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Realistic or Modern Ex's and Oh's - OOC

@Chione i'd love to hear your ideas!!

Alrighty then! ^^
So, I was thinking, since Ollie finished university at 21 and has only been living in the States for around two years, their relationship could've been an online one and it had been going pretty well until something happened. I don't know what that something is yet but feel free to let me know what you think :33:
That sound pretty legit??? Maybe everything is happy go lucky until they actually meet, bc andrée comes off as so argumentative and negative and its not very easy toget past unless you were there with him before. So maybe that scared ollie off??
apolla apolla eunoia eunoia Oh goodness when Lance arrives... lol

That sound pretty legit??? Maybe everything is happy go lucky until they actually meet, bc andrée comes off as so argumentative and negative and its not very easy toget past unless you were there with him before. So maybe that scared ollie off??

Yeah, that sounds plausible. So I don't think they would've met before which could lead to some pretty interesting character interactions when they do end up recognising each other. Do you think they would've ended on bad terms or good ones?
Well, i was thinking that they finally did and due to andrée's thick outer layer of being negative, frazzled and confrontational. They could've broke up bc its hard to get past it. And when they meet again its here and their interactions would be 2x the tension??

Maybe they ended on bad terms??
Well, i was thinking that they finally did and due to andrée's thick outer layer of being negative, frazzled and confrontational. They could've broke up bc its hard to get past it. And when they meet again its here and their interactions would be 2x the tension??

Maybe they ended on bad terms??

Ohhh, okay I see! So Ollie would've been kinda thrown off by how different Andrée is in person and it put a strain on the relationship. How long do you think they would've been together for and how long has it been since the break up?
Well maybe they've been together for like a year and a few months??? And its been a few months since the breakup??
Alrighty then, thanks for brainstorming with me! ^^ Think there's any chance for reconciliation?
Definitely. If you just like get to know him??

And Ollie was his boyfriend so it'll be way easier for him. Bc Andrée is actually reserved and sentimental and sweet???

But its just his defensive outer layer.

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