Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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Colt556 said:
Kamen Rider.
What I can gather:

Anime Tiddies

Love Live is wonderful, and we all need LP

It's hot in America, and freezing in Australia

I have found that I love wearing stockings

Over a page of Anime

I like reptiles, but not spiders. Spiders are demons sent from the time web dimension, sent to mesmerise or terrorise. They are deceiving killers, they will start by gaining your trust or scaring the shit out of you. They will crawl on/in the walls, they will hide anywhere. They will listen to your conversations, they will watch you undress ('cause they're almost as pervy as some others on here), they will send what they've gathered to their HQ (Hungry Quesadilla) and their leaders will slowly send more, and more deadly spiders your way.

, in some places the moths have put beacons invisible to the human eye to ward off spiders. Sadly, moths are kind of rare in Australia. The spiders have communism down under, they are a cruel ruthless species. Who might even eat their partner or parent, for disobeying. The moths are trying their best to over come this disease of arachnids, but they're pussies and fly away at the sight of danger or a warm glowing light.

The moths are a neutral species, they came from the souls of the dead dressmakers, each with their own memories gone. Each moth craves to destroy what they love. Destroy the light that they loved in their youth, destroy the warmth that saved them from death. Destroy it all.

The spiders from the time web dimension have a backstory too, but, they never wish to share it fully, so rumours may have taken over this information. They used to be ballerinas, will long flexible limbs, and overall excellence. Though, these ballerinas were also leaders of an occult club. One day they got the best ballerina to dance over their satanic star, the room shook, and the ballerina whose dance alit the star had vanished into a puff of black smoke.

She had arrived in the suffering dimension, she could see all sorts of... Things. She walked around this place carefully, a wrong step and the shadows would try to consume her. When she came across a bright soul, a soul of the lead dressmaker. Tears fell from the dressmaker's eyes, his hands covered his face as he wept quietly. This man was wearing the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. She approached this man, "Hello?" She whispered.

The man dared to tear his face away from his shaking hands, "W- Who are you?" He softly inquired, a hiccup had broken the flow of the sentence.

"I am Delilah, leader of the Ballerinas of Shadows. And who might you be? More importantly, where are we?"

The dressmaker looked at this woman, she wore a black tutu and had dark grey eyes, that seemed to swirl with dangerous knowledge.

"I am Reficul, head of the dressmakers. I take pride in my w- work. But, the world was a cruel place. Welcome to the land of the broken and dead."

Delilah seemed unfazed by this concept, but curiosity made her wonder how this man had arrived here- his soft warm aura didn't make it seem like he was someone to also lead a cult of dressmakers. The man must've seen the questions in her deadly eyes, "My world broke when my wife died, I had made her the most beautiful dress you've ever seen. It was a soft white. It was light and was blown by a small breeze. But, all good things must come to an end, yes?" The man sniffled, "She wasn't a good person... I- I found out she was trying to summon demons. Demons. She was trying to tell me that it was for a good cause... She was infertile... She was evil." He bitterly spat. "So, the village soon got notice of this, and we burned her at the stake. I miss her so much, and yet so little..."

Delilah was horrified at this news, "She was trying to get you a baby!" Her voice shook, "You burned her alive. Just so you could rid your broken world of evil? Well, looky here. I am not dead, no, I am certainly alive. Did you know that a simple star of sorts, drawn with a single mother's blood can bring you here?" Reficul paled. "You didn't? Fool. Maybe I should show you what evil really is."

A few other broken souls that had darkness swirling around their feet, began to watch what was going on. They slowly came closer and closer, but the ballerina and dressmaker took no notice. It was only when the broken souls began whispering things that made their heads ache did they take notice.

"O- Oh no... Please, no!" The man cried, his form was trembling and a mess on the "ground" beneath.

Delilah took a step back, only to be closer to a different broken soul. "What are you doing? I demand that you stop this instance!" She tilted her chin up in the air, but the soul still crept forward. She turned to the broken man on the floor, "What are they doing?!" She hissed.

With tired eyes, and wet cheeks, he looked at her blankly. "Neither of us belong here... Yet. They're going to send us away, and wherever we arrive- We'll be different... I've seen how cats are made..."

Do I need to go on? Spiders are bad. I'm going to add a dislike to spiders on Valentina's CS.

I am nowhere near getting the Maki. ;-; How is everyone today besides hot, or cold?
[QUOTE="Jacob Berry]Danke bb! Pompoms are weird to be honest xD
Danke, danke! Now I have 2 rare Nozomi's, a Umi, a Maki, 3 Eli's and 3 Nico's and a Rin :3

*Twirls pretty sparkly flag instead*
BadPuns said:
What I can gather:
Anime Tiddies

Love Live is wonderful, and we all need LP

It's hot in America, and freezing in Australia

I have found that I love wearing stockings

Over a page of Anime

I like reptiles, but not spiders. Spiders are demons sent from the time web dimension, sent to mesmerise or terrorise. They are deceiving killers, they will start by gaining your trust or scaring the shit out of you. They will crawl on/in the walls, they will hide anywhere. They will listen to your conversations, they will watch you undress ('cause they're almost as pervy as some others on here), they will send what they've gathered to their HQ (Hungry Quesadilla) and their leaders will slowly send more, and more deadly spiders your way.

