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Graded [Faeremeadow Town] A Budding Friendship

Euthalia Apricot


Languages Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

Calliope didn't take her rambling and pondering too badly, which was good. She'd rather not ruin things too much this early in the morning. Preferably not at all, for that matter. As for the topic of spoiling Keone and Iswlyn. “Don't say I didn't warn you later.” She replied, as she wondered if she'd witness a sinking cat soon. As Calliope left, she closed her eyes and started meditating again, focussing on the sun-rays and they shined down upon her.

Islwyn Meadhra

Islwyn was the first to wake up, only to realise she was still coiled. “Keone... wake up.” She said, her voice still a bit heavy with sleep that hadn't worn off yet.

“Hissss.... five more minutessss...” She hissed, half-asleep.

“No, get off...” She said, trying to push off the snake, but failing.

“Stop pusssshing....”

“Then get off...”

“Hissss... fine...” Keone said, uncoiling Iswlyn and starting to wake up a bit more as well.

Islwyn was the first to enter the main room, mainly due not not bothering to get dressed. She stretched and yawned deeply. “Oh... something smells great.” She said, spotting Calliope and the baked goods the latter brought in. “Oho~ That's a great sight to be waking up too~ Hold up for just a moment, I've got the perfect thing to go with those~” She said, heading back to the room to rummage through her backpack and pull out some herbs.

Getting to kitchen herself, she quickly put a kettle on the fire to heat up. “You're gonna love this~” She said, before realising she was doing things out of order. “Ah, good morning by the way~ Did you sleep well Cali? You really knocked yourself out yesterday! I almost got jealous with how peaceful you were sleeping~ Perhaps I should ask you to hook me up with some of that!”

Keone slithered in short after, dressed a little sloppily and looking very sleepy. She was clearly not a morning person. “Good mo... hisssss.... ning.” She said, with a hiss/yawn right in the middle. “Wait.. that smell!” She woke up a little, then slithered over upon noticing the meat pies.

“Oh! That smells great!” She called out, her eyes focussed upon the meat pies. Her tongue tasted the air. (Heightened Sense Smell F/Forked Tongue] “Deer... boar and...” She couldn't quite place the last one. “<Not chicken, not turkey, not duck...”> She could cross those off the list... “<Goose?>” She ended up guessing.

As the guessed it, Iswlyn finished up making tea. “There we go~ A real Satyr's morning brew! Add a bit of sugar or honey and you'll be ready for another day of partying in no-time!” She stated as she placed it down for everyone to poor it themselves. It was a surprising dark tea, a little bitter and very herby, but with a touch of sugar or honey, it'd make for a good enough breakfast tea. It also paired very well with the sweet pastries that Calliope had brought in, the bitterness of the tea complimenting the sweetness of the food.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Calliope blushed as the nude Islwyn walked in, but only for a moment. She held her hand up in a soft wave, but cocked her head curiously as Islwyn began preparing something. "Good morning, Islwyn, mmhhmm." She blushed again at the mention of her sleep. "Ah, right, that, mmhhmm. I am sorry about what happened, mmhhmm. Thank you for patience with me, mmhhmm." She smiled and chuckled about providng Islwyn with some. "Once I can craft a consistent and safe sleep potion with it, I would love to share some with you, mmhhmm. I admit, it was a rather peaceful rest, mmhhmm. I feel very refreshed this morning, mmhhmm."

Calliope with held a shudder at Keone's hissing and smile das she entered the room. "Good morning, Keone, mmhhmm." She watched Keone as she examined the food laid out. It didn't bother her quite as much as she thought it might when Keone's tongue flicked. In fact, the thought of her sensing things that way intrigued Calliope. She would have to ask Keone about it later. "Very close, mmhhmm. I believe the couple said it was pheasant, mmhhmm. I guess they occasionally roam the nearby fields, mmhhmm." Fascinating. She could distinguish the different types of meat by their scent? To Calliope, most meat just smelled like... well, meat. The only one she could distinguish strongly was fish.

"Oh I have something that might go well with this, mmhhmm." Calliope walked to her supplies and pulled out a jar, bringing it to the table. "This is <Cherry Blossom Honey>, mmhhmm. There is a grove of <Cherry Blossom Trees>... umm, the... the trees with the pink flowers in spring that drop all the petals... I don't remember their Common name, mmhhmm. But there is a grove of them near the village I am from, and a man who lives there raises bees, mmhhmm. He gave me this honey after I treated him while he was ill, mmhhmm. To be honest, I can't tell the difference between it and regular honey, but I have heard many people say it has a floral taste and aroma, mmhhmm." She never asked for payment from the people in her village, but they often gave her gifts of food or cloth in thanks.
Islwyn Meadhra

Languages Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

She gave a genuine laugh at being thanked for her patience. “The amount of people I've had to drag to their beds after they got wasted on booze is high enough to have gotten good at it~ Adding a cutie like you to that list surely doesn't test my patience in the slightest~” She'd reply with a wink (Seduction F) again. Seems like she was indeed in a great morning mood. “By the way, do you have a mirror here, I think a certain someone's gotten my hair all tangled up somehow...” She said, eyeing at Keone.

Keone Nagendra

“What?” Keone asked, having been too focussed on the meat pies to even hear what the other two had been talking about.

Islwyn give a small sigh. “Nothing, nothing at all.” Then she turned to Calliope again. “Although I really would appreciate such a sleeping potion. Not everywhere we go provides such a nice, warm and welcoming environment to rest in, with or without the coiling agreement.”

Keone got even more excited at hearing what was in the pastry. “Pheasant? I don't think I've had those before~ This should be good!” She slithered over to grab it and silently looked at it for a bit, before sinking her teeth in it. “Ohhhhhh that's good...” She confirmed after the first few bites.

Upon the name of the honey, Islwyn raised an eyebrow. Adorable as the hissing and purring might sound, she couldn't make heads or tails of beastial.

“Cherry trees.” Keone stated, between generous mouthfuls of pastries.

“Honey with cherries in it..? That sounds interesting.” Islwyn replied, misunderstanding the idea. “Well, since Keone's gotten us beat already, why don't we dig in as well?” She asked, adding some honey to her tea and taking a sip. It didn't taste like cherries at all, but it was pretty good honey otherwise. Especially between some bites of sweet bread.

Islwyn did indeed eat pretty conservatively. Stopping early, she pondered for a moment. “Say, Cali, do you know what people do for fun in these villages? Any taverns, fairs, marketplaces? I think I'll go mingle with the folk here for a bit. See what's keeping them busy and what the latest trend here. I'd just get in the way of your research otherwise.”

Keone, stopped herself just before finishing up the last meat-filled pastry, instead holding it out for Calliope. “<Quick, before I can't resist eating this one as well, take it, take it, you're carnivorous as well, right? You also need some meat to get going, before I eat it all.>” She practically shoved the meat pie into Calliope's face.

Short after, she realised they were already debating their pans for the day. “Oh, markets are always good for...” A glare from Iswlyn made her change her mind on saying that. “... not stealing stuff. I know, I know. I won't get us into trouble. I'll just do what we did with Panax again and haggle for things~ I've still got some money left from our earnings in Wmgroth!”
short orange hair blue eyes cat ears tail fantasy adventure merchant potion adul s-2694420026.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

Calliope blushed again at Islwyn's wink, but it passed quickly. She was adjusting to her flirtatious attitude the same way she had adjusted to Victorique before. These types of situations were good for her, she decided. "Oh, a mirror, hhhmmm? I should have one, let me check, mmhhmm." She walked over to her supplies and skimmed through them, but not turning up anything. She thought for a moment, then headed to her rucksack and searched through it, coming away with a small rectangular hand mirror. "Here you are, Islwyn, mmhhmm." She handed the girl the mirror. "Of, course, mmhhmm. Sleep aids are a serious remedy, mmhhmm. Loss of or imprrroper sleep can affect someone in many ways, mmhhmm. I shall see what I can do for you, mmhhmm." She smiled and turned back to the table.

