Fae Hiding

Nadeya's hair whipped around in her and Roarke's face, she giggled, "Sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen."
She grinns and does that right back 'No, I was just curious." she said looking up at him and thinking I am too short, but oh well
(Gahh, I was fixing my grammer and my little brother deleted it!)

She grins and said "Shall i explain? Well, you kissed my cheek and that embarresed me not that i mind." she said
Picks her up and kisses her gently touching their lips with slight electrical crackle. "Is that less embarrassing?"

(So you still live at home so I'm going to assume your 18 or younger)
Roarke looks at her " yeah i cant swim. The closest ive ever got is when my dad held my head under water and tried to kill me. So laugh away." he turns away
(they are though, they trashed my flat a chrismas) Lily smiled and tried to think of a way to explain it "hmmm what do you feel when i do this?" she asked and kissed him again
After the kiss he puts on his thinking face and comes up with "electric i feel electric"

(How old are these brats?"
(all younger than 13 there is a huge gap cause my mum wanted to be special)

She smiled and thought "I feel like that but I am embarresed I feel that way" she explained

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