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Finished [Fae See - Strawtinlen River] River of Redemption I: The hunt before The Eclipse

Ryan Kylieth

Ryan smiled when the sprite asked about the purpose of Mana Dust as a material. "That's what's pretty great about it. This Mana Dust could be ground into small particles, and mixed in with more common materials, resulting in a workable metal that could be used for works that need high temperature resistance. That's what comes off the top of my head."

Cheshire seemed openly fine with him taking the spheres, so Ryan nodded, still smiling.

As for Deliverance, he answered to Ryan's preemptive apology in an unexpected way. It appeared that it wasn't needed after all. "Nevermind." Is all the blacksmith said, he really didn't want to strike a nerve himself.

After the group was done with the mana dust pool, the next order of the day was trying to find the rest of the materials. Ryan wasn't sure how to help with that. He settled with scouting ahead of them with his superb visual prowess. He limited his search from the river to the edges of the woods on both sides. He wouldn't snoop around much without permission.

Eagle Eye - Appraisal E, Supersense E (X-ray Vision, Telescopic Vision) - Grade E
Elvario Elvario
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic], [Lich], [Undead]
Note: not a narrator post

“I understand that it’s very difficult to ignore it”

Cheshire told Deliverance, at least despite the suffering and pain that resulted in the harsh nature of h3o they had been revived, there wasn’t suffering alone. Although they had to keep a distance still at least there was someone to relate with in terms of the pain, who understood instead of suffering alone the benefit of having someone else was therapeutical. It also had it’s benefits when trying to fix their mutual issue.

“I think we both did honestly”

He added. He then opened up the book upon request—not a lot but hopefully enough. Then read it out loud as much as he could, which hurt his throat. What sucked about being undead was while it removed his need for delicious food and tasty drinks…it then kept his nervous system mostly intact.

“River Rosettes grow in bunches in rivers or ponds near higher than average concentrations of mana, this flower is imbued with water magic it’s historically been used in rituals of species change, summoning circles as well as caster circles, Mudpoppies are a magic flower that grows in the mud near in areas with a high mana concentration in numbers of one or two blossoms, these flowers are connected to earth magic. Mudpoppies have a history of being used for various rituals and to make various medicines. Emberblooms are fire magic flowers grown from ashes, they are in areas one at a time, their history involves being used in rituals, taken to help regulate mana circulate or easy low level fire spells, Aerielblossoms are a type of dandelion grown in shady areas once matured wind blows them away when harvesting them it is better to grab them before they hit their mature state this flower is connected to wind magic and has a history of being used for Potions and rituals.”


From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Ryan's 'nevermind' and the latter's earlier enthusiasm about the Mana Dust had given Deliverance an idea. “Should I get this form of mine fixed, please let me know what magical properties you found about this Mana Dust. I'd probably like to study it myself, were it that I can't in this form.” Common interests was a way of being 'nice' and not 'monster that wishes to kill you' in vibe, right? Perhaps he should try lean into it more to keep sane. Otherwise he'd probably loose it before they were done.

He'd read the book from a distance, whilst listening along. “Peculiar. The ritual and plants seem more straight-forward than expected.” That made him wonder. “Come to think of it, how did you stumble upon this ritual? I was looking for where to proceed next when I learned you were already working exactly on what I'd need as well.”
Cheshire - #FFC100
Echinacea - #30D84B
Asher - #DD1313
Caspian - #0099FF
Cheshire answered Deliverence's question with little issue.

“after I had been resurrected I went back to my home. I was in a panic for the most part and was having issues controlling myself I barely managed but just seeing what the..curse… did was daunting. I knew I couldn’t visit a library or any public space for that matter without costing someone. So I looked through my old books, growing up my parents forced me to learn magic which I didn’t have much issue with despite the amount of pressure. In the end I looked through my old study books, the rituals in them weren’t exactly where my focus was in my studies so they never stuck out nor ended up committed to memory but when rereading them I found the ritual. I was lucky in simple terms, unlucky for the curse lucky for seeming to have the answer there.”

It was really one mad coincidence he supposed, or just the extra benefit of having had stern parents that shoved studying down ones throat. Even when keeping the books he didn’t know they would come in handy like this. IMG_1176.png “That…is actually fascinating,” Asher told Ryan
“I wonder if Marble is aware of that, he should be but he is also Blacksmith. It’s difficult and he has to rely on magic for most of it because sprites are physically very weak but he’s stubborn. I think you two would’ve gotten along if he had tagged along.”

“He couldn’t tag along because he was backed up in orders.” Echinacea went ahead and explained. Before fluttering over to Noelle.

“That part wasn’t needed to mentioned Echinacea” Asher yelled st her as she left.
IMG_1177.png Echinacea stuck her tongue out at Asher before helping guide Noelle to the small creak, likely to stay next to the beast as if watching a wild animal. Caspian stayed near Qamar to keep the River Rosettes watered and alive with the miniature bubbles.

“So where do we head next?” Echinacea asked, loudly so everyone including the cursed could hear her properly.

“I imagine we are going to continue using Strawtinlen as a guide, it’s helped us locate some of the plants we need so far!”

Cheshire responded.
IMG_1179.png “Follow me this way!” Caspian spoke while helping Qamar with the flowers.

“We came from this way.”

The trip was simple, as they led everyone back the way they came, which wasn’t difficult as they weren’t even that far from where the river was, to begin with. The party would travel down Strawtinlen a ways. Cheshire mentioned.

“If we can obtain more I think we should sit and rest for a hour or two. Qamar I think still has that rabbit which we can cook if you guys are hungry,”

“And where are we gonna get a fire?” Asher asked before being met with a look from Cheshire, Echinacea and Caspian. “Okay fine but Echinacea is providing the branches it shouldn’t need more then a spark.”
[NOTE:characters cannot see the map]
IMG_1431.png The party would see an area on the side of the river that had a dense wall of trees surrounding it. Asher flew inside of it real quick, and just as quickly flew black out of it,

“There are more of those rosettes in here!”

He answered.

“And I believe what looked like those blossoms from the book?”

He asked questionably Echinacea snorted. “Oh look you actually paid attention to things!” Asher ignored that remark. The group would enter the area investigating it.

“Woah….is this natural?” Cheshire asked. Echinacea answered.

“All except the rock placement I think…”

Asher didn’t go near the Aerial blossoms instead staring at them pretty bug-eyed.

“So those are taller then I thought they would be…if we couldn’t pick up the rosettes or the poppies I think it is safe to assume we can’t pick those up.”
“I think this would be easier then last time though. I mean we only have to grab the rosettes first before trutting along in the plunge pool right?”

Noticably on one of the near by rocks was a note. IMG_1432.png
The note, if spotted and inspected would be written in [Beastial] which only left two options for who could’ve left the note either being a beast from the Western Empire or The republic. Another thing that could be seen about it was due to the close proximity to the water it.was semi wet rendering it fragile to pick up at the moment.

Caspian spoke up.

“I think we should be careful. The water Looks to be moving around at a fast pace. We’ll need to be careful”

Echinacea left Noelle’s side before carefully aiming she was able to touch it but due to the speed of the water couldn’t pick it up.

“Gah okay nevermind I am leaving this to the big people it seems to be about timing.”

She answered clearly dizzy. IMG_1436.gif “So…I definitely can’t help with this one.”

He groans.

