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Fantasy Faereach City of Magicks

ChoasMaker said:
So. Vampire Lords aren't TOO entirely different from normal vampires. Typically they're about as twice as strong and fast as a normal vampire and heal faster. All of them have one or more elemental affiliations tied to them for their magic, they could of had it before or after they were turned. Vampire Lords are made either rarely through a normal vampire bite, some kind of anomaly shift in the vampires DNA, a bite from a Vampire Lord, or a Lord giving a normal vampire their blood. Vampire Lords' bodies take on characteristics of whatever elemental affiliation they develop, they also have wings which typically gain visual characteristics as well. Take my character for example. Her affiliation is fire. Thus she her skin is slightly scaled and she has full immunity to fire, her wings also resemble those of a demon.

Make sense so far? d:
Mitchs98 said:
So. Vampire Lords aren't TOO entirely different from normal vampires. Typically they're about as twice as strong and fast as a normal vampire and heal faster. All of them have one or more elemental affiliations tied to them for their magic, they could of had it before or after they were turned. Vampire Lords are made either rarely through a normal vampire bite, some kind of anomaly shift in the vampires DNA, a bite from a Vampire Lord, or a Lord giving a normal vampire their blood. Vampire Lords' bodies take on characteristics of whatever elemental affiliation they develop, they also have wings which typically gain visual characteristics as well. Take my character for example. Her affiliation is fire. Thus she her skin is slightly scaled and she has full immunity to fire, her wings also resemble those of a demon.
Make sense so far? d:
Add minor resistance to lightning because, quoting my friend here, 'Lightning is pure heat.'
Happy Red Mage]Have you been fighting Fiddlesticks? [/QUOTE] i've been fiddling with sticks but I don't think I've fought anything [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
@Mitchs98[/URL] Belay what Happy Red Mage said. Lightning is not pure heat. It's concentrated negatively charged particles. Although it is plasma-like, it's NOT the same as fire. That's why lightning can paralyze you by simply striking your back, while fire cannot.

All in all, if Vampire Lords are heat resistant, then they'd have little to no resistance against lightning.
Mitchs98 said:
So. Vampire Lords aren't TOO entirely different from normal vampires. Typically they're about as twice as strong and fast as a normal vampire and heal faster. All of them have one or more elemental affiliations tied to them for their magic, they could of had it before or after they were turned. Vampire Lords are made either rarely through a normal vampire bite, some kind of anomaly shift in the vampires DNA, a bite from a Vampire Lord, or a Lord giving a normal vampire their blood. Vampire Lords' bodies take on characteristics of whatever elemental affiliation they develop, they also have wings which typically gain visual characteristics as well. Take my character for example. Her affiliation is fire. Thus she her skin is slightly scaled and she has full immunity to fire, her wings also resemble those of a demon.
Make sense so far? d:
Yeah, I think it makes sense
C O I S E]i've been fiddling with sticks but I don't think I've fought anything [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
@Mitchs98[/URL] Belay what Happy Red Mage said. Lightning is not pure heat. It's concentrated negatively charged particles. Although it is plasma-like, it's NOT the same as fire. That's why lightning can paralyze you by simply striking your back, while fire cannot.

All in all, if Vampire Lords are heat resistant, then they'd have little to no resistance against lightning.
Then explain how firebenders use lightning.
[QUOTE="Happy Red Mage]Then explain how firebenders use lightning.

Realistically they shouldn't be able to. After all, lightning is nearly nothing like fire. If anything, AIR benders should be the ones using lightning. After all, lightning is created in storm clouds thanks to how condensed the water within the clouds are, and how each water molecule is rubbing up against one another, their electrons coming closer than they're supposed to. This friction is what generates the lightning- kind of like rubbing your feet against the carpet in socks. The friction between negatively charged particles generates lightning, which is electricity, which is simply a mass of heat and negatively charged particles.

