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Φ-Hᴏᴜsᴇ Gᴜʟᴀ-Φ
Ricarid Gula regarded the mercenaries with calculating eyes after their proposal. Already he had bargained with the Skerrymen, but he knew they would be trusted with hostages. This group offering aid in the seize interested him more. It would allow him to turn a portion of his forces towards their flank and remove that threat directly so was to more fully secure the siege. It was annoying to be in a position where he would have to sacrifice more, but this means the new mercenaries could bear the brunt of the siege. If they had proven more hostile, poison and murder in the night would have been called for, yet fortune for the moment favored his gambit.

"I think we can find an acceptable agreement. Your forces will commit to the siege. This will free up more of my men to turn and deal with a flank issue that needs to be removed to prevent us being routed by some surprised attack. Tell your Captain that House Gula accepts yoru offer and welcomes your expertise to this miserable little siege. Perhaps it will allow us to more quickly resolve it. Talk with my commanders and coordinate. Until then, please join us for food and drink. A gift of welcome and hospitality."

There was an Estate to sack to secure Hartown for the siege's greater future success. His men would see to that if this Gryphon Company were as good as they boasted to free them up from the main siege.​

𓅐-Gʀʏᴘʜᴏɴ Cᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ-𓅐

Viper Actual Viper Actual

Your company pays for another night of lodging in the Cooked Cat. During the stay in Sigton, Quartermaster Armyn managed to requisition fodder, timber, rope, and a few specialists... just one carpenter, and one smith. Many of these skilled folk have already signed on with House Gula, or one of the smatterings of other rebel captains and little lordly retinues that have shown up to participate in the good fight against Carmondy. Still, the company has a robust cohort of its own workers.

There are good tidings the next morning. Your negotiators return from Vizgard with news that Lord Ricardi has accepted your offer to join the siege, although they did not secure any immediate payment. Still, that was mostly to be expected. For a smaller lord such as Gula to initiate such an ambitious siege, the cost in crowns would doubtless be astronomical.

The men thirst for battle, glory and plunder. Lieutenant Garrith Boldsword suggests that the company move out soon, before one of the men ends up doing something stupid. An inn filled with drunken soldiers and whores isn't exactly conducive to good order and discipline.

Φ-Hᴏᴜsᴇ Gᴜʟᴀ-Φ

Crocodile Crocodile

After sending off the mercenary representatives, Captain Meldraut brings up the other captains. Specifically, the ones who are not affiliates with or backed by Gula, but participating in the general uprising. There are a number of subcamps now sprawled about the outskirts of the city walls, many of them filled with opportunistic looters and bandits.

Other groups of rebels have made independent forays towards the walls, resulting in the loss of dozens of fighting men in these uncoordinated assaults.

Your household officers complain about the lack of consolidation among the rebel forces. "We are nothing but a mob - well, multiple mobs," Meldraut tells you. "If Qayne sallies out, this may prove a grave weakness."

Captain Meldraut

Taking a draught of wine, Meldraut sinks back into his chair. "Also, my lord - you received a request for an audience with the Rector of Greenwald. He brought up a complaint about the banditry that's been committed by some of the assorted rebel gangs... Something about innocents in Greenwald being mistreated. Stolen from, killed, raped, what-have-you. In particular, he's angry about the fact that his temple was broken into and plundered." He chuckles. "Even said a few outbuildings were wrecked and their stones used for catapult shot."


"It's a bad look, but it's not at all unusual... In times of war, the law of the sword tends to take precedence over Paragon's tenets. Still, many of these warriors were equipped by us, and it is generally said that Lord Ricardi is the one marshaling the uprising himself, so it could reflect poorly on you, milord," Meldraut says, tapping his gloved knuckles on the table, gently. "The cohesion of the siege, I think, is the main issue at hand... perhaps the depredations against this temple can give us just cause to put the riff-raff in line."

Gᴜɴʜɪʟᴅ ᴏғ Mᴇʀɪᴄᴋ

Toogee Toogee

You and your two companions depart from the Cooked Cat before it gets too rowdy for the evening. Although Trig would have liked to stay, it appears that Hale isn't interested in the rambunctiousness. For all he knew, they'd be fighting tomorrow, and it was best to do so with a clear head.

