
Mist sits in his chamber. Drinking coffee and overlooking the dark forest around him. The sunny day was now filled with tame blood mist hurricanes swirling harmlessly. Giving the already viscous looking forest a red shadow. "It has been getting quite lonely."
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Crystal lay on the wet floor of the biology lab next to a motionless body and carefully drawing crude pictures with blood on the whiteboard giggling uncontrollably and acting as if she was an artist painting on a canvas.
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Elitepikachuu said:
Crystal lay on the wet floor of the biology lab next to a motionless body and carefully drawing crude pictures with blood on the whiteboard giggling uncontrollably and acting as if she was an artist painting a canvas.
Mist gets up from his chair and leaves his chamber. He heads to the biology lab. He didn't know why he had one built but he just did. He opens the door to find Crystal. Not even caring about the chaos. "Why hello. Welcome to Excidium."
"yes" she said giggling "some mage blood would add a nice touch " she reached out with a knife stabbing mist in the leg and covering her hand in his blood as if nothing were happening before turning back to the picture and working on it some more giggling the whole time.
Elitepikachuu said:
"yes" she said giggling "some mage blood would add a nice touch " she reached out with a knife stabbing mist in the leg and covering her hand in his blood as if nothing were happening before turning back to the picture and working on it some more giggling the whole time.
Before she even came close a blood mist hurricane breezed by and knocked the blade out of her hand. 5 out of 10 of the blood mist hurricanes orbit her. Keeping her contained in one spot or else she'll be torn to pieces on the spot. "Looks like you need some.... educating to learn how things go around here."
Crystal giggled watching the blade fly away and poked the hurricanes curiously then turning to mist "i ripped her lungs out" she said to mist holding up a pair of lungs and laughing "what are we doing here anyway " she said "lets get some coffee" she said as if the previous events hadn't happened.
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Elitepikachuu said:
Alecia giggled watching the blade fly away and poked the hurricanes curiously then turning to mist "i ripped her lungs out" she said to mist holding up a pair of lungs and laughing "what are we doing here anyway " she said "lets get some coffee" she said as if the previous events hadn't happened.
( You mean Crystal?)

Mist sighs and shakes his head. When she touches the blood mist hurricane it cuts her finger open. "Look. This is Excidium what I like to call a murder guild. Just for the record we do not kill each other. We kill people other than our own members." Mist turns on his heel and starts walking off. Crystal starts to follow him against her will. He now has control over her body through blood magic since she cut her finger open on his blood mist hurricane.

He starts to give her a tour. On the ground level you have the bio lab, kitchen, t.v, bar, weaponry, music room, training stadium, indoor pool, and other empty rooms ready to be filled.

The second floor is for members. Each room has a bathroom and is large.

The third floor has the country map that shows how much terror, happiness, people, innocence, and bloodshed there is in each town. It also has a meeting room for the ranked ones.

Then the fourth floor was all for Mist and his office to govern the guild. He travels back downstairs with Crystal and shows her to a coffee maker. "There you are. From now on I will be forced to take control of your body if you attempt to attack any of my other members. If you really want chaos there is a town east of here that is already being terrorized by giant serpents."
Crystal smiled and gave mist a maniac grin "lets napalm the forest, i can get a b-52" she said looking mist in the eyes crazily
Elitepikachuu said:
Crystal smiled and gave mist a maniac grin "lets napalm the forest, i can get a b-52" she said looking mist in the eyes crazily
Mist chuckles a bit. "I'll have to pass up on your offer but that suggestion is always an option." Mist stares at Crystal. "Do you desire the power to kill without regret or punishment? Do cause havoc without consequence or concern?"
Crystal giggled at mist pulling an uzi out of nowhere "what is power? what is regret or concern?" she said before she started shooting the wall and falling over laughing and hugging mist's leg "i regret nothing" she said staring into his eyes.
Elitepikachuu said:
Crystal giggled at mist pulling an uzi out of nowhere "what is power? what is regret or concern?" she said before she started shooting the wall and falling over laughing and hugging mist's leg "i regret nothing" she said staring into his eyes.
Mist smiled and laughed hysterically himself. "You regret nothing you say?! Good then! I will hold you to these words for as long as you shall live! From now on I shall take you in as a guild member of Excidium. Welcome to hell!"

