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Everything Changes.

I don’t– you fucking assholes!...You put me in the same group as that – piece of shit?! Don’t you dare fucking walk away-”

The harsh words of her mentee came screeching as he was grabbed away, one guard at each arm, pulling the seventeen-year-old out, to some unknown fate. Lydia bit her lip, hands clenched around each other as the sound of his boots scraping against the polished floors steadily got quieter and quieter. The last of their unit, or so she thought.

She looked up to see Ahnna still sitting in her place at the docks, and the two Captains stared at each other from opposite sides of the room. Ahnna looked away, and Lydia followed her eyes to the Lieutenant’s lover, whose face was pale and gaunt as he too was being led away. He let out a tiny whimper of terror, eyes brimming with tears as he suddenly went limp in the guards arms.

"Please wake and retrieve the Lieutenant." The Captain had a grin on her face as she directed the guards to bring Cassidy in, a move that filled Lydia’s heart with dread. What are you grinning at…? She cast one last grimace at her former-Private, before she trailed out of the door, eyes furrowed in deep thought. As she moved about the corridors, wandering in an attempt to find Dane, or even Ade – she passed Cassidy on his way to his own sentencing, still cuffed to the wheelchair and looking sleepy. His dark eyes met her own, but she said nothing, pushing past and wrapping her arms around her waist, sighing heavily.
Cas' eyes narrowed at the sight of Lydia, wandering freely now through the passages. Guards paying her little notice now. His vision was swirling, colors melding together far away, coming into focus at images up close. He was wheeled into the courtroom, and Lydia sighed in resignation, following his wheel chair down into the room.

He could vaguely make out a blurred image of Ahnna, who looked like a watercolor painting up on the side stands. The view before him of the panel of leaders was a large swirl, making his eyes water. He blinked a few times, his vision only clearing a little. At least he could hear properly. "Lieutenant Petar... We have decided to grant you asylum, on the terms that you relinquish any information about the U.G.G. we ask for, and agree to work as an agent under our government. You will take an oath of allegiance should you agree." Cassidy grinned immediately, nodding vigorously. So it worked! He looked around, searching for Adrian, as if he hadn't heard the good news yet. But he couldn't even find the watery image of blurry auburn hair.

"...Where are... Dane and Adrian?" Cas caught Lydia in his vision, and she was refused a chance to speak as the man rekindled his words.

"We have decided to declare your binding as void; we declared Private Mason and Cohl get separate sentences." Cas' face sunk, leaning forward immediately, demanding to know what exactly why they thought they could do that, and what they were to do with Ade. "He has not been granted asylum, simply enough. His fate is pending-"

Cas puffed up in his seat, "Then no- I don't agree. You can't twist a legal binding to fit your needs. Binding happens even in this Galactic Asshole Association. If you don't grant him asylum, I refuse to take your damn oath, and you can-" Cas had turned vicious, the anger clearing his vision somewhat as adrenaline shot through him, making him pull at his bonds. He snapped a disgusted glare to Ahnna, as if to blame her for the results. She after all had claimed she had a say. And she lied to him, either about that, or guaranteeing Adrian's safety.
The guards immediately responded, each jamming a hand on his shoulders to hold him down. The dark Lieutenant weakly struggled against the cuffs, spitting curses at the groups of leaders in front of him, whom had so graciously granted him asylum. The female leader who had defended him earlier shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, guiltily hiding her own binding tattoo behind her unmarked palm. Ahnna sighed at the contemptuous look Cassidy gave her, shaking her head innocently as if she was not to blame, the satisfied smirk practically gone.

The centre leader leaned forward, narrowing his eyes, “Lieutenant Petar. Be very careful about whom you insult. You may only worsen the fate of yourself, and your former drahy if you continue this – this rashness.” He huffed, with the screen quickly translating between the two languages. The purple-scaled serpentine leader eyed the Lieutenant from the sideline, hissing inbetween. “We hold you in high regard because you are a very skilled individual, and you would be an asset to our Agency. Your former-drahy, however, appeared to be falsifying his credentials, claiming to be a medical expert, despite not knowing the basic anatomy of a poohlah. In a court of law, this is illegal, and so by becoming a criminal he voids your binding in this system.”