It made her happy to see Keone enjoying the food. She wanted her to enjoy herself, and feel safe and accepted. "Oh, it does not have che-" She tried to correct Islwyn before she took a drink, but had been distracted. "-rries in it, mmhhmm. It is just honey made from the necter of the trees flowers, mmhhmm." She smiled. It was an innocent miscommunication and it made her cheerful. It didn't seem to hinder Islwyn as she drank her tea and ate the sweetbreads. Calliope quickly caught n that Islwyn was the lighter eater of the two, as Euthalia had said, so she stuck with the sweetbreads, allowing Keon to have at the meat pies. "Hmmmm... I confess, I am not the best at keeping track of the days while on the road, mmhhmm. So often, I show up into towns as they are prrreparing for festivities, but I no idea what festivities they are celebrating, mmhhmm. Though my village does lie on the Ryke side of the border... at least I believe it does, mmhhmm. But anyway, the vast majority of the villagers are Beastfolk like myself, so we celebrate Kuridan holidays, mmhhmm. I do not know Ryken holidays, mmhhmm. Oh, but there is a decent sized tavern here, it is connected to the Inn, mmhhmm. Right in the center of town, you can't miss it, mmhhmm. And they have a quaint market district surrounding the inn, many stalls, mmhhmm. That is where I picked up breakfast, mmhhmm." She sipped her tea and enjoyed the pleasant morning.

As Keone offered the last meat pie to her, she smiled and accepted it. "<Thank you, Keone, that is most kind of you.>" She hadn't been trying to eavesdrop,but they were having the conversation directly in front of her. It seemed Keone had a habit of causing trouble. But it also sounded like she was trying her best to overcome it. She enjoyed watching the two of them. She wondered what it must be like to be that close to someone who wasn't related to you. Her closest friend was Victorique and she had only spent a few days with the girl just a few weeks ago. "So how long have you two known each other, hhhmmm?"
Islwyn Meadhra

Languages Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

“Thanks dear~” Iswlyn said, taking the mirror to start fixing up her hair a little. “That'd be great~” She replied to the promise of sleeping aid.

She listened to Calliope's explanations. “Taverns are always nice as well~ I worked as a waitress for a bit, it's always fun to see how much I can get people to tip me~” She stated, wondering if she should go for it again. Perhaps folk in Ryke were more generous than in the See? That'd be a fun thing to test out.

She nodded in satisfaction when her offering of food got accepted. That said, she wasn't sure how to answer Calliope's question. How long was it...?

“We met all the way back when Euthalia was still nobility. She was a lot different back then, but she helped us both out a lot, in more than one way. Although other than the occasional sleepover in the greenhouse, I don't think me and Keone interacted much.”

“That's right, I think I only started to get to know her when we started travelling, after Euthalia was... well...”

Iswlyn and Keone shared some glances, then silently decided something.

“You'd have to ask her for more yourself.” Keone ended up saying.

“Either way, we ended up helping her by travelling along with her and got to know each-other a whole lot better while at it. Being on the road with someone for a few months really helps you get to know them...” She stated, giving Keone a bit a challenging look.

“What?” The snake replied.

“Nothing, just wondering if I'll have to ensure you don't end up thieving something again~”

“Hisss.” She hissed back. “As if I haven't dragged your drunken ass out of taverns just as often as you talked down some angry merchants.”

“Right... well... ehm...” Iswlyn replied, a little embarrassed. Then she turned to Calliope. “Let's just say we've seen each-other at our highest and lowest points and managed to help each-other do better.”

“That'ssss one way to put it.”

“Anyhow, thanks for the lovely breakfast dear. I guess we'll be off to explore the town~ That should give you and Euthalia some privacy to work as well.” The Satyr said, getting up and heading over to the door.

Euthalia Apricot



She was glad to walk into the house when she did. After all, it looked like Islwyn already had her hand on the doorknob. “Islywn.” She spoke, making the Satyr turn around.

“Oh~ Good morning Euthalia! How was the soil here?” She asked, seemingly not realising a thing.

“It was pretty good, thank you, but aren't you forgetting something?” Euthalia asked.

Islwyn just gave a puzzling look.

“Starts with a C.” Keone hinted.

“Oh! Right! Of course, clothes! My bad~ I'll be right back.” She said, quickly heading to her room to put something on.

As Islwyn and Keone got their things to get ready for a day of exploring the town, Euthalia turned to Calliope. “I hope they weren't too troublesome? They can be a handful, but they mean well.”
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Calliope made sure not to react, during Islwyn and Keone's explanation, but inside she was ready to burst. Euthalia was nobility!? She had blundered at potion making, her profession and the sole reason Euthalia and the others were here, in front of a noble?! But they said she was not nobility any longer. What did that mean? Calliope's curiosity was quickly running away from her, so she returned to focus on the discussion at hand. It seemed as though Islwyn and Keone were good friends, even if they did butt heads.

Calliope waved while drinking her tea as the two prepared to leave, when Euthalia came back in, stopping Islwyn from leaving in teh nude. Calliope choked on her tea. She hadn't even thought about that. To be fair, she had seen more of Islwyn without clothes than with. Calliiope turned to Euthalia with a bright smile. "Absolutely not, mmhhmm. They are sweet, mmhhmm. I am glad they are here, mmhhmm." She popped the last piece of meat pie into her mouth and got up to wash her hands. The reminder of Euthalia's nobility lingered in her head and she wondered if she should have finished her breakfast more gracefully. Too late now.

Walking over to the table where she had set up her equipment, she cleaned up the remains of yesterdays work, labeling the last potion, storing the three in a travel safe container for Euthalia to take back to the guild for further trials. She cleaned her equipment, and straightened everything out, filling in the last little bit of her journal on the first specimen. She carefully set the Living Rock aside and then sat at her workstation, letting out a sigh. "Okay, mmhhmm. Forgive for making you wait, mmhhmm. It is imperitive that a workstation be prrroperrrly prrrepared, mmhhmm. Cross contamination of ingrediants could prrrove disastrous, mmhhmm. Now shall we return to business, hhhmmm?" She looked at Euthalia and smiled pleasantly.
Euthalia Apricot



Things were a bit quieter with Islwyn and Keone out the door. Ideal to actually start getting some work in. “That's great to hear. I can't imagine travelling without them, after so much time on the road together.” Come to think of it. “You said you travelled a lot as well, it might not be my position to ask, but don't you get lonely? You seem to like having people around.”

She smiled at the girl's dedication to her work. Watching her go through things like that so systematically had some sort of elegance to it. Perhaps the fact that she was feline helped. Something about the way they moved was more graceful and elegant by nature. It made it a lot nicer to simply stand aside and observe, that much was sure. “No problem. I think I've got a good sample to start us off with.”

She said, going through the boxes. She eventually pulled out a plant that was carefully contained in a glass vial.

