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Finished [Fae See - Strawtinlen River] River of Redemption I: The hunt before The Eclipse

“no I don’t know how it happened…it just kind of…did? Pretty sure my first, conceivable thought if you could call it that back then was ‘what is my life’ which is probably not good. But I think I was very confused? Kind of like waking up in a box of ice.”

Cheshire told Deliverence.

Meanwhile with Noelle and Asher who had been in the forest collecting wood for the fire. IMG_1176.png “I originally got lost from my group. I was helping oversee a volcano in one of the northern parts of Chearon I think? I know it was closer to that weird lake country.”

He told Noelle. “Then I kind of started helping some other sprites with their duties, like Marble overseeing his mountain or Echinacea with her parts of the forest and Caspian with the water sources they oversee…I never really found a way back home. But I found a new one!”

Then when they both returned to the group and began recounting stories of their respective pasts. First, it was Deliverance, then it had been Ryan…then Noelle. Echinacea spoke IMG_1177.png
“WOAH! You attend the Luminary Deliverance! That is AMAZING! Also…Ophenia has traveled on to the afterlife now, she was found dead unfortunately during some negotiations from what I heard…. And a giant fungi and a succubus…fascinating. Weird but fascinating.”
The pint-sized sprite told Deliverance.

Echinacea floated towards Ryan. “Woah….vine markings….” She murmured. “That is simultaneously cool but unfortunate. Nothing is wrong with not having much of an adventurous life though, sometimes the mundane things are all one needs.”

She then turns to Noelle. “I’m sure she’s okay! You’ll reunite eventually and you can show her your flowers! “

Cheshire nodded. “I agree with Echinacea, and if she is worse for wear and my curse is worn off by your reunion feel free to hunt me down. Healing people is my occupation and my life’s work.”

Caspian turns to Cheshire. “Do you have any stories Chesh?” They asked IMG_1179.png “I do, but they aren’t much besides the war effort I wasn’t an experienced adventurer,” Cheshire states telling the group.

“I visited the city of Pardan once. I got to heal people who got attacked by rouge serpents and an undead pirate crew, then sometime after that, I was at a Circus as a temp hire to heal a young Slyvari named Peat, unfortunately, though she was a slave and among other issues. I wanted to free her, heal her…and she is free now and now she’s essentially become more like my daughter than a patient weirdly enough not that I’m complaining she has a lot of trauma to recover from though. I want to be there with her every step of the way. But the circus thing was a big horrible ordeal I’m glad it was taken care of, even if the methods were extremely destructive. I would’ve done some things to the ring leader myself…that I likely would’ve regretted later probably maybe maybe not... Peat was the only reason I didn’t she helped me keep a level head.”

Echinacea mentioned. “Would’ve thought the slaver would’ve deserved it. But at least she’s free now…ehh,..where is she?”

“When I first came back to the Fae see I asked my parents if they could babysit her for a bit; only the ‘bit’ part is taking longer than I thought. I’ve been sending letters but she is already not in the best of condition…I don’t want to imagine how this curse would affect her…”

That night the party, with an exception went to sleep Cheshire Watched over everyone for the night maybe Deliverance helped if he felt like it. By the next morning a sleepy yet bumbling Asher let out a shocked squeal that was loud enough to wake nearly the entire camp.

“Emberblooms! Emberblooms! They grew from the ashes of the campfire!”

Echinacea wiped her eyes sleepily.

“That was quick…”

Caspian would gently nudge Noelle awake, assuming she slept. “Could you help pick up the flowers? Same for you as well Ryan!”

After this, Ryan and Noelle would be handed—well as much as the sprite’s limited strength could allow into the arms of the only two who could hold them.

“rushing it aren’t we?” Asher asked. Cheshire answered. “Well the eclipse is tonight, at least we have time to kill now…let’s head towards that pond over there.” He said pointing across from them.

“Seems like it’ll be in view of the moons…”

“Good idea! C’mon let’s get a move on.” Caspian answers.

The party would end up at the pond, with some time to kill, they can talk and prepare until night time settles upon them.

