Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Genon said:
...Don't you have Valken? An S-class?! You made a C-class knowing full-well that everybody here would scramble for wizard saints, guild masters and S-classes so they could compete with the big boys. Given that you already have a character capable of taking on goddamn Gildarts, why are you complaining about Kelica being a weakling?
I made Valken with a very different understanding on Rankings. I purposefully keep him out of combat in preference for others. He is merely a figure head.

My understanding when I made both was Ranking was a indication of GUILD JOB COMPLETION. ie. A C-rank can not complete a A-rank mission without an ally or two. A can A alone or with another, A S-rank mostly does Missions alone.

It had nothing to do with Player vs Player as every opponent has strengths and weakness. Valken is OP in darkness, against fire/light he struggles.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]This is gonna go one for a while isn't it?(-n-)

yes it is

Kayzo said:
What's going on
This happened a while ago when they ponted out some of kim's abilities begin overpowered. just give them time
LeSoraAmari said:
The character just shouldn't have control over that many elements.
I mean, after editing it's now been added into it that you can't bloody negate the magic.


Legendary Natural Elemental Mastery: This magic allows her to perform incredible feats of elemental magic, they have reduced cast time and adding an unpredictable edge to her, sometimes switches elements randomly. This magic covers fire, water, earth, air and lighting. In exchange however, she can only dictate where her spells or who her spells target, she can't make them weaker. She also has precedence over her magic, prevent others for hijacking her spells, including negation. It also gives her incredible elemental resistance.
I think you high lighted the wrong things...

Legendary Natural Elemental Mastery: This magic allows her to perform incredible feats of elemental magic, they have reduced cast time and adding an unpredictable edge to her, sometimes switches elements randomly. This magic covers fire, water, earth, air and lighting. In exchange however, she can only dictate where her spells or who her spells target, she can't make them weaker. She also has precedence over her magic, prevent others for hijacking her spells, including negation. It also gives her incredible elemental resistance.

Mitchs98 said:
@Happy Red Mage This is not ok, whatsoever. I did not approve this at all. And quite frankly I dislike surprise edits on approved sheets.
I think everyone would be happier if you lowered it to base elements and removed the items and resistance, period.

I also refuse to allow your magic to be unable to be neglected or harnessed by other wielders of the magic class.
Removed it.
Mitchs98 said:
@Happy Red Mage This is not ok, whatsoever. I did not approve this at all. And quite frankly I dislike surprise edits on approved sheets.

I think everyone would be happier if you lowered it to base elements and removed the items and resistance, period.

I also refuse to allow your magic to be unable to be neglected or harnessed by other wielders of the magic class.

Is this due to the fact it says 'Legendary Mastery'? I could label a fork legendary and it'd still be a fork. But that's not what concerns me at the moment.
"Legendary Natural Elemental Mastery: This magic allows her to perform incredible feats of elemental magic, they have reduced cast time"

It wasn't the name. It was the "incredible feats" part
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Mitchs98 said:
@Happy Red Mage This is not ok, whatsoever. I did not approve this at all. And quite frankly I dislike surprise edits on approved sheets.

I think everyone would be happier if you lowered it to base elements and removed the items and resistance, period.

I also refuse to allow your magic to be unable to be neglected or harnessed by other wielders of the magic class.

Is this due to the fact it says 'Legendary Mastery'? I could label a fork legendary and it'd still be a fork. But that's not what concerns me at the moment.
I just don't like the fact that she can control five elements, putting literally every single elemental Mage at a disadvantage. And a massive one at that.

If it was only two elements, I'd be fine with it. But it's five.

I mean, she can even make them stronger. But to what limit we don't know, because Meta didn't state a limit to it.
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Zuka said:
Don't you dare.
I have been in this RP since Jan and was the first C-class and still only C-class. Kelica is constantly belittled for her weak magic, which is fine. She hasn't been able to excel due to IC only a month passing. That's fine. She is a support, everything I have done is literally nothing to do with Fighting. Why bother when she can be destroyed with a single attack.

But i constantly have Kelica being belittled and frankly I'm getting real tired of it. I can suddenly say I KNOW I'VE RPED SINCE JAN BUT, YOLO I UPDATED HER CS SHE IS AN A-RANK WITH MASS ELEMENTS.

This is just another thing to add to the growing Rank structure I'm starting to seriously detest. The same Ranking system @Colt556 complains on a daily basis, but then defends on the same breath as a justification for this new character?

Seriously as I said Im getting real tired and I've got other rps to entertain myself if it annoys me. I have no problems having kelica/valken die.

So rant over.
I've literally never complained about the ranking system, not even one time. I've complained about having too many powerful characters. If this new character was trying to be an S-rank or something then I'd complain. But she's not. She's an A-rank same as everyone else. Why didn't you complain when I made my Lamia? Why didn't you complain when Kaiser made Greyson? They're A-ranks, same as this character.