From: http://papayakitty.com/illustrations.html

“This is a pretty rare and a more expensive one. It grows only in places with highly condensed mana and even then, it doesn't fare well when other plants are nearby, as it easily gets overgrown. It's why you find them in more barren places with singular spots that are rich in mana. Farming them has proven impossible thus far, so they can only be harvested naturally, during the short moments they bloom. However, they are so jam-packed with mana they absorbed that they even glow a little at night. Even eating them as is, is said to have an [Energised] effect on people, so I'd imagine brewing them into potions might uncover a whole lot more usages.” As she was talking, she suddenly realised she'd forgotten the most important part. “Oh, right, they're called {Illuminate Vines} in Sylvan due to their glowing, while I think they are referred to as Limelight Plants in common, as the light they give off makes them easy to find and harvest, thus making their own light turn them into the limelight.”
short orange hair blue eyes cat girl fantasy adventure merchant potions sad book s-2467472110.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

Calliope was surprised by the question. Not that she had a problem with it, she just had not expected Euthalia to ask. She smiled as she began to speak, but it was weak half hearted smile. "I-... I do actually, get rather lonely, mmhhmm. As I said yesterday, I grew up in a house with many siblings, mmhhmm. There was always someone around, always something happening, mmhhmm. Out on the road it is... quiet, mmhhmm. My horse Mirabelle keeps me company, and I love her exceptionally, but... she is not much of a conversationalist, mmhhmm." Calliope chuckled. Her face brightened suddenly. "Oh, but recently I was contacted by a benefactor, mmhhmm. One Baroness Caelia, who invited me to sell potions in her lands, possibly setting up a perrrmenant establishment, mmhhmm. Perrrhaps then I can make regular acquaintances, mmhhmm. You might even be able to visit me there, mmhhmm." She suddenly blushed and looked shocked at what she had said. She had gotten emotional due to the topic at hand and forgot herself. That had not been a professional interaction. "I- uh... I mean... if we were to have dealings in the future, mmhhmm." That wasn't what she meant, but she didn't want to seem overly eager.

Calliope took the vial from Euthalia and her eyes went wide as she stared at the glowing plant. She listened to everything Euthalia said, then set the vial down gently on the table and begin to work on filling out her journal. "Hmmm... because we have so little to work with, I will have to be especially cautious with my use of the speci-" She suddenly thought back to their conversation earlier. "-of the subject, mmhhmm." She wanted to try eating some of it out right to see the [Energized] effect, but who knew how much that would require. It would be a waste to do. She donned her gloves, then carefully opened the vial and slid the plant out. "Hmmmm... The fact that it is filled with mana means the anathema salt would be useless, so we simply must hope it has other magical prrroperrrties, mmhhmm." She flipped through several of the books next to her on the desk, taking a moment to read a page or two from each one. Finally she picked up her knife and began to work.

A little over an hour later, she had two potions in front of her. One glowed a sickly yellow color, while the other merely had glowing flakes suspended in it. She opened the glowing one first and poured some into a cup. "This one should grant me the ability to fly, mmhhmm. I've tested many potions like this out before, it should be fine, mmhhmm. The only problem is, as I am not built for flying, I will merely sit suspended in the air for the duration of the potions effect, mmhhmm. I'm sure it shall be a rather ridiculaous sight, mmhhmm." She laughed. then she downed the glass and stood up. A moment later she slowly rose off the ground and up to the ceiling. Using her hands she strightened herself out. "A success, mmhhmm. And now we wait for it to wear off, mmhhmm." A few moments later, back on the ground she slapped a label on the bottle and set toward the back of the desk. "And next, mmhhmm."

She poured the glowing flakey liquid into the glass and stared at it for a long time. She eyed the green neutralizing agent on the desk in front of her. "I feel I should admit, I am not completely sure what this one is going to do, mmhhmm. I have a rough idea, but there was very little information on this plants properties in my tomes, and what was there was vague. Phantasm, facsimile, reflection, shadow mmhhmm. But, do not worry, mmhhmm. Nothing indicated that there were any harmful effects and I have my neutralizing agent ready, mmhhmm. This is a controlled test, mmhhmm." She gave Euthalia a cheery smile and then downed the concoction. She sat there for a moment. "No symptoms of anything dangerous, so that is good, mmhhmm. Though I do not feel any different, mmhhmm. It will be shame if the effects of the potion were to wear off before we were aware of what it did, mmhhmm. Perrrhaps if I move around, something will prrresent itself, hhhmmm?" She stood up and stepped away from the chair, but in her place remained a perfect duplicate of Calliope in the chair. As she turned back around she cried out startled. "Hhhhmmmm?!?!?!" She carefully approached the duplicate and poked it, her hand passing through it. "Fascinating, mmhhhmm. I have never seen anything like this, mmhhmm. It appears to be some kind of illusion, mmhhmm." She began to jot things down in her journal as she continued to play with the image. Finally it vanished. "Well that was very enlightening, mmhhmm. This will be quite usefull information, mmhhmm." She smiled, pleased, at Euthalia.
Euthalia Apricot



She laughed a little at the horse joke, despite the otherwise sad topic. Wanting to cheer Calliope up a little, she shared a story of her own. “I once wanted to pet a horse, but when it saw my hand, it mistook my action for me feeding it a cabbage and it tried to bite my hand off. After that, I've been pretty weary around horses. Although a while back, I saw this odd Fae-type pack creature with thick white fur. It was adorable and smart enough for me to pet it without trying to eat my hand so I'd say I finally achieved a childhood dream~”

Upon hearing the name Caelia, it was faintly familiar. There was a barony called that on See borders, wasn't there? One that'd gone through its fair share of trouble. That was about all she knew. Besides, for all she knew, this Caelia was just another Human. She'd rather not deal with those. It's why she felt a bit of … jealousy? This girl was too good to get caught up being exploited by some greedy Human noblewoman. “That sounds like a good arrangement, but... If the results of this are favourable, I'm pretty sure I could get you some good contacts with the Faazi Merchant Guild. They're connected well enough for you to sell your potions easily and living in The See itself means that you could get a lot of ingredients for cheaper than elsewhere. I'm sure I'd be able to help you out there.” She realised she might've over-promised some things the moment Calliope did. “Ehm, yes. You're right. Those would be for future dealings.” She didn't want to seem overly eager, even though she was mentally competing her offer against that of a baroness.

She was glad to see Calliope work for a bit. She wanted to go all serious, but she couldn't help but laugh again. “Don't worry, if I minded plants being considered specimen, I wouldn't be doing this job. I'd merely consider animals equally a specimen myself.”

Things took a long time. An hour working on one plant. On the one hand, she was glad Calliope was thorough. On the other, even Euthalia was growing a little... bored. She ended up staring at Calliope herself more than at her work, catching herself in the act just in time before Calliope spoke up again and hoping Calliope hadn't noticed. “That's... impressive.” When Calliope got back down, it reminded Euthalia of a Common saying she'd once heard. “It's raining cats, but no dogs.”

The next one was almost terrifying. Being unsure of what it did and hearing some words she didn't even know in Common was a little worrying. Seeing another Calliope was rather confusing to the senses. She waved her hand through it directly after Calliope did. “That was fascinating... Those are the type of tricks that are very common in the See, but to see them arise from ingesting something is new to me.”

After such an exciting result, she figured using a less promising sample might be good.

From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/dOLkNw

“This one stems from the first continent, although it should be able to grow just about anywhere that's warm and has a lot of water. It's called Frog's Fountain and doesn't even have a name in Sylvan, at least not for now. The slimy substance helps against burns, from what I've heard. However, I don't think it's ever been fully investigated if there's any more to it. I guess it was sent along as more of an afterthought, but it might be worth checking regardless.”
short orange hair blue eyes cat girl fantasy adventure merchant potions sad book s-3459296619.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Calliope smirked at Euthalia's story and had to cover her mouth to stop from laughing out loud. she wiped a tear from her eye as she calmed down and smiled at Euthalia. "I am sorry for laughing so much, mmhhmm. That is just a very unique experience unlike any I've ever had, mmhhmm. Thank you for sharing it with me, mmhhmm. And I am very happy you got fulfill a dream, mmhhmm." She took a breath to calm her herself down.