The two crossbowmen bring along their horse and donkey to the peasant family they had made some arrangements with prior. It is put forth that you must pay five silver pennies in order to make use of one of the farm's storage outbuildings for lodging. Hale says that this is the best price you're likely going to be able to find, although it is relatively expensive for a woman of your means...


"Goodnight, Gunhild. We'll be moving out at dawn," Hale tells you. Trig also waves goodbye before both crossbowmen retire into the peasant hovel for the night, leaving you to settle in the storehouse. Sacks of bran, piles of firewood, and a few bushels of wool dominate the room. The latter make for soft bedding, at the very least.

Kʀᴀɢᴡʏɴ Sɪᴇɢᴇ Cᴀᴍᴘ

SoRonery SoRonery | MrThe MrThe

Lord Philippe is stripped of his armour and placed in the care of the physician Adfry of Kragwall and several monks and clerics that had been following the army. The dent in his helmet rendered it difficult to remove, but it is managed after several tries. His head sports a sizable, bleeding bump, which is promptly bandaged. Adfry reports that the Baron is still unconscious, but is likely to wake soon - if Paragon is merciful.

After the battle, the most of the bodies the deceased knights are identified among the enemy dead; Sir Arithor Beldrake - Baron Flamebay's personal captain, Sir Loran Kerrin the Master of Alorend, Sir Issan the Master of Marth, Sir Horace of the Oriflamme retinue and his squire, Sir Addison, bastard son of Lord Benfred and his squire, Sir Edwyne of the Horall retinue, Sir Emry of Pontyprwyn, and one unknown Valcayan knight and his squire.

A messenger, claiming to be from Clan Lemuel, was stopped on the perimeter by a knight and several sergeants on picquet duty. The knight reported this to Sir Gavin the Young, who deemed the clansman suspicious, and had his letter confiscated.

Clan Lemuel messenger, currently arrested

Sir Gavin presents the letter to you, while going on a bit of a tirade. "The audacity - making these deals on the behalf of our clan. Who does this man think he is...? I am sorry if I have committed some sort of treason by opening this, but I thought him a spy, truly. Besides - It is a great insult to us and our allies - the ones who bled in this siege - that these terms were brought to bear without our presence. The caitiffs don't have any business negotiating anything, if you ask me! You are a more senior servant of King Grenn than this 'Yorwin' lackey."

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Gᴜɴʜɪʟᴅ ᴏғ Mᴇʀɪᴄᴋ

You and your two companions depart from the Cooked Cat before it gets too rowdy for the evening. Although Trig would have liked to stay, it appears that Hale isn't interested in the rambunctiousness. For all he knew, they'd be fighting tomorrow, and it was best to do so with a clear head.

The two crossbowmen bring along their horse and donkey to the peasant family they had made some arrangements with prior. It is put forth that you must pay five silver pennies in order to make use of one of the farm's storage outbuildings for lodging. Hale says that this is the best price you're likely going to be able to find, although it is relatively expensive for a woman of your means...

"Goodnight, Gunhild. We'll be moving out at dawn," Hale tells you. Trig also waves goodbye before both crossbowmen retire into the peasant hovel for the night, leaving you to settle in the storehouse. Sacks of bran, piles of firewood, and a few bushels of wool dominate the room. The latter make for soft bedding, at the very least.​

“And to victory,” Gunny replied as Hale and Trig retreated to their own quarters. The optimism boost was mostly for herself, a high note to sleep on before the fight ahead.

Gunny paid a relative fortune for lodging overnight, but at least it was private. The storehouse was filled with the sights and smells of stored grain and wood, reminiscent of her own upbringing. While being alone was a rare luxury, it left her with her thoughts on mortality and the life decisions that brought her here. This could potentially be her last (peaceful) night before going to war, hardly a fate imagined for a farm girl. Perhaps more positive thoughts were in order…

As she fluffed the wool bundles into a bed, Gunny thought on what she would do with her earnings. Maybe expand the farm for more food and better secure their supplies. Maybe repair the well. She just had to get through this one battle…

She laid in her makeshift bed, nursing an itchy bump on her arm. She tightened up her clothing to avoid further insect bites before drifting off to sleep.