I honestly don't understand why you're flipping out. Many A-rank characters have been made since you made Kelica. MANY A-ranks. Yet all of a sudden this one is a problem and ruins your ability to rp a C-rank? It doesn't make any sense. I made Mikado after you had Kelica, Mikado's an A-rank and would destroy Kelica. Yet you never complained about her. I made my new girl Xira after you made Kelica, she's an A-rank as well and would destroy Kelica yet you also never complained about her. So clearly your issue isn't with new A-rank characters being introduced, so why are you having an issue now? This character is no stronger than any other A-rank. That's the whole point of the ranking system. It doesn't matter how many elements she can use, she is still an A-rank.
Mitchs98 said:
@Happy Red Mage This is not ok, whatsoever. I did not approve this at all. And quite frankly I dislike surprise edits on approved sheets.

I think everyone would be happier if you lowered it to base elements and removed the items and resistance, period.

I also refuse to allow your magic to be unable to be neglected or harnessed by other wielders of the magic class.

Is this due to the fact it says 'Legendary Mastery'? I could label a fork legendary and it'd still be a fork. But that's not what concerns me at the moment.
Legendary potatoe master!!!
Rhodus said:
"Legendary Natural Elemental Mastery: This magic allows her to perform incredible feats of elemental magic, they have reduced cast time"
It wasn't the name. It was the "incredible feats" part
Incredible for A-Class. I'd be willing to bet that the things she can do isn't the strongest thing an A class can do.
hudhouse said:
I think you high lighted the wrong things...
Legendary Natural Elemental Mastery: This magic allows her to perform incredible feats of elemental magic, they have reduced cast time and adding an unpredictable edge to her, sometimes switches elements randomly. This magic covers fire, water, earth, air and lighting. In exchange however, she can only dictate where her spells or who her spells target, she can't make them weaker. She also has precedence over her magic, prevent others for hijacking her spells, including negation. It also gives her incredible elemental resistance.

I know what I highlighted.

It SPECIFICALLY says it prevents others from hijacking and negating her magic.
LeSoraAmari said:
The character that can control five elements, make them stronger, and prevents them from being negated.
There's literally only one character that can negate spells in this entire RP and I can assure you if they tried to go 'lol can't be negated' they'd find themselves in a very poor situation very quickly.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Appear being capable of using celestial magic and requip magic at the same time is deemed as op :3

We have a character that uses requip and celestail magic, but i dont know if my version is able to pass
Colt556 said:
There's literally only one character that can negate spells in this entire RP and I can assure you if they tried to go 'lol can't be negated' they'd find themselves in a very poor situation very quickly.
We all know that Gilad is the negator, but it's still written in Margarets CS which gives her yet another one up on everyone else.
Frankly this is confusing me greatly and giving me a headache.

@Happy Red Mage Just lower the elements to two or three please.

I don't quite understand how it would put people at a disadvantage seeing as how they would be weaker than anything any other A-Class could do...but quite frankly this has dragged on long enough.
Colt556 said:
There's literally only one character that can negate spells in this entire RP and I can assure you if they tried to go 'lol can't be negated' they'd find themselves in a very poor situation very quickly.
Well technically Kim can, it's just a passive thing so it isn't her main ability
Mitchs98 said:
@Happy Red Mage Just lower the elements to two or three please.
Why? She is only A-Class. Sure her spells seem intimidating but put her up to, let's say, an actual master of fire magic she'd come off the weaker one. Isn't it a general rule that specialization in an element is stronger than someone with 5 elements and uses the same element against?
LeSoraAmari said:
We all know that Gilad is the negator, but it's still written in Margarets CS which gives her yet another one up on everyone else.
It'd only give her a one-up if someone made a B or A-rank mage with negation magic.

I think maybe the reason I don't care as much is because I'm more than willing to outright ignore someone's CS if they're being a shitter. If I was RPing Tanari fighting Margaret and Witch was all 'luls resistant to ur fire!' I'd just be all "nope, fuck off" and give no fucks. All I really care about is that rank since that dictates the strength of the character. Margaret's an A-rank, Tanari's an A-rank, thus they're equal. That's all I care about. Couldn't care less how many spells they have or how many schools of magic.
purplepanda288 said:
We have a character that uses requip and celestail magic, but i dont know if my version is able to pass
No I mean like have a celestial spirit out ans be able to requip at the same time.
[QUOTE="Happy Red Mage]Why? She is only A-Class. Sure her spells seem intimidating but put her up to, let's say, an actual master of fire magic she'd come off the weaker one. Isn't it a general rule that specialization in an element is stronger than someone with 5 elements and uses the same element against?

I assumed so.


Please just do it for the sake of my sanity .-.
I'm not arguing anymore I'll rp and if it annoys me further I'll just have Valken stab her in the jugular.

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