself.

The girl gasped with the energy to hold it, dropping to one knee. Yes she was a C-class mage, but only because she had just joined Fairytale, and because she had yet to untap the majority of her powers.


@Kayzo @Chara Angel of Death @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Goldencurls @Salt Lord @AnarchyReins @WoodenZebra
Zuka said:
Kelica - "New desert" Malina
Even on one knee, with her arms crossed before her face, she kept her magic on. She pushed as much as she could into the roots and vines to keep them alive and protected. But soon she had to pull the back part of the shield around to the front to keep it from blowing away, making an umbrella shape faced towards the blast. Watching fire coil and slide around them as it followed the sides of the shield. But even then it wasn't enough... it was to strong, there was no vegetation left to help, no forest, no animals, nothing...

Kelica for the first time heard silence. Not a single word, thought or feeling from her beloved forest. And like that her shield disintegrated into nothing. Her hands fell forward to land before her, so she was on all fours, in shock. "why... " she whispered. So quiet. But then, one voice. She turned to look behind her, looking to the lone tree Lloyd was leaning against. "Ah little one... We have stood for a very long time.. even before these dragon creatures... we grow, we seed and we die... just as we die we will seed and grow once more.. " the tree would give a reassuring smile if it could. Her green eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry... " She whispered again before she felt the burning heat off the dragon and the tree burst into flames and scorched to nothing.

Silence once more... even through tears she noticed a tiny moment of something rolling towards her. It stopped just as her side. She reached down and picked up the one tiny seed left from the forest, clenching her fist tightly around it to keep it safe. "I'll keep you safe... I promise..."

She took a deep breath in and wiped her tears away once more. She finally heard Lloyd talk to her and glanced over to him. "heh..." She didn't really know what to say, physically she was fine. Mentally... well she was drained. And his leg looked completely wrecked. She watched him fire the tornado arrow and crawled closer to him her eyes squinting against the wind followed a moment later by the dragon slayer. Now the forest was gone she felt useless...but then she happened to glance down to petal, the flower that was wrapped securely against her wrist. You could see the cogs working in her mind even as she stared down to Lloyds leg. "do you remember when I helped Petal here to grow from the smashed vase, I wonder... " already moving a hand over the broken bone before he responded "I've never tried this on a human, but it can't be that different to an animal right? " whispering nervously more to herself.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Ruins of Malnia Forest
Lloyd was not even aware of his surroundings, his eyes covered by his right arm. He was barely able to move; his body ached with exhaustion and he could barely move anything. His right leg was buzzing with pain; pain he had almost gotten used to. All the same, he figured that he should get his leg checked at least. He knew it was broken. It just... took too much energy to even move a limb; energy he was no longer sure he had. And then... the oppressive heat faded. A cool breeze slowly drifted in his direction, stirring up his sweat-soaked hair. A small breeze, yet it felt heavenly compared to that great heat from earlier. He hardly dared hope that this mean that the dragon was dead. Because if it wasn't... he was in no position to contribute to the fight any longer. A great crash some distance away, the earth around him shuddering with the impact... and then nothing. Wind, A breeze. Peace.

He forced his arm back down to the ground so he could take a look at his surroundings, and also because he heard a female voice asking him something. Something about a plant being healed and that she had never tried this before on a human. For a few moments he had to squeeze his eyes shut against the sunlight as sparkles played about his eyelids, but soon he managed to open them again, to look in Kelica's direction as she bent over him.

"Is... Is the dragon dead?" he asked her, his voice weak, shaky, somewhat breathy, lined with pain and exhaustion. Hope flared in him; perhaps she would be able to heal his leg. Perhaps not heal, but at least reduce the pain somewhat. She looked as exhausted as he felt, and he did not want her to collapse in the process of healing him. "Perhaps... just reducing the pain a little would be enough," he mumbled finally. "At least, until we both recover."

Zuka said:
Kelica - Malina battle zone edge
Kelica kept her hand over his leg, before lifting her face and looking over to the prone dragon. She closed her eyes, her necklace glowing softly before she opened them again. "I.. believe so, she is not moving and I feel... cold around her." She grinned down to him "you certainly did a number on her? For a guy with a such a messy office, you have a certain attention to detail when it comes to your arrows..."