Calliope smiled as Euthalia proposed the possibility of settling in the See. "Hmmmm, that would be wonderful if such a thing were to happen, mmhhmm. That would be a big change for me, put me very out of my comfort zone, but it would also be an amazing opporrrtunity to immerse myself, mmhhmm. And I would love the help if I were to take on such an endeavor, mmhhmm. I hadn't considered the See an option, but it is good to know that it is there, mmhhmm. I should prrrobably pay this Baroness a visit, for courtesy sake, but I shall definitely consider all my options, mmhhmm."

Calliope looked at the slimy flora and carefully took it from Euthalia. "Hmmm, well I think the first thing to do is to collect some of this slime, mmhhmm." She picked up an empty vial and scooped some of the slime off of the plant, holding the vial up to examine it. "This is most interesting, mmhhmm. We'll run tests on this after we finish with the plant itself, mmhhmm." She set it down and began to work. Thirty minutes later she sat the plant down exasperated. "I... I have tried everything I can think of, and there just doesn't seem to be anything special about this plant, mmhhmm. It is not even suitable for consumption, mmhhmm. It has no use, mmhhmm." She pushed the tray witht he plant on it aside and tapped her fingers on the desk, before eyeing the vial of slime. "But you say the slime soothes burns, hhhmmm? Perrrhaps there is more to it than that, mmhhmm." She plucks the cork from the vial and begins to run more tests on the viscous substance. Another hour later and she has a single potion in front of her.

"The slime on its own makes an acceptable topical ointment, mmhhmm. When combined with others of a similair nature, it can be used in all kinds of all purpose salve based remedies, mmhhmm. But as far as potions go, this is all I could manage, mmhhmm. It was rather difficult to create this one and I'm not sure how useful it will be, but application is not my department, mmhhmm. I merely need to know what is possible, mmhhmm. This one should give me fangs and a long tongue for the duration of the potion, mmhhmm. I hope I am not too frightening, I would hate for you to be left with a bad impression of me, mmhhmm." She laughed. She poured the potion into the glass and swallowed.

Calliope sat there for a moment with no change occurring. She picked up the mirror she had lent Islwyn earlier and examined herself in it. "Strange, I don't see anyth- OUCH" She dropped the mirror on tot he desk and held her hand. "Wh-what is happening, hhhmmm? I feel like there's a thorn in my hand, mmhhmm." She pulled her glove off and gasped. On her palm was a mouth with rows of razor sharp teeth and long tongue. She stared at it for a moment then pulled her other glove off to reveal a second one. "Hhhhhhmmmmm?!?! This is not what I expected, mmhhmm!" She held her palms up toward Euthalia so she could see. "It is bizarre, mmhhmm. It is difficult, but... I believe I can control them, mmhhmm. They are just as much a part of me as the rest of my body, but it is not easy to get them to respond how I want, mmhhmm. It is strange having a new functional feature, mmhhmm... I wonder..." She runs to her back pack and pulls out a piece of dried meat. Holding it up to her palm, the mouth takes a bite and chews. "I-I can taste it, mmhhmm! This is quite possibly the strangest thing I have ever experienced, mmhhmm!" The mouth swallowed and the food disapeared. "Where did it go, hhhmmm?!?!" She continued to play with them for a few minutes before they suddenly vanished. "That... that was something that happened, mmhhmm." She sat back down and labeled the potion.
Euthalia Apricot



Euthalia didn't mind the laughter. “Yes, in the end it's all good, I still have both hands and I got to pet a horse-like animal.” She was equally amused by her offer being considered by Calliope. She'd rather not have a human baroness abuse this girl, so she'd be sure to have things ready when the girl would undoubtedly realise how bad it was to try dealing with humans.

The plant was a bust, although that was not totally unexpected. “Even confirming it has no use is worth something.” She reassured Calliope. “Who knows, maybe some will start using them for decoration or building materials now that they know there's nothing else that's special about them.”

She was a little taken aback at what the next potion would do. “Fangs and a long tongue...? I didn't even know such potions were possible.” The thought was as interesting as it was creepy. The next results turned that from interesting all the way to creepy in a rapid pace. She could feel a shiver run down her sap-stream and her leaves shuddered at the sight. “That is a... frightening sight.” She really, really didn't like seeing a mouth like that in a place like that. When it 'ate' something, she legit took a few steps back. “S-sorry... it's just... That's not a sight I was expecting.”

Where did the food go indeed? She didn't have a throat running all the way from her hand to her stomach, right? So did the food just vanish? “Straight into a hellish dimension, would be my guess.” She stated, another shiver running down her sap-stream. When Calliope's hand returned to normal, Euthalia got over and pulled Calliope's arm up. She'd gently press into Calliope's hand with her own, just to confirm it was fully 'normal' again. Only after confirming that, she realised she was holding the girls hands whilst massaging it. She quickly let go again. “Apologies, that was rather unprofessional. I just... wanted to check nothing permanent remained. That result was rather... shocking.”

For a plant she thought wouldn't do much, that surely had been a rather shocking and scary result. She wondered what she could give next, something possibly less drastic to make her heartbeat stabilise first. Going through the collection, she eventually found one.

From: https://mikepea.artstation.com/projects/xOknX

“This one is called {Blue Tonge} and (Redleaf}, which would translate to 'blue tongue' and 'red leaf' in Common, although I think they often called it Tendril-Weed as a whole. It grows in various places through-out the See, in patches in the shade. Most people think it's a single plant, but it's actually two that form a symbiotic relation. The blue stems can filter mana from the air, whilst the red leaves have deep roots that can extract nutrients from the soil, which they exchange through their sap-streams connecting. Some Sylvari experimented with the blue parts to try harvesting mana from their surroundings by implanting them into their own bodies, but the blue tendrils reject most plants that aren't the red leaf.” Considering this plant was fairly commonplace in her culture, she hoped the results from potion-making with these would be a little less shocking. She wasn't sure how much more body-horror her sap stream could take for the day.
short orange hair cat girl fantasy merchant adventure potions scared s-1799365817.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

Calliope's face went red as Euthalia rubbed her hand, but she didn't pull away or say anything, just standing there letting it happen. When Euthalia pulled away and apologized, Calliope averted her gaze and smiled. "I-it is alright, mmhhmm. I was rather surprised by the results myself, mmhhmm." After an awkward moment of silence, she cleared her throat and smiled at Euthalia again. "W-well, let's get back to it, shall we, hhhmmm?"

Calliope put her gloves back on and took the plant, looking it over curiously. "Hmmmmm, interesting... I have actually used the red plant before, Red Leaf, you called it, hhhmmm? I picked some of it's leaves at a small market once, though I did not know much about it, and had never seen the Blue Tongue, mmhhmm." She stood up and searched through a box full of journals before pulling one out, and flipping through it. "I think it was this one, mmhhmm. If I recall correctly, I concocted a nice Mental Defense potion from it, mmhhmm. But I was rather inexperienced at the time and didn't have much of the ingredient, mmhhmm. Oh, here it is, mmhhmm." She set the book down and looked over her notes, combining them with the information Euthalia gave her in her new journal. She then picked up the specimen and carefully separated the two. It took a short while to untangle the roots. Once separated, she began work on the Red Leaf.

A short while later, she had a red potion in front of her on the desk. "It is just another Mental Defense potion, but it is more potent and utile than my last effort, mmhhmm. Unfortunately, we can't test it, as we have no psychic abilities present to defend from, mmhhmm. So I shall just send it with you back to the guild for them to test, mmhhmm." She made a label and slapped it on the bottle. "Now for the Blue Tongue, mmhhmm."