, in some places the moths have put beacons invisible to the human eye to ward off spiders. Sadly, moths are kind of rare in Australia. The spiders have communism down under, they are a cruel ruthless species. Who might even eat their partner or parent, for disobeying. The moths are trying their best to over come this disease of arachnids, but they're pussies and fly away at the sight of danger or a warm glowing light.

The moths are a neutral species, they came from the souls of the dead dressmakers, each with their own memories gone. Each moth craves to destroy what they love. Destroy the light that they loved in their youth, destroy the warmth that saved them from death. Destroy it all.

The spiders from the time web dimension have a backstory too, but, they never wish to share it fully, so rumours may have taken over this information. They used to be ballerinas, will long flexible limbs, and overall excellence. Though, these ballerinas were also leaders of an occult club. One day they got the best ballerina to dance over their satanic star, the room shook, and the ballerina whose dance alit the star had vanished into a puff of black smoke.

She had arrived in the suffering dimension, she could see all sorts of... Things. She walked around this place carefully, a wrong step and the shadows would try to consume her. When she came across a bright soul, a soul of the lead dressmaker. Tears fell from the dressmaker's eyes, his hands covered his face as he wept quietly. This man was wearing the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. She approached this man, "Hello?" She whispered.

The man dared to tear his face away from his shaking hands, "W- Who are you?" He softly inquired, a hiccup had broken the flow of the sentence.

"I am Delilah, leader of the Ballerinas of Shadows. And who might you be? More importantly, where are we?"

The dressmaker looked at this woman, she wore a black tutu and had dark grey eyes, that seemed to swirl with dangerous knowledge.

"I am Reficul, head of the dressmakers. I take pride in my w- work. But, the world was a cruel place. Welcome to the land of the broken and dead."

Delilah seemed unfazed by this concept, but curiosity made her wonder how this man had arrived here- his soft warm aura didn't make it seem like he was someone to also lead a cult of dressmakers. The man must've seen the questions in her deadly eyes, "My world broke when my wife died, I had made her the most beautiful dress you've ever seen. It was a soft white. It was light and was blown by a small breeze. But, all good things must come to an end, yes?" The man sniffled, "She wasn't a good person... I- I found out she was trying to summon demons. Demons. She was trying to tell me that it was for a good cause... She was infertile... She was evil." He bitterly spat. "So, the village soon got notice of this, and we burned her at the stake. I miss her so much, and yet so little..."

Delilah was horrified at this news, "She was trying to get you a baby!" Her voice shook, "You burned her alive. Just so you could rid your broken world of evil? Well, looky here. I am not dead, no, I am certainly alive. Did you know that a simple star of sorts, drawn with a single mother's blood can bring you here?" Reficul paled. "You didn't? Fool. Maybe I should show you what evil really is."

A few other broken souls that had darkness swirling around their feet, began to watch what was going on. They slowly came closer and closer, but the ballerina and dressmaker took no notice. It was only when the broken souls began whispering things that made their heads ache did they take notice.

"O- Oh no... Please, no!" The man cried, his form was trembling and a mess on the "ground" beneath.

Delilah took a step back, only to be closer to a different broken soul. "What are you doing? I demand that you stop this instance!" She tilted her chin up in the air, but the soul still crept forward. She turned to the broken man on the floor, "What are they doing?!" She hissed.

With tired eyes, and wet cheeks, he looked at her blankly. "Neither of us belong here... Yet. They're going to send us away, and wherever we arrive- We'll be different... I've seen how cats are made..."

Do I need to go on? Spiders are bad. I'm going to add a dislike to spiders on Valentina's CS.

I am nowhere near getting the Maki. ;-; How is everyone today besides hot, or cold?
BadPuns said:
What I can gather:
Anime Tiddies

Love Live is wonderful, and we all need LP

It's hot in America, and freezing in Australia

I have found that I love wearing stockings

Over a page of Anime

I like reptiles, but not spiders. Spiders are demons sent from the time web dimension, sent to mesmerise or terrorise. They are deceiving killers, they will start by gaining your trust or scaring the shit out of you. They will crawl on/in the walls, they will hide anywhere. They will listen to your conversations, they will watch you undress ('cause they're almost as pervy as some others on here), they will send what they've gathered to their HQ (Hungry Quesadilla) and their leaders will slowly send more, and more deadly spiders your way.

, in some places the moths have put beacons invisible to the human eye to ward off spiders. Sadly, moths are kind of rare in Australia. The spiders have communism down under, they are a cruel ruthless species. Who might even eat their partner or parent, for disobeying. The moths are trying their best to over come this disease of arachnids, but they're pussies and fly away at the sight of danger or a warm glowing light.