Mist thought for a while. "I have a task for you."

( It's night time. )
Crystal started slowly crawling up mist's leg witht wide eyes "a task for me?" she said before stopping suddenly "hear that?" she said and peeked outside and jumped back "the shermans advance! warn the others! Mobilize die panzers!" she cried with an accent before grabbing mist and dragging him down the stairs with her to the garage
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Elitepikachuu said:
Crystal started slowly crawling up mist's leg witht wide eyes "a task for me?" she said before stopping suddenly "hear that?" she said and peeked outside and jumped back "the shermans advance! warn the others! Mobilize die panzers!" she cried with an accent before grabbing mist and dragging him down the stairs with her to the garage
Mist walks with her. She would be trouble to handle but a powerful force. "Yes. A task. There's a town not to far from here dealing with serpents. I want you to make sure the serpents succeed in killing people off in the town. They linger in the shadows and kill whomever ks unlucky enough to walk by. Don't show yourself to the villagers and just help the serpents. Only directly interfere if you have to."
Sonter sat on top of a building in a large city, legs dangling off the edge and a sandwich in his hand halfway through being eaten, his bow was slung across his lap as he leaned back and pulled out a phone, dialing his brother's number. He knew that mist may be in some sort of meeting, but didnt care, he had finished a job that would pull in a large amount of money into the guild, and the money would keep coming after how quickly he had accomplished that job. the phone started to ring, and he waited for mist to answer.
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter sat on top of a building in a large city, legs dangling off the edge and a sandwich in his hand halfway through being eaten, his bow was slung across his lap as he leaned back and pulled out a phone, dialing his brother's number. He knew that mist may be in some sort of meeting, but didnt care, he had finished a job that would pull in a large amount of money into the guild, and the money would keep coming after how quickly he had accomplished that job. the phone started to ring, and he waited for mist to answer.
Mist grumbled. "What now?" He answers his cell phone. "Yeah?" Mist knew who it was but didn't care for formalities at the moment.
Sonter laughed at his brothers annoyance, "It's done little brother, I'm about to go pick up the cash now, I'll be back by midnight at the earliest, depends on whether or not I take a detour," he stood, his kanas strapped low on his back moving slightly as he did so. "This one promises more jobs after this, so it looks like a promising income, and I'll have plenty of fun doing so." he clicked the bow into its holster on his back, the special harness allowed for completely free movement without the weapons falling out.
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter laughed at his brothers annoyance, "It's done little brother, I'm about to go pick up the cash now, I'll be back by midnight at the earliest, depends on whether or not I take a detour," he stood, his kanas strapped low on his back moving slightly as he did so. "This one promises more jobs after this, so it looks like a promising income, and I'll have plenty of fun doing so." he clicked the bow into its holster on his back, the special harness allowed for completely free movement without the weapons falling out.
"Alright. I'm depending on this. Do not fail." Mist hangs up.
Sonter shook his head as his brother hung up, the kid needed to lighten up sometimes. He had already said that he had the job done, of course he had to think of the fact that the client , might have an ambush set up at the money drop, which would make his life much more enjoyable, he would actually get to get some blood on his hands, maybe torture the client as he killed him. All the client had seen of his face was his red eyes and light hair, so if he did want the police on him, they would have their work cut out for them. He activated his speed implement, put on his glasses, and ran at a blinding speed towards the location where he would collect his payment in cash.
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter shook his head as his brother hung up, the kid needed to lighten up sometimes. He had already said that he had the job done, of course he had to think of the fact that the client , might have an ambush set up at the money drop, which would make his life much more enjoyable, he would actually get to get some blood on his hands, maybe torture the client as he killed him. All the client had seen of his face was his red eyes and light hair, so if he did want the police on him, they would have their work cut out for them. He activated his speed implement, put on his glasses, and ran at a blinding speed towards the location where he would collect his payment in cash.
Mist sighs. "If he screws this up. The moment he even steps foot in the forest the blood mist hurricanes in the sky will kill him." Mist shook his head and chuckled. "Kidding.... maybe."
Hannibal touched ground in front of a large mansion. He'd heard stories of it's main inhabitant from surrounding villages. A corporate exec, said some. A Nigerian Prince, said others. The devil himself, said one crazy woman standing on a box in the street. No matter what lived here, Hannibal was excited to meet him, or her. He reached out and knocked on the door.
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Jackie collapsed her bow with a harsh flick, watching as a car in the streets far below her spiraled out of control and crashed into several other cars, it's driver useless with an arrow between his eyes. She whistled in appreciation as it blew up in a spectacular explosion, hearing the screams of innocent passing pedestrians as the gas tanks of other cars began to explode in a deafening symphony.