Tellussoil Tellussoil Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX


From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“Huh...” He uttered upon seeing Ryan's arm. That was peculiar. “Do you remember where this healer was located at? If this ritual fails or turns out to be incomplete or something, perhaps she would be a worthwhile next visit.” He couldn't help wanting to have back-up, especially now that one seemed to be presented to him with such ease.

“Welcome back.” He replied to Noelle, deciding to try keep the good vibes going by being polite. Yet in his mind, he immediately wondered if the whimsical moth had really dipped out on them already and he was a little surprised the mermaid hadn't followed suit. When she returned again a bit later, with wood, he'd just nod. His current form didn't really make him need the warmth. Nor did he think putting up a fire was the most clever thing right now, should there be adversaries, they'd be very easy to see in the night with a fire on. Yet he figured he'd just let it be.

Noelle's story was confusing. “<Idiot?>” He tried repeating the phrase. Not sure what kind of title or word that was in Beastial. He tried thinking for a while, before knowing what he'd want to say and ask. “So you're a performer as well. What type of songs do you sing?” He wondered if it's be similar to what Ophenia's songs had been.

He'd nod at Cheshire's answer. “I can imagine.” That type of existence was still a lot to digest. “Cogito ergo sum.” He stated, recalling a bit of stuff from his past life that seemed somewhat appropriate. “I... Don't think I have any notable happy memories from my past life, well, the one before my life in this world, that is, even though I'm fairly sure it was a real one, rather than, well a game one.” The thoughts just made him feel negative emotions that'd feed the [monster] again, so he shook his head. Focussing his thoughts elsewhere would be best for now.

The sprite startled him enough to release a wave of dimension disrupting magic again, with her sudden enthusiasm. He stared at her, then blinked a few times. “Ehm,.... right. Thank you?” He had never once considered it a remarkable achievement. Perhaps it was?

The next bit saddened him. “Oh...” He stated, upon hearing about Ophenia's dead. That surely killed his desire to talk. He sighed, taking out Ninelle again. At least she didn't have to hear about it. The talk about the fungi and succubus went past him, as he was still stuck on figuring out how to deal with learning of Ophenia's death. It didn't sound like she'd come back to life either. Not like those fake heroes or those cursed like him and Ninelle. Come to think of it. He dug through his pockets, or what remained of them. He still had his notes from the interviews about her performance... He felt even more disheartened now.

Most of Cheshire's story went past him. He felt in no mood to try to stick with happy stories. Instead, he'd rather just grieve in silence whilst trying not to let the rage back in again.

He sighed when it was finally morning, as he'd barely slept a moment. Once more, he was useless, needing to rely on others to pick the flowers so they wouldn't get destroyed in the process. “Sure. Let's go.” He'd state, wanting this to be done with sooner, rather than later.
MENTIONS: Elvario Elvario

[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic], [Lich], [Undead]

After making it to the pond sitting on one of the rocks that circled it. There seemed to be no manadust either.

“I think we should place the flowers in the water when it gets closer to the eclipse.”

He answered that currently there had been enough time to kill, he noticed Deliverance seemed a bit gloomier, or sadder than before seeking comfort from the small fae hidden in his pocket.

“What’s wrong Deliverance? Well, besides the obvious…” he asked the Wraith. He supposed, emotions verse ritual lines and other steps later.​


From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

He was surprised when Cheshire approached him. Or well, within their 10 feet or so zones of non-mutual destruction. “It's weird.” He'd reply when asked what was wrong. “Ophenia was... odd, tiresome and all. Yet, I think I liked hearing her sing. I also think... I think she was a good person. She was 'nice' to others, like me. To hear that she's passed on, having been found dead after trying to negotiate...”

He clenched his fists, taking some deep breaths. “Either I allow myself to feel like this... this... sad, I think, or I think I would totally loose it to the [monster] and go on a rampage. It just feels so... so wrong. Just as how it feels wrong for her to still be in a coma.” He stated, using one finger to lightly rub the Fairy's head. Hoping she'd somehow feel it, despite not being conscious. Sure, his finger might rot and melt a bit, but that was the least he could deal with.

“If only I would've found the Etheral sooner.” He sighed. None of this would've happened. Surely not.
MENTIONS: Elvario Elvario

[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic], [Lich], [Undead]

“It’s normal, to grieve.”

Cheshire answered.