The leaders became tense as the Lieutenant became more violent, yelling loudly in protest of his drahy’s verdict. They exchanged uncomfortable looks with each other, before nodding to the guards, whom held him even tighter, to stop him from rocking the wheelchair he was sat in, “We cannot reverse or revoke our decision. He will not be granted asylum within the G.A.A. system, and that is final.” The leader slunk away, narrowing his eyes at the Lieutenant, “If you refuse to swear the oath and relinquish the information asked for, you will be denied asylum too. We will give you an hour in the medical bay to make your decision.”


Back in the medical bay, the Lieutenant was wheeled to a secluded corner, still barricaded by tense guards, whom were all armed to the teeth. For perhaps three-quarters of an hour, Cassidy was left alone to simmer, with Ahnna being dragged away by another leader before she could visit him. Although she was desperate to visit him, to tell him it wasn’t her fault, and that it was perhaps better that Adrian had been sent down while the other got out unscathed. The door slid open suddenly, however the guards quickly lowered their weapons, nodding in respect to one of the high-counsel members as she entered. Her light, feathery coat floated above the floor as she strode across the floor, reaching about halfway before addressing the human.

“Lieutenant Petar.” She murmured. Her eyes were wide and staring, and she peered at the human’s scowling face from beneath his dark, whispy hair. “You must take the oath, if you are to ensure your partner’s safety.” She saw his eyes flicker in disbelief, and she approached him with caution. “Adrian is in a very dangerous position. He knows no information and has few skills. He will very likely be exiled or executed – terms which in your circumstances mean the same. But simply because he had been denied citizenship does not mean he cannot live here.”

She shuffled closer, hands rubbing against each other in anxiety. She genuinely felt sorry for the couple, whom clearly had been caught up in some extremely unfavourable circumstances, “There is a way he can remain in your life, living and working with you legally, in this system. And perhaps even better than binding – he will be protected against exile, if either you or him commit a criminal act whilst here. It is actually quite common practice here, in the less financially-secure parts of the G.A.A. Simply a little…unorthodox-sounding, on paper, I suppose.”
Cassidy had been sitting in the room for forty-five minutes, he knew, as he watched the clock. But he had already made up his mind, forty-six minutes ago, that he would not take that oath without Adrian. Their reasoning was ridiculous - they could not just nullify their binding, just because it was convenient! It was an oath, something more important than the oath they wanted him to take. No, it didn't matter if he didn't get asylum, if they wouldn't change their minds. He would die proving a point at least; people couldn't wave safety in front of Cas Petar's nose and get him to do what they wanted. If he didn't have his dignity, what did he have? He was just a sniveling, vain and worthless pile of shit - in his eyes. If he abandoned Adrian, he would be worthless. He would be breaking a vow. Blinking away the beginnings of biting tears, he fought the fear that began welling up heavily in his chest, pushing at his bravery as he thought of what there was last time he died.

That's why he scowled as the feathery woman emerged from the doorway, only briefly glancing up at her. He didn't want to hear her trying to convince him to swear to it, trying to get him to abandon Adrian. His drahy, whether they wanted to acknowledge that or not. Jaw clenched, Cas looked up at the ceiling, shooting dirty looks at the white tiling, huffing every few seconds. Only very slowly his eyes trailed back towards the leader, attention truly caught. She didn't sound like she was lying to him, and he watched her nervously fiddle with her hands, eyes downcast and apologetic. He caught beneath the feathers a short glance of a binding tattoo, and his scowl began to melt, now pressed with interest. The Lieutenant furrowed his brow, looking her over as she wrung her scaly bird-like hands, claws clicking the rocky skin. "....Go on." Cas urged, feeling the need to wring his own hands from all the nervousness. He scanned his mind for any knowledge of what she was cluing at, but couldn't think of what she could possibly mean...
The leader continued to pace, a deep sigh in her voice. “First, you must take the oath.” She insisted, although she knew it would upset the prideful Lieutenant – it meant blindly acknowledging that their binding was nullified in the eyes of the law. “Then, after you relinquish the information they ask of you, you will be granted full citizenship.” She smiled grimly, hands clutched tight. That process in particular could take hours, considering his rank and mission experience. “I will convince them to only ask for what is vital – any small pieces of information can come later. But you must be willing to give it up, understand? Any trace of resistance will weaken your chances of this working.”

