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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo turned to Nyr and smiled, he had never imagined a younger Nyr. He could see she was having a hard time and Leo waded through the pool over to Nyr and held out a hand. "Come on Nyr, don't worry. I'm right here. We can walk together." Leo waded to the edge of the water with Nyr and the others. He felt the water evaporate from his cloths and fur as he listened to Kallin and the little girl speak and he chuckled. "If you think its hard for your guys to be like this, imagine not having been this young for about 200 year." Leo had not been this small in a very long time and the feeling of the smaller stature was very peculiar.

He followed the group admiring the forest and the other fountains that Kallin pointed out as they walked. When he saw Kallin trip he had to try and surpress the urge to begin laughing once again. But then he saw the little monkey weazle dart off with the map and Leo smiled. He couldn't help himself, he felt the urge to chase the little creature. Leo dropped to all fours and even wiggled his butt in the air before he took off after the stupid little creature.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight

Otto bounced in the water, jumping after the splashes he made. He had given up chasing his tail after he had clamped down on it and realized it hurt. When he saw Leia go through the water, he jumped up out of the water and went to shake himself of the water which had already evaporated. As soon as he was out of the water he noticed a shadow growing bigger over him. Turning at the last second he noticed Luness bearing down on him, yipping in excitement when the two collided. When Luness went away, Otto sat back on his rump and looked up at Leia as she spoke to him. he smiled up at the little Leia and went to speak "Bark bark bark bark!" He tilted his head and tried again, but he only barked once again. He tilted his head and looked up at Leia and began to whine. It seemed that the fountain had pushed him back to the time he spent as a wolf before his first shift to his human form, which was before he learned to speak normal talk. Otto looked down at the ground until he noticed that Luness and Leo took off, which immediately sent him into a frenzy of barking and yipping after the pair of them.

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Achyls hurried along, looking at Malachai as she embarked. Unaware of the others, she too entered the water, a weird sensation coursing through her. Upon reaching the shore, her jaw dropped.

"Are we in Wonderland again?...why is everything so..." she paused, looking down at her stubby little body, "big...". She gave an affronted look to Kallin, she seemed to be very much in a strop. Her eyes were a lot bluer, her power mustn't have been as developed. Or, judging by the lack of darkness she felt, not there at all.Her hair now hung over her face as it did when she was a child, causing her to stop holding Malachai's hand to fiddle with her hair. Her wings were still large enough to carry her, but she found she could only flutter for brief periods, before stumbling down in a mess of flailing hands and little yelps. Brushing the dust off of her, she looked up, to see the others had already dashed off after the map. Annoyed, she padded along after them, every so often changing from running to flapping, though this wasn't the most efficient method. It was oddly fun, however, prancing about like she used to, even while chasing a thief.

@andujarprime @SilverFlight

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Arianne chuckled, seeing the little Luness trying to growl at her.

" Not so ferocious now, Lady Luness! " she laughed as she looked at the others. It was strange to see everyone being younger than her - but somehow, some way she thought that she had felt this feeling before. She could not explain why but... somehow a not explainable feeling compelled her to look after these child looking heroes.

Snapping out of this she quickly followed Kallin and the others. Upon seeing the Fountain of Truth she wondered if they should take from the waters and splash on some bad guy or something but she ultimately decided against it.

" This place is so strange... " she mused " Almost as if... I have been here before... but when? With father perhaps? "

She did not have too much time to think when the creature struck. Immediately she dashed after it with the others.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075

Nyr took the hand of Leo as she stood up. Her big, red eyes were carefully inspecting the others and mostly her beloved. It was indeed a bit strange to see Leo this young... but she was still very much afraid. She did not have many good memories from her youth.

" Leo... the reason why I am afraid is not due to my looks, it is... "

She could not finish her sentence as she felt a small bolt of darkness shooting off from her fingers by itself, crushing into a wall, denting it a bit. Then in all the sudden she felt an another ball of shadow shooting out from her hands, barely missing Leo who, interestingly enough did not care about the strange bolts of energies and darted after a little animal to chase it. Nyr remained alone, whispering to herself.

