Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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In hindsight S-rank should have been saved for Villains and everyone else A or B-rank.

Means team fights arent just MASS ATTACK THE BAD GUY WEEE
Mykinkaiser said:
And finding it uninteresting
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images-5.jpg.3c6ce72e8a354f5454db4db170265640.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143143" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images-5.jpg.3c6ce72e8a354f5454db4db170265640.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • images-5.jpg
    4 KB · Views: 18
Zuka said:
In hindsight S-rank should have been saved for Villains and everyone else A or B-rank.
Means team fights arent just MASS ATTACK THE BAD GUY WEEE
My single biggest pet peeve with this entire rp is the power creep. Way too many S-ranks and way too many wizard saints in the hands of normal characters.

Also if you have like 6 mages who don't even know each other all doing attacks on one person at the same time they ARE going to get into each other's way. So just have their attacks be blocked by each other. One of the key things of rp is you aren't the main character, you don't have plot armor. You can't all just magically work together flawlessly. You don't know each other, you don't know each other's magic or attack patterns, you're gonna cock each other up.
Colt556 said:
My single biggest pet peeve with this entire rp is the power creep. Way too many S-ranks and way too many wizard saints in the hands of normal characters.
Also if you have like 6 mages who don't even know each other all doing attacks on one person at the same time they ARE going to get into each other's way. So just have their attacks be blocked by each other. One of the key things of rp is you aren't the main character, you don't have plot armor. You can't all just magically work together flawlessly. You don't know each other, you don't know each other's magic or attack patterns, you're gonna cock each other up.
Very true, my friend. Very true.
Colt556 said:
My single biggest pet peeve with this entire rp is the power creep. Way too many S-ranks and way too many wizard saints in the hands of normal characters.
Also if you have like 6 mages who don't even know each other all doing attacks on one person at the same time they ARE going to get into each other's way. So just have their attacks be blocked by each other. One of the key things of rp is you aren't the main character, you don't have plot armor. You can't all just magically work together flawlessly. You don't know each other, you don't know each other's magic or attack patterns, you're gonna cock each other up.
That was the plan :3
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Zuka said:


300(give or take)





Siren (mythology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





Guild and Guild Mark Location:


Hireable for Souls Money




A rank


Sirens use their voice to charm and incapacitate their foes. Draneri for instance has a fondness for the children's poems she has learnt over the years, using that secureness and tenderness people associate with children to get close to her Prey. She dons white clothes with beautiful long purple hair, and golden eyes that glow to draw in men and women alike similar to a mosquito to a bug killer.

She feels genuine and warm and only those with the strongest of magic types and anti-mage capabilities will be able to resist her charms. Everything she does is to soothe or ensnare, from her looks to her voice as well relying on her perfumes to sway her suitors.

Her perfumes are made internally and breathed out, much like a Dragon Slayer. The closer she is, the more effective they are.


  • Envy - turns her victims against their allies
  • Lust - turns her victims to love another including herself
  • Rage - turns her victim into a blood thirsty rage destroying all in their way
  • Pacify - turns her victim physical weak, and overly tired

Once close enough she can literally kiss or otherwise breath the very life force from her suitors. However the stronger the mage, the harder to take this way and prefers to drain weak humans/innocents to increase her life.


Draneri has a chilling kindness to her. On the outside she is beautiful, graceful, soothing, like the most eternal of mothers. However there is just something... off... about her. She can become almost tsundere in her obession for 'The Prey that got away'.


Draneri didn't know how she came to be, weither she was human first turned Siren or literally was born as some sort of charming Predator. She has always fed on Men and Women alike to survive (in much the same way a Vampire does). An increase in her preys pleasure centre's the more life energy she can drain from them. Therefore she likes to 'fatten' her feed so to speak and has no qualms about pleasuring her partners to see her feast more later.

She is a hired hand and can work for Light and Dark Guilds alike, however prefers Dark Guilds for there complete lack of care to her victims leaving her to 'run free' to do her thing.


  • The Prey that got away
  • Difficult prey
  • Feeding after fattening her prey
  • Children's songs
  • Beauty
  • Being patient


  • Easy to succumb prey
  • Quick deaths
  • Being interrupted
  • Silence
  • Cold shoulders/standoffish personality


  • Has a beautiful singing voice that can go all octaves not just the Soprano she normally converses in.
  • Is good with knitting and needlework, and often times makes outfits for herself in her spare time over the centuries.
  • Can fly using her black raven like wings, however prefers to walk as it seems more elegant.


She's always hungry.

And not for food.

@Lord Zanicus Kek
I'm waiting on @Kayzo (mentioned)

EDIT: @Zuka, Mizuki would probably impale Draneri, right?
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Genon said:
I'm waiting on @Kayzo (mentioned)
EDIT: @Zuka, Mizuki would probably impale Draneri, right?
That what I assumed.

I'll post when I can get my head around what everyone has done and can post accordingly.
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto (???)-


Immortal. Immortal. Immortal. The word kept echoing inside Ryu's head, growing in intensity with each repetition. After all the time he had spent wandering, all the time he had spent searching, all the time he had wasted. After all that, a member of the group he so vehemently despised with all his being had just appeared before him, as if by intervention of fate itself. But now, it seemed as though the others wanted nothing more than to get in his way, to shatter the dream he had worked his whole life for. He stood there, motionless, as the scene unfolded around him. Slowly, he raised his head, a fierce intensity burning behind his eyes. "ENOUGH" He shouted as his calm façade finally shattered, his bellowing voice echoing off the cavern walls. "I have not waited this long, and worked this hard, only to have my dream snatched away from me as I reach out to grasp it, especially not by zeroes such as yourselves!" He reached over his shoulder, his hand wrapping around the hilt of his Murasame, and drew the nodachi slowly and purposefully. "I will not repeat myself again," He said coldy, his voice filling with murderous intent. "I WILL BE THE ONE TO DISPOSE OF THIS HIDEOUS CREATURE!" And with that he leaped forward, preparing to run the siren through with his sword (now super-heated), as well as anyone foolish enough to get in his way.


@Kayzo @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zareh @Isune
purplepanda288 said:
Quick question, what beach of his personality is Ryu on?
It's one that only comes out when he is extremely enraged or encounters an immortal: The Manslayer. Right now all he can think about is killing his enemy (Draneri). It's a mix of The Manipulator and The Instigator.
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Rhodus said:
It's one that only comes out when he is extremely enraged or encounters an immortal: The Manslayer. Right now all he can think about is killing his enemy (Draneri).
So all he sees is killing? So no chance of illusion magic working in him?

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