“Then,” She said, glancing up at the clock, “You will have your possessions back, and you will be shown to the apartment the government is setting aside for you. But I want you to refuse it – and insist a cheaper one, asking for the difference in price in the form of an upfront cash-sum.” The other looked up, and she pointed down a corridor, in the opposite direction of the court. “The boy at reception can give you names of the cheapest neighbourhoods around here – they will be squalid and run-down, but you will get more money.”

“After that, you take your money, and you come back here. If you have been fast enough, they will still be processing him.” She paused for a minute as she heard a door close down the corridor. The footsteps started to move away, however, and she continued, “And then…if it is enough, and you can convince the officer in charge to, you will be able to sign a contract, and...buy him back, per se.”

She saw the gears behind the dark eyes working, digesting the advice she had given. “It is crude, and degrading, as your partner, I know. But your husband was so frightened, he passed out when the guards took him away. I think in time he will understand why you would do such a thing – to save his life.” She iterated, a worried look of pity on her face. What she was suggesting was just as much compassion for the two as it was a desire to have skilled workforce, although she tried to hide it.

“The others did not give you this option because they do not want Aderiyaan to stay here, neither do they want to acknowledge that this practice goes on in the G.A.A.. But if you do this…he will effectively become your private property. Nothing more than an object, a possession. After that, there is nothing the G.A.A. can do to extradite him, without your permission.” She stopped pacing, finally releasing the clutched hands and resting them by her side. She had purposely avoided using the s word, although it was clear what she was insinuating. "...Would you even consider this option, to save Aderiyaan's life?"
Cassidy listened hungrily, glued to the leader with a purpose. There was a heavy emphasis on no resistance, and taking the oath. Nullifying his binding by law. He twisted his lips back in scrutiny, trying to decipher whether or not she was trying to trick him. She went into so much detail, however, telling him the step-by-step of what he needed to do to save his drahy. Who wouldn't exactly be his legal drahy later. The Lieutenant winced upon hearing that Adrian passed out, and his eyes fell to the floor, mouth pressed in a tense line.

The woman's emphasis on time limits and urgency made his trembling worse, as he thought of what they could be doing to Adrian. Or planning to do with him. Depending on the day, he could already be gone. If this is a trap, all I've got to do later is refuse to comply. Cas swallowed his pride, "T-Tell them I'm ready to take this oath... Right now."


Minutes later, Cassidy was led into the same courtroom as earlier, tapestries and banners hanging in fancy ceremony from the woodwork and stands. The panel was back, now their attire looking to match the banners and colors. Before they just looked dressy, now this was a ritual. He was led to a seat, and watched as Lydia was led from the room. She had just taken her oath, and they briefly met eyes. Hers looking to say goodbye, still sure he was going to be old Cas and let his dignity be the elephant in the room.
The panel of leaders looked at the Lieutenant, some pleased that he had come to his senses, some not so sure. He looked shaky as he walked towards his seat, undoubtedly struggling from the combined toll the surgery and sedation were having on him, as well as the stress of his and his lover’s life in the balance. Yet, his eyes looked wide and determined, even as he met the gaze of his comrade from across the room. There were still guards in the room, however they were distanced, with high-scope weapons to shoot at the foreigner incase he attempted to run.

