[Exalted] Premade Adventure for New Players!

Which type of Exalt do you want to play as?

  • Solars

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  • Dragon-Blooded

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I really like the sheets that can be found here. They seem to work pretty well for my needs, regardless of the typos they have. They'll also work pretty well for this game because it's very close to vanilla rules.
Sweet. I've got a couple concepts in my head I'm rolling around. I'll work on it throughout the day and see what I can come up with. I'm assuming basic creation, no extras?

Both concepts are probably going to have Solar Bond at at least 1, so if one of you wants to poke at me to see if we can work something out to have that bond be with one of you, that'd be cool :D
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As much as it makes me cringe to say so, yes... Normal creation rules. I'm so gonna hate using them, but the chargen templates I have (based on Mengtzu's Lightbringers template) are decidedly not basic creation rules, and I wouldn't want to confuse first time players by giving about 40% more stuff, requiring a few specific Atts/Abils/Charms, completely removing both bonus and experience points, combining Excellencies into a set of single Charms divided by Caste rather than Abilities, and giving the Caste Excellency free, and making Sorcery only require Ess 2, then using Limited Reagent's revised Sorcery system.

Doing so would certainly not give players a good introduction to the game as most STs probably run it, and though the chargen templates are designed to not allow the characters to fail without choosing unwise actions by forcing every character to have the capability to survive (in both physical and social conflict), it would probably be doing all the new players a disservice if they ever intended to play a game run by anybody else who likely would not be using these changes.

The templates are designed to prevent the nearly inevitable phenomena of, as Mengtzu so elegantly put it, “The Invincible Sword Princess and her squishable friends!” I believe it does a good job at doing so, though I haven't had much chance to test my alterations to the template yet. So, unless you guys actually want to use those templates (and/or some of those extra house rules), we'll be using vanilla stuff.

HolyFireX said:
When do i have to get my character submitted? or am i getting ahead of myself? :D
Yeah, you're getting ahead of yourself. I haven't even chosen which adventure we're gonna be using yet, nor have I posted in the Roleplay Submissions forum yet. That forum is where things start to become finalized I'm assuming. I'll be posting there after I've decided which adventure to use :)
Although I'll admit the Lightbringer Creation Rules are interesting enough to tempt me into trying them, for the purpose of welcoming new players into the system it might be just easier to stick to standard character creation for the time being. A few house rules should be fine, but you don't wanna stray to far from the book rules to avoid much confusion with some of the mechanical aspects (free excellencies is always a simple and efficient house rule, merging excellencies, particularly the 3rd one, might cause some questions here and there though).

In any case, I'll be sure to help with any questions regarding them if you decide to use any.
That's what I was thinking. Besides, I need a bit more time to polish my Solar template to make it usable and such. I had to work on the other Exalt templates first because, for some reason, none of my players like being Solars.

I used to provide free Excellencies, but I find that it allows a bit too much power and flexibility for my tastes. Maybe I should alter the Excellencies in a different way because, as you said, merging them can cause confusion (though I've very rarely seen the third used before making that change). Maybe I could not merge the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, but rather merge the Abilities, making a single of each type of Excellency for each Caste, similar to what I mention above, without the complexity of merging the third with the others. That could make Excellencies cheaper and more useful, without really changing the play experience all that much.
Mmm that's an interesting take on it, but if I may, there are some points to consider:

- A Dawn Caste would inevitably end up getting a limited use of his Caste Excellency, when compared to what the other Castes could do with theirs. He/She will end up being limited to fight/fight/fight/fight/warfare, as opposed to a Twilight's ability to build stuff/research/investigate/heal/unravel magical secrets/such and such, or a Night's chances of hide/sneak/disguise/steal/climb/swim/hear/smell/see/evade attacks and so on and so on, you get my drift.

- What would a Caste Excellency cost in BP/Exp compared to other charms?

A suggestion from my side, would be to implement the changes that 3rd Edition is going to use with regards Excellencies, or use a similar change.

All Caste and Favored abilities with at least 1 dot gain a free excellency. While any non-favored ability gets a free excellency as long as you have 1 charm from that ability.

You could modify this to your liking in ways like any Caste/Favored ability must have 3 dots in that ability to receive a free excellency, or the first three charms you buy in one ability give you a free excellency for the same ability, or something along those lines.

