Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Isune said:
Don't you people ever sleep!? *is already tucked into bed with nightcap and teddy bear* I'm trying to surf around before I pass out but I keep seeing notifications on my RPN
Timezones. it's 8.30pm here :)

About 5.30 when you sent that message xD
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LeSoraAmari said:
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Team Bravado

View attachment 312620

The Shadow Mage put a hand on his chin as he peered to the Metal Doorway, pondering the best way to get into it. Maybe it was booby trapped, there could be pressure senses or timed explosives surrounding the perimeter and just as he slung a dagger out to attempt to perhaps run a knife edge along the door seal Frosty decided to do things his way rather then the sensible, calm, probably more cautious and slower option.

Mouth still gaped wide and watching as the door was literally thrown away by it's hinges, echoing like an explosion in the dead of night, Valken only slapped his forehead. And on cue it seemed every alarm in the place resounded and echoed to let them know they were in a place they shouldn't be.

"...Maya will never let me live this down...." He grumbled, and reaching down to the door pieces he quickly flung some rather big chunks straight at Ferra. "Eat up, Cookie Monster!" Even as he did that, he ran into the room to see the woman the Guards were talking about a moment or two earlier and Frosty introduce himself. He was just about to hussle the two out of the room to perhaps prepare for the onslaught of Mages he knew even now would be homing in on there locations.

Just about to, however, till he heard a voice calling out to them for help. Seeing as Emmerich was keeping the Fairytail mage occupied, Valken rather calmly made his way over to the other cell.

He couldn't help but smirk as he saw a red headed girl with her face pressed against the bars, lifting up one arm against the bars to rest his whole body against it while his over hand flicked his curved a hooked dagger around at incredible speed like a flick knife.

"Well Well Tanari.... Fancy seeing you here! I clearly remember seeing you wearing a good deal less at the Bikini Contest... and an older women won first place followed by a sour, edgy mage in second... What place did you get? 10th? Or last? It's Ok, I thought the outfit, or lack there of was exceptional...."

Here Valken flicked out his dagger to press the very tip into the lock opening, twisting it just a fraction to half unlock it but not fully. Teasing her. ".....Hmm... if you promise to give me another cat walk I might just let you free...." his voice rumbled out as he twisted the dagger another fraction so another loud click was heard. Eyes narrowing as his grin only deepenly maliciously. After all he was a Sadist at heart and adored making people uncomfortable. Especially those he wasn't completely familiar with.

@Britt-21 @Colt556 @Mitchs98
Oh and a Maya mention xF

LeSoraAmari said:
Maya to Rodwen: "Free them no-"
*Alarm sounds*

Maya: Valken wtf y
Pretty much.

But hey it wasn't him persay.....

Even though him being the S-Class out of the rabble should be keeping them controlled.

He'll just BS his way out telling her. "I figured a distraction would lead them out so you could get to the kidnapped mages easier!"
Zuka said:
Pretty much.
But hey it wasn't him persay.....

Even though him being the S-Class out of the rabble should be keeping them controlled.

He'll just BS his way out telling her. "I figured a distraction would lead them out so you could get to the kidnapped mages easier!"
She'll see through his deceit ;0

Make Valken put his foot down tho control the children

Now that the alarms are going off, I might just have her blow up their library now and cause even more disaster and distraction for the guild lmao. Or I could wait for some guards to be lured there, and blow them up with it :3

She's evil...
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LeSoraAmari said:
She'll see through his deceit ;0
Make Valken put his foot down tho control the children

Now that the alarms are going off, I might just have her blow up their library now and cause even more disaster and distraction for the guild lmao. Or I could wait for some guards to be lured there, and blow them up with it :3

She's evil...
Hah... valken control them.. he's the first to be in trouble, the only saving grace is he is the best as Noping right outta there. Problem is he can't leave Ferra there. (Honestly if it became Dire he knows Frosty can protect himself, but he does actually genuinely care about the younger guild members so he won't see any harm come to Ferra or Grace
Zuka said:
Hah... valken control them.. he's the first to be in trouble, the only saving grace is he is the best as Noping right outta there. Problem is he can't leave Ferra there. (Honestly if it became Dire he knows Frosty can protect himself, but he does actually genuinely care about the younger guild members so he won't see any harm come to Ferra or Grace
That's so good, so kind. Just amazing.
LeSoraAmari said:
That's so good, so kind. Just amazing.
Valken is all badass on the outside with a soft gooey Centre. He wouldn't let Grace leave his side when he traversed Crocus and saw Master Arcturus. Even got them both a fully furnished Top Class carriage in the Train to Magnolia. She just didn't notice because she was too busy fawning over Masaki xD
Zuka said:
Valken is all badass on the outside with a soft gooey Centre. He wouldn't let Grace leave his side when he traversed Crocus and saw Master Arcturus. Even got them both a fully furnished Top Class carriage in the Train to Magnolia. She just didn't notice because she was too busy fawning over Masaki xD
Speaking of Masaki, I'll bring him back in my next post lmao. He can help repel the shitty scrub guards I guess.

Valken is just a big softy.
LeSoraAmari said:
Speaking of Masaki, I'll bring him back in my next post lmao. He can help repel the shitty scrub guards I guess.
Valken is just a big softy.
He also has a crazy soft spot for kids as he was a street kid so. He doesn't like seeing kids cold or scaried.

Perfect daddy material
Colt556 said:
All Ryu's gotta do is invest some time and effort into his appearance and maybe he'll close the power gap with Tanari.

It's both, but mostly their appearance. I mean, how many ugly fire mages do you see? Exactly.
How many ugly mages do you see? At least in this Fandom.

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Zuka said:
Pretty much.
But hey it wasn't him persay.....

Even though him being the S-Class out of the rabble should be keeping them controlled.

He'll just BS his way out telling her. "I figured a distraction would lead them out so you could get to the kidnapped mages easier!"
It's fine, it aint like anyone there will have to fight an entire base full of mages or anything.

I'm not being sarcastic, you really wont have to.
Colt556 said:
It's fine, it aint like anyone there will have to fight an entire base full of mages or anything.
I'm not being sarcastic, you really wont have to.
Unless Valken leaves Tanari in her cell.

"...oh? You won't undress? Later hater!"

Zuka said:
Unless Valken leaves Tanari in her cell.
"...oh? You won't undress? Later hater!"

My remark had nothing to do with Tanari but that would be a very rude thing to do. Are you a rude dude? Because only rude dudes do rude things.
Colt556 said:
My remark had nothing to do with Tanari but that would be a very rude thing to do. Are you a rude dude? Because only rude dudes do rude things.
I feel like this is a trick question.

The idea of a whole guild of mages convening on one location and the only way for Tanari to escape with the others is to do Strip Poker amuses me.

I guess I am a rude dude. If I were a dude. But Valken is most definitely a dude. So, I guess he is rude.
Zuka said:
I feel like this is a trick question.
The idea of a whole guild of mages convening on one location and the only way for Tanari to escape with the others is to do Strip Poker amuses me.

I guess I am a rude dude. If I were a dude. But Valken is most definitely a dude. So, I guess he is rude.
And then everyone dies because Valken had to be a dick. The end.

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