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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

The blue djinn seemed to wince at the sound of breaking bone as Morgrim hit the sand. "Sorry!..sorry--"

"Don't apologize to him!" Aliphas snarled.

When Achyls answered them the blue Djinn turned to her. "Just a shapeshifter, are you sure?" There was very little that was threatening in her tone, more an urgent curiosity. As Kallin listened he could tell the voice was definitely female, while the orange djinn was male, his tone was heavy and accusing.

"It doesn't matter now. Don't talk to her Merias. Just pay attention to your prisoner."

"Aliphas, this is wrong..." Just as Merias said this Luness managed to escape her. The djinn hesitated, letting the werecat gain her feet.

"Now see what you did?!" Aliphas shouted but the shout turned into a pained grunt as the dagger struck him. Kallin acted in a flash, batting the sword away and moving to spring to his feet and pin the figure, but he passed right through him. The dagger by some miracle, stayed embedded in the Djinn's side as if he were solid. The Aliphas collapsed with a frightened cry from Merias. Kallin saw the dagger burning the misty substance that made the djinn's body. He grasped the blade by the hilt and pulled it free.

"Stop it! Please!" Merias stepped between Kallin and the orange djinn.

"We were going to take you to our king, we need your help!"

"Merias...djinn do not...ask.."

"Hush, this was a fool plan! We should have just surrendered to them first! The two of us are no match!" Aliphas looked like he had just swallowed hot sand.

"That would have been a good call." Kallin said, a slight edge in his tone.

"Please I offer a thousand pardons, and forgive Aliphas, his pride blinds him."

"Weak...woman." The orange djinn growled.

"Do not confuse intelligence for weakness." Merias scolded, after that Aliphas kept his rage in silence. Merias turned back to the heroes, giving a special glance at Achyls.

"We are the guardians of the sacred temple of fire." Merias began to explain. "Several weeks ago a dark presence captured and corrupted the ifrits that called the temple home, they drove us out...that is when the dead soldiers began appearing. We tried cutting them down at first, but for each we cleft in two, two would again rise, from the fallen halves...They cannot be killed. Not by magic or blade..."

Kallin crossed his arms, walking over to Luness slowly. "Are you hurt?" Once he made sure she was all right he turned back to the rest of the group. "What do you all think?"

By this time Leia had woken as well, she, Bob and Tad stood ready to attack. Carefully she considered Kallin's words.
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Banba's cats paws were twitching when she got flung backwards onto the sand. Rolling a bit, she stood up, scales growing out over the fur until the sand covered girl was herself again, staring at the scene as it went down. Giggling, she twirled her way to the two Djinn.

"Death is bot death unless there is death of the death.... Mind." She stopped, furrowed her brow and stuck her tongue out, trying to get sand off of it. Finally she sneezed, her mood drastically shifting from giggly and bouncy to growling and on edge.

"But mind is the death of me, and I am not fully dead yet. Explain! Explain!" Her scales, much like fur, unnaturally stoo on end, pale green skin showing beneath it.
Takeo was standing on guard as he watched what was going on. "..... You have the oddest way of asking for help. You just threatened to kill our friends and now you want us to do something about your temple?" He asked his hand on the handle of the still sheath lade. He looked at them with a smirk. "Sounds interesting...." He said before looking at Leia. "Is this how you usually get important quests? Some creatures ambush you and take frinds hostage and then ask for you to do something for them? If that's so... Then this groups is very lively." He commented as he kept his eyes on the two creatures still not ready to trust them just yet.

Achyls looked cautiously at the Djinn. Their words frightened her, especially how they spoke of her father. Was he more than she knew? No...he couldn't be anything more...surely.

"Temple of fire?" she repeated, feeling as if she had heard those few words said in that manner before. Why did they seem to know her when she had no recollection of them? Whatever they were, she wanted to find out more, even if it meant going with them. She had to find out what she had lost from her memory all these years.

