Exalted Achievements!

Yakumo said:
Now I'm Back on My Feet- Master Tiger Style
I prefer this one:

It's Grrrrreat!: Master Tiger Style
How about:

You KHAN do it! Shere his F-ing head off!: Master Tiger Style

Course, the title shouldn't be censored, but I'm on here too infrequently to remember the rules on language and err on the safe side.

A different theme:

I'm out of order? Prove yourself innocent after being accused by a Celestial Censor.

Your out of order! Prove a Celestial Censor's corruption in such a way that the Celestial Bureaucracy must act against the censor.

This whole court's out of order! Force the Celestial Bureaucracy to recognise the systemic corruption in both Terrestrial and Celestial bureaucracies and force it to act toward change for the better.

And on another theme:

We've barely scratched the surface Learn that the Dragon Blooded were manipulated into the Usurpation.

My God! It's full of stars! Discover the Sidereal involvement in the Usurpation.

I'm particularly proud of the last. :/
I Know Kung-Fu: Start learning a Sidereal Martial Art.

Show Me: Beat a Sidereal using a Sidereal Martial Art.

There is No Spoon: Master a Sidereal Martial Art.

Welcome To Zion: As a Creation-Born, visit Autochthonia.

Captain of the Nebuchadnezzar: Fly an Autochthonian Aerial Skiff.

Captain Hesperus
It's not easy being green!: Perform a 3-die stunt involving an essence cannon and a jade windblade.
Tough as an Ox Take Ox Body technique five times

Bull Headed Win a fight by using your head. Literally. At least incapacitate your opponent with a head butt.

Picked the Wrong Day to Give Up Heroin Botch an integrity roll.

Springtime for Hitler in Germany! Botch a performance roll.

Hello! I'm Standing Right Here while You Talk about Me Botch a presence roll.

Man, These Fifteen Minute Days Are Killing Me Botch a resistance roll.

Why Take Up Cargo Space with Water? We'll Be in an Ocean. Botch a survival roll.

I'll explain the resistance reference, as it's pretty obscure. In an episode of the Jetsons, George said that to himself as he pressed the same button every few seconds. The entirety of his job.
Yakumo said:
How about:

You KHAN do it! Shere his F-ing head off!: Master Tiger Style

My God! It's full of stars! Discover the Sidereal involvement in the Usurpation.

I'm particularly proud of the last. :/
Oh God. Oh God, the pun. My brain.

Though cheers on that last one.
Dragon Ball: Gain Seven Manses and their Hearthstones.

OVER NINE THOUSAAAAANND!!!!: By whatever means, break the 100-years Exalted Permanent Essence cap.

KAME-HAME-HA!!: First successful use of Torrent of Inner Light.

Captain Hesperus
Must fill in blanks, no good completionist can leave holes in the achievements like this.

Robin Hood: Attain Archery 5.

Stubborn as a Mule: Attain Integrity 5.

Life is but a Walk in Shadow: Attain Performance 5.

Mata Hari: Attain Presence 5.

Walk it Off: Attain Resistance 5.

Robinson Crusoe: Attain Survival 5.

More to fill in later (Already filled in now includes Dawn abilities at 5's, Zenith at 5's, Craft Magitech 5, Athletics 5, Linguistics 5)
Got a good name idea for reproducing with something immaterial while remaining material? My lunars are getting creative.
Immaculate Conception: Sire a child with an Immaculate monk. Doubles if they Terrestrial Exalt.

Anathema Conception: Sire a child with a celestial Exalt. No doubles for Half-Castes.

Man's Best Friend?: Sire a Beastman child.

One Last Gift: Sire a Ghost-Blooded child.

A Blessed Union: Sire a God-Blooded child.

Rosemary's Baby: Sire a Demon-Blooded child.

Visited by the Invisible Man: Sire a child while one member is material and the other is immaterial.

Walking in their Shadow: Play a God-Blood character (of any type) of an earlier character (does not have to be your own).

Big Shoes to Fill: Follow the Motivation of your dead parent/s.

Big Britches to Fill:Exalt as a Half-Caste character.

Hopefully that helps fill out your needs somewhat. I tried to keep them all rather clean considering the subject matter too, dirty them up as needed at your tables.
The Butterfly Effect: Win a debate casting Death of Obsidian Butterflies.

Wha-: Seduce Tepet Ejava while suffering the Curse of Adorjan.
Cryoseraph said:
Immaculate Conception: Sire a child with an Immaculate monk. Doubles if they Terrestrial Exalt.
Anathema Conception: Sire a child with a celestial Exalt. No doubles for Half-Castes.

Man's Best Friend?: Sire a Beastman child.

One Last Gift: Sire a Ghost-Blooded child.

A Blessed Union: Sire a God-Blooded child.

Rosemary's Baby: Sire a Demon-Blooded child.

Visited by the Invisible Man: Sire a child while one member is material and the other is immaterial.
Glad I'm Not the Mother: Sire a behemoth.

Epidural! EPIDURAL!!!: Give birth to a behemoth.
We Have The Magitech: Build and fit a single Prosthetic of Clockwork Elegance.

We Can Rebuild Him: Build and fit multiple Prosthetics of Clockwork Elegance to the same subject.

Captain Hesperus
Deja Vu:Meet a Siddie multiple times in different astrologies
It Happens When They Change Something: Be the target of multiple astrological effects from that Sidereal.

Sorry, couldn't resist. :P
Give me the pebble old man! Defeat your first sifu one your first test.

I pity the poor person who saw the movie I directly quoted. The only movie I remember walking out on because it was too cheesy. Still that opening scene was funny.
Who's Badass Now?: Defeat a Wyld Hunt headed up by Peleps Deled.

Captain Hesperus
Extreme Home Makeover!: Demolish a building using only knockback effects.

Captain Hesperus
ALL ABOARD: As a Lunar with a Moonsilver Wings of the Raptor, become your group's preferred method of transportation.

We thought of someone being a whale-ship whilst trying to set up our last campaign.

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