“Okay if someone gets hurt I’ll try to help by healing, just whoever sticks their hand in that becareful”

Caspian Chimes in. “If anyone manages to get any I’ll bubble their stems and water!”

After one puzzle is onto a minigame before the next! (Next puzzle is for the Aerial Blossoms) for the Rosettes it’s up to IC timing and chance!

Role dice in your posts here on RPN (not the discord) from 1-20 (1 dice with 20 faces on rpn_
1-5 failed to obtain the River Rosette minor injury,
6-10 obtained a rosette but still minorly injured their hamd
11-15 obtained a rosette without injury
16-20 obtained two rosettes without injury.

If you need help just message me!

River Rosettes [3/4]
Mud poppies [1/2]
Aeriel Blossom [0/1]
Ember Blooms [0/2]

Extras [??/??]
Tellussoil Tellussoil NachoGod NachoGod Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX




From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Cheshire's answer was... oddly simple. Almost suspiciously so. “At that point, luck alone is not enough to explain it. Perhaps the Spirit King hadn't entirely abandoned you just yet, for the right ritual to be found so easily.” He figured he'd give Cheshire the benefit of doubt and did his best not to get overly suspicious about how simple the answer had been. “Had that been me, my form alone might've destroyed the books before I could've even read them properly.”

Truthfully, perhaps his ghastly form made him a bit more energetic, but he was starting to feel his legs. They had been walking for a very long distance through a highly difficult to travel-through terrain. “We're making surprising progress, though I must say I didn't account for the area to search for to be this large. Do you think we'll make it before nightfall?” He asked. “If not, I can help illuminate the place with my magic.”

As for taking a break, he shrugged. “I haven't felt much hunger since I obtained this form, other than... well, other than for things best left unmentioned.” Rabbit stew did not sound appealing right now. He recognized a note in Beastial, but that was about it. He'd never learned the language, as he'd always been too lowly to be allowed to do so in the West Empire and he'd lost interest short after.

Seeing how his 'being' alone might destroy the flowers, he figured it best to abstain from trying to grab any. “I'll see if I can make it easier.” He'd state, as he would use a make-shift ability of [Magic, Magic Range, Area of Effect and Control Environment and Nature] to see if he'd be able to slow down the water with it for whomever wished to attempt to grab one of the needed flowers. “I'm not sure for how long I can keep this up before my own aura disrupts it, but this should help at least.” He'd state.
Elvario Elvario
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic], [Lich], [Undead]
Note: not a narrator post

“Perhaps! Either that or that…benefactor…or maybe they’re the same person? Either way, I hope it was the Spirit King!”

Cheshire answered that was a great possibility with how unknown everything seemed, maybe at a later date he should try to learn who exactly all played a part in his revival. He nodded.

“I’m just fortunate most books don’t have a life force in them, they typically don’t unless they are a [construct] or [monster] I gather. Either way fortunate I can hold the book unfortunately I can’t help gather the flowers.”

He ponders a minute.

“I think we have a chance to make it out of this area before nightfall, if we don’t you won’t be alone I think well if the Sprites had any sense at least.” He shook his head, he shouldn’t think so negatively they were trying their best. He shouldn’t let himself think that way.

“Me neither, I haven’t needed to eat, drink, or sleep since my revival. But I know we have people with us that do, which is mainly why I mentioned it.”

Realistically they both needed the other, the others could interact with life without sapping from it, and the others can interact with the flowers without fucking up their magic makeup. It was a part of the reason he wanted to take care of them but not as much of one compared to the other one. Which was they were people. He’s a healer. It’d be bad if he let their health dwindle. He nods.

“I have faith, we’ll see what happens I’ll keep my distance in case you need backup.”

Noelle Nichi
With: Cheshire DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Deliverance Elvario Elvario | Qamar NachoGod NachoGod | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX

Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">


The creek was narrower than Noelle expected. But with stubborn perseverance, the little mermaid trudged her way to the pond. Making sure she stepped on solid ground beneath the little bit of water each step. When she reached the pond Noelle quickly hopped over the mud bank. The pond was a lot deeper than the creek. That was already a plus for the mermaid. She calmly moved towards the Rosettas. Examining the flowers the mermaid wondered how to best get them back to the group. If she had to carry them back while traversing the little creek again, it might pose a problem. Getting here was already a challenge of its own. Keeping the flowers safe at the same time might be a bit too much. She could put them in her bag. But then there was no telling if they stayed whole. Or if they get squished by the things already in there.

"Too many worries. Let’s first get the flowers and we will see then how to get them across" she thought as she lay down in the water right in front of the Rosettas. She looked as if the flowers were rotted in the soil beneath the water. It so she carefully tries to pull their roots from the soil to then pick the flowers up in cupped hands and transfer them to the mud bank nearby. She did this with each of the rosettas.
"Now that is done" she said to herself as she left the flowers near the edge of the water before moving over to the poppy. " And for you" She grabbed the flower’s stem near the mud and calmly tried to pull it out of the mud. Once she got the poppy she brought it over to where she left the rosettas.
Taking a moment to think how to get the flowers back over the sands Noelle noticed Qamar.
"Wait… that could work" the mermaid thought and started to wave at the moth girl "Q!! HEY Q!!! CAN COME TAKE THESE FLOWERS AND FLY THEM OVER?" She yelled to the flying girl to come pick up the flowers.

Once the flowers were in the care of Qamar Noelle could focus on getting back herself. She had noticed Deliverance's compliment on acquiring the flowers. He was trying to be nice. But the mermaid hadn’t how rude he was before. Not that it mattered at this moment as she had other things on her mind.
As she moved back to the little creek that brought her to the pond the flower fairy came fluttering close to Noelle. The fairy tried to help guide the mermaid back down the creek and although Noelle knew it was meant well it felt a bit patronising towards her. She got in the pond on her own, safe to say she is more than capable of returning through the creak, she is not that stupid.
Getting back was a bit easier than getting to the pond in the first place. Mostly because she now already knew where it was relatively safe to walk through the shallow water. Once she reached the soft grass she gave the group a smug grin and a thumbs up signaling she was okay. Shortly after the group set out to search for more flowers.

They followed the main river again for a bit. The flower fairy was still following Noelle. Although she could appreciate the company as she was still trailing about 16 feet from the group to not get within the harmful range of Chesire and Deliverance’s aura. It started to feel like the fairy was keeping watch over her like she was some kind of wild animal. Not that she showed that she was becoming slightly wary of the fairy. The mermaid was still as cheerful as ever. Looking around to take in the scenery. And of course, keeping an eye out for the flowers they seek. But mostly just the scenery.

They have been walking again for quite some time. When Cheshire suggested taking a break soon the mermaid agreed. To be honest she was starting to feel a bit peckish. What she would do for a nice warm cinnamon roll.
Suddenly they noticed an area next to the river. The fire fairy took a quick recon to confirm there were more of the water flowers they were looking for.
Noelle followed into the area and was quick to notice how idyllic it all looked. This was a good place to have that little break. But as people were still being serious she remembered that they should first gather the requested plants before they could rest.
As she walked towards the stream Noelle noticed Deliverance looking at something but quickly lost interest. Waiting till the ghoul was far away enough Noelle walked up to the rock Deliverance was staring at to see the watered note. "What is this?" she wondered as she looked at the note. <"Wait… this is written in beastial"> she realised as she started to read what the note said. reading it out loud in beastial. Maybe she could find a clue as to why a best would leave such a note so far from home.