Morgrim was in quite the foul mood, but he held his tongue, not literally though. That was a party trick that might scare his new companions. "Despite their rashness we should at least check out the temple, but not all of us at once, this could still be a trap. You know the phrase, the smart man plays the fool, they could still be trying to lure us into a trap. I say half of us go with them, find out what this is all about, and see if your enemy has anything to do with the undead. If the group does not return in several hours the ones left behind can form and escape plan for the rest of us." Morgrim said with a triumphant smile, he felt quite smart, now though I am curious about your two's interest in this girl." He said motioning to Achyls, Morgrim was no great judge of character based on first appearance, but he thought the two Djinn's interest was quite unnerving, even for him. "I'm sure this group shares my opinion when I say we will not go anywhere with you until you tell us what you know about Achyls, and why you are so damn interested in her."
Glaring daggers at the two misty figures, Luness soon felt Otto's presence and glanced down at her side to see he'd joined her. Still pissed off by the actions of these newcomers, Luness remained silent and returned her attention to Kallin when he casually inched his way over to her other side.

Once Kallin was at her side and asked if she was okay, Luness merely shrugged at him and said quietly, "I'm fine, Kal." Truthfully, Luness' feet were burning in pain again, but she wasn't going to voice it unless someone noticed as per her usual way of dealing with injuries.

Yet, upon being asked what she thought about all of this, and after listening to the figures' story, Luness shook her head and then said spitefully, "They attacked us and threatened our lives. I can never trust them. I'd sooner put a dagger in their hearts then follow them anywhere."

Adding under her breath and scowling, Luness then said, "Too bad I missed the first time."



Leandra was relieved when the misty figures relented in their attacks, thus dissolving the situation despite Luness clearly not being pleased with all of this.

Even though Leandra didn't always agree with Luness' rash decisions, she couldn't deny the truth in what the werecat said about the two figures. They had attacked the group unprovoked and now they wanted help? It made no sense and sounded a lot like a trap to Leandra.

Shaking her head, Leandra let her staff drop to her side before she added her opinion, saying, "Luness is right. We can't trust them after this."

Yet, upon hearing the zombie's suggestion, Leandra's heart skipped a beat (she still didn't trust him at all) and she quickly said in a louder tone, "We stick together like we've always done. It's safer that way and we can protect all of us. The last thing we need to do is split up in a foreign place and then not know if someone's hurt or if an entire portion of our group has been attacked."

@SilverFlight @Morgrim
Malachai turned his head to watch the lizard girl, he smiled at her reaction. She was wise, if a bit eccentric, but he had many old friends that were quirky at first glance. At the mention of Achyls' name by the newcomer Malachai stood abruptly, momentarily forgetting his companion and his food. He pointed his flaming spear at the undead mage now. "And who in the blazing depths of the Ethereal mountains are you? And how do you know Achyls' name?!" He asked defensively, too many things were going on at once, too many new people, and he didn't like it one bit.

@Morgrim @SilverFlight
Leo was releaved when Kallin was able to get away from the Dijin thanks to Luness's distraction. Leo was ready to take whatever retaliation the Dijin had for the attack, but was a bit surprised when the one called Merias pleaded for them not to hurt them and began to explain the situation. Leo's tension abated for a moment, but he still kept his hand on his war ax. As she finished explaining and the others voiced their opinions about aiding the duo, Leo could not help but feel sympathetic for the two creature having been driven from their homes by such dark creatures. Leo stood up straight and rested on end of the war ax in the sand as he gazed at the Dijin. Leo returned Kallins question, "I share our undead companions curiosity about how you know of our little Achyls. But we only have one guide in this desert, splitting up could spell disaster for those not with Sinbad. I think we should head for this temple together. It very well could be the same place we need to find the other piece of the key."

Morgrim hung his head low in defeat, two had all ready said they would rather stay together, and more were likely to rally under the same opinion. Raising both his hands up he interjected. "Very well, very well I will listen to your reason, we'll stick together." Morgrim wasn't feeling too keen on Luness's tone though, and it was when Malachai threatened him that he went in a defensive posture and raised his staff at him. "Watch yourself friend, best not to mess with what you know nothing about. If you had paid attention or been awake you would have known that I came here last night, and spoke with some of the members of your group. I am here to help." Morgrim was now wary of this Malachai, he was rash, impulsive, and to him dangerous. He was surprised that this group let someone in who could so easily jeopardize their whole mission, he though to himself.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @andujarprime
"Oh don't call me friend just yet bones. I am well aware of your presence last night, I was a short distance away with Achyls so I know that you didn't meet her then. So I ask again, who are you? How do you know her, and what exactly do you presume to know of, all this" He said motioning to their current situation. "Simple questions, will you answer them? Or will you hide behind secrets while expecting open cooperation?" He had made sure to keep the other djinn in his line of sight, particularly the one called Aliphas.