A roughly an hour later, she had two more potions in front of her, one a bright teal color, and one a grass green. She picked up the teal potion and held it up. "This one is... interesting... mmhhmm. Instead of granting a new one, it enhances your other powers and abilities, mmhhmm. But again, that means we don't really have a way to test it, mmhhmm." She set it down and grabbed the green potion. "This one however, is quite interesting, mmhhmm. It is made using both plants, mmhhmm. It should give me the ability to send those around me telepathic images, mmhhmm. So, after I drink it, I'll try to send you images and you just let me know what you get, mmhhmm." She poured the potion into the glass and took a drink.

For a moment she sat there with no thoughts in her head, or at least as few as she could. She focused on an empty potion bottle until she believed the effect had had ample time to start. "Alright, I'm starting now, mmhhmm. Just tell me if an image comes to you, mmhhmm." She thought about her horse and cart, focusing clearly on it, remembering all the little details. The brown spot above Mirabelle's right eye. The chip in the bench of the cart that caught on her dress sometimes. The fact that one of the cart wheels was a different color than the others because she hadn't had time to stop and get it painted yet. She thought about the cart for a few minutes before moving on. Next she thought about Crustanton, the massive creatures that they used to move cargo around the city, the shrimp woman, the fish vessels parked at the docks. After a few moments, she moved on again. Now she started thinking about her family back in her village. Her mom and dad, her siblings, her house. As she thought, she looked over at Euthalia and suddenly remembered her holding her hand. Suddenly that image was in her head. "Oh,that's not..." She blushed and tried to push the thought away, but that just made her think about other embarrassing things she wanted to avoid like Islwyn being nude. "Oh, my gods, make it stop, mmhhmm!" She hung her head embarrassed and covered her eyes with hands, trying to regain control of her rapidly spiraling thoughts, focusing on the couple that sold her the pastries for breakfast. She stayed on that thought until she assumed the potion had run its course. She looked at Euthalia, bright red, and tried to laugh it off. "I-I am very embarrassed, forgive me, mmhhmm. I am just not used to people touching me, mmhhmm. Nor am I very skilled at controlling my thoughts, mmhhmm."
Euthalia Apricot



She was glad they were getting back into the flow of things, as she otherwise had no clue how to regain her composure after the moment of silence that'd arisen. She was surprised to learn this next plant wasn't completely new to Calliope. That should probably make things easier and a lot more safe... right? She wasn't sure if her sap-stream could take seeing another weirdly located monstrous mouth form.

As for the mental defence potion, she didn't know any psychic things either, but the name made her wonder. “Would it also protect you against someone trying to charm, trick or persuade you?” She wasn't sure to what degree mental defence was similar to willpower, perhaps those being the same thing altogether or totally different.

As for the power-enhancing one, that was easy. “We can ask Iswlyn to test the power enhancing one later. She's able to control the environment around her, but only to a lesser degree. She still got soaked after all, but perhaps with such an enhancer, she could alter things more or more strongly. I'm sure she'd be down to test it. With how much alcohol she drinks, it'd probably be one of the less dangerous drinks she consumes on the regular.”

Telepathic images? That sounded interesting. “Alright.” She confirmed, wondering how this would go do down. At first, she wasn't sure if it was working at all, but then she figured she might need to close her eyes for this... “Ah, I think... I think I see a horse? Now some underwater things... It's a bit unclear. Is that woman's head giving light..? Oh, is that your family?” The images had gotten clearer. Either this was something Calliope remembered more vividly or they were getting more used to telepathy. “It's getting a whole lot more clearer now, I think...” She started, but then she got the clearest image yet, which was an image of her holding Calliope's hand, yet from the perspective of Calliope... so she saw herself as if she was holding her own hand. Wait, why was Calliope's showing her this, of all things? To show her she'd been way out of line doing that? That's when Euthalia saw another familiar sight, that of Iswlyn. Finally, they were back at pastry sellers. “That was... ehm... peculiar.” She stated, having no clue what else to say.

When Calliope commented on it, she felt bad again. “I'm sorry, I stepped out of line grabbing your hand. I'll make sure it won't happen again.” She knew she'd made a mistake there. “Oh, and I'll tell Islwyn to keep her clothes on.” She'd really underestimated how bad they'd been making Calliope feel, or so she feared.

She figured she might want to hurry up to the next plant. “Why don't we look at this...” She stated, taking out a very small, dried-up flower.

From: Bloem In Boek

“It's called a {Wisdom Flower} or Book Flower, as there's a fairy tale that states the first of its kind grew out of a book, rooted into the amount of wisdom in there. In reality, they can grow just about anywhere, but they only bloom for a few days a year and you'd barely even notice them otherwise. This one was cut while it was blooming and dried out to preserve it, although I'm not sure how much that affects its usage for potions.”
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short orange hair blue eyes cat girl fantasy adventure merchant confused plants s-3933206482.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

Calliope thought about Euthalia's question regarding the Mental Defense potion. "Hmmmmm, I am not sure, mmhhmm. I suppose it would depend on the nature of the effect, mmhhmm. If it tried to effect your mind, it should be defended against, mmhhmm. Though if it targeted your other senses, or the very fabric of reality, the potion would most likely be ineffective, mmhhmm." She didn't understand the actual workings of magic and other similar abilities, so she answered the best she could.

Calliope perked up at the mention of Islwyn's abilities. "Oh, really, hhhmmm? That is rather incredible, mmhhmm. If she would not helping, that would mean slightly more detailed results for my journal, mmhhmm. I would greatly appreciate it, mmhhmm."

Everything was going great with the potion test, until suddenly it wasn't. As Euthlia apologized Calliope waved her hands in front of her with pleading eyes. "No, no, mmhhmm. You did nothing wrong, mmhhmm. I-it is true that I was slightly uncomfortable, but-but everything makes me uncomfortable, mmhhmm. Touching hands is perrrfectly acceptable in almost every society, deals are often struck with handshakes, mmhhmm. It is just my natural Neko instincts and penchant for nervousness that make it difficult for me, mmhhmm. But, I don't want those things to hold me back, mmhhmm. There is so much to experience, do, and see, I can't let my skittishness effect me, mmhhmm. So please, do not feel bad, mmhhmm. I am happy for everything that has transpired since you three showed up yesterday, mmhhmm." She took Euthalia's hand in own and smiled. "You see, hhhmmm? I am alright, mmhhmm."

She carefully collected the flower from Euthalia and placed it on the tray gently. "Hmmm, It is often best to use fresh ingredients, but there are cases, such as this where that is difficult, mmhhmm. If this was collected by the guild, I am sure it was done in such a way to prrreserve the integrity of the sample, mmhhmm." She filled out her journal and slid the tray in front of her to begin work.

Only about twenty minutes later she had two new potions ready to go. "Allright, this one should be straight forward enough, mmhhmm. It should just increase my cognitive ability, mmhhmm." She picked up the first, a solid white color. "But, once again, I don't have a way to test it, mmhhmm. It was simple enough to make, and should be effective, though, mmhhmm." She stuck a label to it and set it aside, then picked up the second potion, a dark orange one. "This one is a little different and actually surprrrised me, mmhhmm. I was not expecting a strength potion to come from this plant, mmhhmm." She poured it into the glass and swallowed. She waited for a moment, then walked over to her crates of supplies. Bending down she lifted one easily. "Hmmmm, this is rather useful, mmhhmm. It would make loading and unloading my cart a breeze, mmhhmm." She lifted a few more things to test out her strength until it finally wore off. She returned to the desk and slapped a label on the bottle then turned and smiled at Euthalia. "Whew, I am beginning to get peckish, mmhhmm. I am surprrrised the others are still out, mmhhmm. Perrrhaps we should find them and have a meal, hhhmmm?"
Euthalia Apricot



She wasn't sure how to react to Calliope. On the one hand, the cat clearly felt uncomfortable and admitted as much. On the other hand, she looked pleading for Euthalia not to feel guilty about it. How was Euthalia supposed to take this. As she was thinking about it, she felt Calliope's grab her hand and now Euthalia was the one embarrassed. She was pretty sure that this was far from a normal handshake, but perhaps that wasn't something she should mention right now.