From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Cheshire mentioning the Spirit King again made Deliverance a tad curious. “You said you were Human, yet raised in the See. That couldn't have been easy. I'm surprised you stuck around and even fought in the war for us.” Deliverance, at the very least, had a fair few personal goals to achieve through it, even though he'd mostly been there for Ninelle.

“Life force, right.” Deliverance had forgotten a bit. “I forgot you've not become an overall destructive entity, like Ninelle or I tend to be.”

Before nightfall? That sounded optimistic, but so far, things had indeed gone smoothly. “Let us hope so.” As for needing the others, he already had to agree with that for practical reasons alone. There was one more thing that sort-off bothered him. “It does feel surprisingly frustrating being unable to help out all that much with something I need done.” He wondered if Cheshire felt the same.
Ryan Kylieth

"...Certainly! it's always nice to share thoughts on things like these." Ryan replied to Deliverance. Shocked, but with enthusiasm regardless. Hopefully he'd stay on his good side. Same thing went for the sprite's blacksmith buddy. "Meeting other metal workers is very enjoyable" Summarizing his thoughts with a resolute nod.

After some more nature traversing, the group came across yet another bunch of difficult to reach flowers. Ryan knelt a safe distance from the water. Observing carefully. He debating simply using his enhanced time perception for a quick and precise grab. But he wasn't notably fast. As he mulled on how to approach this, Noelle found a note of sorts. "And that is...?" he wondered, unable to understand Noelle's last comment, let alone whatever the note stated. From there, he listened intently, hoping to figure out a less brutish approach to taking the plants.
Noelle’s calls for Qamar were met with a silence that raised heads, Cheshire looked around and tried to look in the air in case she was still flying. Where had the Fae gone? He wondered, then considered maybe it was a manner of distance at first. Yes yes everyone had to stay 10 feet away from him at a minimum…maybe it was just him? He didn’t have a heightened sense of sight so it had made sense, for a brief moment at least. As Noelle read the note out loud the contents were as follows:​

Fo nd more Capies, they will be ro table ma e sure not to in ur
The y n er ones. The ll have time adju tin unlike the
Adults which might be need to be put in their place
Meet at the o o ro t bor er​

However the words were faded, some words would be easier to read then others as a result. Cheshire mentioned.

“That….doesn’t sound good”

Caspian began to feel exhausted. That hadn’t seemed right to the small sprite.

“Qamar! Qamar! Qamar! Where are you?”

This caused the other Asher and Echinacea to also look around Cheshire had a panicked expression on his face.

“Uhh she couldn’t have gotten lost on the way here you think?”

It was bad cause that either mean they lost the flowers if she had them on her, or she never picked up the flowers in the first place. Or was somewhere dying in a ditch.

“How did we miss that?” Cheshire asked out loud.

“I didn’t notice until I felt my distance from the water bubbles… I can go back and see if she is at the last area we were in! I should be able to trace my own magic.” Caspian mentioned. Cheshire nodded, then asked Noelle.

“Can you go with Caspian? You are more in tune with water from what I’ve seen, can you try to find Qamar and the flowers? We’ll try to get things situated over here… we can all meet back up at the start of Strawtinlen at the start of nightfall to update each other.”

Echinacea sighed.

“We should’ve figured she was too aloof…”

“Not Nice Echinacea!” Cheshire reprimanded. “But it’s true! And now we all need to split up and waste time We do not have! I’m sticking with Caspian and Noelle”

Cheshire couldn’t deny she had a point, the deadline was close…the forest was confusing and had dangers inside to boot. Cheshire can only hope the worst wasn’t happening.

Asher answered, “Then I’ll stay with Ryan, Cheshire, and Deliverance.” The fire sprite told Caspian and Echinacea. The other two flying towards Noelle.

“This way.”

With the girls plus Caspian gone to look for Qamar. Asher gestured for Cheshire to follow him although he still kept his distance. Cheshire answered some of Deliverence's questions. Although he was in a less chipper mood due to Qamar’s disappearance.

“Yes, from what my parents told me they found me when I was a baby, they decided to not kill me and raised me in their home. I was limited in where I could go, I didn’t go out into the forest often growing up. They were strict with their teachings growing up. They are the reason I can use healing magic, and without the need of a catalyst…when the war begun they sent me to Ryke thinking it would be safer for me. Then I ended up helping with the supplies drops…and we know where that went. My life and treatment given to me in the See was different, but it’s still my home nonetheless.”

Cheshire began to follow Asher and keep his distance. He sighed. “Not as destructive but still harsh. I’m a healer. I heal people. I keep them alive…why do I have to suck up the life force of those near me? It sounds so much like a punishment…”

Asher gestured to a long branch and kicked it over. “Look! It’s already dead! Nothing to drain from it…maybe you could use it to try to get one of the Rosettes? Echina did say it was a matter of timing. I dunno if Deliverance can pick up a stick since he talks about things exploding…”

Cheshire picked up the stick. He questioned.

“How do you figure I fish them out without touching them? Not to mention we don’t have a water source to keep them in?”

“Eh…right” Asher ponders, then goes to one of the rocks and melts a small hole in it. It takes a lot of weak kicks to get it close to the water fall to cool it off. Leaving a raggedy looking makeshift bowl. Asher then kicks it back in the area of Cheshire when deeming it close enough he then flies to a branch in the tree and sits. “There! I did what I can for now…I’m gonna rest…a minute…”

Cheshire walks to the bowl and picks it up. “Right uhhh Ryan if I don’t fuck this up would you mind picking up the bowl and filling it with water in case I manage a blossom?”

He asked, though still worried about the missing party members time was limited. He tried to angle the stick and get it to gently knock at least one of the flowers out. Even if hope seemed against them. IMG_1471.gif

After one puzzle is onto a minigame before the next! (Next puzzle is for the Aerial Blossoms) for the Rosettes it’s up to IC timing and chance!

Role dice in your posts here on RPN (not the discord) from 1-20 (1 dice with 20 faces on rpn_
1-5 failed to obtain the River Rosette minor injury, (in cheshire’s case the tip of the branch breaks off)
6-10 obtained a rosette but still minorly injured their hand (in Cheshire’s case manages to push one out at the cost at a piece of the branch)
11-15 obtained a rosette without injury (Cheshire’s branch stays in tact)
16-20 obtained two rosettes without injury. (Cheshire’s branch stays in tact and he gets lucky)

If you need help just message me!

Cheshire - #FFC100
Echinacea - #30D84B
Asher - #DD1313
Caspian - #0099FF

Tellussoil Tellussoil Elvario Elvario NachoGod NachoGod Rev IX Rev IX


From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

He'd nod at Ryan's sudden enthusiasm, being a bit surprised and having forgotten it was just a reaction to his own attempt to be nice for a bit.

Upon hearing Noelle speak some words from what was read, he tried filling in the blanks. “Found more Capies, they will be rotatable(?), make sure not to injure the younger ones. They'll have time adjusting, unlike the adults, which might need to be put in their place. Meet at the Ororoot border.” The only question was if he'd gotten rotatable correct. “Sounds like a note left by Slavers.” He grimaced. Nasty business, one that he'd rather not fall back in. “Don't worry, if we run into them, they'll be dead before they know it.” Deliverance state, smiling a little too monstrously for his own good. Part of him really hoped they'd find such slavers, just so he could let loose on them. Part of him realised it'd be healthier and better if they didn't.