“So, you have agreed to take an oath to renounce your allegiance to the U.G.G.?” The leader asked informally as Cassidy approached. A scrawny humanoid next to him translated his words quietly, head bowed in respect. There was a nod from the Lieutenant, and the leader’s grin grew, satisfied that they had achieved what they intended to. “Good. Any other outcome would be a loss of raw talent.” His tone was cold despite his words; as if he had completely forgotten about Cassidy’s partner and comrade, whose fate was the next order of business after the oath-swearing.

They briefly sat in their places, prompting the Lieutenant to stand, as the leader started to go through the formalities, “The ceremony will take place in this planet’s native tongue, Shialan. Because you do not speak the language, you are permitted a translator so you understand what you are swearing to, however anything you will repeat will be Shialan.” It was similar to the binding ceremony in this way, and one of the leaders smirked at the irony. “After swearing to this oath, you will be taken to a room to formally relinquish information concerning your previous employment. Then, and only then, will you be granted citizenship. If you agree to this, raise your right hand, palm facing towards you.”

There was a brief hesitation, but the hand was raised, slightly paler than the rest of him. Facing him was a tiny circle of green and blue flesh, a symbol of Earth that seemed to be mocking him. “Read him the vows.” One leader briefly said, his clothes swathed in a glittery, deep navy colour. The translator nodded, and shuffled papers as he stood, addressing Cassidy in shaky Kerschnaille.

I pledge allegiance to the Galactic Autonomy Association, and all planets for which it represents at this present time. I solemly swear absolute and complete loyalty to them, their leaders, and all they stand for, above all else in this known universe, including my conscience, my faith, and my dignity. Thus, I also renounce any other previous commitments made underneath former governing bodies of which I have belonged to, and disown those whom I love and trust, should they still belong to these governing bodies. I will further the cause of Unity and Autonomy as I move forward, for as long as I shall live. I acknowledge if I break these vows, I will be at the mercy of those greater and braver than myself.”

The leader stood as he finished, nodding at the other. “Now, on your knees, Lieutenant, and repeat after me.” He ignored any resistance from Cassidy, and started re-reading the vows in loud, confident Shialan.
Cas' eyes fell shut as the oath was laid before him in plain Kershnaille. Cut ties with all his loved ones. He was trying to save himself from losing at least Adrian, but it hit him that his family was lost forever. He could never go back. In fact, he hadn't thought of it much until now but, the U.G.G. could have done anything to them. A wave of nausea rolled over him, making it easier for him to fall to his knees. It was easy to disown the people that were trying to kill him, but despite his current family situation, he dreaded formally casting away ties to them. But, it was the only option. Backing out now meant death for himself, and for Adrian.

"Mo ògo itele si Galactic to daduro Association, ati gbogbo awọn aye fun eyi ti o ti o duro ni yi bayi akoko. Mo ti solemly bura idi ati ki o pari dúró ṣinṣin wọn, wọn olori, ati gbogbo awọn ti nwọn duro fun, ju gbogbo miran ni yi mọ àgbáyé, pẹlu mi ọkàn mi, igbagbọ, ati awọn iyi mi. Bayi, Mo ti tun renounce eyikeyi miiran ti tẹlẹ ileri ṣe labẹ tele o nsakoso awọn ara ti eyi ti mo ti iṣe ti si, ki o si disown àwọn tí mo ti fẹràn ati igbekele, o yẹ ki nwọn si tun wa si wọnyi ṣàkóso ara. Mo ti yoo tun awọn fa ti isokan ati daduro bi mo ti gbe siwaju, fun bi gun bi mo ti yio yè. Mo ti jẹwọ ti o ba ti mo ti ṣẹ wọnyi ẹjẹ, emi o wa ni aanu ti awon tobi ati braver ju ara mi. "

Cassidy repeated each line in a monotone, unlike previous vows he had taken - towards the Time Agency, and his binding vows. These words were dead and foreign, just means to getting what he wanted. Barely listening, the phrases dribbled off his tongue in rough Shialan, for once lacking a perfectly disguised accent. The panel awarded the long oath with clapping that sounded like the pitter pattering of rain, Cas feeling as though the universe was raining on him in that moment, dark clouds the grimness of the scene. He stood after, and eagerly let himself be led out of the hot room into the cold, drab concrete hallway.