@Morgrim @SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @everyone paying attention
Achyls rolled her eyes, turning to the others with a hand held to stop the quarreling.

"What the undead one knows of me does not matter, not now," she hissed, her expression sharp, "there are more pressing matters at hand than a simple name. Such as the investigation of the temple,"

She softened, allowing herself to think, before returning her view to the Djinn.

"Do you wish to enlighten us, or not?" she snapped once again, keeping up her intimidating front.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime @zCrookedz
"That's right, you should listen to the girl, friend." He smirked. That comment should get under his skin. Morgrim knew it would be a long time coming before this man and him will become friends, and quite frankly he didn't mind that one bit. He rubbed the sore spot of his once broken arm, feeling that it was stiff as a bored. It would be a day or two before it completely settled and feels like it should. @SkywardSocks @andujarprime

"Now what to do about you two? First you try to capture us, leave a nasty little cut on theirs friends throat, and then beg for help. How are we suppose to know that this isn't some kind of elaborate trap to get us all killed and taken what we have?" He didn't trust the two Djinn's whatsoever, more so the male as he didn't even apologize for breaking his arm. Morgrim's frail body can only handle so much trauma before snapping, and a mini hurricane in the face was a sure enough way to do so. "You better have some sort of proof that this is all true."

Leia glanced at Takeo. "No, I'd have to say this would be a new one for us. Most people start with asking nicely." Her heart went out to the blue Djinn however. To be honest, they seemed desperate.


Merias looked nervously at Banba as she demanded an explanation.

"I-I do not know more about these forces than what I have told you...as for the girl..." She looked at Achyls, her glowing, pupil-less eyes narrowing as if she herself were trying to understand. "Our king would be much better suited to explain...please, allow me to lead you to our camp."

@SkywardSocks @Jecklyn

Kallin considered this carefully.

"Leandra and Leo are right, we're not splitting up. There are too many unknown's here." Kallin said firmly and at this he glanced at the Djinn and Morgrim both.

"As for the threats..." In the pre-dawn light Kallin was grateful he still had his human form to make a sympathetic face. "I don't think they actually meant to hurt us...and you pretty much just did put a dagger in one of them Lune."

@Lioness075 @Morgrim

"Aye," Aliphas growled. "And if it hand't been silver you would have been much worse off."

"Silver? You're affected by silver?"

Aliphas grew silent, content to glare as he tried to rise to his feet.

"Are you going to be okay," Kallin asked, keeping his staff between himself and the Djinn.

"I will recover now that the blasted metal is not touching my essence."

The mage turned to hand the blade back to Luness.

"I say we follow them for now. And if they betray us, Lune, you are more than welcome to use the blade again."

Kallin was aware of Morgrim and Malachai's conversation slowly escalating. "Cool it Malachai," he snapped and glared at Morgrim. "Antagonizing the dragon is a very good way to get set on fire. Trust me on that one."

Aliphas turned his icy glare on Morgrim as he spoke. "If I wanted you all dead, corpse, I would have cut your throats while you slept."

@andujarprime @Morgrim

"Not likely Genie." Sinbad stepped up. Once the situation had been held in hand he hung back, watching and waiting.

"If we're going to follow them then I say its only fair we get a hostage. Bind the flamey one. Have Merias lead." Sinbad produced a tiny silver chain necklace from a pocket and held it out for one of the heroes to take.

"Silver's the only thing that can hold you without a spell. I know that much. If you really want our trust, you should trust us first."

Aliphas growled and for a moment Kallin was afraid he would attack, but he just glared and with a snort he thrust his hands out for them to be bound.

Merias seemed to relax a little, looking hopefully at the heroes, "Shall we then?"

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Luness was relieved when Kallin agreed that splitting up was not the best option. She would've put in her agreement about it, but she'd been a bit distracted by the fact that Kallin had been attacked by one of these things. Luness still didn't know what they were either. Not that it mattered too much.

Hearing Kallin responding to her threat, Luness scowled and then muttered, "I meant that I didn't hit where I was aiming for, but whatever."

Listening to Aliphas explain that they were susceptible to silver, she grinned, pleased to know their weakness if it ever came to it. Plus, Kallin had the other silver dagger so they were more than prepared to attack if need be.

Taking back her dagger from Kallin and sheathing it, Luness then smirked at Kallin telling her that she was free to use it again if the two misty beings betrayed them. Glancing at the both of them, Luness then considered taunting them, but since they were to be allies for now, she held her tongue. No use in further upsetting anyone they were going to try and work alongside.