The moth going missing was annoying. More annoying was that he couldn't do a thing about it. He looked at Cheshire reprimanding one of the tiny ones. “She's got a point, sort-off.” He too wouldn't be surprised if the moth had just started a chasing a light that was brighter than his own monstrous self.

He listened to Cheshire's story, which was a bit surprising. Having parents sounded like it might be nice. It seemed they'd both lived locked away, though for different reasons. Then again, it didn't seem like Cheshire was any interested in asking any questions in turn, so Deliverance figured he'd just keep his own stories to himself. Perhaps for the better overall. There was only one thought. “Perhaps if this ritual can change your race, you can return as a Fae instead of a Human? Or would you not desire such?”

The next bit was also interesting, to a degree. “Perhaps. Though then again, I wish to find the Ethereal, yet... This is not exactly the type of it I wished to uncover, let alone become. There does seem to be an odd irony in our new forms.” He took out Ninelle again. “She wished to save those in her nation and now her form ages and rots everything around her.” Including Deliverance, though seeing how he was barely alive to begin with, it was a whole lot easier to bare.

Deliverance figured he'd try do as Asher suggested, picking up a stick. His attempt to use magic had seemingly resulted in absolutely nothing, so he assumed his own form had hindered it once more. If he kept a very careful distance, perhaps it could work? That said, he was a tad surprised at how vicious the tiny one was trying to help out, making a water bowl. “Well done.” Enough so to earn it a compliment.

He figured he'd move away to another point of the river to try get one of those flowers as well. “Same here.” He'd add for Ryan. Long live being near-useless in your own mission. By the Spirit King, this was one of the most awful feelings ever. Perhaps he might just get the blasted thing out of the water at least.

Noelle Nichi
With: Cheshire DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Deliverance Elvario Elvario | Qamar NachoGod NachoGod | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX

abilities: listen for clues ~ [Heightened sense [hearing] F, Focus F, Perception F] ~ makeshift ability ~ Noelle is listening trying to find her target (Qamar) or else it keeps her aware of the sounds around her that might indicate if something is coming - grade F
Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">


Noelle kept staring at the note. It was hard to read with some of the letters being smudged. Completely absorbed into the puzzle of the note she momentarily forgot what she was there to begin with. But luckily with a bit of thinking she might have figured out what the note was saying

"Found. More. Cappies… They will be. rout-a-ble… make sure. Not to… in-injure the yon. young–er ones… They'll have. Time. adj…adje… adjus-ting… unlike. the adults. Which might be. Need to be. put in their place… Meet at the. o-oro…Oroa… Ororo… something something bor-der… hmmm… what are Cappies? "

She deciphered the note, filling in the blanks to the best of her ability. What a weird message. It left her with more questions than answers. Unaware that this note probably points to some slave trading business going on.

Not that the mermaid had much time to ponder as the water sprite suddenly started to call out Qamar’s name. "Isn’t she here? I thought she was following us." Noelle said, looking around if she could find the moth girl. No success.
This was bad. Qamar was the one who held the flowers they already had gathered. To think all that effort be gone up in smoke because that cotton brain found herself lost.

Noelle nodded when Cheshire suggested she go back with the water sprite to look for their missing team member. "Sure. Leave it to me" she said. It might be risky splitting up. But Noelle isn’t that much of a newbie adventurer anymore. She knows how to hold her own. And if they find Qamar hurt she would also be able to heal the moth or whoever needs it with her song. But what was that about being attuned to water? Being a mermaid she has spent most of her life in or near water. But her magic was sound-based. A subtype of air magic. It didn’t come to mind for her to attune herself to her birth element.
But that was not important at this moment. Qamar needed their help, maybe. The flower sprite made a derogatory remark about Qamar and Noelle threw her a disapproving glare. This was not the time to argue so the mermaid let it slide for now. Especially now it looks like the flower sprite was going to accompany them looking for the missing moth.

"Okay lead the way" she said to Caspian as the girl and the sprites set off back down the river towards where the sand pond was. Or whenever the water sprite would point them in a different direction. As they moved Noelle’s ears wiggled. She was concentrating and trying to listen for clues [Heightened sense [hearing] F - Focus F - Perception F] in the hope of hearing the moth girl maybe somewhere. Or at least to remain aware of things around her so that she could anticipate if something would come their way. Let's hope they can find Qamar before anything bad could happen…
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan listened intently as Noelle tried to make sense of the partial message. With the help of Deliverance, trying to deciphering it himself wasn't needed. A relief, as the only thing he was able to make sense of in that way was runes. "Right..." the blacksmith said, mostly to himself, trying his best not to appear unsettled by Deliverance's... quirks. They were just unfortunate secondary effects of a wrong done on him, he repeated to himself.

The group then became aware that they were one short. "Qamar..." He once again said to himself. From what was said, he did agree that she could have perfectly been distracted by something and wandered off on her own. He sighed, simply hoping she was safe by herself. Her rabbit meal made him lean to think she was.

For now, however, something else needed his attention.

"Understood, you two." He said, nodding emphatically. While Cheshire was unsuccessful, Deliverance managed to nab two with finesse. "Nicely done." Ryan affirmed, dedicating a thumbs up to him as the blacksmith dealt with watering the fruits of Deliverance's effort.

"Do we need more of these?" Ryan asked, trying to confirm his math wasn't failing him. Should it be needed, Ryan would try to pick some of his own.
IMG_1510.png Rev IX Rev IX Elvario Elvario

Deliverance found himself able to catch two of the River Rosettes, which left one behind. The last blossom wouldn’t be left out from the bunch for long as Ryan successfully scooped it up. Unfortunately Cheshire’s branch snapped a part at the top. This technique clearly was not working for the Lich. Yet it mattered less now.

“Damn it!” Cheshire shouted at no one in particular. Before telling the others. “Oh well, you guys did great! Ryan could you fill the makeshift bowl asher made with water and add the rosette’s in?”

The request Cheshire had hoped was a simple one. Given he and Deliverance were incapable of the job due to their curses while Asher was too small and weak to the point he hardly managed to kick around a rock with a whole melted into the side. Not wanting to Risk Ryan’s health Cheshire had also placed the bowl to kick it towards him a bit more successful in range to prevent Ryan from needing to walk over. IMG_1337.png Cheshire turned to Asher and told the sprite.

{Thank you a bunch!} in Sylvan. He then turned to Deliverance. “Is it bad I kind of hope I do end up a Fae? If I did…I’d be closer to my home. Have more in common with it. Be truly immersed in it without fearing the dangers of walking around the forest as a human…or monster.”

He listened as the Wraith explained his and Ninelle’s circumstances further.

“Quite a twist…actually. My parents never believed in such thing as coincidences. I worry…our current forms may have been done to us on purpose? Though the reasoning in that is beyond me. Unless it is the consequences that comes from us being brought back from the dead. A second chance without reward, a second chance where we would have to make whatever brought us back..not regret it? Well. I suppose for me this would be a third chance.”

He then ponders a bit.

“So we have those Aeriel blossoms left…”

“And Echina isn’t with us so we don’t know if those need a specialized condition to keep up with”

Cheshire nodded. “I will look at the book.” He answered his eyes looking over the pages. “I see…nothing to note. Makes sense since they are air and that is an element more common than fire, water, and earth”

Asher nodded. “So it’s as simple as grabbing them?”