" I could not fully control my power when I was young. " she blurted out, mostly to herself " You are in danger, we all are... "

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Kallin took off as best he could after the creature, shouting encouragement as Leo ran ahead of him (like most of the others). The creature bounded forward, stopping when they fell too far behind and leaping on again when he saw them.

"Its almost like he's leading us somewhere!" Leia said, she had made it to the front of the group, being sporty since the time she could walk. All of a sudden the creature stopped and clombed up a high tree. He held onto the map and to Kallin's surprise he was careful not to bend it.

"What kind of creature is this?" he wondered. The animal looked down at them and suddenly stretched out a long hair arm to point at something on the ground. A log had rolled from its place further up the hill and seemed to be covering a small rock den. From inside the den tiny squeaks could be heard.

"Ah! Something's trapped in there!" Ward cried. "Is this your family?" He asked the monkey.

"So he'll give me the map back if we move this log...but look at it, its huge! Maybe if we were our normal sizes it would be ok but..."

"We need to try." Leia said, her determined expression set. She scrambled over the log and braced her weight on the other side. "Get ready to push!" Kallin gave a glance at Luness before going to help. He hoped they could do something...they would never find the spring if they didn't get that map back.

((Short post, sorry...have to go for a while.))
Luness continued sprinting after the monkey, but she found herself stumbling more often than not due to the clumsiness of her being a kit again.

Hearing Otto barking and yipping behind her, Luenss grinned in excitement only to find herself eating the dirt again. Ew.

Once the monkey climbed the tree, Luness immediately began climbing after it, but stopped midway when she heard Ward exclaiming about the monkey's family.

Glancing down at the group, Luness realized that she'd be of no use in pushing the log due to how small she was now.

Climbing onto the nearest tree branch, Luness then sat on her rump and curiously watched the group attempt to push the log.

The way Luness figured, she could always climb the rest of the way and get the map back herself if it came to it.



Leandra was right behind Leia, thanks to her athletic build at her young age, and they soon all came to a halt, minus Luness, when the monkey quickly climbed a tree.

Hearing Ward's shouting, Leandra's eyes widened and she quickly moved behind the log to help.

At Leia's side, Leandra braced herself against the log as well and prepared to push when given the command.

Shouting out to the rest of the group, Leandra said, "Come on, guys! We need to help this monkey's family!"

@SilverFlight @everyone else present
Malachai ran along with Achyls as she pulled him along. He didn't mind, his heart and mind were racing. He chased after Achyls through the waterfall, when her hands let go of his he was a little confused. The world sprang up around him, his fave and belly We're getting wet. His body had changed and he wasn't sure how or why. That is until he looked down and saw his reflection. He cocked his head curiously to the side be free the water rippled. He let out a yip and snapped at the water then looked around to everyone else letting loose an excited chirp. He realized he couldn't talk anymore so he tried changing into his human form again, nothing. Now he was confused, he focused on his dragoon form. Again nothing, his confusion was short lived as he ran on with the group, now chasing a monkey. "Dinner!!!!" He thought out loud to everyone as he ran on. When the others stopped he along with Luness was scrambling around the tree, not having noticed that the others We're now pushing a log. He tried to spit fire, but it came out in small bright green spurts that merely left burn marks on the tree trunk.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks

<sorry I'm the oddball that doesn't know that spoiler code :(

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/19c86224de5668434477fb14f631f6fc.jpg.6a81efe320c8a20d1e2c223900d5320d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/19c86224de5668434477fb14f631f6fc.jpg.6a81efe320c8a20d1e2c223900d5320d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Leo followed the monkey and the others into the forest. He was having so much fun, he had not felt like this in years. Hear Otto barking and yipping behind them, he looked back to see the little wolf trialing behind with his stubby little legs. Leo laughed at the sight, but should have kept his eyes forward as a branch lifted from the person before him and smacked him right in the face stopping him in his tracks. Falling back on his butt Leo shook his head as the yipping and barking got closer and them zoomed past him. The little wolf made a B-line straight for the tree that Luness and the monkey had made their own and he began to stare at them from the ground, barking and yipping at them while trying to run up the tree himself.