Hearing Sinbad speaking up finally, Luness watched his interaction with Aliphas and felt more comfortable once the being was bound. That was one less potential enemy to deal with for now.

Hearing Merias asking everyone if they were ready, Luness sighed and then made her way back to her horse, as she quickly packed her sleeping gear while wincing and grumbling to herself whenever her feet or palms were rubbed the wrong way and pain was sent shooting up her arms or her ankles.

Once packed and with her horse's reins in hand, Luness turned to face the others and uncertainly waited for everyone else to announce that they were ready as well.

@SilverFlight @everyone


Leandra was pleased when both Leo and Kallin agreed with her on not splitting up. After watching Scooby Doo when she was younger, Leandra was definitely certain that splitting up was never a good idea. She'd seen it go wrong in combat situations as well.

Taking note of the fact that these two beings were susceptible to silver, Leandra wished she had a bit of silver handy, but settled for the fact that perhaps she could scrounge for some if it ever came to it. Perhaps there was some kind of silver objects packed in their gear.

Quickly getting her horse ready and back on its hooves, Leandra then swiftly mounted it and glanced around at the group before confidently announcing, "I'm ready whenever the rest of you all are."

Seeing Sinbad bound Aliphas, Leandra felt even more so confident that they could handle whatever came next.

@SilverFlight @everyone
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Leo watched as Malachi and Morgrim got more and more intense. This sensless bickering was not getting them anywhere and just before Leo could intervene, Kallin stepped in. Glad to see he had over heard their escalation, Leo turned his attention back to the Dijin and their exsplination. Leo was satisified with their answers, and when Sinbad offered out the chain to take precausions, Leo offered out his hand in assistance. Being one of the bigger built in the group, Leo felt comfortable having to go after such a large character like the Djin should the need arise. He walked over to the Orange creature with the chain and dipped his head a bid to show him a bit of respect before he wrapped the chain around on of his arms. Once he was bound, Leo looked back to see Bruin leaving the rest of the animals and making his way next to him. The land drake nudged Leo's arm which made him smile "Thank you my friend." Leo wrapped the chain around the horn of his saddle and lifted himself into the seat. He looked to Kallin "Ready when you are"


Otto let the hair on his back fall back to normal, and eventually sat down on his hind quarters before looking around at the others. While they bickered and planned, Otto saw a tiny bug with an odd shapped tail crawl out of the sand infront of him which instantly fixated his attention. He watched the little weird bug scurry around until it dissapeared under the sand once again and Otto looked around to see he had followed the bug a ways front he group. He looked back and saw that many of them were loading up and his ears perked up as he dashed across the sands. Shifting has he got closer, Otto stumbled once or twice before he crashed into the sand beneath him and rolled a ways till he stopped. Lifting his head from the sand he spit a few mouthfulls out and looked around for Luness who getting ready to mount her horse. He looked around a bit more and found Banba and he smiled "Hey! I remember you! You came to Oz with Leo and the others. When did you get here?"

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"A very long time ago." Banba started, staring around at everyone packing up. She didn't have any gear to pack up.

"I got here. And then I was lost and now I'm among you!" She giggled, her scales dropping to their normal position. If she understood the conversation going on around her, she didn't let on that she did. She let herself fall, rolling around in the sand. She stopped in front of Otto, an odd look on her face as she stared up at him.

"You have ears..." She muttered, poking at one with a single finger. Before the boy could react, however, she dashed away to Leo's side, hair suddently short. Being part lizard, she had no disernable ears in her natural form. She stared back at Otto, occasionally glancing around at the group as she waited for them to become ready to set out.

"The tree would be furious." She muttered to herself, looking once again about her before calmly walking over to Otto, ofering a hand to help him up.

Takeo listened to everything that as going on his main suspicions on the undead man who just seemed to rub him the wrong way. He kept his mouth shut not wanting to start another pointless argument. When a course of action was deiced he smiled and un hand the sword and moving to his bedroll. He went straight to packing and loading his horse at a good speed. It didn't take him long to finish and mount his own horse. "I'm as ready as you guys. However the undead fellow who wishes us to split up doesn't have a mount. I guess he is just walking?" Takeo said as he looked at the group, he didn't really think it was very important since they weren't likely going to gallop to their destination. However if danger did occur it would likely be safer to be on a speedy get away then not.