Just a flea bite. Probably nothing to worry about.

The news from Armyn offered Haldas mixed emotions. Acquiring more raw materials in preparation for a possible siege would greatly bolster the abilities of the Gryphon Company's existing siege equipment and would allow the mercenaries to either mend repairs or field further reinforced equipment. However, the lack of skilled workers would slow them down and Haldas would have to rely almost entirely on his own engineers.

Upon receiving word from his men sent to initiate contact with Lord Gula things began to appear clearer for Haldas and his mercenary company. "Finally, some good news."

Garrith stroked his beard, deep in thought. "I wasn't sure he would go for the offer."

Haldas shrugged. "Whether by luck or necessity we now have an employer. Ready the men and let them know we're finally leaving this little hamlet behind."

Garrith and the other assembled officers nod, some more eager for battle than others. Haldas studied them silently as they dispersed and left the inn to carry out their orders, pleased that he and his men would soon be underway to do what they do best;

Tear down walls and breach castle gates.

Lorsh Lorsh

As Fynche sat there, his wound didn't seem to get any better. In fact, a numb yet stinging sensation began to from where it was. From an experience of an infected cut in the woods, Fynche knew this sensation meant trouble if he didn't do something to seal the wound quickly. Normally, he would've applied his homemade salve, but as soon as he got trapped in this stupid siege, all of his belongings were "requisitioned" for the efforts into keeping everyone alive. In other words, the bastards stole his salve.

"Forget this," Fynche muttered after the thought of salve pilfered by conscripts streaked his mind. To return the favor of "borrowing" things, Fynche swiped a roll of gauze when the nurses' backs were turned (or so he thought). Quickly moving outside, Fynche began quickly began applying the gauze on his face... which meant wrapping it around his head. Fortunately for Fynche, he's had his own run arounds with wounds and wrapping string for traps. Fynche deftly moved the rolled gauze, utilizing odd angles to wrap the equally weird placement of the wound. The whole process took very little time, with the gauze firmly in place. With that done, Fynche began walking back to his post... assuming he didn't get stopped on the way.

He's definitely been seen taking that gauze...
Kragwyn Siege Camp
Albert held the letter in his hand, what Sir Gavin said was true. Yorwin was but a lord, his clan was young and a vassal to another clan as well. Clan MacEanruig were once kings, the only man above Albert was the king himself. To claim to speak with the same authority as the king was audacious. And so Albert had gathered all the important knights and lords in the siege camp for council.

"My Lords, it seems as if there are those in our ranks who would rather allow our enemies to walk away instead of giving them battle."

"Consider acquiescence, your grace," says Lord Dustin, straightening his feathered cap. "If some amount of money is to be paid to the Temple later, so be it. Abbot Ubbo and his ilk won't be in control here for long. Grenn will throw out the Carmondian clerics, and the lackeys of Archconfessor Harwood - send the gold only after that, and help rebuild the..."

"No, no!" Lord Amos interjects. "Don't take this snub lightly. You cannot listen to this fetcher, Yorwin - otherwise, it's shameful! You are the High Lord, here," he says. A few murmurs are heard. "Do not let the King of Kuldren wring you dry over nothing - we are merely conducting war - and we are winning!"

"Listen..." sighs Lord Kieth. "Can't the matter be simply put aside, for now? If it makes the bastards leave, then we still get the castle."

"Or, at least, I'd like to see them try and take it, once it's in our hands," murmurs Sir Avand.

Albert listened to his lords. It would be the strategically sound choice to allow Darrow to leave the castle, freeing up the Kragwyn host to more important matters. But there were also the political ramifications of abiding by the terms of the parley. He would be admitting that the raid on Trambley Abby and the abduction of the abbot was wrong. An admission of guilt for bringing justice to those the fat abbot had wronged. That he could not stand.

"My lords," it was Robert who spoke up before Albert, " Many good and just knights rode with me to Trambley Abby. Yorwin does us all, the men who rode to the Abby and those that sent us, a great dishonor. But I can allow my honor to be stained for a short time if it ends this siege and allows our host to move on to somewhere more important than securing Grenns backyard. I do not speak for my brother but it is my judgment that we allow Darrow to leave the castle now that he has no hope of relief."

