[Exalted] Premade Adventure for New Players!

Which type of Exalt do you want to play as?

  • Solars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon-Blooded

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New Member
This thread is concluded here. Check there for the most up to date information regarding this game.

As suggested in this thread, I'm creating a new one. The basic premise is the same as it was in Thorn Darkblade's post. A few details about the proposed game follow:

  • This game is for new players. This is a game where new players are able to learn the system and get a taste of how the game plays out.
  • We will be doing play by post for this game as that is the easiest way for me to handle things and doesn't require any more than a single person online at a time.
  • No need to worry about whether or not you're a good RPer or anything... This campaign is specifically to help you learn the game.
  • I will be using Exalted 2.5 with the Ink Monkeys stuff and most anything from Hundredfold Facets of Enlightenment (with maybe a few alterations to accommodate 2.5 rules changes) added. Also, a few of my own houserules will be added.
  • About 4-6 players, up to one of which may be more experienced with Exalted to help guide the others.
  • The history of Creation isn't terribly relevant to the story, so can be read at your leisure and it isn't necessary to have an understanding of it to play.
  • The Scroll of Errata can be found here, Hundredfold Facets of Enlightenment can be found here, and the Ink Monkeys collection can be found here.

I'm open to players being either Solars or Dragon-Blooded, but all should be the same type of Exalt to minimize extra complexity from the setting.

Houserules I may use for the game:


When attacking with Melee or Thrown, add Strength to the dice pool, rather than Dexterity. Throwing knives and needles may still be thrown with Dex (to allow for Dex based assassin type chars with very low Str). This increases the effectiveness of Strength while reducing the power of Dexterity (often considered the most powerful Attribute by far). This change isn't necessarily balanced and it has a couple issues with making certain fighting styles more or less effective than others, but it does help and it's a much simpler change than what I use in most of my games.

Social Appearance

In Social Conflict, Appearance is compared to your target's Temperance (rather than his Appearance), and only adds a single die to your dice pool for every rank in Appearance you have higher than his Temperance, rather than affecting MDVs. This reduces the excessive effectiveness of Appearance down to a level that is more balanced with the other Social Attributes while also making more logical sense. (One doesn't resist the temptations of a beautiful person by being beautiful oneself; one resists them by having temperance and self control)

Singular Crafting

Craft is now a single ability with specialties for each of the individual types of crafting. It now specifically ignores the maximum number of specialties that are allowed in a single ability, though the maximum bonus to any single roll is still +3. Without this change, Craft was a bit excessive as it's the only ability in the game that is actually 5-7+ abilities (depending on what is available in the campaign).


Gain all three Excellencies for an ability when the first is purchased. The Second and Third Excellencies have been converted into Permanent Charms that enhance the First Excellency. This allows motes spent on the First Excellency to be converted to successes or rerolls, just as if the Second or Third Excellency had been used.

Purchasing a reroll counts as 4 dice added from Charms for the dice adding limit, however a reroll may be purchased even when dice or successes have been added to that roll. If a reroll is purchased, any dice or successes added to the first roll are also added to the reroll at no additional cost.

What this accomplishes: Excellencies are exceedingly powerful, and so are therefore needed. However, they are terribly boring Charms to purchase. This helps reduce the burden slightly if you intend to purchase more than one from the same ability. In addition, this change allows any or all Excellencies of the same ability to be used not only for a single roll, but for the rest of the turn without using a Combo (which would cost 1 Willpower). That allows more versatility in some cases.

Also, I find that the Third Excellency is rarely used because there's often no reason to reroll a failed roll when you could have simply added successes to the roll to ensure it accomplished the task successfully. Now, purchasing a reroll may be more beneficial than adding its cost in dice or successes because any dice you do add will apply to both rolls, and a second roll of the entire dice pool with any other bonuses can be very useful.

Don't worry about these houserules if you don't understand exactly what they mean right now. I'll help with that later, if I decide to actually use them.

If you're interested in this game, please post here and tell me which type of Exalt you'd like to play, and if you have any Caste/Aspect preferences. If you don't know which you'd prefer, but have a style of character ya want, you can post that instead.

Also, if you want to play, but can't bring yourself to post because you simply don't understand the system or anything, here's a good place to start... Go through this tutorial until you feel more comfortable, then come back and post here! xD

If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me and I'll do my best to answer them :)

Tagging (or attempting to, at least) people who showed interest at any time throughout the life of the other thread: @Articus, @ehmygirl, @Ignitedstar, @Wolf Rawrrr, @solyrflair, @griever, @Foolish13, @zeone3000, @VonRidel, @Alexandra, @Raziere, @Lux___Wolf, @CookieNinja7, @Tribute of a Dark Heart, @Omikun17, @ayetherebobbyu, @HolyFireX, @PirateLexi[/i][/b]
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I'm willing to join to help out newbies or co-st if you want. And I would suggest using Solars, they're much simpler to figure out.
Well, I've never been ST on a forum or for a whole group at a time before, so it's a bit different than normal for me, and I'm not exactly certain how co-ST works haha. I'll keep your offer in mind though... Both of them.
While I'm not a newbie, I'm not very experienced with either groups of Exalted, especially the Dragonblooded. However, Seeker is right, Solars are much easier to figure out.

