Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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Colt556 said:
Speaking of Valken posts, how is this golem fight gonna go. I mean, I don't really have much to post since Tanari's just pouring her magic into her flamethrower to melt the Golem's head. And I would kinda like her to go say hi to Lucian.
Yeah. Hmm... i could have Valken find a gem inside it's mouth and crawl in to destroy it for an easy kill.

Or just have Tanari's attack blast it's face off completely next post
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Zuka said:
Yeah. Hmm... i could have Valken find a gem inside it's mouth and crawl in to destroy it for an easy kill.
Or just have Tanari's attack blast it's face off completely next post
Well considering it's mouth would logically be on it's head, and it's head is now being superheated to over 2000C I would not recommend going near the head.
Colt556 said:
Well considering it's mouth would logically be on it's head, and it's head is now being superheated to over 2000C I would not recommend going near the head.

Tanari's scarier than I thought. D:

Scary enough to probably melt both the head and its gem, making Valken useless.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]2000C...?
Tanari's scarier than I thought. D:

Scary enough to probably melt both the head and its gem, making Valken useless.

Science can be a very scary thing.
I didn't design him to be in combat this time because I'm a nice S-class that lets everyone else do kills :]

But I can finish him if you like.

When I work out how.
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Colt556 said:
Science can be a very scary thing.
Indeed it can.

That's why I made a character based almost completely around it (even though I'm probably not even gonna use her lol). > :D
Zuka said:
I didn't design him to be in combat this time because I'm a nice S-class that lets everyone else do kills :]
But I can finish him if you like.

When I work out how.
You don't need to finish it, just need something to happen. Because the next post I make with Tanari will be when the fight's over. The entire fight she's just roasting the thing so there's nothing for me to post. I mean, given that everyone else is just wailing on it Tanari likely would be the one to actually finish it. But even if that's the case I still need to know when to post. And if someone else is gonna finish it then they should get on that.

BASICALLY, people other than me have to do stuff.
Zuka said:
@Embaga Elder @Isune @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey
Actually speaking of ships Kelica won't have time over the time skip to even dream of a partner because she'll be working her butt off with Hibiki and Sora to get to the next rank. She'll be calmer and more lady like in Magic Games.

I assume Noah will travel as will Chris but who knows.

I'm also way excited to have Kelica spot Noah in the street and she sort of runs up but stops a pace or two away with a small smile like. "Hello Noah! How are you?" Being composed like Sora taught her. Probably in a cute full length dress.

Then she can be like "I...I've gotten better at Forest Guardian Magic! Would you like to see? Try attacking me." With a smile.

Noah's like "Yeah, alright." Thinking I'll just try to hit her with my sword then using a Djinn. As he swings she just stands there hands clasped at her hips before roots burst out of ground and not only deflect the blow but coil around his wrist and twist and completely flip him onto his back.

Without her lifting a finger. "...You...ok there Noah?" And he just looks at shocked then laughs.
It will be a beautiful thing, people will start to take her more seriously than before :0

Also, are you posting for Kelica after Mitch brings in Lucian? I'm going to post after you post for Kelica since they are mid interaction, so I don't mind waiting either way :3
LeSoraAmari said:
It will be a beautiful thing, people will start to take her more seriously than before :0
Also, are you posting for Kelica after Mitch brings in Lucian? I'm going to post after you post for Kelica since they are mid interaction, so I don't mind waiting either way :3
Just about to write it now ~
Y'know, I'm noticing a pattern here and I feel like making use of it later on. So I probably will.

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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Grimoire Heart Base Entrance

The forest mage almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. Hibiki was not only alive, but well. She had to rub her eyes a moment just to make sure it wasn't just a dream. Did someone just say she did a good job? She certainty didn't feel like she had, everything was just one hiccup to another. If she were stronger she would have gotten here faster...she would have found Alicia sooner, she would have helped disable that Siren before she could change Chris or Mizuki or anyone really... she could have done so much more, so much. But her guilt stricken thoughts abruptly halted when Hibiki actually ran his hands through her hair and her whole face seemed to come alive. The warmth and happiness she felt seemed to leech from her very frame.