Cas strode from their grip into the room, sitting down at a table alone. "Come on- let's go-" He called out, bouncing in anticipation. Wanting to just get started, before they disposed of another precious person in his life. A scaled woman, clad in coal colored clothes, slunk into the room.

"Lieutenant Cassidy Petar? My name is Katarv Gahlan. You understand that you need to relinquish all infor-"

Cassidy cut her off, "Yes, yes- I know." He snapped, fists clenched until his knuckles were white, beneath the metal table. "Let's just go, please."
The first hour or so of interviewing was linear – name, rank, description of modules, all recorded by a small microphone on the table. Much of the track consisted of Katary’s harsh hissing noises with every s sound, and the Lieutenant giving blunt, snappy answers.

“Ok. We’re almosssst done…next on the agenda-“ Katary scanned her yellow eyes down the list. Many things were crossed out, on the request of the feathered representative that had spoken to him earlier. Only the essential and pressing information was being extracted at this time, and thus the interview was going swiftly. “-your former comradessss, Privatessss Dane Cohl and Adrian Massssoon. Asss you have probably guessssed, we intend to interview them also as part of the incarssseration processss. However as they may be prone to sssstalling, we assssk you first in order to keep thingsss moving. We undersssstand if you do not know the anssswers, however your immigration ssstatusss depends on you telling the truth.”

She had noticed how tense the Lieutenant had been since entering the room, however he seemed to stiffen even more as she spoke now. By habit, her eyes started to pour over his features, noting any facial tics which gave away that he was lying – likewise, the organs buried in the skin near her nose detected temperature changes, incase his face suddenly flushed. “…In particular, the G.A.A. are interesssted in their training asss agentsss. Are you aware of any modules they may have taken in esssscapology or torture resssissstancce?”
Cassidy had flitted through the questions until this one. He needed to rush, but he wondered if this one question could determine his lover's fate. He stiffened, thinking over his options as fast as he could allow his mind. If he told them he was torture resistant, then they may begin concocting something dreadful for his drahy. He could tell them he wasn't really an agent, but then he risked them just disposing of Adrian immediately, having no need for him.

He blinked, "Well- I- I never asked." Cas' eyes flicked up to his interrogator's nose, hearing the slight hiss as she smelled the air, her tongue flicking out. Tell the truth. "But, all agents, even privates, have to take modules in torture resistance, and basic strategy in general, before they can go on missions. But... Not high level modules, just basic only." He certainly was telling the truth; that was the policy of the time agency.
The serpent stared hard at the Lieutenant for a few moments, before her eyes dropped back to the paper in front of her, detecting no mistruths in his statement. “I…sssee. Yesssss, our Agentsss are trained in a ssssimilar way.” She said offhandedly. She started writing notes in the native language next to the question – information that would be taken to the leaders during their discussion on the two Private’s fates. “Any phobiassss? Or ssstrugglesss with violent recurrent memories?”


As they reached the end of the list, the scaled woman stood, flicking off the microphone, before reaching over to shake the Lieutenant’s hand. “That…about wrapssss it up, for now.” He had hesitated on several other subsequent questions, however she hadn’t sensed him lying, which was the main concern. Her mouth twisted into a grin as her scales slid over his flesh, “Congratulationssss, Casssidy Petar. You are now a trusssted citizen of Sssshiala, and are free to go.” She blinked as he turned to bolt out of the door, in a hurry about something. She put a hand forcefully on his shoulder, giving a tiny chuckle.

