Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Mitch, we may be putting Mika in a love triangle, but if someone is fast enough they can pull lavender from that triangle to let sera have Mika~~~

Haha, thanks for giving Lysander a talent in handicrafts! I can totally work with that.

(Now I can pretend I am actually good at handicrafts by replying for Lysander)
HuorSpinks said:
Haha, thanks for giving Lysander a talent in handicrafts! I can totally work with that.

(Now I can pretend I am actually good at handicrafts by replying for Lysander)
Additional Content Unlocked: Hand Puns.

Well...that seems handy.
Genon said:
The Grimoire Heart spy at first could only think of how screwed he was when not one, but two other mages showed up. However, his stress soon gave way to relief as one mage revealed he could be easily dealt with, and the other apparently rolled a critical failure on his spot check. (Who says that Grimoire Heart mages don't play tabletop games?). As for how he would deal with the scythe-wielder, Requip could be used for more than just swapping items out, after all.
First, he Requipped into a new outfit, this time a hazmat suit. His ENVI outfit would protect him from debilitating magics and substances, like Poison Magic or any kind of acidic compound. The perfect thing to deal with a pesky mage like this one. With this, he could wade through Raa's strange liquefying magic like it was water.

The hazmat-suit wearing man then held out his arms and a magic circle appeared under his feet. "Requip Magic Secret Art: Thief's Wave!" With that incantation, a spell of his design, suddenly the hallway began to be converted into some kind of astral void creeping forward at an alarmingly fast rate. His Requip dimension. He had somehow gotten around the limitation of kidnapping people via Requip, and he was going to use it on his three enemies, as well as damage the entire Guild Hall in the process!


Adrian was at first glad to get new allies, but Ryu just had the biggest lapse in attention he had ever seen. "Ryu, are you blind? That guy down the hallway is a Grimoire Heart mage who just tried to break into Ophelia's office. I caught him sneaking in through a window. I think that maybe you can let the mysterious scythe-wielder go just this once if he's going to help us." Then he noticed that his assailant had changed into a Hazmat suit...and that the hallway was suddenly becoming rather starry. The wave touched his hand as he tried to get away, and his hand was frozen in place immediately. He tried to tug on his arm to get free, but he found he couldn't at all. He tried to shoot an Arcane Ray at the enemy, but it just froze the minute it touched the wave.

But then the spy realized just why you don't try to Requip-absorb a building. The spell washed over the wall between the Guild Masters, Valken, and the ensuing fight, and began to creep through. It reduced the structural integrity of the wall, and as the void threatened to absorb Adrian's shoulder...


@HuorSpinks @Zuka

That sound was the wall collapsing into smithereens, revealing the black void that signaled the beginning of Valken's secrecy spell. The Guild Masters couldn't hear the sound of the wall collapsing, but they could see the cloud of dust it raised within the room, which would prompt some coughing, along with the rather large chunks of wall that hit the ground right next to Ophelia. Furthermore, while Valken's spell protected against light and sound, it didn't protect against the onslaught of the man's misguided Requip spell, and the starry void began to enter the room through the secrecy spell Valken cast, bypassing the door entirely now that the wall had collapsed.

"Hey, guys? If you have something that could break me out of this, I could really use your help!" Adrian said to Ryu and Raa.
Why you so intent on prolonging this meeting? ;-;
Metaphysics said:
I kinda want to deal with him in a very permanent manner.
Well honestly, I was thinking within the next post or two he'd cause the ceiling to collapse above him, pinning him and forcing him to cancel the spell out of pain.
Genon said:
I don't see All is Dust on Raa's CS. Where is it and what does it do?
Not really a spell just very fine control of Solid Shift and Shape Shift.

Basically this:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-3_21-48-38.jpeg.1ce11534f2e2e32c2493c3b894dc83c1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-3_21-48-38.jpeg.1ce11534f2e2e32c2493c3b894dc83c1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-5-3_21-48-38.jpeg
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Metaphysics said:
Not really a spell just very fine control of Solid Shift and Shape Shift.
Basically this:
That's so tiny I can't even tell what's happening even if I click on the image.
Metaphysics said:
Not really a spell just very fine control of Solid Shift and Shape Shift.
Basically this:
So if I'm looking at this correctly, you want to turn his limbs into dust or sand or whatever?
Genon said:
That's so tiny I can't even tell what's happening even if I click on the image.

Metaphysics said:
The suit protects from debilitating magic and substances yes? He is in fact, in Raa's zone yes?
So you're saying you would directly target his body, through the suit, correct? Completely bypassing the Requip void?
Genon said:
So you're saying you would directly target his body, through the suit, correct? Completely bypassing the Requip void?
Well he's still in zone. To be quite honest I could also target the air in the suit to be less brutal about it.
Metaphysics said:
Raa's magical range. The distance where Raa can change things. Right now his quarry is in fact in his zone.
So you're saying he can change literally anything, including organic matter, through any kind of barrier?

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