Mystery Man
- Group
- Nation Building
Philippe was furious at the reports. His face quickly turned red from anger, then rapidly shifted to the beet red of fury, until finally reaching the dreaded purple of unfathomable rage. The shade of purple lasted so long that his cup bearer even thought the Baron would suffocate. Though eventually, after wildly flailing about for his goblet of wine Lord Oriflamme grasped it and took a few spluttering sips of the calming grape liquor.
Taking a deep breath to reconstitute himself the Bloody Baron made his possibly final pronouncement. "Bring me quill and ink, I must make Arthur regent should the worst come to pass. Raise the levy again, this time we March to War with all our forces. Leave only token Garrisons, our army isn't strong on the defense anyways. I'm getting my uncle back, one way or another, and I'll be damned if I let one Fyrdian foot touch Carmon soil whilst I draw breath. In the few days we muster I plan to March on Darrow and challenge the foe to a duel that should I win retrieves the Abbot. If I lose, we grant free passage through Flamebay, and should I die, Arthur shall have joint regency with my wife Dierdre until Aurélien and Olivier achieve their knighthoods. Worry not however, I shall not lose. Once I win, we smash the curs and relieve Darrow. Lord Horall will by my second in the duel and my second in command."
Taking a deep breath to reconstitute himself the Bloody Baron made his possibly final pronouncement. "Bring me quill and ink, I must make Arthur regent should the worst come to pass. Raise the levy again, this time we March to War with all our forces. Leave only token Garrisons, our army isn't strong on the defense anyways. I'm getting my uncle back, one way or another, and I'll be damned if I let one Fyrdian foot touch Carmon soil whilst I draw breath. In the few days we muster I plan to March on Darrow and challenge the foe to a duel that should I win retrieves the Abbot. If I lose, we grant free passage through Flamebay, and should I die, Arthur shall have joint regency with my wife Dierdre until Aurélien and Olivier achieve their knighthoods. Worry not however, I shall not lose. Once I win, we smash the curs and relieve Darrow. Lord Horall will by my second in the duel and my second in command."
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