Leo fell back on his back and laughed his little child laugh until he heard them mention the log. Then he was back up on his feet and headed over to the others to help try and move it.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
"Ready? Heave!" Leia cried and threw her skinny form against the log with all her might. Ward joined her, and Kallin but the log remained stubbornly in place. Leia examined the slope and thought.

"The stupid thing would just role away if we got it out of this rut..."

A soft, scratching noise drew her attention to the other side of the log where Bob was digging at the soil just by the log's base.

"Bob! You're a genius!" The creature then plunged his head into the earth and drew up a smal shiny pebble, swallowed it and turned away.

"Ok, not a genius on purpose...but keep digging there! Otto, Luness, Kai, help him dig!"

"Digging away the dirt so we cal roll it...that's smart." Ward said happily.
Luness pouted at having to come down from the tree and stood up to do so only to freeze upon seeing how high up she was. Even though she was only about five feet up. It's scarier when you're a kid, really.

Letting out a small mewl, Luness then shuffled backwards until her rump hit the trunk of the tree.

Crouching down, Luness fearfully clung to the tree branch and hoped that someone would help her down soon.

Peeking over the edge, Luness then said shakily, "I'm s-stuck up here!"

@everyone in the area


Leandra grunted in her efforts to aid in rolling the log, but exhaled when their efforts were for naught.

Frowning at their failed efforts, Leandra wondered what to do next until Bob, without meaning to, showed them what to do next.

Grinning now, Leandra looked to their furry and scaly companions for aid, though she soon was furrowing her brows at Luness' fear of jumping down from her perch in the tree.

Looking to Kallin, Leandra then grinned while saying, "Perhaps you could catch Luness so she can get down from the tree, Kallin."

Elena followed the monkey towards the log. She noticed everyone else had figured out it was leading them there. She slowly caught on and went to join them in figuring out how to move the log. As they dug away at the dirt below, Elena waited to help push it, disliking not having her power.

"I don't undewstand. Why could it just get ow attention without stealing ow stuff?"

She questioned this, feeling a little like even though this miniature mission wasn't as dangerous as the others, they were still struggling.

She looked up.

Point proven. Luness, currently a cat, was stuck in a tree. Elena moved below the other girl in case she fell.

(Short post. Not totally with it but I wanted this arc for forever
Otto wasted no time at the mention of the word dig. His head shot towards Leia and he looked at what the little rock spirit was doing and he smiled a puppy smile as he bolted towards the others. In an instant he was head deep in a hole beside the trunk, throwing dirt at anyone who was unlucky enough to stand behind him.

Leo watched as Otto came running over, having to back up from the little dogs eagerness of his digging and wipe dirt from him. He found a spot away from the little wolf and placed his shoulder against it, pushing when the word was given.

Quincy looked at herself worriedly. The others seemed to understand this new form, but she couldn't remember ever being like this. Her hand were small and clumbsy, and her legs were short and would probably cause her to stumble quite a bit. She frowned deeply, and opened her mouth to all the meaning of this, when a strange monkey stole their map! They all have chase. Despite her usually speed, the kelpie fell firmly in the middle of the pack of tiny bodies, just trying to stay on her little feet. She, of course, also tried to push the heavy log with no luck. But digging in the dirt did not sound appealing. She screwed up her nose and stepped away, letting Otto through. When he hit her with dirt, she squealed in protest, “Otto! I don't wanna be dirty!" Quincy clapped a hand over her mouth, shocked by the high-pitched, whiny sounds that her voice had become.
Malachai turned at the sound of his name and made for the log, only to smell the monkey again then run back to the tree.he growled and jumped up with a snap of his jaws, his wings fluttered and kept him aloft a few seconds before he dropped down. This was going to take getting used to. With a resounding sigh he turned his attention to the group digging. "Food?!" He thought aloud as he joined in the excavation. Running behind Otto he received a clod of dirt to the face, he shook it off and jumped in next to him in a frenzied dig.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Achyls began skipping, swishing her little dress about while her hair spun about wildly. She only stopped once hearing the sound of mewling. Looking up, she saw a small cub clutching a branch high up on a tree.