@Morgrim @Anyone
Morgrim mumbled something in response though it was hard to hear, something about a dracolich, and Malachai. He responded though with a half-hearted apology and bowed his head slightly. @SilverFlight @andujarprime

He had not yet been provided with a horse, so he summoned his own. With a morbid sounding whistling noise a pool of black magic formed in the sand in front of him, several meters wide. As if a clay sculpture had been rising out of water, so did the figure of what slowly became more clear as a horse, though highly deformed and twisted in design of a broken soul. It appeared carnivorous in nature, given the many sharp teeth and large molars it has. Its body contained no fur, only a leathery looking hide that could handle any terrain with ease. Its feet also ended in protruding spikes that could lodge itself into solid stone. In Morgrim's design it was an all terrain vehicle with combat capabilities, to others; the twisted design of a mad man. He mounted the creature, after gather what few supplies he had taken with him. "All right people, gather your things

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Luness rolled her eyes at the bickering among the group, though she didn't partake in it. She'd already had her fun with Aliphas and her own dagger.

Watching Otto and Banba messing around, Luness grinned, though she didn't bother to partake. The less she moved about, the less likely it was for anyone else to notice her injuries. She wanted to keep them a secret and let them heal on their own, though her stubbornness was most likely going to only make things worse in the near future.

Mounting her horse after seeing a few others doing so, Luness gritted her teeth and then winced when she had to adjust her boots in the stirrups of the saddle. At least holding the reins wasn't too uncomfortable for her blistered palms.

Upon hearing the 'zombie' (that was what he had been called, right?) telling the group to gather their things as if he were in charge, Luness immediately narrowed her eyes, the color glinting to a dark red temporarily before returning to normal, as she then spat at the man, "You're not in charge here, zombie. You don't have the right to give any of us any orders."

Glaring at the man, Luness just waited for him to say something in return, silently daring him to try.



Leandra continued to patiently wait for everyone to get ready and raised an eyebrow when Luness snapped at the zombie guy for seemingly trying to take control over the group.

Rolling her eyes at this, Leandra then said evenly, "Calm down, Luness. Let's just get our things together and move on before one of us tries to maul the other to death. Honestly, guys."

While waiting for everyone to calm down and mount up, Leandra began absentmindedly itching at her back yet again, her mind beginning to wander a bit.

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Achyls had to forcibly drag herself away to get ready, she was much too deep in thought again. She had mentally detached herself from the bickering, and focused on something that took up all her thoughts. A fearful excitement boiled within her, and she wandered off, dazedly, to collect what she could. Taking her stallion, she mounted, pulling herself back into reality.

"We ought to ride swiftly," she called to the others, "This feels important,". The last part was a lot more addressed to herself than anything; what would she find there? Who were these Djinn?

Otto sat there mesmerized as the Lizard girl seemed fixated on something on his head., When she reached up and poked one of Ottos wolf ears, He folded his ears back and gave the girl a surprised smile as she darted off towards Leo who looked down at her with a smile. When she came back over to him, he took her hand in his and lifted up off the ground and gave her a chuckle and a smile "I don't know about a tree, but I remember you're a shapshifter. He gave her a challenging look as he let go of her hand and shifted mid twist and turned back into his wolf form. He barked a challenge to her and then took off running towards the front of the little group, darting around horses and peoples feet until he was at the edge and simply began running around.

Banba tilted her head at Otto's comment before he ran off as a wolf, yelping at her. She stood a second longer as everyone began moving, before grinning, dropping to her hands, her arms and legs began to grow, thining surprisingly. When her shapeshifting was done, she had grown to a camel again, charging past the horses faster than expected, her toes made for walking on sand. Flipping over Otto, she landed as an iguana, as large as he was. Grinning her unnaturally wide grin, she kept up to speed with him, occaionally branching off his wild running to scurry around the rest of the group, looking up at each of them on their steeds. She joined Otto again, laughing loudly into the dessert air.

"If a shrubbery is like a hippopotamus, how is an ant like a whale?" She nearly shouted, leaping over the edge of a sand dune, kicking up sand as she slid down the rest of the hill.

@everyone @zCrookedz
Sinbad was about to split the gear on a packhorse when Morgrim managed his own transportation. Leia looked slightly horrified at the beast that rose from the ground.