Best she collect her thoughts and come up with a good reply. “That's great to hear, I'm glad I didn't offend you.” Okay, good. That part was professional enough. “I wouldn't mind you holding my hands more in the future.” Wait. That was NOT what she meant to say there. She meant to THINK that, not casually state it. Quick, Euthalia, come up with an excuse. “So that you can get a bit more comfortable with it and get over the Neko instincts.” Good. That was a good excuse. Crisis adverted.

Now they could focus on the next flower. “Cognitive ability..? Would that include things like comprehending foreign speech? I could talk a bit in Sylvan after you drink it and see how much of it you're able to comprehend with compared to without that potion.”

A strength potion? That was peculiar. Simple as it was, it was pretty impressive. “Wow...” She couldn't help utter, seeing Calliope lift some large boxes with ease. “Those are likely to become popular in no-time, as that effect is extremely useful.” The many ways in which this could be used were dazzling.

When the topic of a meal came up, she wasn't sure what to reply. She'd eaten well through-out the night, so Euthalia, at most, could use a bit more sun to digest things more. What time even was it? She hadn't kept track. “They know how to handle themselves, so I wouldn't worry about them too much. Although if you need to eat, I wouldn't mind keeping you company.” She said with a smile, wanting to ensure Calliope wouldn't feel obligated to keep up with Euthalia's pace.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

Calliope was glad Euthalia seemed to accept her explanation of her nervousness. And then once again she would be made to blush from Euthalia's next sentence, which was quickly followed up with it's own explanation. "Oh, uh, O-okay, mmhhmm. I mean, i-if it is to help me get over my nervousness, mmhhmm. I would like that, mmhhmm." She was staring at their hands and couldn't help but notice how small and dainty her own seemed in contrast. She liked Euthalia's hands. The way they looked together. She suddenly pulled her hand away and put the glove back on. "A-all right, back to work, mmhhmm."

Calliope thought for a moment at Euthalia's question about the potion. "Hmmmm, I don't really know how the brain works or how language is understood, but I suppose we could test it out, mmhhmm. There would be no harm in it at least, mmhhmm." She poured a bit of the potion into the glass and downed it. "Let's see if this works, mmhhmm."

Calliope smiled warmly at Euthalia's offer to keep her company. "That would be wonderful, mmhhmm! I-I mean, if you wouldn't mind, mmhhmm." She let her excitement runaway from her again. "There is a tavern in the center of town we co-" Wait... Euthalia was nobility... or used to be... And she got all her nourishment from the soil and sun... Did she go to taverns? Especially such small and provincial ones? "Or, I mean, I could get something to bring back here, mmhhmm." When she travelled alone, taverns were often a way to liven her spirit. she enjoyed a flagon or two of mead and listening to the minstrels and night life of the locals. But, she had company now and didn't need that tonight. "I do hope they have some kind of fish, mmhhmm. I'm not sure where the nearest river is, mmhhmm."
Euthalia Apricot



Hand holding was a science. A social science. Also a professional practice. Yes. Nothing odd about that. Euthalia wasn't sure how else to digest the direction this conversation had gone in. She just nodded at the mention of getting back to work instead. This was starting to remind her of things from before losing her heart's seed. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

After Calliope drank the potion, Euthalia started speaking. {“Alright. I'll try to speak simple phrases. How are you? I am Euthalia. Nice weather today. I know a great rooting spot. May the sun shine brightly upon you.}” She slowly spoke a few basic and every-day sentences in Sylvan. “Do you feel like you were able to comprehend any of that better than you'd do without that potion?”

At the mention of a tavern, she felt rather doubtful. There would, without a doubt, be a lot of humans there. “I'd love to go to a tavern with you, at some point, but I'm afraid I'd rather keep a low profile for now. Someone like me is bound to attract a lot of unwanted attention and I'd rather not become the talk in town.” That was a good enough excuse not to interact with humans, especially as there was truth to it. “If you could bring something back here, I'd love it if we could share a meal in the garden, in the last rays of sunlight.”
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

Calliope sat and stared at Euthalia intently, trying to discern any meaning from her words. She leaned forward in her chair in concentration. Maybe if she watched Euthalia's mouth? That was a mistake. She suddenly started to blush again. She raised her gaze to look into Euthalia's eyes. That wasn't any better. She glanced past her until Euthalia finally asked if she had understood anything she had said. A smile crept across Calliope's face as she stifled a smirk, then suddenly burst out laughing. As she finally managed to collect herself and wipe the tears from her eyes, she let out a pleasant sigh. "I... I did not understand a single thing you said, mmhhmm. I must have looked ridiculous, mmhhmm." Calliope was very happy Euthalia was here. Her face was alight with a large smile and there was restlessness in her heart she had never felt before.

Calliope smiled and nodded at the mention of eating in the garden. "Of course, mmhhmm. That would be wonderful, mmhhmm." She thought about her conundrum this morning of not knowing if she should get anything for Euthalia. "I-I apologize if I am being to informal, but, d-do you never partake of food and drink, hhhmmm? I mean, I know the nutrients you draw from the soil and the light are just as much food as what I injest, mmhhmm, I just- I mean, i-is there nothing I can get for you, hhhmmm?" She really hoped she didn't upset Euthalia with her question. She was trying to think beyond herself, but it was still new territory for her.

Calliope stepped out the house and into the evening. The sun wasn't quite setting yet, but it would be soon. If she wanted to make it to have a moment with Euthalia in the garden, she needed to be quick. She moved at a brisk walk toward the center of town and the tavern that waited there. As she got close, she could see how packed it was, with customers hanging around the outside as well. She would never be able to get her food and back in time. But there were a couple of smaller street vendors in the area, she could grab something there and make it back in time. Turning down the side path, she made her way a few streets over and found a little shop selling fish on the skewer. She grabbed a couple and began to make her way back toward the house.
She thought she had been going the right way, but having taken the back streets, this was all unfamiliar to her. Shouldn't she have reached the house by this point? As she rounded a corner she saw the brick wall of the side yard that held the garden. Perfect, she had been going the right direction after all, and had made it in plenty of time. But when she was nearly there, a woman stepped out of a nearby ally looking around bewildered. Upon seeing Calliope, she smiled and called out to her.

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"<Um, excuse me. Hey, there. You haven't happened to see any of the villagers around here have you? I can't seem to find anybody."> The woman let out an exasperated sigh and smiled at Calliope.

Calliope smiled back politely. "<They all seem to be at the tavern. It must be the thing to do at the end of the work day in a small town like this.>"

The woman sighed again. "<Well, that's just great. Just when I need somebody, there all off getting drunk. Oh, actually, do you think you could help me? My carts wheel has come lose and I can't hammer it on by myself. I just need you to hold it still while I do all the hammering. It shouldn't take but a moment.>"

Calliope looked to the house just passed the woman and then back to her. She really wanted to sit in the garden with Euthalia, but, she just ignore someone asking for help. "<I... Of course. I can help you.>"

The woman smiled. "<Thank you so much! You are a life saver. The cart's just down the road. I'll even pay you for your time.>"

Calliope returned the smile. <"Absolutely not. No payment is necessary. I am happy to help those in need.>" She followed the woman a short ways. They passed the house and headed down an alley that connected the two streets.