She moved her right fist over her bag and placed the last forest seed into one of the pockets on her belt, making her hands free. She cracked her knuckles and closed her eyes as she rested her palms with a feather touch on the break in his leg. Another green circle sprouted around them both once more, but this one made a soft humm noise. Her hair started to agitate as she used her power to pinpoint the original break spot. It was hard, there was cartilage broken, tendons torn and blood vessels broken but she found the bone split and took a deep breath in.

"Alright, I'm not a healer as such, what I do is simply ask your muscles and bones, tendons and blood vessels to fix themselves alittle faster. Like giving a plant a fertiliser." figuring he wouldn't really care how it was done, just that it was. "Guardian Magic: Cell Regeneration". Pouring her energy that felt like it started in her chest and was amplified through the necklace, down her arms to make her fingers and palm tingle. At first there was nothing but slowly he might have felt his muscles and tendons flexing, the pain sight started to throb as blood was pumped to it.

She opened her eyes and stared to him with a serious look. "This will hurt... get ready.. " She clenched her eyes and gritted her teeth. Then she forced her palm down re-breaking the bone and forcing it back into place. She tried to block her ears out from the sound he would surely make, before flooding the area with magic causing the bone to reattach, muscles to rethread each other and nerves to reconnect. Like she was making months of recovery in a few minutes. She gasped out and shook with the effort, sweat dripping down the side of her face. He was much larger then the average squirrel or bird she had healed, or flower, and the humans body composition was far more complex. But with every mission she went on and time she spent with these mages the more she learnt about her powers and how to push them even further.

"Just... a little... more... " finally clearing up the bruising on the surface. His leg was as good as new. If anything it was strengthen. She shook and trembled before falling to a heap beside him.

Though she had a stupid grin on her face. "One Kelica... Zero Dragon... "

HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Malnia Forest Ruins
Lloyd closed his eyes, smiling in sheer relief when he heard that the dragon was dead. More so when Kelica commented that he had done a number on it, though he had to wince slightly when she mentioned the state of his office. He would have to ask her if she had seen it before, and when, because he had absolutely no recollection of meeting prior to this mission. Truth be told, he had not been expecting his attack to have much damage on the dragon, but apparently he had stunned it enough to allow Ms Marvell her final move in. The dragon was dead. The battle was over. They could all rest for the time being.

He opened his eyes again at the sound of humming in the air, and found himself once again within a green circle. Kelica was , saying something, explaining what she was planning to do, with both her palms resting gently on his broken leg, her touch so light that he could barely feel it. There was this weird sensation in his leg, of his muscles and tendons shifting, accompanied by the pain of his leg throbbing. He winced slightly, then tensed. At Kelica's warning of pain, he nodded once, then pressed the back of his right hand against his mouth, in an attempt to prevent any sound from escaping.

And then, she pressed down, hard, on his leg. His back arched and he cried out in pain, the sound mostly muffled by the back of his hand. He felt as if the muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments were moving on their own accord, and through it all, there was this constant buzzing ache, sometimes a sharp pain. He bit down hard on his own skin in an effort to not scream or whimper. No other sound escaped his mouth fortunately. His eyes were squeezed shut and he instinctively tensed, his left hand clutching, his fingers digging into the ground. And then slowly, the pain faded from his leg. He opened his eyes, removed his hand from his mouth and saw Kelica collapsed in a heap beside him. He could move his right leg again. It no longer hurt. Slowly, he lifted it from the ground and it looked and felt whole again, as if it had never been broken. As good as new. The back of his hand, however, contained deep grooves of teeth marks, where he had bitten down on his skin in an effort to muffle his pained cries.

"Thank you," he said quietly, grinning in her direction in relief and gratitude. He really owed her one. And he would see to it that someday, he would be able to repay back what she had done for him. There was not much to say after that, they both rested from their exertions. He would have to think of what to do next after this. Find his guild members. Locate Lucian. Check if there were any more dragons (he so hoped not, if fighting this one dragon was enough to drain him...). But for now, he was simply contented to rest and regain his energy. He closed his eyes and slipped off into a dreamless sleep.