"Luness!" she giggled, flapping her wings like a hummingbird as she made her way up the tree. Carefully, she reached forward, her hands wrapping around Luness' middle. She couldn't get a good grasp, however, as the cub seemed to squirm awkwardly.

"Luness, let me carry you!" she laughed, finding it hilarious to see her wiggle about. After a bit of playing, she stopped to brush her hair back, as it had yet again blocked her vision.

@Lioness075 @everyone else
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Luness hissed at Achyls when she approached the terrified kit, but nothing seemed to be able to stop the raven from attempting to pick up Luness, even when Luness dug her claws into the tree branch and snarled at the girl.

Yet, Luness couldn't hold out for long, especially as just a kit, and she soon was scrabbling at the tree branch and leaving numerous claw marks along it, as she lost her grip and was soon stuck in Achyls' grip.

Mewling in protest, Luness began to squirm and wiggle about while in Achyls' grip, trying to get the raven girl to let go of her.

Soon, Luness realized that she'd rather not fall if Achyls were to let go of her, so she went limp in the raven girl's grasp, waiting with an irritated expression for Achyls to put her back on solid ground.

Huffing, Luness then muttered, "This isn't funny."

Anya had followed the others and noticed their forms change sooner than she had realized her own did. Everyone was questioning what had happened and why, but she must have been too preoccupied with discovering she was a child again to even pay attention to the answer. She looked around at the others with her wide blue eyes and stayed quiet as she followed along.


Alexander on the other hand, was far more surprised. He was in his human form and while he had been unable to control his transformation at this age it seemed that he maintained it for the time being. He wondered if that meant he wouldn't have his dragon form, if it did, he was more than ready to get over all of this. Surely it wasn't permanent, it couldn't be. He watched as Quincy was attacked by the dirt from Otto's digging. He moved over and pulled her aside, out of the way of the dirt as though he was protecting her from it or something.


Quincy squeaked again in surprise as a hand pulled her out of the way of Otto's digging. Her dark gray eyes widened as they fell on Alexander. "Alex! Youre so little!" She exclaimed, almost not recognizing the dragon as a child. She reached up- even as children, he was quite a bit taller than he- and ruffled his hair. "You were a cute kid." She said, with a tiny smile. Then, she looked down at herself, brushing dirt from her clothes. "I dont remember being like this ever. Its so weird. Children are so clumsy and squirmy." She said, her face looking puzzled. Quincy looked up at him, with a small scowl that looked more like a pout. "Do you think I was a child before but cant remember it?" She was thinking about what the book in the ancient library had said: kelpies were, possibly, spirits of those who had died. By "before," she meant before whatever possible death had made her a kelpie. Of course, it was only a theory, but it ws much more pleasant to be someone who had died than a demon.
A kid dragged his white robe that had now been dirtied by mud and dust. Little twigs stuck to it as the kid tried to manhandle the oversize robe that lying down behind him. " C'mon already! Seriously, once i get back, I will kill that bastard! You just can't trust anyone noways. Just let me get back fool, I will chuck you back into your peasantry hut and then send it to glacier peak. ", cursed the kid. The kid did have a rather filthy mouth for his age. After he had finally tugged his robe back, he lost his balance and slipped, rumbling down the hill and ended up landing right in a patch of lush green grass. " Nasty little rocks! " grunted the child in agony. He appeared to have cut his knee while fell and now the wound had this strange burning sensation. The boy rubbed his knee in an attempt to comfort himself but it was fruitless. He grabbed the staff that had ended up next to him. The curvy staff was made from dark oak and had veins of blue arcane lines channeling through it that glowed once the young one grabbed it. The staff then divided into two pointy head at its top end. At the gold intersection before the two heads there were engraving written in some old forgotten language and it also had a teal diamond about the size of man's thumb, embedded right in it. The moment the kid had grabbed the staff, a blue flame arose from the diamond and rested exactly between the two heads of the staff. The child helped himself with the stick as he cursed once more, " Bloody rat's arse. I should have just sent someone to get the bloody artifact. I could have even tricked them to do it for free! Stupid of- " but was cut short as he gazed straight forward.