“It’s normal to feel sad, and you shouldn’t bottle up those emotions, so the fact that you are taking the time to acknowledge your grief, your sadness. Facing it head-on is remarkably healthy no matter what you are. It’s ok to feel pain, sadness, and grief….though in this context they are likely to take longer to heal if they do at all. It's good you are letting yourself feel them. It is after all difficult to lose those we are about, whether it be friends, family, or even acquaintances. Hell, it probably hurts worse than losing your own life, but that is probably dependent on the person.”

He told Deliverance. “Loss hurts, I’ve seen it plenty of times. Well few, in my time out of the Fae See. I am here to lend a hand or ear if you want to go more in-depth I may not be a therapist but I can at least attempt to help you, there is no race to feeling better though, emotional pain is harder than physical pain it cannot magically be cast away. I’ll be here for you until we have to go our separate ways eventually. There is no ‘If only’s here Deliverance I need you to know that there was likely nothing you could’ve done to stop it. But now she’ll be remembered I’m sure.”

If he needed his space (more space than there already was at least) Cheshire would be willing to oblige, if he needed someone to listen or talk to Cheshire would help there as best as he could and his skills could at the moment. Death was a delicate topic yet it seemed everywhere recently…​

Noelle Nichi
With: Cheshire DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Deliverance Elvario Elvario | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX

"Common" ~ <"Beastial">


Noelle listened to Asher's story. To some degree, it reminded her of herself. Noelle also started
her life in this world in a far different area than where she has found herself now. It has been so long ago that the memories of the seas to the north of the republic feel so distant to her.
"Do you?... Ash… do you ever thought of going back to the volcano you came from… to go back to your “original” home?" She asked while picking sticks. "I… I don't know if I would… I met all my friends here on this side of the continent… but… how would the seas be there now up north?… home…" She stared up at the sky feeling a bit wistful. "Enough moping now. Let’s get back to the boys!" The duo had gathered a decent amount of wood for the fire—or at least enough to get it started and burning for a while.

During her telling of her happy memories, she noticed Deliverance trying to say <idiot> with little to no access. " Oh… don’t worry too much about that. It is something I called a person I knew once… a stupid android to be precise…" she said to quell the wraith’s curiosity about the beastial word with a smile that tried to hide her feeling of regret that she and Almeida got separated on such bad terms. Maybe it was for the best. She is still a heartless broken construct that can’t even speak common. But somewhere deep inside she also knew Almeida could've been a friend, maybe.

"Yep, I’m a performer. Heh heh," Noelle said nodding when Deliverance asked for it and took her lute out of her bag. "I can play something if you like. There is nothing to do so why not get a bit of a good mood going," she said happily. But before she could hit a cord the news about Ophelia’s death hit the wraith. The mermaid noticed that the wraith didn’t take it too well [Empathy F]. If he had been a normal person she would have hugged him. Try to comfort him. But due to that curse of his, Noelle stayed 15 feet away from him at all times. "Dell… I’m sorry to hear about the death of that friend of yours… I can see she meant a lot to you…" her eyes were cast down to the ground "I… " The mermaid hesitated. "I never knew this Ophelia or what music she played. She sounded like a wonderful person… and I'm sure she is happy wherever she might be beyond the veil… I… I hope this song can give your heart some rest" She said before she started to play a beautiful and sorrowful song [Performance E]. She hoped that the wraith could find some peace in his heart and that this loss was not going to drag him down even more.
Noelle didn’t hear much of Cheshire’s story as she was more focused on playing her music. She did passively hear Cheshire telling the things he did as a healer of sorts. But the specifics eluded her as she was too focused on playing her music.