To which Cheshire replied. “If, we can figure out a way across this water but it’s moving too fast.”

Asher thought for a second. “Oh {damn it}. This is gonna weaken me a lot.” He answered.

“if what you are going to do is that bad I am sure we can figure out something,” Cheshire answered.

“The only stable person here is Ryan!” Asher answered. Then sighed. “I’’ll just have to tough it out. It is my job to keep an eye on you and I can’t get any better then just wimping out”

With that the Fae flew over to the trees above the waterfall and casted a few fire spells at the base, it took some work but a tree fell. Blocking the beginning of it. Cheshire face palmed.

Asher told him. “Hey! Don’t do that! We both know the river rosettes would’ve needed the water still flowing.”

“Right. Fair. Ryan I hate to ask more out of you—I swear with how much I am relying on you I owe you more than just Manastones— but can you go grab the Aeriel blossoms as well? The water should be temporarily blocked for the moment.”

IMG_1179.png Tellussoil Tellussoil
Noelle, Caspian, and Echinacea managed to arrive back at the former area. The ability Noelle used managing to fail, as it didn’t pick up on anything. Qamar was nowhere in sight. Caspian looked over and saw the flowers still at the sandmana surrounded pond.

“Okay. So they are still on the mud…Noelle you should be able to go into through creek and grab them. I’ll lend my support by keeping the Rosettes watered.”
They mentioned.

“I’ll keep an eye out and accommodate if the Mudpoppy needs any extra attention. And help guide you out.”
Echinacea added.

Caspian looked over the surrounding area. Then they sigh. “Looks like Qamar feel for one of the forest’s tricks. The forest is full of tricksters after all.”

Echinacea mentioned. “Or Slavers!”

“ECHINA I hope not.” Caspian told her. Then shook her head. “Let’s..grab the flowers and go to the meet up point. Everyone could use a break after this I’m sure. Here’s to hoping the boys manage to collect the flowers over there. Maybe if we are lucky we’ll find Qamar along the way.”

Cheshire - #FFC100
Echinacea - #30D84B
Asher - #DD1313
Caspian - #0099FF


From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

He didn't expect to possess some hidden 'plant-stick-water-scooping' talents, yet apparently he possessed those. Fishing out two of the needed plants with a simple stick. “Right... thanks.” Being complimented on it was rather weird. “You too.” He'd add, as Ryan managed to fish out the third one. Just some dudes complimenting each-other on their flower-fishing abilities. Nothing weird about that.

Whilst he didn't get what all the fuss was about regarding Qamar, it was a bit annoying to be down one person that could carry the flowers. Or hold them. Or be near them. At least they had the tiny flying ones helping out. Even though they weren't a fraction of how nice it was to be around Ninelle. He really hoped she'd get back too soon, as he wondered if she'd have complimented his flower-fishing ability as well. It was something he'd never even consider being proud of, yet, with her, he felt like he would've been.

He sighed, turning to Cheshire. “It isn't. I could see how being a Fae is far more advantageous to you. You'd not have to fear being squashed like an insect whilst living in the See, for one.” That alone was reason enough. “I guess I could also imagine it would be nicer to be closer to the race of those that raised you?” He wasn't entirely sure about that part. “It should also be easier to learn and cast magic.” He knew his former species was a whole lot more magically inclined than Humans were.

The next bit was a highly concerning thought. “On purpose?” He felt an overwhelming around of [monsterous] rage boil up at the mere thought. To be abandoned and cast away was one thing. To have been turned into a [monster] on purpose after he'd tried so hard? That would be cruel enough for him to wish to annihilate this nation himself. His anger flared up so much that his [Wraith] form ended up severely twisting everything around him, breaking and rippling through space, time and reality alike. Taking a really deep breath, he managed to slowly calm down again. “Please, I'd rather not think on it.” He stated, for fear of loosing himself further if he would. Staying calm was too difficult even without such negative thought spirals.

Trying to distract himself, he'd ask after the last bit. “A third chance?” He wondered if that meant what he thought it might mean. He would, once more, take out Ninelle. Looking upon her, he wondered how many such 'chances' she'd had by now. If it was up to him, she'd be resurrected without needing to think of Scythian, without having any worries. Not as 'yet another chance', but as a blessing and a gift.

Upon hearing Asher talk about getting weakened a lot, he'd call out. “Hold up, I might be able to help.” He would cast [Back-up] on the Fae spirit. Even if his magic wasn't the most reliable, the positive effect should at least be able to bolster the Fae spirit somewhat to make casting easier.

Back-up – Bolster F [Intelligence], Healing F, Magic B, Area of Effect D, Duration D, Range C, Targets C – A low-grade support ability. – Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown

It seemed like it would be up to Ryan yet again to go grab the remaining plants, so Deliverance would, yet again, be forced to merely stand by otherwise. Being unable to do much was probably, by far, the worst part about this whole mission. Actually, the third-worst part. Needing to suppress a continuous fluctuation of growing urges to flare up in rage and anger and destroy things due to his monstrous form was the second-worst. Knowing Ninelle was still in a coma and might not even be aided through all this was the worst and scariest of it all.

Noelle Nichi
With: Cheshire DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Deliverance Elvario Elvario | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX

Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">


The trio made it back to the mana sand lake. Sadly Noelle couldn’t find any sign nor sound of the moth along the way. Where could she have gone off to? Luckily the flowers were still there where Noelle left them for Qamar to pick up. That Noelle felt slightly disappointed in the girl was an understatement. Or was it that she knew what had to be done to get them back? Which Caspian oh so kindly pointed out to her. Not that it was hard to go through the creak a 3rd and after a 4th time but with her hands full. It was more annoying than anything.

Caspian looked around to conclude Qamar must have fallen for some Forrest trick. "I’m sure she is fine. Q is a strong girl. She can face monsters without fear after all" Noelle said in an attempt to look at it from the bright side.
Upon Echinace’s mention of slavers, Noelle looked a bit troubled. "Don’t say stuff like that!!!" She sneered at the flower sprite.
Qamar being taken by slavers would been the worst-case scenario if slavers took Qamar. But that can’t have happened. Or else someone in the group would have picked up on it, right? Then Noelle felt even more concerned. Not for Qamar, but for the slavers instead. She still remembered what happened to Nero. He didn’t deserve to die just because he owned “slaves”. If they would have talked it out. Give him a chance for redemption she was sure it would be resolved without needless killing. Perhaps the same could be said of the slaver(s) that might have captured Qamar if they are found matter which wrong choices someone might make. Everyone deserves at least a second chance to make things right.

"Q is fine. I’m sure of it. Falling for a trick of the forrest doesný mean you end up in a bad place" she said cheerfully before turning away from the two sprites " After all… it is due to one of those tricks that I’m here now..." Her voice was suddenly sorrowful when she said that. She would have been with her friends helping in the war effort earlier if she hadn’t gotten distracted and subsequently separated from them when they were travelling through the See. Lost she tried to look for her way back but in doing so she got even more lost which eventually led to her stumbling on this job.
" but no time for moping. Let’s get the flowers and go to the meetup point. The boys are doing their best so we must do the same!" She cheered being her usual chipper self again before jumping into the little creak and making her way to the pond.

