Fae Hiding

Roarke slips his shirt of and looks at the water

(Adding a new character he looks like this http://imgur.com/djYu4 he only shows people he trusts his face) Zane wwas hopping from tree to tree he eventually stops in a tree overlooking a lake he sees someone down on a path and people in the lake he smirks
She grinned, "Hey, if you don't come in I'll be all alone in here!" She started wading into the water, her ass length white hair swishing until it met the water.
He rolled over on the ground resting himself on his belly. He started to bring his legs up to his chest rolling in a ball.
Lily would frown, hearing this and go inside to find omthing, she would return with some stir ry and would try to wake him up
She jumped when her rolled over, with her and kissed him back "Morning sunshine." she giggled, holding some stir fry to his mouth
She grinned and put another spoon full in his mouth "Here comes the airplane!" she said giggling

driving it towards is mouth
Roarke wades into the water next to her his spiky white hair almost glowing

Zane lands next to Lilly and looks at the two of them he smirks under his mask and stands there silently
Jackie changed her mind about going for a swim and wandered off to some patch of grass growing in the sand. She sat down and with a stick she had found back in the forest, and drew pictures of seashells. She swear she could hear laughing somewhere off in the distance. But she wasn't sure if it was all in her head, or if it was real. And if it was, she was tired of searching for friends at the moment.
Zane disappeared and reappeared next to jackie he stands there silently his pointy ears sticking out as always
Zane smiles having fun running around probably causing parnoia he spints off appearing behind lilly he grabs her and pulls her into a tree "Hi."
Zane smirks under his mask and looks at her then looks down "Awh. Im sorry but fine. What ever. " his voice sounded sad
Zane frowns "No it's fine if im not wanted.." he sighs and sits on the tree branch looking about 20 feet down to the ground

[MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION] (Im back )

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