In front of him lay the waste of a once prosperous city, which was now just talked about in tales. But even without the rustling of people or the liveliness of townsfolk, this ruin of a city still possessed a certain beauty. A different allure unique allure in its silence, one that even the wind wouldn't dare to interrupt.

Then suddenly, the kid's vision went pitch black. He panicked for a second before stopping and realizing what had actually happened. " Oh lord! I hate being petite! if only I had my cauldron and few ingredients, I could have produced some concoction to get me back normal " mummer the kid as he sighed.

He raised his hat back up his head and adjusted it a little so i would not fall again. The hat was black and pointy, suitable for any wizard but the gold stitching and pointy base suggested only one wizard's name. The hat was certainly signature to the great wizard Ylylore. Ylylore was popular of having the ' most supreme and powerful enchantment and ritual magic in the land ', as quoted by him only.

Now that the hat was adjusted again, the little kid once more dragged his long robe hurling and tugging it in front of him at times, cursing every time that he did, using his staff that was twice his height to support him whenever he was about to fall and adjusting his hat about three more times before reaching the bridge that lead straight to the ruins. " At last! Oh my, was that a hassle!", he exclaimed as he slammed his staff with all his kiddish might right into the stone floor and so breaking the quiet that the ruins once had.
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Arianne laughed loudly as she saw the others digging away and as she saw Achyls saving Luness she laughed even louder. The heroes of Fable Wood were now nothing more than children... they were so adorable and so cute... still...

The girl stopped giggling when the realization struck her. It was so simple, so obvious yet until now this avoided her attention.

" No matter how big or small you are as long as your spirit is noble and you wish to help... The smallest contribution can also lead to a heroic act... "

Arianne was now amazed. All along this was such an obvious answer to her question yet only now did she actually realize what this meant. Silently stepping near the others she concentrated, a drop of sweat appearing on her forehead. To her relief few small light globes appeared out of nowhere and she gently pointed towards the log. The tiny globes now started to swirl in the earth, making sure not to hinder but rather help the efforts of the heroes in digging.

" You are all heroes... " she smiled, looking at the others trying so desperately to help the little family.

Nyr did not want to follow the others closely. Now that she could not control her powers it was a nightmare for her: she did not want any harm come to her friends... but she could also not sit idle and wait the events to unfold. She wanted to help even if it meant danger to the others.

Taking a deep breath and making her wings beat she fluttered towards the little group where she saw them disappear. She was not about to back down from the challenge ahead of them.
"So were you, and... Hey! I'm the same size as all of you!" He said, ducking out of the way of her hand as she ruffled his hair. Suddenly he was offended by Quincy calling him tiny. Of course, this wasn't entirely true, he was smaller than most of the others who should have been about his size- though it was interesting to see Malachai as a child, he'd never seen that one before.

She mentioned her lack of memories and this intrigued him, though he wasn't sure how to ask or mention it.
Kallin rushed to the base of the tree, aiming to catch Luness if she fell, but his worried expression turned to one of pure amusement as Achyls gently lifted her down. By the time they both landed Kallin was in stitched from laughing so hard.

"I-I'm sorry Lune...buthaha!..You look so funny!"

Leia watched the others dig, feeling the log begin to quiver under her fingers.

"Okay guys! Let's try pushing it again! Everyone get out of the way!"

Kallin, still giggling, got into position. The pushed together, the log sliding in the soft, newly dug earth. Suddenly it began to roll and Leia gave a triumphant whoop as it fell away.

What poured out of the hole made her heart melt. Three tiny little creatures with big eyes and bigger ears, all covered in soft orange fuzz. The monkey creature slid down the tree deftly and rn to them, scooping them up and licking them all with an impossibly long tongue. Then it turned its bright eyes to the group and offered them the map. Kallin took it back, smiling at the reunited family.

"Well, I hope that's all the trouble we'll run into." He said, crossing his arms.