“Not…literally. Yourssself and the other refugee have had a…busssy day, to say the least.” Katarv started gathering up the microphone and the piece of paper, tucking both neatly in her stone-colored uniform, on their way to court. “I will passss you onto sssomeone, whom will give you some citizenship formsss to sssign, and then you will be ssshown you to your new home. Then perhapssss you can get some ressst, yess?” She hissed, patting him again on the shoulder.
Cassidy hopped out of his seat, eager to leave and move onto the next part. He had to resist smacking the lady's hand away, as he was tugged back, halting his progress. He turned on his heels, suppressing a harsh grimace, or the temptation to yell at her. He looked up at the clock at she spoke, and he nodded, "Y-Yeah..." The narrowed eyes of the serpentine woman made him nervously chuckle, rubbing at the back of his nest of black hair. "S-Sorry... I haven't slept properly in days. I am real tired. Really want to get this over with." With a slight nod, she walked on, leading Cas towards the next part of the process...


After another hour of signing paperwork, and being talked through contracts and military rules, and the same old stuff the agency had put him through nearly six or seven years before. Basically the same rules and principles, the same ranking system. If anything a bit more lenient. Cassidy hastily scribbled his messy signature, in Kershnaille (to their dismay) on every form, making arrangements to be taught Shialan, and the like. As soon as he was free, he prompted them to grant him the apartment, which took another hour to get to, the next office being on the far side of the city. Getting through security just to leave base was a hassle. Cas was sweating; shaking in his seat the whole way to the government office, where he hurried far ahead of his escorts, waiting for them to finally give him the damn paperwork.

He flung the packet open when they handed it to him, looking it over and hungrily reading for a good amount. He grinned, seeing the quality of apartment they issued to military Lieutenants. "Nice..." He looked up at the desk clerk, then his translator, who was to accompany him. Hired temporarily by the government. "Tell them I want a cash sum, and the cheapest apartment in the city." The student's eyes opened wide, goggling at his employer.

"Surely, sir, you don't-" The Lieutenant vigorously nodded, and the young kid hastily translated, making his request. The clerk popped her gum, eyeing the foreigner suspiciously.
“What, are you stupid?” The clerk bleated, continuing to chew her gum loudly and slowly. She tapped the demonstration picture of one similar to the one he’d been assigned, “This is an expensive place. Fully furnished. Nice street, good local schools, water’s always hot, which is a bonus. You’ll take that one. ” Without looking up from the article she was reading, she reached under the table and grabbed a set of keys, dropping them from a height so they landed with a clunk on the table. She continued reading for a few seconds, before the translator repeated his request, this time a little more authoritative from the dissatisfied look Lieutenant was gave him. He had sat next to Cassidy in the taxi for the entire drive, quickly learning that he was extremely tense and impatient solider. The clerk looked up, cocking an eyebrow and simply laughing in response.

“That’s not something we really do here,” She said, her tone a suddenly a little more playful. “And even if we did - trust me, hun, you don’t want the cheapest. You might’ve think you’ve seen cheap in the…Triangulum Galaxy, or wherever the Helmi you’re from. But Shiala is a whooole different kettle of fish.” She said. She regarded the agent as he continued to eye her stubbornly, and she slowly reached over, snatching the keys in her hand, jingling them in front of his face. “You sure you don’t want it~?”
Cassidy kept glancing at the clock, listening to his translator with impatience and anxiety that was eating him up. He had been nervously sweating for hours now, thinking about what could be happening, or if he was too late. All it would take is the decision to be made a mere minute before he arrived, and he could be too late. The last tease made him snap, waving the keys away with a snappy, "I am fucking sure, now just give me the difference in cash."

Both the translator and the secretary froze, the nasty tone scaring them. Like this soldier in front of them was unstable. "The sooner you give me my goddamn money and keys, the sooner I will be gone." He added, the translator hesitating, blurting everything he said hastily after a death glare aimed from the black eyes.


It only took another half hour of wasted time, but Cas had his keys and money after filling out more paperwork, and sufficiently terrifying the woman at the desk. He pocketed both, running up to the street to stop a cab, climbing in as the translator screeched and ran to catch up, only making it because Cas couldn't tell the driver himself the address in Shialan. The black vehicle sped off towards the government offices he originally arrived at, this times towards the prison under the works.

Cas was jogging every few steps, trying to rush without arising suspicion. He figured it would be hours before the panel heard about a lowly act like slave buying, even when it pertained to his name. They would undoubtedly be busy, giving him time to finalize his owning of his drahy.