Zuka said:
Kelica - Malina Forest Edge
Kelica laid there on her side breathing softly, I mean for a C-class she had all but held her own against a dragon who had destroyed the forest and drowned two Guild Masters. Maybe she would be the next fairytale guild master! She laughed at that thought.

She patted at her bum bag belt with the seed snuggly inside. When this was all over she really had to replant it so that the forest could grow back to it's former glory. She was glad they fought here and not in a snowy mountain top, her powers were only useful near a forest.

She peaked an eye open and sat up slowly, she didn't sleep as such, just relaxed to get her powers up and running. She glanced down to Lloyd and his slumber, noticing his bow. "hmm... " continually peering at his face she wiggled her fingers under his grip and slowly peeled the bow from his grasp, making a phew noise when she got it free. She inspected it closely, the wood was old, and from a tree she couldn't recognise. She closed her eyes as her fingers coiled around it, her hand buzzing gently.

She worked like she had a moment ago, strenghtening, but adding a more bamboo flexibility into it. As she did, the wood grain changed to become more intricate. This would "upgrade" his bow so that it would house stronger arrows and give him much farther range. It was no trouble and relaxing to work around wood in this manner. She hoped he wouldn't mind her fiddling with it.

HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Malnia Forest Ruins
Lloyd was not aware of how much time had passed while he had been sleeping. The sun was still in the same position in the sky when he finally opened his eyes. He felt so much better after that rest. His body felt like it was back to it's previous energy levels, though he still ached a little. He could move again. He gave a little contented sigh. Napping outdoors sure felt rejuvenating. He had done that lots of times when he was younger, and it was a treat to be able to do so again, especially since this was the first time he got to nap outdoors since being promoted to guild master.

He was content to lie still for a few more minutes, but he knew there were lots of things still to be done. First though, he had to check on Kelica's condition. He turned his head in her direction, only to blink in surprise as he spotted his bow in her hands. His first instinct was to jump up, grab his bow from her hands and demand to know what she was doing with it but he quickly quelled that urge. Despite knowing Kelica for a few days only, he trusted her. Plus, she had healed and protected him with great cost to herself, and he was not even in the same guild as her to begin with.

Instead, he simply pushed himself into a sitting position, drawing his knees together and resting his arms on them. It felt so good to be able to move his right leg like that with no pain. He never really got to thank her properly and he probably never would. "What are you doing with my bow?" he asked finally, in a curious tone of voice, a quizzical expression on his face.

Zuka said:
Kelica - Malina New Desert

Kelica hadn't even heard him awaken, her eyes so focused on fortifing his bow and concerntrating on feeding the wood her power, that when he spoke she literally squeeled, her face distraught as she looked to him. She immediately assumed he was angry with her even though his body language and voice pitch said anything but.

"aah.. aaah.. so, your bow is made from wood..I mean, obviously.. stupid kelica.. but I'm good with plants you see.. he knows that, obviously.. and, well, I wanted to take a closer look.. it's made from a tree I don't recognise at all... but even so, I thought I could use the same cell regeneration technique I used on you for the wood, see? So I ah...strengthened it but also increased the threads of wood inside the build to give it more elasticity...like bamboo? Anyway... not only does it look prettier, it will house stronger and more magically potent arrows, as well as increase your range to... you're welcome!! " taking a massive breath afterwards.

Scrunching her eyes and thrusting the bow back towards him nervously. She really should have waited for him to wake up before making the modifications. Though now it had some distinct green patterns over it, in strange symbols not unlike Celtic crosses. "
sorry... " she mumbled meekly at the end.

HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Malnia New Desert
Lloyd blinked, a surprised expression crossing his face. "You upgraded it?" He asked, reaching over and gently taking the bow from her. He grinned at her. "I should be thanking you then." He looked over the bow, running his hands over it, bending and testing both the string and the handle. Already he could feel a slight difference in the bow he had owned for pretty much most of his life. This bow had been with him since he was seven years old; he had crafted it himself the moment he learnt how to craft a bow, from the tribe he was from back in the West. It was his most prized possession. And because he knew his bow so intimately, he could already pick up on the changes from the upgrade Kelica had given it. It felt more bendy and elastic, yet stronger somehow, able to take more than it used to. The only thing he did not like though, were the little green patterns; he supposed that would take some getting used to. He was so used to his bow being a single dark brown, with wood grains.