A thousand dollars richer, Jackie sat on the edge of the skyscraper, pulling out a cigarette and her lighter, then lighting it and taking a pull. She sighed, but then felt something in her pocket when she went to put her cigarette packet back. She frowned, then pulled out the crumpled piece of paper in her pocket. Unfolding it, she recognized it as the picture to that guild. Excidium, wasn't it? She had considered joining, but honestly, all wrapped up in the affairs of the Black Carnival, she hadn't given it a whole lot of thought. Maybe this was a sign then.

She closed her eyes then, after feeling the rush of suddenly moving thousands of miles per hour, opened them and saw the large building identical to her picture. Sighing and running a hand through her hair, she walked in, blinking and looking around for anybody.
As Hannibal was waiting for someone to answer the door, he suddenly saw a young woman appear in front of him. He was about to greet her and ask where she had come from when she opened the door and went right inside.

"Normally, it's common curtesy to wait for the host to answer the door before inviting yourself in," he chastised.

"Though I suppose that may not be the custom these days, so much has changed since I last roamed the earth."
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]Hannibal touched ground in front of a large mansion. He'd heard stories of it's main inhabitant from surrounding villages. A brooding dragon, said some. A fearsome sorcerer, said others. The devil himself, possibly. No matter what lived here, Hannibal was excited to meet him, or her. He reached out and knocked on the door.

CelticSol said:
Jackie collapsed her bow with a harsh flick, watching as a car in the streets far below her spiraled out of control and crashed into several other cars, it's driver useless with an arrow between his eyes. She whistled in appreciation as it blew up in a spectacular explosion, hearing the screams of innocent passing pedestrians as the gas tanks of other cars began to explode in a deafening symphony.
A thousand dollars richer, Jackie sat on the edge of the skyscraper, pulling out a cigarette and her lighter, then lighting it and taking a pull. She sighed, but then felt something in her pocket when she went to put her cigarette packet back. She frowned, then pulled out the crumpled piece of paper in her pocket. Unfolding it, she recognized it as the picture to that guild. Excidium, wasn't it? She had considered joining, but honestly, all wrapped up in the affairs of the Black Carnival, she hadn't given it a whole lot of thought. Maybe this was a sign then.

She closed her eyes then, after feeling the rush of suddenly moving thousands of miles per hour, opened them and saw the large building identical to her picture. Sighing and running a hand through her hair, she walked in, blinking and looking around for anybody.
The dark forest around them has no sun at all and has a blood red tint since the sun is being blocked out by large blood mist hurricanes seemingly doing nothimg in the sky.

Mist just stares at them.
[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]As Hannibal was waiting for someone to answer the door, he suddenly saw a young woman appear in front of him. He was about to greet her and ask where she had come from when she opened the door and went right inside.
"Normally, it's common curtesy to wait for the host to answer the door before inviting yourself in," he chastised.

"Though I suppose that may not be the custom these days, so much has changed since I last roamed the earth."

She turns around and looks to the tall man, raising a brow. "I see," She drawls, her voice a rough alto, "You're still supposed to do that, but only with homes. This is technically a public building, so it's not really necessary."

Light said:
The dark forest around them has no sun at all and has a blood red tint since the sun is being blocked out by large blood mist hurricanes seemingly doing nothimg in the sky.
He doors to the guild open. "Enter." A voice calls from within the abyss.
The doors open automatically, and Jackie turns to the man beside her with a cheeky grin, "See? We're welcome."

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