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Active [Fae See - Strawtinlen River] River of Redemption I: The hunt before The Eclipse

Ryan Kylieth

Ryan smiled when the sprite asked about the purpose of Mana Dust as a material. "That's what's pretty great about it. This Mana Dust could be ground into small particles, and mixed in with more common materials, resulting in a workable metal that could be used for works that need high temperature resistance. That's what comes off the top of my head."

Cheshire seemed openly fine with him taking the spheres, so Ryan nodded, still smiling.

As for Deliverance, he answered to Ryan's preemptive apology in an unexpected way. It appeared that it wasn't needed after all. "Nevermind." Is all the blacksmith said, he really didn't want to strike a nerve himself.

After the group was done with the mana dust pool, the next order of the day was trying to find the rest of the materials. Ryan wasn't sure how to help with that. He settled with scouting ahead of them with his superb visual prowess. He limited his search from the river to the edges of the woods on both sides. He wouldn't snoop around much without permission.

Eagle Eye - Appraisal E, Supersense E (X-ray Vision, Telescopic Vision) - Grade E
Elvario Elvario
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic], [Lich], [Undead]
Note: not a narrator post

“I understand that it’s very difficult to ignore it”

Cheshire told Deliverance, at least despite the suffering and pain that resulted in the harsh nature of h3o they had been revived, there wasn’t suffering alone. Although they had to keep a distance still at least there was someone to relate with in terms of the pain, who understood instead of suffering alone the benefit of having someone else was therapeutical. It also had it’s benefits when trying to fix their mutual issue.

“I think we both did honestly”

He added. He then opened up the book upon request—not a lot but hopefully enough. Then read it out loud as much as he could, which hurt his throat. What sucked about being undead was while it removed his need for delicious food and tasty drinks…it then kept his nervous system mostly intact.

“River Rosettes grow in bunches in rivers or ponds near higher than average concentrations of mana, this flower is imbued with water magic it’s historically been used in rituals of species change, summoning circles as well as caster circles, Mudpoppies are a magic flower that grows in the mud near in areas with a high mana concentration in numbers of one or two blossoms, these flowers are connected to earth magic. Mudpoppies have a history of being used for various rituals and to make various medicines. Emberblooms are fire magic flowers grown from ashes, they are in areas one at a time, their history involves being used in rituals, taken to help regulate mana circulate or easy low level fire spells, Aerielblossoms are a type of dandelion grown in shady areas once matured wind blows them away when harvesting them it is better to grab them before they hit their mature state this flower is connected to wind magic and has a history of being used for Potions and rituals.”


From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Ryan's 'nevermind' and the latter's earlier enthusiasm about the Mana Dust had given Deliverance an idea. “Should I get this form of mine fixed, please let me know what magical properties you found about this Mana Dust. I'd probably like to study it myself, were it that I can't in this form.” Common interests was a way of being 'nice' and not 'monster that wishes to kill you' in vibe, right? Perhaps he should try lean into it more to keep sane. Otherwise he'd probably loose it before they were done.

He'd read the book from a distance, whilst listening along. “Peculiar. The ritual and plants seem more straight-forward than expected.” That made him wonder. “Come to think of it, how did you stumble upon this ritual? I was looking for where to proceed next when I learned you were already working exactly on what I'd need as well.”
Cheshire - #FFC100
Echinacea - #30D84B
Asher - #DD1313
Caspian - #0099FF
Cheshire answered Deliverence's question with little issue.

“after I had been resurrected I went back to my home. I was in a panic for the most part and was having issues controlling myself I barely managed but just seeing what the..curse… did was daunting. I knew I couldn’t visit a library or any public space for that matter without costing someone. So I looked through my old books, growing up my parents forced me to learn magic which I didn’t have much issue with despite the amount of pressure. In the end I looked through my old study books, the rituals in them weren’t exactly where my focus was in my studies so they never stuck out nor ended up committed to memory but when rereading them I found the ritual. I was lucky in simple terms, unlucky for the curse lucky for seeming to have the answer there.”

It was really one mad coincidence he supposed, or just the extra benefit of having had stern parents that shoved studying down ones throat. Even when keeping the books he didn’t know they would come in handy like this. IMG_1176.png “That…is actually fascinating,” Asher told Ryan
“I wonder if Marble is aware of that, he should be but he is also Blacksmith. It’s difficult and he has to rely on magic for most of it because sprites are physically very weak but he’s stubborn. I think you two would’ve gotten along if he had tagged along.”

“He couldn’t tag along because he was backed up in orders.” Echinacea went ahead and explained. Before fluttering over to Noelle.

“That part wasn’t needed to mentioned Echinacea” Asher yelled st her as she left.
IMG_1177.png Echinacea stuck her tongue out at Asher before helping guide Noelle to the small creak, likely to stay next to the beast as if watching a wild animal. Caspian stayed near Qamar to keep the River Rosettes watered and alive with the miniature bubbles.