His brow furrowed a bit, as he rubbed at one of the green patterns, before turning to face Kelica. "Thank you," he said, a genuine smile crossing his face. "You healed my leg and upgraded my bow. I owe you twice now. I'll do my best to repay you for those." He was suitably impressed as he glanced at Kelica. Not only could she use nature and talk to animals, she could also heal humans and upgrade wooden weapons. She was probably a lot more powerful than she looked, much like the majority of the mages he had interacted with today.

He glanced away from her and towards the carcass of the dragon in the distance. Then slowly, carefully, he got to his feet. He raised his arms above his head, linking his fingers together, before slowly bringing them back down again. "We should check on the others who had also been fighting the dragon. I bet they're just as exhausted as we were." He shook his head. "That was truly a great dragon. It was an honor to even be able to fight it." He turned to Kelica. "I believe Clair and Ms Marvell are from your guild right? Would you like to accompany me to check on them?" He looked rather concerned then. "Are you able to stand?"

Zuka said:
Kelica - Malnia - New Desert
Kelica took a deep breath outwards as he didn't seem too upset with her improvements. It was only fortunate the battle was near a forest and his equipment was wood so she could use her powers on it. Though with the frown on the symbols, she reached her hand forward gently to hover and slide over the bow and, unintentionally, his fingers. As her palm slide up it, the symbols slowly disappeared till she reached the tip and flicked her wrist, till it looked as normal. She glanced up to his face. "the symbols are only there to help guard the wood if you over extend it, they should only glow under intense pressure. You should test it out... " she placed her hands in her lap now and smiled.

"ahh, I'll definitely take up your offer when all this is over.. A helping hand to regrown this forest is always welcome."

At her heart she was a genuine soul, with no ill will or bad intentions and seemed to see the best in people regardless of their disposition. That's why the destruction from the dragon surprised her so.

She nodded with the talk of helping Sora and Clair though she blushed and scratched the back of her head. "um sure but.. you should know, I haven't joined Fairytale very long....literally a day before all this started up.. so I have yet to get to know anyone.. funny how the world works, when I am most acquainted with the Guild Master of another guild! " Laughing softly. At the mention of getting up, she waved him off. "of course I can-" lifting herself up only partially before she half collapsed to one knee. Her head was spinning erratically and she had close her eyes to try and steady her stomach. "ugh... maybe I pushed a little to hard... "

HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Malnia New Desert
Lloyd stared in amazement (and relief) when the green markings vanished. "That would be a great help," he had to admit, with a sheepish grin on his face. "I probably end up over-extending my bow without even knowing it. And in return I'd gladly help you with whatever you need to do to return this forest back to it's original state." His bond with nature was definitely not as strong as Kelica's by far, but he did have an appreciation for nature. He did not have any forest powers himself, but he loved nature in the sense that it was a peaceful retreat from the stresses of humanity and it was usually where he went in order to rejuvenate himself. He would gladly do all he could to aid Kelica in this task, as he too felt rather bad about the wanton destruction that the dragon had unleashed on the surroundings.

It was not just the forest though. It was the people and the buildings that suffered. He wondered if there were any survivors left after that blast. He would have to go and check soon. There had still been people living in the ruins when the red dragon attacked and what work they had done to resume their lives had probably been destroyed again. He shook his head, a sad sigh issuing from him. Dragons were truly disruptive creatures and he hoped that after this one, there would no more. Perhaps the other mages were already helping with the survivors; first and foremost, he had to check for Clair and Ms Marvell.

He turned to face Kelica, and had to chuckle as she mentioned not really knowing her own guild. "Well, now's a good time then, get to know some of your guild members. It is wise though, to get to know people from other guilds. You'll never know when you may need to call on them for aid. And it would be easier to ally together in times like these if you already have contact with them." Having contacts with people from other guilds were also extremely useful when one wanted to switch guilds, but he did not think it was right of him to mention that last point. Fortunately for him, he had yet need to switch guilds, and now as Guild Master it was pretty much set in stone that he would die as a Lamia Scale member.

His brow furrowed again, with concern as he watched Kelica try to stand, only to collapse on one knee. He immediately felt guilty, as he was probably a major factor that contributed to her being in this state. He crouched, kneeling on one knee beside her. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled. "If you like, I could carry you on my back. If you are all right with that, that is."