Cas hurried up to a window, with a tiny black speaker in the glass, and steel bars blocking the doorway to enter. He pushed a circular green button, telling the translator to tell the guard clerk, "Hello, I am here because I am interested in... Buying a slave." The translator was watching Cassidy as he spoke, one brow raised and eyes horrified and bewildered. This man had barely been a citizen for five hours, and he was purchasing a slave.

The clerk looked the Lieutenant over, before laughing in disbelief, "Why... Would I sell off a high security prisoner?" Cas picked up on the tone right away, and slid a hefty sum of cash out of his front pocket, counting up a couple hundred Shialan zarubee'ds. He slid the bills up to the glass, lifting a brow with a slight smirk.

Unlike Cas, money spoke all languages. The guard pressed a series of buttons, sitting back to let the dark man through, holding out a hand so Cas could slide him the cash as he travelled by, the guard following him. Cas had just handed him three weeks pay over letting him in the door; he was all over letting him buy a slave off him.
The guard obnoxiously whistled as they passed through several more high-security checks, each time waving the Lieutenant and translator through, without any questions. The translator was extremely confused as Cassidy speedwalked through, seemingly desperate to get his hands on a Shalian slave. “Lieutenant, sir, this is illegal,” He said, although his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as they continued to walk. The law worked very differently in the G.A.A., it would appear – more guidelines than anything, and extremely subject to witnesses coming forward (and not being paid to keep their mouths shut). While civilians would be punished severely for purchasing a slave, it was not uncommon for a military officer with a thick wad of cash to waive off any guards who threatened to blab, in order to get their hands on one. But this one seemed more determined than the rest.

The guard belched as they entered a block of cells, to which he turned towards Cas, “These ones are off-limits, I’m afraid. Due to be…interrogated, and the like. If you want one from here, you’ll have to wait until they’ve been processed. Then we can…” He made a discreet motion with his thumb and fingers, the universal symbol for more money. He continued walking, watching over his shoulder as Cas’ eyes scanned the reinforced transparent material in front of the bars. He suddenly halted, and the guard cocked an eyebrow as the prisoner inside practically threw himself at the bars.

Lieutenant?!” Dane’s voice was a combination of anger and surprise, his blooded face etched into a deep frown. He had struggled the entire way back to his cell, making a nuisance of himself as they deliberated what to do with him. He clanked his cuffs against the bars, attracting the attention of several other guards, “Hey, Cassidy!”

The guard shook his head, speedily walking towards the cell. “Stop that immediately, you little shit.” He growled.He pressed a button on the side of the door, sending an electric shock through the metal floor and into his bare feet. Dane yowled in frustration, collapsing on the floor and convulsing from the moderate charge. The translator looked up at Cassidy in surprise that he didn’t have to translate. “You know him?”

After a few seconds, Dane relaxed, and the guard started pacing amongst the other cells, looking for other prisoners to torment while his customer made up his mind. “T-they’ve – they’ve t-taken Adrian – f-from his c-cell - ” Dane gasped to Cassidy, the muscle spasms making it difficult for him to speak. He hauled himself up to the bars again, “I-I don’t know w-where – but – f-f-fuck him – he’s not even an Agent – you h-have to g-get me out of he-here-!
Cassidy ignored his translator, only acknowledging his presence while he was useful. Telling him he couldn't do something? Not so useful; therefore the man was not actually there in the moment. Cas jumped back in shock as Dane launched himself at the glass, banging on the escape proof field and screaming at him. Cas' wide eyes looked the other up and down in pity, seeming to apologize. He didn't say a word, shaking his head, before lowering it and taking a step forwards, his mind set on one thing alone: Getting Adrian out of here. He could only save one; two was too risky. And his drahy was the one who held a vow.