As the night grew late Noelle went to sleep while Cheshire kept watch. She slept well. The dreams she had were pleasant that night. Dreams of happy times. Dreams of being with friends.
She was rudely awakened when Asher loudly announced that ember blooms had grown overnight. <"arggg… five more minutes mom… I get up then I swear"> she said still sleepy. She became mostly awake when Caspian started to poke her. ” Oh hey Casper. Is it morning already" she said with a big yawn. "I’ll help… just give me a moment" Noelle said upon the sprite’s request if she and Ryan could pick up the flowers. Noelle got up and stretched a bit. Then wobbled over to the river’s edge to splash her face with some water. " Okay let’s go! she said as she was ready for the day. It was then that she noticed the Emberblooms "Oh hey... Aren’t those the flowers we missed?" she quickly ran over to them. Noelle stared at the flowers for a bit. Unsure if she could pick them without harm. "Is it safe to touch them? Or should I worry that they might burn my fingers?" She asked out loud. Can you blame her? These things are called Emberblooms. And they grew out of the remains of fire. It was not out of the question that they might have some of the traits of fire.
"Ryan! Would you please pick the ember blooms? You are more experienced with handling hot stuff. I will collect the Rosettes and the mud poppies and you can bring the blooms and the Blossom okay? Okay! Let’s go!" she said not giving Ryan a chance to react before she skips off to collect the flowers she was going to haul to the ritual site. She was not going to risk taking fire damage due to the blooms and she was already carrying the Rosettes and poppies anyway before they stopped to rest. So why change the setup now? Noelle packed up her things gathered the flowers she was going to carry and followed Cheshire at a safe distance to the pond where he wanted to perform the ritual.
Noelle put down the flowers near the pond. At least the poppies near the pond. The Rosettas she placed in the water of the pond as their roots needed to remain moist and to let poor Caspian keep the water bubble up till the ritual was going to be performed would be cruel.

" Now that is all and done… if you need me to do something you just need to ask… so… how is the ritual going to work anyways? Do we need to chant something or something like that?" Noelle said, trying to understand what Cheshire was about to do. It just came to her that the lich had given little information about the actual ritual that was going to be performed. Not that it was a necessity as the assignment was just to help collect the flowers. All that was stated in the initial letter was that it was a race-changing ritual. But if she was now to help with it it might be useful if she, and the others, were brought up to speed on what was going to happen. It could also all have been a trap set by Cheshire. He was a [monster] after all. But during all the time they were on the mission Noelle did not notice a single bit of malice [Insight F] from Cheshire. Or he was a damn good actor. Well, there was but one way to find out.


From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Was it normal to grieve? He honestly had forced himself to stop doing so in a past life and in this life he hadn't really picked back up on it. Even with Ninelle's state, the sadness he felt was tucked away by the anger he felt to those that did this to her. “Right...” He mumbled, not sure how to take the encouragement to grieve.

As much as it seemed Cheshire wanted to help, Deliverance didn't know how to keep this topic going. He'd already been far out his comfort zone talking this much about the feeling. Instead, he tried to find a way to distract himself. One that presented itself when Cheshire mentioned Ophenia being remembered. “Do you think there's a chance she returned, without people knowing?” He asked. “It's odd that you and me returned as monsters, others returned as fake heroes, Ninelle is... she returned, sort-off. Yet apparently not Ophenia. Why do you think that is?”

Noelle was also confusing him. Could someone really feel sorry about something like that? Or was it just a polite thing to say? “Ophenia was... definitely unique. I believe one might've described her as highly extrovert and optimistic.” Oddly enough, listening to the music actually helped him stay calm. “Thank you.” He'd simply end up saying. He wasn't sure what else to add or do.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan lightly nodded to his story being acknowledged by the sprite. And by Deliverance, whose interest laid in the healer. "I was guided to it, so no, I don't know where the healing garden of hers is located. My then guide might be more useful. I'll take you to her should you need it. I'll likely be in Stonewall."

After that, the stories shared and the music shared became blurry. Sleep snuck up on Ryan, hard. Before he even realized, he was out.

And as quickly as he was gone, he came back. His eyes opened an he sat up, mildly alarmed. The sprite's voice managed to make Ryan believe danger was upon them. "Whaaa!... Wait." The words being said slowly sunk in. "Geez, don't scare me like that. Just a moment." He stood up, dusted himself off and took the flower handed to him. Or so he planned, but Noelle was way ahead of him. She had given him a task. Without much else to say about it, he quickly placed them in the stone bowl and marched to the pond with the rest. Where he would take care of follow the sprite's guidance should any special measures be needed to keep the emberblooms healthy until they were needed.
The sun dipped down the horizon leaving behind hues of purple, magenta, and oranges dulled behind the glow of the two moons of this world. The eclipse started to begin and with that the first half of the racial change ritual. Cheshire and Delivers float on top of the water in the pond presumably murmuring the incantations as the flowers float on the surface around them. A darker hue vaguely tinted the holes in Cheshire’s skin that Prior illuminated with A vague light, this light would be extinguished. The light that waved off of Deliverance also began to dim. Little by little but not yet completely gone vague color returned to his skin, whether or not their respective curses began to fade was yet to be depicted (wait for grade aftermath in that regard) The Moons began to overlap one another a muted grayish brown over shown the pond officiating any changes, the flowers not including the extras Noelle kept would wither and die as the ritual sucked up their element.