Zuka said:
Kelica - Malina New Desert
Kelica scrunched her eyes up as her stomach turned.."not again... I only just ate breakfast..." well it only felt like she had just eaten Mr Grays breakfast, with all the adrenaline recently she's had. As he knelt beside her she blinked and lifted her head slowly, her green eyes peering strangely into his. "ugh... a lift would be lovely.. I can't restore magic of the other mages, but I might be able to help physical injuries?" though even as she said it she trembled slightly. With no forest or trees to draw on she was a duck out of water. She gave him a warm smile however. "you know...I might be regretting joining Fairytale...I hear Lamia Scales Guild Master is pretty cool too..even if his office is a mess.. " winking heavily as him before laughing cutely. She always saw the light in things.

HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Malnia New Desert
Lloyd turned quite red at Kelica referring to him as cool, and once again, his messy office. "I guess I really ought to get that cleared..." he mumbled to himself, a chastised look on his face. "Anyway, erm... would probably be best that you get to know your guild members before thinking of switching. A day is too early to get a feel of a guild. Not that I don't want you in my guild of course... but just get to know your guild members first." He shook his head. "No healing, especially not with you in such a condition. I don't want to have you collapsing because you overtaxed yourself again. I'm planning to simply check on the others. I'm thinking that they might have woken up by now."

With that, he gently guided Kelica onto his back, then grasped his bow and quiver with his right hand, drawing them both to his chest. Slowly, he pushed himself back up to a standing position with his free hand, taking a moment to steady his balance. It was a good thing Kelica was light enough for him to bear her weight with little difficulty, even if she was heavier than what he was used to carrying on his back. But he could manage that extra weight, as long as his movements were slower. And with that, he began to make his way towards the dragon. Once in a while, he had to reach out with his other hand to steady himself, but as he got used to walking again, it became easier to keep his balance on his slowly strengthening legs.

Finally, he reached the area where Ms Marvell and Clair were located. They were still unconscious, but alive at least, and lying on top of each other. Slowly, he crouched again, dropping his bow and quiver and using both hands to lift Ms Marvell off from Clair's body, and laying her comfortably on the ground beside Clair. The dragon's carcass lay some distance away. What made him frown though, was the fact that there were two figures directly against the dragon's body, and one of the figures was streaked with red. He glanced down at Ms Marvell and Clair, took about two seconds to decide that the red-streaked figure seemed to be in worse condition, and hasted towards the two figures.

Lloyd - Near Dragon Carcass

As he neared them, he saw indeed that one of the figures looked to be in a horrible condition, while the other figure tried to help her. Both were women, but the white-haired one (or at least, he thought her hair was white; it was mainly red now due to the blood) had a Fairy Tail guild mark on her right cheek, indicating that she was from the same guild as Clair, Ms Marvell, and Kelica. He had met neither of the women before though."Erm... is everything all right," he asked finally. "Is there anything I can do to help?" The "I" rather than "we" was deliberate, as he was not quite sure if Kelica's energy levels had sufficiently recovered.

@Zuka @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
Zuka said:
Kelica - Malina New Desert and Lloyds backpack
Kelica couldn't help but grin further as his face turned a deep red, he was so shy it was almost embarrassing and certainly not a thing you would expect of a Guild Master. But that just made it all the more easier to talk to him and not be intimidated. He could ask rather then tell his Guild members to do something, and she thought that was pretty impressive as a leader. It made his subjects all the more loyal. It reminded her of her Father, the Guardian of the Forest and how the creatures would come to his aid of he simply asked, not out of need but out of want.

As he moved around to allow her on his back, she slung her arms loosely around his neck, her legs tucked around his waist. The slow sway and rock of his steps causing her eyes to drift closed. Her head dangling down before resting quiet literally on his right shoulder. Her hair drifting gently against his arm. Her breathing settled then deepened as she had a quick nap as he wandered closer to the people. When he talked to..someone...she heard his voice rumble through his chest and shoulder which caused her to blink awake and peer over the top of it. She straightened slightly as her eyes narrowed in on the bloody woman. She recognised her as the S-class mage Sera, and there was something really important about her that she couldn't quiet remember. "That is Sera, she is an S-class wizard, so whatever caused this to her was head above a normal mage...." tensing up and trying to muster her strength. "whatever caused it will not be far.. " turning her head to look behind them for any signs of the enemy.