Several of the knights and high ranking men-at-arms that accompanied Robert that night now nod their heads in assent, some more reluctantly than others. "Sir Robert is right. Now is not the time to be fighting our own countrymen," Lord Kieth says. "Let us cast out the Darrows, seize the castle, and press on with the war."

"Besides, mayhap we shall accrue enough plunder to make this fine a mere trifle," suggests Sir Kregan, optimistically.

Albert was quiet for a moment. It was not often that his younger brother spoke up like this, even less often that he would allow someone to call his actions unjust. There would come a time to settle his own grievance with Yoren later. This was a safe course of action, one that spared lives and, more importantly, saved time.

He was doubtful about the prospects of loot here at Darrowfall.

"The true plunder is still in front of us. I myself have no intention of following this farce of a parley, but I would rather preserve our strength for the fight to come and not waste it here. I will allow Darrow to leave his castle under the terms of this parley. Yorwin will have to answer for this."

Albert would dismiss the council and allow the messenger to the gates of the castle, it was up to Lord Miras Darrow to either continue the fight or to surrender.
Sir Amias
After the parley had ended, Sir Amias would turn and walk away from the village square and the barons of Carmondy, in step with his fellow commanders. His eyes darted across the ranks of his army as he accepted the reins of his horse from an armsman clad in mail and clutching Enguerrand's standard. He looked over the many men who had assembled for a battle at the whim of their lords, only for there to be none to be had; would they be heartened to have avoided bloodshed, or angered at their waste of time? No matter. An opportunity to serve their king and earn themselves their promised glory could still be found, at Gwyburgh - the men's journey so far would not go to waste.

It was a great boon that war with the coalition could be avoided, or at the very least, delayed. The Baron of Berngard wielded great power and influence among his neighbors, and having treated with him put King Grenn in position to strike at the heart of the Carmons' administration of Fyrdos, ousting the magistracy and fully freeing the kingdom of Edmund's despotism, at last. And Sir Amias would not be absent when the royal house of Fyrdos was finally reinstalled in it's rightful domain. But first, Lord Darrow's surrender of Darrowfall and the raising of Grenn's flag had to be seen to.

"Well spoken, Lord Lemuel. I'm still in disbelief he motioned for the MacEanruigs to be hanged. 'The Archconfessor Robert,' ha...masterfully done, bringing him around to see the value in a less mortal solution," Sir Amias remarked to Lord Yorwin as he accompanied him back toward their lines, with a laugh at the young Baron's expense. "Shall we make for the castle now, see to it that the parley's terms are enforced? Afterwards, I will be on my way to Gwyburgh - I hope you all will decide to join me," The knight further told the rest of the commanders. He knew that some amongst the ranks would rather go home, and thoughts of the looming threats against his own, being on the border after all, called him to return in kind. But once the magistrate had been defeated, it would be the beginning of the end of Edmund's toiling in Fyrds' affairs, and history in the making - Sir Amias could not miss it. House Enguerrand would be lauded for their achievements at two sieges, in the effort to reclaim their kingdom.

Assuming his fellow commanders were in agreement, Sir Amias would dispatch Sir Charibert to make the men ready to march the small distance the rest of the way to the castle, or to head straight for Gwyburgh. The presence of the eastern army would serve twofold if they were to march the rest of the way to Darrowfall - to convince Lord Darrow that relief would not arrive, continued resistance being futile - and pressure the unpredictable MacEanruigs to accept and uphold the terms reached.
Sir Arthur Oriflamme gripped the letter fiercely, simultaneously grasping the railing with his offhand to support himself. Shock weakening the knees of the second Oriflamme brother. Arthur was feeling a wave of mixed emotions pass over him. Relief and worry assailed his massive frame in equal measure. Taking deep breaths, the co-regent of Rooster Keep ecstatically cried out "My brother! Lord Philippe! He lives! Someone call forth my sister Lady Dierdre, she must know at once!" Meredith Meredith

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