Getting to the pond went quicker now than before now she had a bit more experience getting there. She found the flowers exactly where they were. Luckily she had put the rosettes near the water so their stems were touching the water's edge. Noelle picked up the flowers and held them in her hands. "Okay Caspian. Do your thing" she said to the water sprite so they could use their powers to keep the flowers hydrated while she was carrying them.
With the flowers now in hand getting back through the creek was a bit trickier as she had to focus on keeping her balance and not dropping the flowers. But she made it back to solid ground without much trouble.
"Mission accomplished!" She said looking a bit more cheerful than usual "If my calculations are correct and the boys have gotten their flowers we should have a surplus of the Rosettas… and if Cheshy keeps his word than that means I can have the extra ones to give to Aedri as a sorry present for losing my way… Neat!" Just the thought of having something nice to gift to her friend Aedrianna made the mermaid feel extra happy. "Now let’s go to the meeting spot. We can’t let the boys wait can we?... so… where were we to meet?... kidding. Just kidding" She said adding a little joke at the end. As the trio were heading to the meeting place Noelle thought of something. "Oh hey… there is something that I was wondering" she said and looked to the two sprites "I know why I’m helping Chesnut… but why would you two be so involved in helping a "monster"?... not that I would doubt your intentions or insult you or anything. It’s just… not many creatures would come close. Let alone want to help a monster like him…" she inquired the sprites curiously.
Ryan Kylieth

As per his own word, Ryan tended to the flowers they had picked up. Trying to be as gentle as possible while at it. Not minding the way he was given the bowl. It couldn't be helped, could it? Ryan felt a particular kind of joy when Deliverance complimented him back. He tried to curb the big smile growing on his face, not wanting to be weird about being given a compliment by a fellow flower-fishing dude.

"Of course" Ryan was quick to respond to Cheshire. Ryan would be swift about picking the flowers, unsure of how much would the improvised opportunity last.

Ryan considered chiming in on Deliverance and Cheshire's chat, but it was clear he had nothing worth adding. Their situation was a serious one, and he wasn't going to barge in with his ignorance in such serious topics. Simply feeling thankful to Aileen. He was sure she'd try as hard as these two to help him. Not even herself. Him.

"I'll make it up to you Aileen. I swear." Ryan quietly thought out loud.
IMG_1337.png Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX

“mostly to be the same race as those who raised me, I…I think I’ve done well enough so far in my magic studies, I can hit at a decent range.”

Cheshire nodded as Deliverance asked about a ‘third chance’.

“Might be hard to believe, but this isn’t the first time I’ve…died. I don’t know if my first life—I don’t know if it could even be called a life and what came after death. Because I was…fake? Would that be the correct term…I..was a character in this thing called a video game. I remember I had to help heal the player every time they died in game and that each time they died they woke up in my…business place? My memories are still wonky. But I still remember when the player deleted the copy of the game I had been in”

Deliverance's spell did wonders for the small Fae spirit. Who had an easier time flying with his fire-made wings?

“Thank you Deli!”

He answered excitedly and clearly rejuvenated. Asher looked up to the sky and mentioned.

“I think it’s time to start heading down the River again to where we started, the sun is setting. The girls and Caspian are likely to be there when we get there, maybe they found Qamar!”

Cheshire nodded. “Only one can hope.”

As they prepared to leave Cheshire told Ryan. “Thanks again for carrying the flowers.”

However Asher seemed to have a different thought in mind. Flying over to the human and poking at his left cheek. “Ooooh? Who’s this Alieen? A special someone perhaps?”

Cheshire blinked. Not having heard the name mentioned. “Asher leave him alone. Time to go!”

Asher pouts. But now everyone was leaving to head back to where the trip began.

IMG_1179.png Tellussoil Tellussoil

“If it is a trick that brought you here, it is a trick we are grateful for. I think I could speak on behalf of the group and even Asher when I say you’ve been a good help.”
Caspian tells Noelle.

Caspian fixes up the spell to keep the River Rosette stems covered in water bubbles to prevent dehydration. They had been about to do the same to the Mudpoppy but Echinacea briefly made protests.

“Okay! Okay! I won’t do it!”

They told Echinacea not bubbling the Mudpoppy. “Good! Because it appears..sensitive to water. Now I see why they might be difficult to cultivate in mass” IMG_1177.png Echinacea was the first to answer.

“Just as Asher stated, Deliverance and Cheshire are…unusual for those of the monster race. And we thought it might be a entertaining curiosity.”

Caspian followed. “And we function as….Overseerers I suppose. If anything goes wrong it’d be on use to fix it! So far they haven’t done anything wrong.”

Echinaces huffs a laugh. “I’ll say, while trusting them is dubious at best I’m more concerned Asher will start a forest fire! Still bizarre to me he sticks to the forest instead of his habitat here in the See.”

She looks at the sky. “The sun is going down…now would be the time to head to the meet up point” she said agreeing with Noelle before beginning to fly ahead of her. Near the ledge of the river. Caspian mentioned.

“hey ! Another Mudpoppy!”

Pointing at the red flower. “Let’s grab that, then continue!”

Cheshire - #FFC100
Echinacea - #30D84B
Asher - #DD1313
Caspian - #0099FF



From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Annoyed as he was by not being able to help out with any of the main tasks, he couldn't help overhear Ryan suddenly mentioning a name he hadn't heard yet. “Aileen? Who's that? Someone else that ended up becoming a [Monster] like us?” He asked, misunderstanding the context and figuring that was why Ryan was tagging along. So he could cure someone else with this method later. It seemed the spirit was of a similar thought.

Turning to Cheshire, he'd nod. “It's not that difficult to believe, as it is the same for me. I think for some others as well.” It was rare, but not unheard of. “Fake..? I... do think I heard of video games? Yet for sentience to exist in such..? Are you sure that's not just a type of memory tempering? If all video game characters had sentience or the ability to gain it...” He didn't finish that sentence.

“Either way, I... do recall a life a bit more vividly. Even though I'd rather consider it fake as well. That would be easier... but I said too much.” He shook his head. Now wasn't the time for therapy.

“You're welcome.” He'd reply, glad that, even though being [Monster], he was still able to be nice and help out. He still had enough mental fortitude to resist and remain redeemable. To that extend, he was probably more grateful to the spirit than the other way around.

Noelle Nichi
With: Cheshire DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Deliverance Elvario Elvario | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX

"Common" ~ <"Beastial">


Although Caspian’s words were meant to be a compliment, it still stung. Reminding Noelle of her naivety. Even if it all turned out okay in the end. "Guess I am…" She said to the compliment, still not looking directly at the two sprites. She could feel tears well up in her eyes but she was able to hold them back.

Noelle listened to Caspian’s and Echinacea’s explanation as to why they were helping the monster duo in the first place. "I see what you mean. They are indeed unusual for what you expect a monster to be. Be it their short time since they became it or whatever reason Delli and Chester seem to be more… how to say… humane. They can still think straight. Although Deli might be a bit more monstrous than he wants to admit… at least more dangerous than Chester is. Way different than the monster I had to face before" She shudders thinking back to the flesh glob. "I really do not want to be reminded of that thing… that thing was worse than the giant bear I had to fight for Aedri…" another scary experience. But the one that made her meet her friend.