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Leo Radomir
Zuka said:
Kelica - Dragon Meat Central
Kelica watched Sera raise an eyebrow to her and she gave a soft little half embarrassed smile. "Um hi! My name is Kelica... I joined Fairytale a day or two before this whole mission came into play, and your reputation proceeds you! I'd show you my symbol but it's currently on my ankle and I really can not be bothered taking these boots off.. " stretching her legs out and wiggling her toes to show her.

She blushed thinking it would look weird to Sera how Lloyd was carrying her like that on his back. "so...I entered the battle and used up most of magic protecting and healing Lloyd here..though I am fine now.. " getting more and more awkward as the seconds passed, sliding her legs down from his waist and standing on her two feet, taking back her weight. She unlooped her arms and her knees straightened once more. She walked around the side of the Guild Master then standing before Sera and doing a cutsy.

"It is a pleasure to meet you... " It was a weird time and place to introduce herself, but how else was she supposed to do it. She green eyes did get a serious look though, noticing the cuts and bruises on her body.."If you would like I can try and heal those? I can't heal magic, however, so you will still need to rest.." Blocking her ears out from the disagreement she knew would no doubt come from Lloyd.

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir
HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Near Dragon Carcass
"I see," Lloyd said finally, nodding at Sera's words. He was not too happy about leaving Sera in this state, but he was not about to force people to accept help. Unless they were from his own guild, of course. Plus, it seemed that from afar it had looked worse than it did now. After all, the mage was now sitting upright, so he reasoned that she would probably be able to recover herself. It was what got her in this state though, that confused him. From what he was aware off, the dragon was dead. Unless there were some other fights going on in the vicinity. Which reminded him, he really ought to start looking for his own guild.

"If you don't mind me asking," he said finally, sounded rather awkward, "What did get you into such a state in the first place? It wasn't the dragon, was it?" Here, he eyed the dragon a little doubtfully. He did not remember this mage being part of that fight.

He felt Kelica wriggling about on his back, so he bent his knees slightly to allow her easier access to the ground. Much to his relief, she was able to stand on her own two feet this time. It seemed that she had recovered some of her energy, though Lloyd was still doubtful that healing Sera would not drain her of energy again. "Are you sure you're up to that?" he asked, turning to Kelica. "A few moments ago you were barely able to stand on your own." Sera did need healing and Kelica was able to provide it, that he did not deny. Ultimately, the decision would rest with Sera and Kelica; it was not his decision to make. Still though, he had to voice his concern.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir
Zuka said:
Kelica - Lump of Dragon Meat
Kelica heard the concern from Lloyd even without looking at him, she looked down to feet. She felt so useless with no forest or animals nearby to call upon, her only usefullyness is her ability to do a sort of heal spell (though unlike normal heal spells she only hastens the healing process and it intensifies the pain while she does it). She didn't think twice about doing it on Lloyd because they needed his skill up and running faster, but Sera seemed fine other then tired and she didn't want to hurt her unnecessarily.

She closed her eyes and sighed softly, before opening them with her normal genuine smile. Even before she explained her idea, she bent down to the woman and slipped an arm around her waist, whilst also slinging her arm over her shoulders. "In hindsight I think my healing will do more harm then good, but I can help you stand..." she didn't even wait for a response but tensed and straightened her legs to haul her up to her feet, so she could have a better view of the surroundings. Kelica then looked to Lloyd seriously. "now that you have rested, your leg is healed and I'm not weighing you down, you need to go find this God Slayer and help the others.....or find your Guild Members. I'll be here for Sera and when she is ready we will join in the fight.. " Her personality almost completely flipped, her tone serious and almost commanding. Though after a moment her smile broke through again and she blushed. "I mean... if you want to.. "

@Mitchs98 @HuorSpinks
HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Near Dragon Carcass
For a moment, Lloyd stared at Kelica, a stunned and rather confused look on his face. He was not quite expecting that tone of voice, and towards him. It just was not something he expected out of Kelica. Then, when she smiled and blushed, his own smile returned. "Good idea," he said finally. "Once everything is over, I will come and find you again. After all, I did promise to help you bring the forest back." Without waiting for an answer, he turned and hurried off, back in the direction of the town square. For someone to get an S-class mage in such a state, that had to be a pretty powerful individual.

