Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Absence makes the heart grow fonder, Lloyd my Darling!

*realises Kelica is basically Juvia*
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Zuka said:
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, Lloyd my Darling!
*realises Kelica is basically Juvia*
Juvia wasn't some masochistic harlot who cheats on the guy she's with just because the other guy is more powerful.

You all realise I am joking about Kelica and Lloyd right? It's just a running gag I have because it's funny. Chris and Kelica are tight xD @Isune
Zuka said:
@Isune @PeteTSs
Where we moving Kelica and gang back to Magnolia for the festival? Or bumming around Chris's farm?

I guess we could bring them back, only problem is it's only been liek what? A day? The people might still wanna murder Chris xD
Isune said:
I guess we could bring them back, only problem is it's only been liek what? A day? The people might still wanna murder Chris xD
You need a small beast form. Like a mouse....

OH that would be adorable I could pop Chris on my shoulder or in the front of her shirt with his head poking out. How warm and comfy between her bewbs? xD
Kayzo said:
Mizuki's dark eyes flicked over to Alicia as she finally woke up, the girls dark arms pulling her into an embrace, disappearing when her real arms wrapped around the small girl. Last night Mizuki learned that the magic used on Alicia wasn't the same kind used on herself, so Lyra was off of her shitlist. However she was still as protective as ever. Her hand slowly ran through her hair and her eyes looked to Alfie as he spoke, informing the girl of the time. It was a rather lonely day today. The only company she had all day was Alfie, and she never once let him leave the apartment. Just like the dark Mage said, she wasn't letting him leave her side. "Yes... You've slept through the entire day. I was starting to think that you fell into a terrible coma. I'm quite relieved to see that you're awake." She said, patting her head gently.
@Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Alicia had smiled when Mizuki brought her into a hug, her own arms wrapping against her and her head leaning against her gently. When Alfie told her she'd slept all day it didn't really surprise her, at all really. She'd done it before, this definetely wasn't the first time, though she was a little sad she didn't get to go out and do anything with Mizuki the entire day. At-least she hadn't missed the parade. She giggled when Mizuki spoke, "
Sorry for making you worry Mizuki. I was just really tired before whatever Lyra did happened I guess, and the bed was surprisingly comfy." She replied. "I'm wide awake now though! We can go to the parade later too." She added. If she had've known Mizuki was worried about her she probably would of strived to wake up earlier, but she hadn't so she didn't. Though she did wonder who won. Surely they'd stuck around to watch the whole thing. "Who won the tournament? Was it Masaki?" She asked curiously, she hoped it was but she also knew Lyra was strong so she wasn't sure.
@Salt Lord


Zuka said:
You need a small beast form. Like a mouse....
OH that would be adorable I could pop Chris on my shoulder or in the front of her shirt with his head poking out. How warm and comfy between her bewbs? xD
Do et.
Mitchs98 said:
I imagine this tiny mouse Chris glaring up at Kelica and she just laughs, pat pats his head and smooshes him harder into her shirt.

He squeeks and she's like. "Oh you are such a prude Chris! No one will even notice you there...."
Zuka said:
I imagine this tiny mouse Chris glaring up at Kelica and she just laughs, pat pats his head and smooshes him harder into her shirt.
He squeeks and she's like. "Oh you are such a prude Chris! No one will even notice you there...."
xD . That'd be awesome. It should tottally happen. @Isune make it happen.

Talon said:
lucky guy... #bestmatressever
I'd accept it wholeheartedly d:
Talon said:
even better than bean bags... 1 prob, he would have a permanent hard on...
He's a mouse, no one would notice.

Unless he turns into the Minotaur from there bahah. Rips Kelica's top in two as he does, so she screams and presses her naked chest to his back. "WHAT THE HELL CHRIS!"

Chris: It was was too hot to mooooooooove!

@Isune @Mitchs98
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Zuka said:
He's a mouse, no one would notice.
Unless he turns into the Minotaur from there bahah. Rips Kelica's top in two as he does, so she screams and presses her naked chest to his back. "WHAT THE HELL CHRIS!"

Chris: It was was too hot to mooooooooove!

@Isune @Mitchs98
This should tottally happen. Legit. No questions asked.
Technically speaking, Chris should know basic animal soul. He could do that thing with the bear paw, so there's no reason why he can't turn into a mouse or better yet a badger. He just can't do advanced stuff like harpy or centaur.

Also @Mitchs98 I posted in lab rats
Isune said:
Technically speaking, Chris should know basic animal soul. He could do that thing with the bear paw, so there's no reason why he can't turn into a mouse or better yet a badger. He just can't do advanced stuff like harpy or centaur.
Also @Mitchs98 I posted in lab rats
Make the mouse thing happen. Do et 0:
@Isune @PeteTSs

Alright I'll have them head back into town just to see the Parade, then Sabrina can either return to the farm with Kelica/Chris or stay in town :) We can pick up a job as well if you like.

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