Anyways, these are my suggestions, but I definitely think you shouldn't overcomplicate yourself too much, the simpler the better.
One question about that (because I think it sounds kinda neat), is how would that work for Lunar excellencies?
I don't think I was clear enough in my last post. No Excellencies would be free. They'd just all be combined by Caste. So a person would be choosing which Caste Excellencies to get as they purchase the Charm. Therefore, if a Dawn wanted any of the other Castes' Excellencies, he'd merely need to purchase an Excellency from the chosen Caste, similar to how it is now, but reducing the cost of doing so due to the merging. As for the cost, it would be the same as a normal Charm, though Favored wouldn't be able to provide a cost reduction for it of course.

It would be the same for Lunars. Caste Attribute Excellencies, which would mean that Lunars only have three Attribute sets to choose Excellencies from. That may seem to make them excessively diverse, but it's not really more diverse in comparison to Ability based Exalts' Excellencies than they are now since Solars have been reduced from 25 sets to 5 and Lunars from 9 to 3. So in all actuality, it may even "reduce" the relative applicability of Lunar Excellencies in comparison.

As for how 3e is gonna do it, I hadn't seen that before. I'll have to think on that a little bit more, though at first glance, it seems slightly more complex than the method I presented. Potentially more balanced and obviously more accurate, but certainly a bit more complex to figure out which Excellencies you do and don't have. However, it would have the benefit of helping people get used to how the next edition of the game is going to be, and that's a point to consider.

However, that method would have the consequence of making people "really" want to have at least 1 in all of their Caste abilities just to get the free Excellency, regardless of whether they'd actually take any points in that ability otherwise. Similar (but much less pronounced) with having Charms in any non Caste/Favored ability. And that's certainly something that I want to avoid if at all possible.
Well, I can't say I understand half of what's being passed between you two STs, but here's my brief thoughts.

- I agree with everything you said that I did understand! :D

- I think that it's a good idea to keep it as much vanilla as possible, since knowing the default Exalted gameplay is ground for learning any of the popular modifications and custom rules. At the same time, feel free to incorporate some house rules that you feel would really benefit us, especially if they're the kind of house rules that are often put into place by Exalted STs in general.

- As for the story, don't overburden yourself. A skeleton story will suffice, much like that Exalted tutorial some of us have gone through. No one's gonna notice plot holes or judge credibility since we'll be busy focusing on the mechanics! :P (well, Wolf might be an exception due to my sixth sense but I'll try to suppress it *bark*)

- And yes, I will gladly play a Twilight caste to complete the circle. It sounds like something I could enjoy playing, and if it allows Bunny over there to happily smash things as Dawn caste, all the better! :D *howl*
Yeah, I'm just finding the easiest way to make some changes without altering too much of the play style. Overall, my changes are trying to accomplish a few things.

  1. Reduce the effectiveness of Dexterity because it is way overpowered, shunting some of that effectiveness into Strength.
  2. Reduce the cost of Excellencies because they are very powerful and absolutely needed, but are boring to purchase a full suite of them.
  3. Bring the effect of Appearance on social conflict down to roughly the same level as that of other social attributes.
  4. Combine Craft into a single ability to bring it closer in alignment with the rest of the abilities in the game.
  5. Prevent these changes from altering the feel of the game too much and keep as many things vanilla as possible.

Points 2 and 4 are very often done in some manner by STs, point 3 is done by some... Most agree completely with point 1, but not as many do anything about it. Point 5 is, obviously, only applicable to this game.

As for the story, I'm not trying to create one. I'm reading a couple and deciding between them. But I had expected more time to read them before we would be ready when I created this thread, so I'm behind lol.
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]Well, I can't say I understand half of what's being passed between you two STs, but here's my brief thoughts.
- I agree with everything you said that I did understand! :D

- I think that it's a good idea to keep it as much vanilla as possible, since knowing the default Exalted gameplay is ground for learning any of the popular modifications and custom rules. At the same time, feel free to incorporate some house rules that you feel would really benefit us, especially if they're the kind of house rules that are often put into place by Exalted STs in general.

- As for the story, don't overburden yourself. A skeleton story will suffice, much like that Exalted tutorial some of us have gone through. No one's gonna notice plot holes or judge credibility since we'll be busy focusing on the mechanics! :tongue: (well, Wolf might be an exception due to my sixth sense but I'll try to suppress it *bark*)

- And yes, I will gladly play a Twilight caste to complete the circle. It sounds like something I could enjoy playing, and if it allows Bunny over there to happily smash things as Dawn caste, all the better! :D *howl*

Aww Wolf u're awesome *winks*


By the way i hope u can keep it as vanilla as possible, though i won't mind a few house rules.
The new Roleplay Submission thread is here. Please post in that thread to confirm your intent to play and that I have the correct Caste for your character listed.

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