Fae Hiding

Lily smiled and shook her head "No, it was perfect I'm not used to it is all" she grinned up at him, and she thought, he looks like a confused puppy
He hugs you as well but then the hug starts to get weaker and weaker. He could no longer hang on and passed out.
Every strike of lightning that hit him made his muscles tense but his body started to glow like the lightning after another few strikes of lightning the storm went away and he laid there sleeping.
Lily sighed in relief when the storm went away and she placed a hand on his stomach,to see if her was breathing, wheb he was she smiled in relief
When ever she touched him a volt of electricity was released from his body as a natural defense for when he was sleeping.
She sighed and shook her head smiling a little she sat down nearish him and lent against a tree , humming

A soft tune to herself
Lily heard him move and opened her eyes and started to giggle, eventully she was full on laughing

She finished giggling and smiled at him before humming again
He eventually woke from the laughter and looked over at the weird girl laughing at him "Who are you?" he said cocking his head to the side
Lily sighed, This is what Nadeya was talking about, she thought "I'm Lily." she said "I was talking with you before you passed out." she explained
He smiled and walked behind her and started running his fingers up and down her sides and putting threw a little bit of shock in an effort to make her laugh.

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