Mind you, I'm tired as hell now, have no want to actually research this at the moment before responding, and am about to go eat. Some of this may not be 100% accurate. But what I DO know is that lightning is created in storm clouds thanks to water molecules in a near gaseous state rubbing against one another, causing negatively charged particles to leap off of the water molecules and bunch together against their wills, forming lightning. In that sense, it makes very, very little sense for lightning to be controlled by Fire Benders, but makes plenty of sense to be controlled by Air Benders and even more sense to be controlled by Water Benders, considering how it's made naturally in nature.


tl;dr - SCIENCE BITCH (In reality fire benders shouldn't use lightning, but water and air benders should since lightning is created by friction between molecules, i.e. in storm clouds)
Realistically they shouldn't be able to. After all, lightning is nearly nothing like fire. If anything, AIR benders should be the ones using lightning. After all, lightning is created in storm clouds thanks to how condensed the water within the clouds are, and how each water molecule is rubbing up against one another, their electrons coming closer than they're supposed to. This friction is what generates the lightning- kind of like rubbing your feet against the carpet in socks. The friction between negatively charged particles generates lightning, which is electricity, which is simply a mass of heat and negatively charged particles.

Mind you, I'm tired as hell now, have no want to actually research this at the moment before responding, and am about to go eat. Some of this may not be 100% accurate. But what I DO know is that lightning is created in storm clouds thanks to water molecules in a near gaseous state rubbing against one another, causing negatively charged particles to leap off of the water molecules and bunch together against their wills, forming lightning. In that sense, it makes very, very little sense for lightning to be controlled by Fire Benders, but makes plenty of sense to be controlled by Air Benders and even more sense to be controlled by Water Benders, considering how it's made naturally in nature.


tl;dr - SCIENCE BITCH (In reality fire benders shouldn't use lightning, but water and air benders should since lightning is created by friction between molecules, i.e. in storm clouds)

I think the reason that fire benders can use lightning in the cartoon is because fire represent energy and as such the writers thought that it would be fighting for them to manipulate the energy in lightning which is why they can bend it.
C O I S E]i've been fiddling with sticks but I don't think I've fought anything [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
@Mitchs98[/URL] Belay what Happy Red Mage said. Lightning is not pure heat. It's concentrated negatively charged particles. Although it is plasma-like, it's NOT the same as fire. That's why lightning can paralyze you by simply striking your back, while fire cannot.

All in all, if Vampire Lords are heat resistant, then they'd have little to no resistance against lightning.
All of them aren't. Only those with an affiliation to fire. Those with an affiliation to ice would be immune to that, same for lightening, etc.
[QUOTE="Happy Red Mage]5 Jhins.
It's high noon.

That's even more cancerous hell no. I hate Jihn.
Doesn't make me hate him any less. I'm a bot main sooo xD I prefer my sonas and my Jinxs
temporalSorceress said:
Doesn't make me hate him any less. I'm a bot main sooo xD I prefer my sonas and my Jinxs
It's so fun when I get a Morg or a Blitz. Jhin is just so fun with his Garen Ult autos, BS AD stats, Deathfire burn BS, crit BS and my favorite part, the 4th shot of every ult I play that is just enough to kill someone on impact.
[QUOTE="Happy Red Mage]It's so fun when I get a Morg or a Blitz. Jhin is just so fun with his Garen Ult autos, BS AD stats, Deathfire burn BS, crit BS and my favorite part, the 4th shot of every ult I play that is just enough to kill someone on impact.

Like I said. Cancerrrrr

Nice charrie buddyo. I like 'im. But, you might want to edit the Pseudo-Immortality part, because you said "Jack can be kill". Grammar's importnat
C O I S E] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37434-choasmaker/ said:
Nice charrie buddyo. I like 'im. But, you might want to edit the Pseudo-Immortality part, because you said "Jack can be kill". Grammar's importnat
Woops, thank you.

Wait I just checked, it is saying that he can die but he will be revived later on. I didn't want to say he was invulnerable.
Last edited by a moderator:
ChoasMaker said:
Woops, thank you.
Wait I just checked, it is saying that he can die but he will be revived later on. I didn't want to say he was invulnerable.
What. All I said was that you made a grammar error. I never mentioned invulnerability, or whatever. Where'd that come from?
[QUOTE="C O I S E]What. All I said was that you made a grammar error. I never mentioned invulnerability, or whatever. Where'd that come from?

What is wrong with 'jack can be kill'

Never mind I see I didn't put ed at the end of kill

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