Echinaces's comment about Asher hanging around the forest instead of an area more suited for a fire sprite. "Now you say that… that is a good question. Why are they hanging around the forest?" the mermaid wondered. But it was not important.
As the sun was going down, Noelle and the two sprites started heading back to the meetup point, where the journey began.
Along the way, Caspian noticed another mudpuppy near the riverside.
"Oh neat! Let me get it" Noelle said before going to the red flower and carefully pulling it from the ground. The more flowers they gathered the more flowers Noelle could get when the ritual was done.

After a bit of a walk, the trio arrived at the meetup spot. "That was quite the journey…" Noelle said before letting out a deep sigh. "Let's prepare a bit before the others arrive" The mermaid walked over to the edge of the river. "Let’s get these ones safe" she said as she put down the flowers and dug a little pool with her hands for the Rosettes to float in without being washed away by the river water. The Poppies she had laid down on a rock nearby.
With the flowers now safe and settled Noelle looked up at the sky. "The others should be here soon… I hope" She said before turning towards the two sprites "I think I'm going to look for some firewood. Echia, you wanna come with me? Caspy, can you stay here and watch the flowers to make sure they are okay?" She said to the sprites before she stood up and walked towards the forest. Rather than sitting idly by waiting for the others she might as well be productive and gather wood nearby for the fire.
Ryan Kylieth

The poke from Asher made Ryan snap back to the here and now. "... Huh? Ai-..." He quickly connected the dots on what just happened. Deliverance joined on the curiosity train. And although his face went mildly red, Ryan had grown out of being so nervous about these topics. Before answering, he briefly thought of Cynthia, and how her teasing would likely no longer work. Which felt good.

"Not really. Aileen is my girlfriend. If anything, she's the one that got me out of a rough spot." he said, with a mild glimmer of pride. "I owe a lot of favors back home, and some locals have been nice enough to me. So helping others from the See just feels right. A win-win if you ask me." he explained.
On the way back to the start of the river Cheshire told Deliverance.

“When I was a character, I was only semi-sentient. It was only enough to develop some traits against my code or speak words not programmed into me. I guess with that in mind this isn’t the first time I’ve fought against what seemed like an invisible force trying to influence my behavior. The difference would be…this time it is harder. This time I have more motivation.”

Asher made an ‘awww’ sound towards Ryan.

“AH, that’s so cuteee! I wish you both a happy relationship! If you get married I wish you a happy marriage and-“

“Asher. When did you become a…dork?” Cheshire asked confused at the display of behavior. IMG_1176.png
“Because relationships are so sweet! And….have you never been in one?” Asher asked.

“I mean it doesn’t matter, just concerned why suddenly felt the need to bud into someone’s love life not everyone is comfortable with people like that.”

“Ah I see..”

After a long trip through the forest with Asher and the river as their guide. They made it back to the mouth of Strawtinlen. IMG_1177.png
“Who’s ‘Aedri’?” Echinacea asked with a tilt of her head, “A friend?”,

And then nodded, “Sure I can help! Shouldn’t be a long trip, although I’d think Asher would be better at deciphering what is easier and longer lasting when burnt.”

Caspian sat near the River Rosettes with an exhausted breath.

“Thank you Noelle, and sure if Echina wants to go.”

Echinacea and Caspian turned their heads hearing the footsteps.

“The boys have made it! And Ryan seems to be carrying the flowers.”

Upon making it to the meet Cheshire stayed a distance from the others like he had to.

“Glad to see you made the trip safely, no injuries?” He then sighs. “But you couldn’t find Qamar…”

Caspian nodded. “No injuries! We found another mudpuppy on the way!”

He nods. “Then we just need Emberblooms.”

Asher mentioned, “not now, I’m exhausted.”

“I know.” Cheshire told him, “Everyone can rest. I’ll keep guard I’ll be incapable of sleeping anyhow. “

“Before that though, Noelle asked to look for firewood. Do you think you could help with that Ash?”

Caspian asked. Asher nodded “Sure, we’ll just have to make it quick. Let’s go!”

Cheshire told Noelle, “Before you leave, we have two spare rosettes and one spare Aeriel blossom, the extras are still yours if you want them.”

Echinacea murmurs. “Ok…so what’s a good conversation starter? I assume it’s safe to say we can talk outside of the job now…while we are on break.”

Caspian. “I know! Let’s talk about happier experiences from happier times, I’ll go first. Before the war, I remember when I and the other water sprites used to play games in Bishri or help with the trades! Those were fun times, and I got to see a lot of interesting stuff to…what I’d give to experience those days again…”
Cheshire - #FFC100
Echinacea - #30D84B
Asher - #DD1313
Caspian - #0099FF

Tellussoil Tellussoil Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX



From: AI and Edits
Active titles: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“I see.” He replied to Ryan. Feeling the slight rot warmth from the fairy in his pocket made him feel the same when it came to this 'girlfriend' feeling he described. Yet he was going to help her out of a rough spot. Owing favours? “I feel like the people here may be among the first I'd end up owing a favour.” That was a weird thing to think about.

Cheshire's story was still wild. The idea of video game characters growing sentient was terrifying, with the sheer volume of video games he remembered there to be, he couldn't imagine how many might be trapped in them even to this point. Unless, somehow, Cheshire was really unique. “Do you have any idea why or how that happened?” He asked, still curious and concerned alike.

Upon being told they could rest, he sat down a safe distance from everyone. He didn't feel all that much like resting, but he wasn't going to object either. “Let me know if I need to take over either way.” He'd reply to Cheshire keeping guard. Deliverance wasn't exactly sure about getting some sleep of his own either.

He was a tad surprised to hear one of the sprites ask about conversation starters. Followed by another talking about happier experiences. What were his happy memories? His life in the old world certainly wasn't one. He did recall how happy he was getting a video game in that life, on a gameboy, yet he didn't wish to bring video games up right now. Then, for this life, the first bit of it... He didn't wish to recall the West Empire slavery days. Even in his wraith form, his skin still stung at the memories. That would make his first 'good' memory... “A beast lady in the Grand Duchy gave me a free book once. She also told me I shouldn't skip meals in order to buy research materials.” That was probably one of this first 'fond' memories. “She was nice.” That would make the next fond memory the one that occurred that same day. “I also went to this idol's concert, Ophenia, she was called. That was surprisingly nice as well. I wonder how she's been doing and if she's got a fanbase here sa well, by now.” ( Faynorae Faynorae ) “I even interviewed all the once going to her concert to figure out what had drawn them to it. The lady that gave me a book was there as well, with her daughter.” He remember that interview most fondly. “Talking to them was surprisingly pleasant.” He didn't even fear for being whipped due to speaking to the Beast Masters like he would've in the West Empire, during his days of being a slave. “I think I'd like to meet Kikonjo and Kistuko again. Once I've undone this form. Ninelle would probably like them as well.”

Then, what was the next fond memory. Oh, he knew! “I think the the day I got accepted into the Ehtereal Luminary, and in its highest potential class at that, was also a good one. It's opened up a lot of resources and opportunities for me.” He also recalled what happened a bit after. “I've also met an odd beast man that wanted to become a knight. He sent me some flowers to eat or get poisoned by, for some reason.” He still wasn't entirely sure what that'd been about. Yet the memory of those ruins and the ones he explored them with wasn't the worst one.

