Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]But because they're so versatile, anything can happen. If Ren were to fire a blast of energy at someone, Conway could use his aura to magnify said blast's power. Conway could also add his own effects to Ren's sigils with his magic.

Can you clarify what exactly Conway can do with his magic? I'm having a little difficulty understanding what manipulating aura means. Is it like changing his aura's properties to be sticky or slippery or something along those lines?
Drakerus said:
Can you clarify what exactly Conway can do with his magic? I'm having a little difficulty understanding what manipulating aura means. Is it like changing his aura's properties to be sticky or slippery or something along those lines?
No, it's basically using his aura to grab things or form into objects. Like, literally manipulating the magic of his soul.
Killorkiller said:
Name: Durrga Vlazg
Age: Looks 28

Gender: Male

Race(PM Me before making a race that hasn't been accepted): Human

Height: 6ft 1in

Weight: 190lbs

Guild and Guild Mark Location: Has no current guild, however he has had a lot of dealings with Grimoriè Heart.

Appearance:(Picture is required, textual description is optional, anime preferred)


Class(C, B, A, S, etc.): S Class

Magic(Please give a semi specific description of what they can do, this includes spell titles. Make stuff up, etc.): Durrga uses a magic that is so old, that records dont even contain more than a mention of it. Siggam is its name.

Oblivion Mirror: This is power is located behind Durrga's eyes. As long as Durrga is looking a his opponent as they try to access their magic power he can drain them of it, releasing the magic power into the world in to the world, not absorbing it, he also can predict with a 50-50 shot of his opponents next move. His eyes reverse the flow of magic power so that a wizard going to cast a spell is actually being drained of the their power as they cast a spell, the spell would still go off but then the wizard would be being slowly drain of all magic power, this works on any form of magic. Is open to physical attacks. This is a passive power that Durrga has no control over.

Siggam: By touching a person on the fore head, he can open the soul gate of the body allowing him to rip the soul from the persons body and storing it in one of 20 small lacramas on his belt, the color of the lacrama changes according to the souls preferred element. Durrga can then take the souls out of the lacrama and make them into undead minions that fight for him, they are immune to the element that shares the same color as them. Durrga can also eat a lacrama in order to bond the soul with himself, he gains a massive speed and stamina boost that let him move at an alarming rate, he also gains a temporary resistance to the element that shares a same color as the soul he bonded to. Or he can bond the soul to his dual Tonfa's, making them able to shot forth a blast of raw soul energy. Durrga is still experimenting on what he can do with souls.

Personality:Due to the fact that Durrga can bond a soul to himself it has left him with a split personality. One is a mad man that wants to kill every thing, and the other is a rather dark and withdrawn person. Regardless of which personality is active, Durrga is incredibly smart and can easily pass for a perfectly normal person, allowing him to pass into other guilds as a spy, generally going as a C class wizard. When he is fighting and killing he always covers his face, making it impossible for anyone to know who he really is.

Bio: Durrga was part of a powerful wizard clan that had a very long lineage of magic. When he was born it was apparent that his eyes held great power, once it was discovered that he could use magic that had been removed from all of history, his parents and clan tried to kill him. They where however, unsuccessful, for as they cast magic at him one by one he drained them of magic power and killed them, he was forced to kill his entire clan and parents. After that he went into exile, to learn more of his powers and abilities and quickly mastering them. He is wanted for the murder of 37 people, and is responsible for the extermination of his clan.

Likes: Taking the souls of others, inflicting pain, relaxing, drinking.

Dislikes: light guilds, everyone els, working more than he has to.

Skills: Durrga is a master of hand to hand combat, his speed and reflexes are mind numbing even without magic. He is not to bad at serving drinks either.

Other: Durrga is currently trying to infiltrate Sabertooth as a C class wizard, since no one knows his face, it should be easy. (that will happen in my first post)
S class and above aren't being accepted right now
Isune said:
@Drakerus I think the only two people that might be able to US with Chris would either be Kelica or a requip user.
If he were to use Alfie's bow, it could be something along the lines of Sagittarius. :v

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