He said he was proud of her!

An S-Class in Fairytail, proud of what she had accomplished! She felt a new wave of tears start to form but hurried took a deep breath to contain them. "T...Thank you Hibiki...thank you so much...I am glad that Sora is well." The Forest Guardian nodded when he told her she could heal Draneri, but also told her to be careful. She hadn't even considered at what level her own powers were at, especially after losing such a huge fraction of her blood and leeching the essence she needed from the Forest to heal herself before.

That was when some strange woman appeared down the hallway and Kelica turned gently to face her as the Siren was dropped into a Magic Circle. She half stepped forward then, not really liking the idea of Grimoire Heart taking the creature away but... Her emerald gaze turned to look to Hibiki and he told her to take The Siren, especially considering the treatment she received from Ryu. Honestly it wasn't her place to argue and in all honesty he was probably right. So with a deep breath she straightened her back a little. There was still a fair bit of chaos despite the Siren having been taken away. In the confusion she heard a high pitched scream and whirled to see Alicia standing as horrified as she had been moments ago. She tripped and then Mizuki appeared only moments later to cradle her head. Her vision turning to see Ryu still contained in Adrian's Arcane Barrier. Though he was sitting down cross-legged he was holding his head in what one could only assume was a migraine.

Adrian had scratches all over him from Chris trying to attack him, and Eric looked beat up as well from his fight. There was literally bodies needing First Aid everywhere. The Forest Mage slowly looked up to Hibiki after surveying the scene with a half smile. She looked thoroughly exhausted, the emotional roller coaster enough for her to sleep for a week alone if not also including the huge blood loss and magical drain. ".... I would love nothing more then to leave this place and the horrible memories it has left.... It has been a very very long year..." she whispered in a soft tone. The words slipping before she even realized they had, memories of an eternity spent in a Darkness and Despair driven realm flooding back. Cold and alone. Before being suddenly tossed before an oncoming Train. That was before she was taken back to the Guild Hall by Noah only to realize Hibiki and Sora were missing... The more she remembered the more exhausted the girl felt, the bags under her eyes only increasing.

"However, I can not leave just yet. You assured me Sora would be Ok, and I trust you. So for now, I have to help where I can... I have to help where I was not able too before." Her tone oddly calm now.

She gave him another weak smile, before turning and moving with a slow and an unbalanced stride towards Alicia and Mizuki. Completely missing the piece of paper Timothy had dropped as she surveyed all the injuries. She had two High priorities. The first was Ryu, as his emotional burst and seeming personality shift to the point of badly disfiguring the Siren was a sure sign of a Psychotic episode. He was merely sitting there and she desperately wanted to make sure he could respond to reality. To check his mental state. However Alicia had hit her head very hard, and had yet to resume consciousness so she chose to administer her first. Healer's were always never needed or needed too much, as Sora would have been more then well aware. When it rained it poured. She crashed rather heavily and wearily to her knees before Mizuki as the Dark Mage cradled the little girl's head and Kelica gave her a warm smile.

"Mizuki~.... Please allow me to check on Alicia..." Leaving her hands outstretched and palms upwards even as they glowed a soft green along with her necklace. Her voice soothing but concerned. "I promise I will not harm her... But she is my First Priority and I wish to help..."


@Genon @Rhodus

Forgot the Sora Tag!
I remember what person I used as a face claim, CIEL

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Drakerus said:
Morning everyone.
Apparently there's gonna be a big site update soon.
Yup. But I'll be fine. Unlike you guys, I'm used to sitting around and waiting for nothing. > :D

guardianshadow said:
good morning i think it already happen
Nope. They sent out an announcement with details about the update.

So in order to not have Ophelia kicked out of being a GM, I've decided I'm gonna post for her a bit after Mitch brings in Lucian (being transported to where the drama is via Alfie). Unless, of course, you planned on using Gilad for that part, in which case I wouldn't mind waiting. :v

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