His face slowly 'melted' into a surprisingly melancholic expression. “Then there was my first mission with Ninelle. We explored the Lodeli woods, got into some sort of cave, found a Plaguebeaering Heart and managed to help free those trapped by it.” It was odd to think about. “It was a rough adventure, yet somehow, I can't help but think upon a lot of it fondly. I guess it's because that's where I got to know Ninelle.” He sighed. Good times. “Although even the Phoenix and mushroom kid I met there were surprisingly nice.” Then again, Deliverance's bar for 'nice' people had been extraordinary low. ( SilverFeathers SilverFeathers ) He sighed. “It's a shame that Plaguebearing Heart didn't lead to the Ethreal, but in hindsight, I'm glad I went there. It feels like... I guess like I did something good by getting rid of such a dangerous thing and freeing the kid and the Phoenix.”

On the topic of doing something good. “Oh, I also helped free some Mushroom giant in the Gloomhold Swamp once.” That had been a long and tedious adventure. “It'd been a very long and rough journey, but I guess that succeeding to save him in the end made it all a lot more worthwhile and happier.”

What next. “I also summoned a succubus for an extracurricular class, at one point.” That hadn't really been a happy memory, or was it? “That class was an odd one.” That much he could confirm. Perhaps, in hindsight, it was 'odd' in a happy way? Probably mostly due to how it'd let him bond with Ninelle more. Then there'd been the mansion bit. He wasn't happy having been a crab. He figured he'd leave that bit out. From there, it was the war against the bugs. Which was just trauma. It seemed that's where his happy memories ended.

“Well, thanks.” He'd state. “I think recalling these things has made me feel calmer and less enraged by my nature than I've felt in a long while. Why don't you all tell me about yours as well?” He'd ask the others. Hoping to hold on to this oddly passive, if not outright peaceful, feeling for a moment longer.
Ryan Kylieth

Despite being above feeling flustered when teased at this point, Asher's reaction did manage to evoke a faint pink to paint Ryan's ears and cheeks. "Marriage, huh?" The blacksmith entertained the thought for a moment. Goban did approve such a thing, but personally, he still felt he had not earned it. While Aileen was kind and greatly supportive, he had returned relatively little of that affection back. He really needs to step up his boyfriend game. Maybe he could work on that once he gets back to Stonewall. Ask things about it to Amika, Saffron, maybe Rosalia...

But that's not what he needed to think at the moment.

Ryan's mind went back to the here and now. With his absent mind not realizing they made their way back to where they started already. And were taking a break. The group went on chatting about nice experiences. While others spoke, namely Deliverance, who showed a great deal of cool adventures he had gone in.

Not wanting to spoil the relaxed mood, he shared some of his own. "Hmmm. Well, I haven't gone on many adventures like Deliverance. I mostly spend my days near a furnace, working on tools, jewelry, weapons, mechanisms, things like that. Be it where I grew up, or where I live now. I did go to a town up in Northern Ryke to act as a guard once..." That sure was a long time ago. "Then there was when I went... somewhere? I don't remember where that map took me. But there was this tower which supposedly held a rare and valuable material. But the climb was extremely dangerous. I almost died. I got lucky I just lost an arm." the blacksmith sighed "Aileen came here with me to find a very skilled healer. The healer gave me back my arm, and a curse that got stuck in me turned into... this" Ryan moved his poncho aside, and rolled up his shirt, where his arm had the green tattoo-like vines. He took advantage of the moment to show off a trick he discovered. "It also does this" He gently waved his arm, like a tree branch shaking from a gentle breeze, his arm started to emit a calm and harmonious song.

After putting his clothes back properly, he stated "I'm not that adventurous like Deliverance. I enjoy my home, my friends, my job. That's it for me." a nervous chuckle came out, expecting bored reactions.

Noelle Nichi
With: Cheshire DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Deliverance Elvario Elvario | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX

"Common" ~ <"Beastial">


"Aedri? A friend?" Noelle said surprised before giving the fairy sprite one of the brightest smiles. "She is the bestest friend I could have" she said extra cheerfully.
At that time, the others arrived. "Hey, guys!!! It's good to see you safe!" Noelle yelled happily to see that the others had made it back unscathed. And better yet, they had flowers. With the ones Noelle and the sprites retrieved and what the boys got, they now only needed the ember blooms. But it was getting late, and understandably, everyone was tired.

"Awesome. Yes, I would still like to have the extra flowers we got. Aedri is going to be so happy with these" She said when Chester asked if she still wanted to have the extra flowers.

Going back to the idea Noelle had to go and gather firewood. Or her plan was more to find a bunch of twigs that could function as firewood. Although Eschinacea initially agreed to come along. Now that the boys were back Asher could come along instead. That might be better as they probably would know better what twigs would burn better or not. "Okay. Let’s do this quick then Ash" Noelle said before setting out with the fire sprite to the forest nearby.

"Uhm… Ash… there was something i was wondering" Noelle said while the two were looking for wood "it was something Caspy and Edchy said… What brought a sprite of fire like you to come to these areas? I would hardly say this area would be a place to find fire-aligned spirits. I would rather think you would hang around volcanoes or burned-out areas. Not around a lush forest or a river. So what brought you here?... not that i wished to insult or doubt your reasoning or anything. It was just something I wondered" Noelle asked while the two were gathering wood.
With the help of the fire sprite Noelle was able to find some suitable firewood in no time.
"OKAY GUYS WE GOT WOOD!!" She chirped when she returned with her arms filled with all kinds of branches and sticks. She could have gotten more if one of the guys were more of a gentleman and come along with her. Guess chivalry is dead. Okay, Cheshire and Deliverance get a pass due to their curses and all. But Ryan could have come along. What if something terrible had happened? What if she encountered a bear? Well, she would have run away in the direction of the camp and tried to get everyone involved regardless. It could have happened. Even if it didn’t.

"What are you guys talking about?" noelle asked curiously. "Oh, happy memories!? That sounds like fun!" Noelle quickly got lost in thought to recall all the happy memories she could come up with. "I’ve been an adventurer for some time now. Ever since I helped with that puzzle thingy to release the green glowy bird thing I think it was… not that I was of much help with it now that I think about it" What was next that was fun. The academy was fun. But those flies weren’t. And her encounter with the flesh blob. The sooner she can forget about it the better. Thinking of what came afterwards put a bright smile on the mermaid’s face "I would say a happy memory was meeting Aedri. It was a contract from her father to help find a flower in Paizu mountain. We were with quite a group including that <idiot>. We fought a big, big infected bear. That was a bit scary. But we beat it. Then we had an encounter with Nero, the owner of Soreiel who was with us. Nothing really happened and he left. We did find the flower so yay!!" Thinking back on the adventures with Aedrianna was fun "Later I ran again into Aedri together with Soreiel and that <idiot>. Me and Aedri sang together for a small crowd. We then met a construct. That encounter was not really a happy moment so I won't say anything more." it was tragic how it went. She still believed killing Nero was not the right thing to do. He could have atoned for his crimes.
"Oh oh… shortly after we went to a fair in some barony… we had some burgers and fries and I got to play for a really big crowd. Aedri had a meeting with the baroness. I think. I don’t know what to think of her. She seems nice but there was also something unsavory about her that I can't put my finger on… … continuing… I don't think I have any more “happy” stories. After that, I got lost in the snowy woods and then Aedri had gone to help with the war effort while I got lost here in the See… but I'm sure I will find Aedri back… i hope" she recalled.
Remembering the happy moments was a nice change of pace. But it also made Noelle feel the guilt of getting lost so many times lately.

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