This was just the first half of the ritual…

Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX Tellussoil Tellussoil

1. Narrators Involved
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

2. Narrator Standing
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - Griffin - relevant Standing: C

3. Summary of the Roleplay
Dire situations call for dire actions, Cheshire takes a risk and makes a job posting for a racial switch, and a potential cure to his ‘lich’ condition after being resurrected and seeking redemption after finding a ritual in an old study book of his. He warns intentional employers of his condition, people are nice enough to accept the job: Qamar, Deliverance, Ryan, and Noelle. Their first goal is to hunt down flowers required for the ritual's first stage. Unfortunately while gathering their first spotted mud poppy and River Rosettes Qamar disappears. Luckily Ryan manages to get a hold of some ‘manastone’ after they discover ‘manadust.’ Afterward, when in the next area they notice Qamar has disappeared and is believed to have fallen to the tricks of the forest, Noelle goes back to try to find her with plant and water Sprites Echinacea and Caspian, managing to collect the flowers there while the Fire sprite Asher is with Deliverance, Ryan, and Cheshire. Asher manages to make a crude bowl out of stone and kicks it towards Cheshire to avoid the effects of the curse. Cheshire at Asher’s advice tries to collect River rosettes with a branch only to fail, luckily however Deliverance manages to collect two with his branch and Ryan manages to collect one. Noelle collects the flowers they found prior and talks with Caspian and Echinacea as they return to the meet-up point. Ryan places the River rosettes in the rock bowl with water to keep them alive and grabs the two immature Aeriel blossoms. The party meets back up where they started, they get to chatting and exchanging stories before (most) of the party falls asleep, Noelle and Ryan are awakened by the sprites in the morning. With time to kill players talk some and the RP finishes with the first half of the ritual completed after finding the ash from their campfire grew Emberblooms.

4. Goal Achievement
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - Cheshire Charmel: Change race to Fae Racial tree, change this asset —> anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the monster tree. They will be treated well by monster allies and shown contempt by Monster Enemies. —> to place him on Fae tree instead of Monster tree. Attempt to cure ‘Lich’ condition. Grader dependent on if by this part being graded the Lich title is weakened/disrupted or gotten rid of. SUCCESSFUL ROLEPLAY WISE! (First half of the ritual at least)

NachoGod NachoGod - Qamar Kubas: Find information on her brother and potential Western Empire slavers who has him. FAILED ROLEPLAY WISE.

Elvario Elvario - Deliverance: Change race to Fae Racial tree, change this asset —> anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the monster tree. They will be treated well by monster allies and shown contempt by Monster Enemies. —> to place him on Fae tree instead of Monster tree. Attempt to cure ‘Luminous Wraith’ condition. Grader dependent on if by this part being graded the Luminous wraith title is weakened/disrupted or gotten rid of. SUCCESSFUL ROLEPLAY WISE! (First half of the ritual at least)

Tellussoil Tellussoil - Noelle: make new friends and learn Sylvan. HALF WAY SUCCEEDED made some new friends however she didn’t get to learn Slyvan however she did get some cool magic flowers!

Rev IX Rev IX - Ryan Kylieth: gather potential clientele, gather supplies for black smithing. SUCCEEDED roleplay wise!