Lloyd - Town Square Ruins

As he approached the town square, he found the place buzzing with activity. The magic council soldiers had finally arrived. They seemed to be everywhere; healing the wounded, taking eyewitness accounts. It took all his self control not to sag with relief. It ws all over, and they could all go home. He heard something about Grimorie Heart that made him frown; apparently they were responsible for all the stuff that had happened that day. This confused him; he had been so busy battling dragons that he had not even noticed any Dark Guild activity. He would have to find out more information, hopefully from his Guild Members.

Which reminded him that he needed to seek them out. He needed to find out if his Guild Members were all right, and in good shape at least. He had lost track of every single one of them during the Dragon fight, and he hoped that they were not seriously injured. Some guilt flared up in him then; he wondered if he had not been doing as good a job as a Guild Master should in looking after his members. First things first, he would need to find them. He was not even sure where to look, but the ruins of the town square was a good place to start. The forest ruins too, he would have to check that place later. And then after he found his guild members and ascertained that they were safe, he would have to track down Kelica and make good his promise to help her regrow the forest.

But first, he basked in this great sense of relief. It was all over.

Zuka said:
Kelica - Malina Desert - 2 weeks prior
Just before departing for their guild hall, Kelica pulled the tiny little seedling from her belt bag. She cupped it softly into her hands and kissed it before whispering gently.. "we live, we seed, we die, only to live again... " she crouched down to push the seed into the ground and brush the ground over the top covering it. She stood up then and closed her eyes.

It was a powerful spell, reaching her arms out, fingers splayed, a green circle not only around her but the seed as well. Her hair was floating with the sheer energy she was forcing into the magic. "Guardian of the Forest: Growth spell!" There was nothing for a moment then the ground shuddered, then cracked and split near the seed as a branch exploded outwards, followed soon by a huge tree trunk, strong and tall. The tree sprouted many branches and twigs before green seemed to explode all over it in a huge wave of leaves. As the tree grew, Kelicas necklace glowed brightly and her green eyes clouded over, becoming almost white. One tall tree, standing proud, at the centre of the town of Malina. Kelica smiled happily "It's not a forest but... in time... it...may be.. " shuddering then as her legs shook, and she collapsed with exhaustion.

Kelica - Fairytail Guild Hall - 2 weeks later

Kelica slept for what felt like forever, spending most of the time recovering, eating, drinking and laughing. It waste only after some time she found out Cece had been murdered and that weighed heavily on her heart, like most of the guild. On this day she returned to the hall, her plant still wrapped nice and tight around her wrist as always. She wandered up to the bar, spotting two people mourning with heads low.

She sat on a stool between both, glancing from one to the other. "so..." wondering how to perk both up. "you know it's almost that time of the year for the festival yeah? " gesturing for a beer which appeared post haste. It was strange, seeing the lovely girl with a heart of gold hold a stein of beer to her lip's and drink merrily. She knew it was a dark time, but wallowing in sadness would not help things. It's certainly not what Cece would have wanted.

@Defective Kitten @Isune
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Zuka said:
Ok, @Isune kind of gave me a blank >_> seriously what BF passes out when their GF is clearly mentally disturbed.
lolica is still on

I'm kidding! I'm still way nervous about them meeting. IC a month, but OOC like... how many months now?!
Heh. After that show Kelica put on, I'm also nervous about them meeting.
HuorSpinks said:
Heh. After that show Kelica put on, I'm also nervous about them meeting.
I was worried she over reacted, but when I re read the posts, it does make sense. I mean, look at everything she did, she used the last of the forest's energy to shield him, and healed his leg, and upgraded his bow (I forgot I did that), and he did promise to help her.

Which, not only did he not do, he didn't even write her a note, or send a message. Absolutely nothing. Completely ignored her.

I mean really. OOC He's a Guild Master, he's busy, I know that, but Kelica doesn't...

He should feel guilty! >_>

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