My main thing is the Social Combat, so I'd like to sign up to get an idea of how it works and what the (not so helpful) guide on it meant. There are a number of other things, mostly Social I want to try and experiment with, but yeah. I mean, it is okay if I do that right?
I am definitely not a newbie, as I have been an Exalted player since 1st Edition, but I think I have a good eye for mechanic rules and balance which might come be helpful if the help is required. Like it has been said, Solars are way easier to work with, so you should definitely start with that.
@Alazair, don't worry about being a first-time ST and having a co-ST, such things are the meat and potatoes of RPdom. If you have any questions, you can PM myself or @ The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard for advice and support. Once you've had your game approved and so on, you can call upon the mighty resources of the infamous hidden Storyteller's forum and it's secretive inner circle of veteran STs who lurk within, plotting the demise of significant characters across the multiverse.

Captain Hesperus
Also, I find that the Third Excellency is rarely used because there's often no reason to reroll a failed roll when you could have simply added successes to the roll to ensure it accomplished the task successfully. Now, purchasing a reroll may be more beneficial than adding its cost in dice or successes because any dice you do add will apply to both rolls, and a second roll of the entire dice pool with any other bonuses can be very useful.
The main point of the 3rd is that it's a step 6 defense instead of a step 2 defense. This gives it a far superior mote economy, because you only spend motes to actually block the attack and spend nothing if you fail or if your expenditure on the 1st would be overkill.
Hey I'm totally interested if you still have open slots! I have played exalted before, but it's literally been years since i've played and even then I didn't know a lot about the lore and remember less. Would love to play if I can.
So, it seems people want to run with Solars. Ok then, unless lots of people with a different preference post, Solars it is :)

@Foolish13, I don't see why you couldn't try out some social stuff, though depending on which adventure I choose, there may not be too many opportunities to explore it so I would recommend also ensuring that your character is at least capable in combat and then decent at social conflict and such.

Also, I normally use a completely custom system for social conflict, so I generally ignore the timing rules for it. Besides, it often doesn't take 5 minutes to speak two intensely convincing sentences. I'll refresh my own memory about the default social conflict rules, then try to use them as closely as possible though.

@Wolf Rawrrr, nice to have you on board with this game xD

@Lord-Leafar, thanks for the offer. The help would be appreciated as I usually play with so many houserules that it's hardly even the same game anymore, so I'm a bit out of touch when it comes to the balance of vanilla mechanics.

@Captain Hesperus, so when I'm nearly ready to get this game started, I simply post a thread in the Roleplay Submissions forum, correct?

@Scandinavian, yes I could see that. Seems like a very niche use in comparison to the other Excellencies though. In any case, that usage is still possible as the timing of that enhancement to the First Excellency hasn't changed.

@ayetherebobbyu, you're welcome to join. I'll attempt to present some of the lore through gameplay without making it all that important to actually playing.

@PirateLexi, glad to have you. If you feel you know the system well enough to do so without complicating things for others, I may allow a Lunar as the differences in opinion between the Lunars and Solars can easily be very small. If you do get to play as a Lunar, it would need to be one who doesn't have any issues with Solars in general so as not to add complexity to an already complex game. Also, posts can be edited to add more information. The button is below the post on the left, right after the time/date of the post :)

Ok, so far we have:

Seeker of the End - Potential Co ST

HolyFireX - Dawn Solar

Foolish13 - Eclipse Solar

Wolf Rawrrr - Dawn/Twilight Solar

Lord-Leafar - Zenith Solar

ayetherebobbyu - Night/Dawn Solar

PirateLexi - Changing Moon Lunar or Twilight/Night Solar

That's five players and a potential CoST so far. Well, this is moving quite fast. I'd recommend narrowing down which Caste you want to play as, preferably in the format of a first choice and a second choice in case your first is taken.

Edit - Wow, I just noticed that I completely didn't mention it before... This is going to be a play by post game, not a chat game.
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Strangely enough, I know Lunars better than I do Solars, so in that case I can definitely pull that off. In which case put me down for a Lunar Changing Moon caste.
Of course it's nice to have me on board, I'm the one who brought this idea back from the ashes! :D ( didn't I? :oops: )

Not to mention I'm the community's resident Wolf! *howl*

That said, to clarify on my character: Solar Exalted, Dawn or possibly Twilight.