"<It's just up ahead. I'm really sorry about this.>"

Calliope put on her best smile. "<It is no problem, really. Every one needs a little help every now and then.>"

"<My partner saw you as you entered town a few days ago and decided you would work out well.>"

Calliope stopped walking and stared at the woman. "<I'm sorry? What are you talking about? If you have a partner, why did you need someone to hold the wheel?>" She looked around and realized they were alone in the alley. She looked back the woman who had also stopped walking, and noticed the collar around her neck. Calliope started to step backward when the woman spun and backhanded her with a mailed hand so hard Calliope was lifted from the ground. She laid there dazed as the world spun around her, and the woman stood over her, face just as pleasent and kind as it had been this whole time.
Euthalia Apricot



Calliope's laughing was infectious, as Euthalia laughed as well. “Don't worry, it was adorable.” Wait, hold. Stop. Pause. Wrong word. Rewind. “I mean, it was ridiculous, but in a positive, fun way.” Was that any better? Hopefully. She was really slipping up and being unprofessional a lot with this girl. Why was that?

A bit of a sigh escaped her lips when Calliope asked her about food. “Sometimes I drink water, but that's it. If I were to eat or drink anything else, my body would be unable to digest it and I'd have to throw it up or risk getting sick from it.” That was the plain and simple truth. “I know that flesh-based life-forms often consider eating together a social thing, just like how we considering rooting together a social thing. The best I can therefore offer is a mixture of both.” She then showed Calliope a small sachet, opening it to reveal a white powder, possibly ground-up seashells. “Sometimes I add these to the soil, to provide extra minerals. I once got offered volcanic soil to root in as well, which was amazing. However, for now, good company, decent soil and a few sun-rays are more than enough for me.” With that, she waved Calliope off.

Keone Nagendra

She'd been slithering around the marketplace. Every now and again, she ended up accidentally scaring someone. She didn't mind too much. Honestly, she was very proud of herself. She'd not stolen a thing, no matter how easy some opportunities had been. Instead, she'd haggled for a cool looking coin of old and a purple shiny rock. They likely weren't worth much, but she'd also haggled them down to 'not much' in price, so all was good. Yes, today had been very successful.

She was slithering her way back to the house to tell Euthalia of her success, when she spotted Calliope and someone else in the distance. Wait... were they heading into an alley..? Her [Street Sense F] tingled. This was highly suspicious. She quickly [Slithered Into The Shadows] to go around and make her way into that alley unseen, from the opposite end. She hoped she was simply paranoid, but she'd rather be safe than sorry.

What she saw next made her feel an intense, burning rage, from the very bottom of her core. She'd been enslaved for long enough to instantly know what was happening here. With great effort, she remained silent as a mouse so that she could slither up behind this woman in an attempt to [Encircle] her. Regardless of whether she managed to get a hold of this woman or not, she'd speak up the moment she was spotted. “What the hell are you doing!?! Are you insane!?! Capturing your own kind?!?” That's when she spotted the collar, which she would attempt to tear off the woman's neck when (or if) Keone's tail was keeping her restricted. “Nobody should have to wear such things! This is madness, why are you doing this to Calliope?!? Who's setting you up to do this?!?” She was outraged, her tail trying to strangle the woman, her hands trying to tear off the collar and her words trying to find reason in this scene.

Slither Into The Shadows – Special Movement [Slithering] F, Stealth F, Street Sense F, Fast F – character quickly slithers off into the shadows to stealth away and out of sight. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
Encircle - Special Movement [Slithering] F, Fast F, Natural Weapon [Snake Lower Body] F – character quickly slithers around someone to get in the way of their movement and harm opponents. Forces the target to make a movement action or be impeded. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown

Euthalia Apricot



She'd just found a good spot to start rooting, having mixed in a little extra minerals, when she heard a voice. Was that Keone..? Was she shouting? That wasn't good. She bladed a fist. Whatever trouble there was, she couldn't ignore it. If she'd run into Humans, so be it. She quickly left the garden, intending to head over to the origin of the screaming she heard.
messy long black hair wolf girl pink eyes fantasy adventure armor collar smile s s-2240668504.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
The woman pulled a collar from her belt as she stood over Calliope. With the papers her partner had forged they'd have no trouble if stopped by local patrols. Just had to hope they didn't run into any of the damn black spheres. She was about to put it around Calliope's neck when an orange blur suddenly surrounded her, tightening itself and pinning her arms in place. She growled and shouted back at the Snake that had [Encircle]d her. "Get off of me, you disgusting animal!!! How dare you touch me?!?! I am nothing like the two of you!" The snake suddenly grabbed her collar and began to tug, choking her slightly. Furiously she struggled against the snake using all her strength to pull her off and toss her aside. She coughed as she collected herself, then let out a loud whistle. "Shit... Gods damned asp." Her hand reached past her sword and pulled a dagger from her belt. She held it in front of her, keeping it pointed at Keone. She looked at Calliope, who was already beginning to get back up. "Well, this went poorly. But maybe this is just an opportunity to snag two of you at once." She spun her dagger in her hand and took a fighting stance before lunging the blade toward Keone with the same pleasant smile on her face.

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Calliope blinked trying to focus. Her head was killing her, and she tasted blood. She could hear shouting. Was that... Keone?! She groaned as she lifted herself up on her arms, and finally managed to see the scene. She watched the two of them scuffle, before the wolf woman freed herself from Keone's grasp. She struggled to her feet shaking. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't fight. She couldn't over power the woman. She began to shout. "HELP, mmhhmm! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP, mmhhmm. SLAVER, mmhhmm!" She really hated her speech habits right that moment.
Keone Nagendra

The snake was seeing red. She was furious. She got thrown off and crashed into a wall, but didn't even feel the pain through her rage. She'd attempt to [Snake Dodge] away from the woman's lunge attack and then retaliate by trying to Tail-whip the woman's dagger out of her hands. “<Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you!?! Why the fuck are you smiling like that?!? Is that bloody collar mind-controlling you or something?!?>” That had to be it.

Snake Dodge - Special Movement [Slithering] F, Fast F – Character uses their long tail and speed to quickly launch themselves out of the way of danger. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
Tail-whip - Natural Weapon [Snake Lower Body] F – character uses their lower half as an improvised whip against opponents. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown.

Euthalia Apricot



Euthalia picked up her pace when she heard more concerning sounds coming from the alley, especially when she heard Calliope's cry out as well. Slavers! She knew it. Humans couldn't be trusted. Their towns were filled with scum like slavers! She shouldn't have come here and... and...

That wasn't a human. She was surprised for a split second, but then managed to focus on what was far more important. What in the world was she going to do here? She couldn't fight. She'd lost her magic along with her Heart's Seed... Bluff. She could bluff. “<I'd suggest you stop that immediately, if you value your life.”> She stated, sounding as calm and collected as she could muster with [To Lead and Inspire!] to back her up. “<You're outnumbered and the guards are on their way. I doubt what they'll have in store for you is going to be pretty. Assuming my friend here allows you escape alive to begin with.>”

To Lead and Inspire! – Connect E (The See), Insight F, Leadership F, Persuasion F – character uses the love for their nation and their connection to it to inspire those around them to aid their cause. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
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messy long black hair wolf girl pink eyes fantasy adventure armor collar smile s s-3592086913.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

Wren laughed as she stepped into the tail whip, taking the brunt of it into her armor and slashing at Keone's waist with the dagger. "Mind control? No, stupid snake. I just enjoy putting feral beasts in their place." She was abut o go in for another swing at Keone's shoulder, when Euthalia entered the alley way. Shit... Another one... This was getting complicated. And the damn cat had started shouting, too. She stepped back taking a defensive stance as Euthalia spoke to her. Wren was confident she could take the three of them, but the plant woman was right. The guard would no doubt make their way here before she got all them in the wagon. She frowned and stepped backward toward the end of the alley. "You got lucky this time. But you're time is numbered. Beasts will serve. Fae will die. Long live the Empire." She took another step back and held out her arm, gripping the railing of a passing wagon that sped off out of town with her hanging on the side, watching them as she disappeared.