5. Criminal Acts Perpetrated

6. Lore to Establish
River Rosettes are a magical type of water flower that typically grows in ponds or rivers near areas with high mana concentration in bundles of threes. The flower is imbued with the essence of water magic and has a history of being used for rituals, summoning circles, and casting circles. These flowers need a consistent source of water to stay alive.
Emberblooms are flowers grown from ash and have the essence of fire magic, their petals wave around in mimicry of a flame, and has a history of being used for the following: rituals, aid mana circulation and easily made fire spells. (Systematically F grade.) they typically grow as one but on occasion may grow in twos
for the most part, it looks like a regular poppy with a few other details like sharper-than-average leaves and maybe some discoloration to their petals. These flowers are connected to earth magic and may grow in one or two of mud that surrounds a pond or river near high mana concentration. Mudpuppies have a history of being used for a number of rituals and medicine.
These are air magic-infused type of dandelion, that grow in shady areas near high mana concentration. They can reach 3-4ft tall. Once matured the wind may blow them away so harvesting is best before maturity. It has a history of potion use and ritual use.
No image apologies :<
Manadust is sand that has the appearance of quicksand, typically located near leylines or areas of high mana concentration. It is useless until pressure is applied, even the barest feather can trigger it to turn into solid stone. If the cause of it solidifying doesn’t escape quick enough it may get stuck in the stone. However, if the leading cause or pressure manages to not be stuck in the side it may form a 3x3 sphere (for reference the size of a Rubik's cube). Manastone has an impossibly high resistance to heat and melting point however it may be crushed up and used in crafting.
Sprites are a type of fae that are no bigger then the size of a pinky, born in areas surrounded by their element. They are capable of elemental magic to an extent without proper catalysts and find themselves with the natural instinct to want to protect their territories typically taking it up as a duty.
Note: can’t remember if I had a name for it. If I do not have the standing to add it to lore it is ok.
The pink and green moon cross each other, this eclipse may be used for certain rituals and lasts three days.

7. Partial Participants
NachoGod NachoGod - Qamar Kubas
I understand things happen but unfortunately due to the number of posts I have to stick this under partial participants.

8. Partial Participant Invaders

9. Full-Time Participants
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - Cheshire Charmel

Elvario Elvario - Deliverance

Tellussoil Tellussoil - Noelle

Rev IX Rev IX - Ryan Kylieth

10. Characters with Point Boosters

11. Recommended Titles
Deliverance: Optional title- [Little faith,high hopes]- although this character has a pessimistic outlook on their situation they may find themselves to continue trying with even a small dash of hope regardless.

Noelle: Optional title [Fairy Friends!]- This character befriended fae despite the difference in race.

Ryan: optional title [Reliable helper]- this character has proven to be reliable in dire times. Characters might feel more comfortable around this character.

Qamar: optional title [Lost helper]- this character got lost while on the clock.

12. Assets/Titles Roleplayed For
Noelle- two River Rosettes, one Aerial bloom
Ryan- two rocky spheres of Manastone
Cheshire: removal or disruption of ‘Lich’ title and being turned into a half fae abomination (as of this part)
Deliverence: removal or disruption of ‘Luminous Wraith’ title and being turned into a half fae abomination (as of this part)

13. Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles

14. Hunters' Involvement

15. Special Skills or Assets
Noelle- two River Rosettes, one Aerial bloom
Ryan- two rocky spheres of Manastone
Cheshire: removal or disruption of ‘Lich’ title and being turned into a half fae abomination (as of this part)
Deliverence: removal or disruption of ‘Luminous Wraith’ title and being turned into a half fae abomination (as of this part)

Deliverance downtime at time of rp: Downtime: Ethereal Luminary Student D => C

16. Transactions Performed

17. Rules Utilized
Advanced combat rules despite being no combat in the rp

18. Character Sheet Oddities
Qamar: N/A
Noelle: Performance scales off of character grade. According to my calculations she has E character grade instead of D but I may be corrected.
Deliverance: N/A
Ryan: I think it looks ok. Been a bit since I looked at Masterworks only problematic if the system relies on standing instead of character grade.

19. Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates
Bound to be more lore entries next roleplay.

20. Narrator Bonuses
I have nothing to recommend but titles and the bonus as needed if required for everyone to have their things and achieve their goals!

21. Additional Notes
part 1 of 2
Unfortunately NachoGod NachoGod disappeared near the beginning-ish of the rp, due to this the slaver note was a plotline that didn’t get explored. But Nacho can join part two if he likes.
This was 100% rushed at the end to prevent it from being longer then it already was, due to somethings the roleplay did end up longer as needed/intended

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