Though it would make more sense for Wolf to be a Lunar (it has been suggested to me before), it would be too much for my first time *bark*


I agree, Lunars are quite a bit more complex to start than Solars are as they require the selection of a Spirit Shape (not difficult for one who would obviously be a Wolf), a Tell, and mutations for the war form, not to mention the fact that the Charms are all split between Attributes which can make them somewhat difficult to find at times when looking for ones that do specific things
Alazair said:
So, it seems people want to run with Solars. Ok then, unless lots of people with a different preference post, Solars it is :)
@Foolish13, I don't see why you couldn't try out some social stuff, though depending on which adventure I choose, there may not be too many opportunities to explore it so I would recommend also ensuring that your character is at least capable in combat and then decent at social conflict and such.

Also, I normally use a completely custom system for social conflict, so I generally ignore the timing rules for it. Besides, it often doesn't take 5 minutes to speak two intensely convincing sentences. I'll refresh my own memory about the default social conflict rules, then try to use them as closely as possible though.

@Wolf Rawrrr, nice to have you on board with this game xD

@Lord-Leafar, thanks for the offer. The help would be appreciated as I usually play with so many houserules that it's hardly even the same game anymore, so I'm a bit out of touch when it comes to the balance of vanilla mechanics.

@Captain Hesperus, so when I'm nearly ready to get this game started, I simply post a thread in the Roleplay Submissions forum, correct?

@Scandinavian, yes I could see that. Seems like a very niche use in comparison to the other Excellencies though. In any case, that usage is still possible as the timing of that enhancement to the First Excellency hasn't changed.

@ayetherebobbyu, you're welcome to join. I'll attempt to present some of the lore through gameplay without making it all that important to actually playing.

@PirateLexi, glad to have you. If you feel you know the system well enough to do so without complicating things for others, I may allow a Lunar as the differences in opinion between the Lunars and Solars can easily be very small. If you do get to play as a Lunar, it would need to be one who doesn't have any issues with Solars in general so as not to add complexity to an already complex game. Also, posts can be edited to add more information. The button is below the post on the left, right after the time/date of the post :)

Ok, so far we have:

Seeker of the End - Potential Co ST

HolyFireX - Unknown Solar

Foolish13 - Social Solar

Wolf Rawrrr - Dawn/Twilight Solar

ayetherebobbyu - Unknown Solar

PirateLexi - Changing Moon Lunar or Twilight/Night Solar

That's five players and a potential CoST so far. Well, this is moving quite fast. I'd recommend narrowing down which Caste you want to play as, preferably in the format of a first choice and a second choice in case your first is taken.

Edit - Wow, I just noticed that I completely didn't mention it before... This is going to be a play by post game, not a chat game.
I think I would like to play either a night caste or a dawn caste
If you do allow one experienced player, I would like to fill in that role if possible. I am content with playing whatever role is left to back up the rest of the circle, it seems no one has chosen Zenith so I could easily whip out a concept for that.

It occurs to me that I could even play a "Voice of the Unconquered Sun" kind of character, serving as a pseudo-guide (both in game and ooc) for the rest of the players about being a Solar, and giving Lore of the game and setting in game when appropriate.
I'll have to admit, that concept sounds more than just a little intriguing...

Edit: Actually, there's something I have to ask, where is the game taking place? I have a character concept ready made for a specific Direction and while he is not an Eclipse, he'll need to utilize Social stuffs to get his Motivation done whether he likes it or not.
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Wolf Rawrrr[/URL] could play as Twilight, ayetherebobbyu could play as Night or Dawn, and PirateLexi could play as Changing Moon (which is often similar in style to either a Night or Eclipse Caste Solar).

As I haven't yet decided which story to use (I haven't had a chance to read through them yet. I was expecting to have much more time before this game filled up), I'm not certain exactly where it'll be taking place, but most likely somewhere in the Scavenger Lands.

Also, I've altered the houserule about using Strength for the attack roll. Str is now used for Melee and Thrown rather than Melee and Martial Arts. Throwing knives and needles are exempt from this. I was considering the repercussions of how I had it before, and it caused a few issues for Lunars and how it interacted with Martial Arts that I wanted to fix. This appears to have solved the problem I found.

Sorry for the change, but two of the houserules listed are "new" to me as I usually have far more extensive alterations with my houserules (especially for Excellencies and other things I'm not even touching in this game) but I'm attempting to give a more vanilla experience while still having some of the feel that my houserules give.

Once I've read enough of the adventures I'm deciding between, I'll post in the Roleplay Submission forum. It may take me a day or two to read through them though as I truly was expecting this thread to take almost a week to be ready for that step rather than only 22 hours haha.
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