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Calliope ran to Euthalia as soon as she entered the alley way, clutching her arm tightly. She was shaking, scared out of her mind. She could barely register what was being said between the two. Finally as the wolf woman stepped clear of the alley and disapeared. Calliope slowly came back to her senses. She steadied her breathing while continuing to clutch Euthalia's arm, before suddenly turning to Keone. "<KEONE! Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Here this will help.>" She ran over to her and pulled one her healing vapors from her coat activating it and holding the bottle towards Keone. "<You saved my life, Keone. I can never repay you. Thank you.>" She wrapped her arms around Keone's neck and hugged her tightly. She looked up to where Euthalia was still standing. She released Keone and walked over, grasping Euthalia's hand. "<And you too, Euthalia. Thank you. We both would have been in trouble if you hadn't shown up.>" she then realized she was still speaking beastial. "Oh, sorry, mmhhmm. I was nervous I didn't realize, mmhhmm." She started to wobble in place again.

Keone Nagendra

Her tail wasn't strong enough to disarm the woman. Worse. She got hit herself, a nasty gash across he stomach start to make her bleed. That was the type of pain more difficult to ignore, regardless of how enraged she was. <“You're mad! HISSSS!!!”> She replied, although the feral sound of her instinctive hiss at her almost seemed to back up her statement for a second. “<We're not feral, we're free!”> She spoke, whilst grabbing onto her stomach to try slow the bleeding with one hand and looking for a chance to attack/defend again. Luckily, Euthalia showed up. She knew Euthalia couldn't fight, but... She still felt better having her here.

That feeling turned out to be rewarded, as Euthalia's words managed to make the woman retreat. Keone kept standing firm until the woman was out of sight. If Keone wasn't already fully enraged, her parting words would surely get to Keone. Ridiculous! Blasted Empire puppets... The moment the woman was out of sight, however, Keone keeled over. Groaning in pain. Getting your stomach cut open wasn't pleasant. She tried to gloss over, see if Calliope was at least still alright...

Yet Calliope beat her to it by rushing over instead. “<Thanks...> “ She weakly replied when getting some healing stuff from Calliope. It didn't stop the pain all that much, but it seemed to slow and eventually stop the bleeding. It looked like she wouldn't be bleeding out at least. She tried to put up a smile at Calliope's gratitude. “<Buy me some more meat pies, make sure the fire's burning warm... that'll repay this easily.> ” She spoke, still in a fair bit of pain, but good enough to have some humour.

Euthalia Apricot



The moment the woman was out of sight, her hands started shaking. Calliope would likely realise that Euthalia had been trying very hard to play tough so long as the woman had been in sight, but had now broken the act. She even ended up saying as much. “That was... terrifying.” She uttered, trying to keep her hands steady again. She really feared they'd all be slaughtered just then.

“It's alright, I can understand the language.” She instinctively replied, although speaking Common. That was still easier to her. “Also, I... I don't think I did all that much. She bought my bluff and that was it. I really feared that it wouldn't work... We... we should go report this to the guards instantly, otherwise she might find another victim. Perhaps they can still stop her or find her.” Euthalia said, confirming Calliope was standing steady before she headed over to Keone, leaning down a little before pulling her in for a hug as well. “Well done, thank you.” She was never more glad to have her as a friend than now, having had Keone save Calliope from a terrible fate. “Do you want to lean on me?”

Keone was getting a little remembrance. First getting hugged by Calliope, who was nice and warm, then by Euthalia, who was less warm yet still nice, she now just brushed it off. “I'll be fine... let's just go easy. Right, go, go.” She said, wanting to move from this place and do what Euthalia suggested; reporting this.

Euthalia took some deep breaths. “I knew the East Empire was a foul place, but I keep surprising at the depths of their depravity. Killing all Fae? Forcing beasts to serve? Those Humans are truly vile.” After all that, she couldn't keep her racism to herself. At least, she kept 'Those' in front of it, so it might sound like her anger was just directed at the East Empire. After all... they were about to report this in to the guards, who would most likely be Human as well.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Calliope's hands shook as she sipped the tea from the mug. The side of her face was bruised, but other than shaken up, she was unharmed. The guards had listened to their story and searched the area, but it seemed like the woman and whoever had been driving the cart had left the town. Her stomach growled. In the commotion she had dropped the fish she bought, and didn't really feel up to eating right now anyway. She looked to Euthalia. "D-do you think she's really gone, hhhmmm? She w-won't come back, right, hhhmmm?" Calliope took another sip. She had always avoided coming this close to the East Empire border. It was common among the Beastfolk she had met to have a story about a family member that was forced into slavery. Grabbed off the road or in the night by a slaver. This was the closest she had ever dared to come, and she only picked it because of its proximity to the See. She never imagined slavers would try anything in the town. "I-I'm sorry everyone, mmhhmm. This only happened because I picked this location for our meet, mmhhmm. A-and I should not have trusted her so blindly, mmhhmm. I didn't think... I mean... I thought... I didn't imagine another of my people would..." She started to tear up. She wiped her eyes. "Sorry, mmhhmm. I am just glad everyone is safe, mmhhmm." She forced herself to smile. "C-can I get any one anything else, hhhmmm? More tea, hhhmmm? Is the fire warm enough, Keone, hhhmmm?" She tried to push the events out of her mind.
Euthalia Apricot



She'd calmed herself down by now. At least, good enough to think rationally and stop shaking. “Yes, the guards are going to be on high alert for a while. She'd be a fool to return here.” She replied, as calmly as she could. The idea of having a nice ending of the day, Calliope eating with Euthalia rooting in the last sun-rays, was pretty much off the table. Instead, she kept wondering just how foul the East Empire was to make beasts so dedicated to hunting and enslaving their own kind.

“It's not your fault.” She replied to Calliope, waving away her apologies. “I'd blame the guards for being unable to keep this place safe and Ryke's leadership for allowing slavers to cross the border so easily.”

Although, the second point... “You're right, it wasn't good to trust her so easily. However... if another Fae were to ask me to help them like that, I think I'd have fallen for it as well. Like you, the thought of my own people selling me out... It's rather devastating.” It showed how foul the humans were, to make such a horrible thing happen. “Yes, we're all safe and sound now.” She replied... hoping Islwyn would check back in soon. She didn't show it, but she was a slight bit worried.

Keone Nagendra

Keone was having a great old time. The pain was mostly gone, the fire was warm, she got her tea and she didn't mind the extra attention. “Yeesssss... it's great~” She said, relaxing in front of the fireplace.

Before they could say more, however, someone wandered in.

Islwyn Meadhra

“Hello everyone~” She called out, although she wasn't visible behind a huge amount of stuff she was carrying. A basket with bottles of booze, a cheese wheel, a bouquet of flowers, an assortment of dried meats and fish, a sachet of tea, herby smelling bread, a plushy in the shape of pine-cone, some fruits... “Can somebody please take over some stuff? I think I went a little overboard, but people just kept being kind to me and then I did some gambling and well... I ended up with a lot of fun stuff~” She hadn't even realised the mood yet. She'd been out having a lot of fun using a combination of [Jackpot] and [Social Metagaming] to win and be gifted all sorts of fun stuff. Her breath indicated she'd also been drinking a fair bit, although she didn't seem drunk just yet.

Jackpot – Gaming F, Lucky F – Character uses their knowledge and luck to win at any game that relies on even the slightest type of luck. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
Social Metagaming – Gaming F, Performance [Dancing] F, Seduction F - Character uses their social skills and fluent dancing movements to influence and charm people just right for them to move towards the bigger picture desired by the character. Approaches social situation through a gaming perspective (as if it were a dating simulation). - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
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