A loud snarl startled him so much he fell over. Twisting back around he looked in horror as several creatures came out of the bushes...and they looked much less friendly.

The monkey gave a squeak and with its babies clinging tightly to its back it disappeared up a tree.


The creatures were wolf-like in shape, but their bodies were made entirely of swirling water and churning foam. they snarled, showing teeth made of solid blue ice and their eyes glinted white.

the creatures without warning ran at the group.

Elena was relieved things were working out even though they were smaller. She watched Luness manage to get down and Kallin laughed. Elena became a bit quieter and touched a tree. She was getting a little frustrated being younger. Nothing that the others didn't have to put up with either. She attempted to gather her power, but nothing happened. She frowned. Then she heard a snarl. She had walked further from the group as they went, thinking a little on her own. She saw the water wolves sprint towards them. She found the nearest stick, mentally berating herself for picking this for self defense. As a wolf ran as her, she found she sword position. She was too far to ask for help, and not helpless.. Hopefully.

She aimed to swing the strong limb into the beasts face when it attacked.
Ward saw the wolf attack. "Elena!" He yelled and tried to run to her, leaping and transforming. The wolf reached her before he did and it was promptly clubbed in the face. water sprayed everywhere and the wolf dissolved into a ball, rolling away and reforming a short distance off.

"Kallin! Get everyone out of here, Leo! Help!" His gryphon form was scruffy and covered in a mixture of chick down and proper feathers. His wings were weak and utterly useless. He jumped at one of the wolves, screeching as it dove back in surprise. Leia stayed as well, sending Tad forward to blow the wolves back. One shied away, but for the most part the water on their bodies just rippled.


@zCrookedz @Bea Delaine

"This way!" Kallin called, motioning towards an uphill path. "The ruins shouldn't be too much farther!"
Achyls set Luness down, only to see her bound off like she knew she would. Laughing, she fluttered over to the others, to the sound of growling. She knew of white horses in water...but water wolves!? As an adult, she could have brushed this off with ease, but this was not the case right now. Now fearful, she ran to the main bulk of the group, lifting her hands up as if to use magic.

"It's okay! I can conjure a p-" she paused, realising the situation, "uhh, oh no," she whimpered, watching the wolves inch ever closer. They were a lot more ferocious now she was a child again, forcing her to fly up into the air.

A wolf began to nip at her heels as she took to the sky. Luckily, she kicked it off before it could hurt her, but her flailing threw her off balance and she landed with a thud on the ground. She hissed, grazing her shoulder on the dirt. Getting to her feet, she rushed after Kallin, holding onto her shoulder to stop it from stinging. Her pain threshold was much lower as a child, and the sight of blood made her feel sick. Nevertheless, she kept running, wanting to get as far from the wolves as possible.
Hissing at Kallin for laughing at her, Luness leapt away from Achyls the moment she was set on the ground, her annoyance rather evident at the moment.

Seeing the small monkey creatures reunited, Luness cocked her head at them with curiosity, but remained silent otherwise. Then she remembered that she was annoyed with Kallin for laughing at her.

Stalking up to Kallin with her fur sticking up on end, Luness opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a snarl, which Luness immediately recognized as a wolf.

Fear overwhelmed Luness in seconds, doubled by the fact that wolves were attacking them and that they were made of water, so Luness sprinted ahead of the group within seconds, her small paws deftly covering ground now that she was encouraged to run faster with a mixture of adrenaline and fear.

Sprinting past Kallin, Luness made a beeline for the top of the hill, her eyes wide with fear and her heart racing at an almost abnormal speed while her fur stood up on end.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks


Leandra giggled and then began laughing out loud at Luness as well, finding the situation wholly entertaining.

Seeing the monkey family reunited, Leandra grinned and said, "That was easy."

Yet, her happiness was interrupted by a snarl and soon she let out a childish scream of fear before turning away from the wolves and sprinting after Kallin, feeling as if the wolves were breathing down her back and would bite her at any moment.

Hearing Kallin's encouragement to climb the hill, Leandra was soon panting, as she hurriedly followed Kallin up the hill while Luness bolted ahead of the whole group.

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