The moths are a neutral species, they came from the souls of the dead dressmakers, each with their own memories gone. Each moth craves to destroy what they love. Destroy the light that they loved in their youth, destroy the warmth that saved them from death. Destroy it all.

The spiders from the time web dimension have a backstory too, but, they never wish to share it fully, so rumours may have taken over this information. They used to be ballerinas, will long flexible limbs, and overall excellence. Though, these ballerinas were also leaders of an occult club. One day they got the best ballerina to dance over their satanic star, the room shook, and the ballerina whose dance alit the star had vanished into a puff of black smoke.

She had arrived in the suffering dimension, she could see all sorts of... Things. She walked around this place carefully, a wrong step and the shadows would try to consume her. When she came across a bright soul, a soul of the lead dressmaker. Tears fell from the dressmaker's eyes, his hands covered his face as he wept quietly. This man was wearing the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. She approached this man, "Hello?" She whispered.

The man dared to tear his face away from his shaking hands, "W- Who are you?" He softly inquired, a hiccup had broken the flow of the sentence.

"I am Delilah, leader of the Ballerinas of Shadows. And who might you be? More importantly, where are we?"

The dressmaker looked at this woman, she wore a black tutu and had dark grey eyes, that seemed to swirl with dangerous knowledge.

"I am Reficul, head of the dressmakers. I take pride in my w- work. But, the world was a cruel place. Welcome to the land of the broken and dead."

Delilah seemed unfazed by this concept, but curiosity made her wonder how this man had arrived here- his soft warm aura didn't make it seem like he was someone to also lead a cult of dressmakers. The man must've seen the questions in her deadly eyes, "My world broke when my wife died, I had made her the most beautiful dress you've ever seen. It was a soft white. It was light and was blown by a small breeze. But, all good things must come to an end, yes?" The man sniffled, "She wasn't a good person... I- I found out she was trying to summon demons. Demons. She was trying to tell me that it was for a good cause... She was infertile... She was evil." He bitterly spat. "So, the village soon got notice of this, and we burned her at the stake. I miss her so much, and yet so little..."

Delilah was horrified at this news, "She was trying to get you a baby!" Her voice shook, "You burned her alive. Just so you could rid your broken world of evil? Well, looky here. I am not dead, no, I am certainly alive. Did you know that a simple star of sorts, drawn with a single mother's blood can bring you here?" Reficul paled. "You didn't? Fool. Maybe I should show you what evil really is."

A few other broken souls that had darkness swirling around their feet, began to watch what was going on. They slowly came closer and closer, but the ballerina and dressmaker took no notice. It was only when the broken souls began whispering things that made their heads ache did they take notice.

"O- Oh no... Please, no!" The man cried, his form was trembling and a mess on the "ground" beneath.

Delilah took a step back, only to be closer to a different broken soul. "What are you doing? I demand that you stop this instance!" She tilted her chin up in the air, but the soul still crept forward. She turned to the broken man on the floor, "What are they doing?!" She hissed.

With tired eyes, and wet cheeks, he looked at her blankly. "Neither of us belong here... Yet. They're going to send us away, and wherever we arrive- We'll be different... I've seen how cats are made..."

Do I need to go on? Spiders are bad. I'm going to add a dislike to spiders on Valentina's CS.

I am nowhere near getting the Maki. ;-; How is everyone today besides hot, or cold?
What did I just read.
BadPuns said:
;) )))) Read it.
I skimmed it and I'm good

[QUOTE="Jacob Berry]I didn't say I disliked pompoms, they just look weird. Sparkly flags are better though. *Watches and claps for my special cottonweed*

*tries to do a 45, fails, hits face, falls on floor bleeding*
Kazehana said:
I skimmed it and I'm good
*tries to do a 45, fails, hits face, falls on floor bleeding*
Nuuu! Cottonweed! *Runs and gets band aids and a towel and calls the amberlambce.* Are you okay?!
[QUOTE="Jacob Berry]Nuuu! Cottonweed! *Runs and gets band aids and a towel and calls the amberlambce.* Are you okay?!

Lol yeah it turns out that I'm not really bleeding. My flag just had some ketchup packets taped onto it and it went everywhere
Kazehana said:
Lol yeah it turns out that I'm not really bleeding. My flag just had some ketchup packets taped onto it and it went everywhere
Okay! Good! I'd be sad if you were hurt. *Hugs you* Why'd you have ketchup packets on your flag?
[QUOTE="Jacob Berry]Okay! Good! I'd be sad if you were hurt. *Hugs you* Why'd you have ketchup packets on your flag?

I didn't want to lose them
[QUOTE="Jacob Berry]Fair enough. Well, I will buy you some more ketchup as all of yours has exploded.

But I don't need it cuz I just drink sugar water :o

Thank you for offering and taking care of me!
Kazehana said:
But I don't need it cuz I just drink sugar water :o
Thank you for offering and taking care of me!
That is true.

You are welcome! It is my job to care for you and look out for you!

*Offers you sugar water*

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