“So where do we head next?” Echinacea asked, loudly so everyone including the cursed could hear her properly.

“I imagine we are going to continue using Strawtinlen as a guide, it’s helped us locate some of the plants we need so far!”

Cheshire responded.
IMG_1179.png “Follow me this way!” Caspian spoke while helping Qamar with the flowers.

“We came from this way.”

The trip was simple, as they led everyone back the way they came, which wasn’t difficult as they weren’t even that far from where the river was, to begin with. The party would travel down Strawtinlen a ways. Cheshire mentioned.

“If we can obtain more I think we should sit and rest for a hour or two. Qamar I think still has that rabbit which we can cook if you guys are hungry,”

“And where are we gonna get a fire?” Asher asked before being met with a look from Cheshire, Echinacea and Caspian. “Okay fine but Echinacea is providing the branches it shouldn’t need more then a spark.”
[NOTE:characters cannot see the map]
IMG_1431.png The party would see an area on the side of the river that had a dense wall of trees surrounding it. Asher flew inside of it real quick, and just as quickly flew black out of it,

“There are more of those rosettes in here!”

He answered.

“And I believe what looked like those blossoms from the book?”

He asked questionably Echinacea snorted. “Oh look you actually paid attention to things!” Asher ignored that remark. The group would enter the area investigating it.

“Woah….is this natural?” Cheshire asked. Echinacea answered.

“All except the rock placement I think…”

Asher didn’t go near the Aerial blossoms instead staring at them pretty bug-eyed.

“So those are taller then I thought they would be…if we couldn’t pick up the rosettes or the poppies I think it is safe to assume we can’t pick those up.”
“I think this would be easier then last time though. I mean we only have to grab the rosettes first before trutting along in the plunge pool right?”

Noticably on one of the near by rocks was a note. IMG_1432.png
The note, if spotted and inspected would be written in [Beastial] which only left two options for who could’ve left the note either being a beast from the Western Empire or The republic. Another thing that could be seen about it was due to the close proximity to the water it.was semi wet rendering it fragile to pick up at the moment.

Caspian spoke up.

“I think we should be careful. The water Looks to be moving around at a fast pace. We’ll need to be careful”

Echinacea left Noelle’s side before carefully aiming she was able to touch it but due to the speed of the water couldn’t pick it up.

“Gah okay nevermind I am leaving this to the big people it seems to be about timing.”

She answered clearly dizzy. IMG_1436.gif “So…I definitely can’t help with this one.”

He groans.

“Okay if someone gets hurt I’ll try to help by healing, just whoever sticks their hand in that becareful”

Caspian Chimes in. “If anyone manages to get any I’ll bubble their stems and water!”

After one puzzle is onto a minigame before the next! (Next puzzle is for the Aerial Blossoms) for the Rosettes it’s up to IC timing and chance!

Role dice in your posts here on RPN (not the discord) from 1-20 (1 dice with 20 faces on rpn_
1-5 failed to obtain the River Rosette minor injury,
6-10 obtained a rosette but still minorly injured their hamd
11-15 obtained a rosette without injury
16-20 obtained two rosettes without injury.

If you need help just message me!

River Rosettes [3/4]
Mud poppies [1/2]
Aeriel Blossom [0/1]
Ember Blooms [0/2]

Extras [??/??]
Tellussoil Tellussoil NachoGod NachoGod Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX




From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Cheshire's answer was... oddly simple. Almost suspiciously so. “At that point, luck alone is not enough to explain it. Perhaps the Spirit King hadn't entirely abandoned you just yet, for the right ritual to be found so easily.” He figured he'd give Cheshire the benefit of doubt and did his best not to get overly suspicious about how simple the answer had been. “Had that been me, my form alone might've destroyed the books before I could've even read them properly.”

Truthfully, perhaps his ghastly form made him a bit more energetic, but he was starting to feel his legs. They had been walking for a very long distance through a highly difficult to travel-through terrain. “We're making surprising progress, though I must say I didn't account for the area to search for to be this large. Do you think we'll make it before nightfall?” He asked. “If not, I can help illuminate the place with my magic.”

As for taking a break, he shrugged. “I haven't felt much hunger since I obtained this form, other than... well, other than for things best left unmentioned.” Rabbit stew did not sound appealing right now. He recognized a note in Beastial, but that was about it. He'd never learned the language, as he'd always been too lowly to be allowed to do so in the West Empire and he'd lost interest short after.

Seeing how his 'being' alone might destroy the flowers, he figured it best to abstain from trying to grab any. “I'll see if I can make it easier.” He'd state, as he would use a make-shift ability of [Magic, Magic Range, Area of Effect and Control Environment and Nature] to see if he'd be able to slow down the water with it for whomever wished to attempt to grab one of the needed flowers. “I'm not sure for how long I can keep this up before my own aura disrupts it, but this should help at least.” He'd state.

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