"Perfect, a zombie horse to match..." She brought her mount closer to Takeo and tried her best to pull herself onto its back.

"Its not like I'm...afraid or anything...zombies just creep me out...Giant snakes? Fine, Demons, dragons, evil plants, ice wizards...none of them have flesh rotting off their bones and just.." She shivered involuntarily. She knew she was probably being rude. She felt bad for it too. Taking a breath as they began to move she reigned her horse a little closer to Morgrim.

"Hey...about last night, er..I'm sorry I freaked out."

@Peaceswore @Morgrim

Kallin put a gentle hand on Luness' shoulder. "I know this has been a lot...the past few hours we've had our lives threatened more than normal, but we need unity now more than ever if we're going to get through this in one piece. Please Lune?" He gave her a soft smile that was dangerously close to a sad puppy look.


"You needn't worry about us keeping up." Merias said and as she did her misty form melted into that of a lithe mare. Aliphas harrumphed and transformed into a slightly orange stallion, the chain about his wrist becoming longer to accommodate, apparently the chain was not ordinary.

Sinbad mounted and brought his horse up behind Merias, who had taken the lead.

"We must pass through the Roc canyons." She said with no amount of pleasure.

"Isn't that redundant?" Leia asked.

"Rocs are--"

"Oh, giant birds...right...I hoped you were being redundant..."

"The trek will be dangerous for you of solid flesh."

Kallin looked at the horizon, it wouldn't be long before the sun gave him back his cursed form. He would have much more power to deal with anything that came their way after that.

The canyon walls began looming over their heads just as the sun appeared. Kallin's transformation did not cause him anymore pain this time, much to his relief. When Merias looked around her jaw dropped.

"You...you look just like one of us!"

Kallin tried to make a face, that being much more difficult now. "Well, I'm not."

"Perhaps not...but there is chaos magic in you."

This caught his attention.

"You know about chaos magic?" he asked, perhaps a little too eagerly.

"It is what we are, spirits of the desert. We were born from its essence...it...it has been forced upon your body though...it must pain you."

Kallin looked away. "You could say that...listen, do you have mages...or people who would know more about chaos magic?"

Merias' long equine face fell. "Much of our knowledge was left behind with the ifrits when we fled, but if we regain the temple...there may be something that will help."

Yet one more reason to get to that temple.

After that Merias approached Achyls. "You have a familiar aura about you as well...you are a magic user yes? Pray, how does your magic obey you? How do you call it?"


Leia watched the tops of the cliffs warily, on the constant lookout for giant birds. "What do you suppose would be the first sign of a giant bird coming to eat us?" She asked no one in particular.
Achyls was taken aback by Merias' gentle question.

"Why...I...uhm..." it took her much too long to think. To her, her magic came naturally, just coming to her at will, "Yes, I am a magic user. Specifically...dark magic," she nodded.

"I suppose it has always been a part of me, and it has strengthened as time with the company has passed. I often fear that..." she stopped herself from talking, not wanting to discuss with the Djinn what she would naturally discuss only with Nyr. This was not the time, nor place. For now, she needed to focus on the task at hand.

"As far as I can recall you are not in charge either, so unless you are a hypocrite your words hold no weight." He said to the transformed werecat. He felt right in believing not to trust her. She may be pure hearted, but he still found her to be rude and appalling. "I'd be happy to brawl with you another time, but let's just get this job out of the way first so that it may happen unimpeded." He then her the comments from Leia and turned his back to Luness. To him she was just a problem for another time. He was here to get as much info on the zombie infestation and the one controlling them, not to make friends.


"It is all right, I do not hold it against you, most of the world fears the undead, and those that do not fear it often seek to destroy it. It brings me enough peace to know that you at least didn't try to torch me as I slept." He answered to Leia in as peaceful a manner as he could manage, he really did mean the words he had said. "Don't let my peacefulness fool you though, most of the modern day necromancers share my darker side, and will not hesitate to put you on an experimentation table. I would suggest you keep some level of caution about everyone though, not just those will a deformed appearance like myself. Everyone is looking to get a foot up in this world, even if it means the betrayal of their own friends. I still have my doubts about most of your group." He rambled on half to her, and half to himself. He had observed even some of the kindest souls turn wicked for treasure and love alike, it was the first time he had witnessed it though and it deeply disturbed him, he probably wouldn't trust this group ever, and no sooner would he trust a stranger despite their spoken intentions.


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