Fae Hiding

Zane smiles it was hard enough for him to let her touch him if she reached for his mask he might freak out. He smiles "Fine." he takes it off and hands it to her
Lily tooj the mask and smiled up at him and said "I am so so proud!" she grinned and hoisted herself onto his side so he was carring her like a todler
Zane looks at her what would he tell her that it was hard enough to let her touch him or kiss him because he still needed to kill and he had been beaten a lot so he wa scared he sighs "Nothing."
Lily smiles and whispered "Liar" she climbed down of his sholders and said "Tell me"

She pleaded, she would resort to exteams if she had too
Ane shivers "O-okay. I just flinched from being beaten as a child and this " he touches his scar he left out the part where it was hard to let her touch him

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