Cassidy took steps forward, making Dane go wild, screaming at his old comrade to rescue him. Cas shook his head, "No, don't know him." He whispered, ignoring the pleas as they grew in volume. He tapped the guard's soldier, and grabbed his translator. "Tell him... I saw a red-head earlier. And I wanted him. He was strong, and very tall. A good worker, I think." The translator narrowed his eyes, not letting his gaze leave Cas' as he annunciated the request in clear Shialan. Wondering just what this new citizen was up to.
C-Cassidy?! You don’t know - after e-everything we’ve been through?!” The panicked screeches echoed around the corridor as the three paced away, with Dane regaining his strength and banging on the field again. “C-come back you – you f-fucking ASSHOLE!”

The guard scratched the back of his head, squinting as he struggled to remember. “Ach…Red hair…?” He watched through narrowed eyes until another guard sprinted past, to see to the screeching foreigner, before holding his hand out again. “You know, officer…I don’t usually do special requests, and er… all these prisoners, wooh…sometimes I’m forgetting-” Before the translator could fully relay his words to Cassidy, his palm was crossed with another couple crisp bills. The guard smiled at the frustrated Lieutenant, stretching before he slipped them in his pocket. He started walking ahead, taking his time as they passed through another security door. “…Yeah, pretty sure I saw him.”

The translator eyed the Lieutenant with virulent interest as they continued. It was not his job to ask questions, but he was intrigued. A military officer, recently granted asylum after escaping the U.G.G., giving up his luxury apartment and instead buying a slave. A highly dangerous former-criminal slave, none the less. The guard scratched his head, suddenly scoffing as he remembered where he’d seen the red-haired prisoner. “Briidhe.” He sniffed, hands in his pockets are he took an immediate left. In mere minutes they arrived at another set of cells, to a part of the building that was even more highly guarded. The translator grimaced as he quietly translated the Shialan word, voice full of suspicion as he tried to piece together his unanswered question, “…‘Death row’.”

The guard started whistling again, waving to a guard at the high-security door. “Down this way.” He grinned, mentally counting how much alcohol he could buy with his hush money. “-Although not sure if this is the guy you were talking about. He wasn’t all that strong, even when he was conscious, and er…kinda wimpy.” He turned around, spreading his hands the other guards looked the other way, as if he wasn’t there. “Either way. Take a look around. Plenty of bodies here who’ll wipe your ass to stay alive, I’m sure.”
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Cas' head snapped up to stare at the word, after his translator uttered the meaning. He shook off the expression, pretending to laugh at the guard's joke. "Good, good..." He hissed, chuckling weakly. His voice, and knees, were shaky - thinking about what would happen should he fail for some reason. They already had moved his drahy to death row. This was certainly he only chance of rescue.

Cas waltzed through the row of cells, which were just white rooms with chained up prisoners. No bed or bathroom utilities, or comforts of any sort. Most prisoners were wearing the disgusting clothes they had been brought even, not even given the benefit of clean clothes. Cas caught a flash of red hair, and narrowed his eyes, pulling himself away from the glass, resisting the urge to press his face up to it. Inside there was a different man. Not Adrian, just an older, fat old man with red hair. He backed away, his throat beginning to close, blinking a couple times as the nervousness rose in his chest. As he turned, he saw yet another flash of red, and he squeezed his fists, walking up to the glass to peer in.

Inside was his drahy, hands chained to the wall behind him, head hanging down on his knees, that were tight against his chest. Cas' breath caught, and he stiffened, pointing timidly, "Not the one I was thinking of... But I want that one. Looks good enough, almost like the other man... Better, even." The translator looked skeptical, but repeated Cassidy nonetheless. The Lieutenant tapped the glass with his foot lightly, backing up with an oops, like it had been an accident. But once behind the guard he pressed his finger to his lips, a sign for Adrian to remain calm and quiet, unlike Dane earlier. Then he let the dark fingers drop, pretending to itch the corner of his jaw.
The guard’s head swung as he heard the Lieutenant’s voice again, and he slowly sauntered over, chuckling in amusement, “Uhuh? I see, got a thing for red…well, it takes all kinds, I suppose.”

Ade looked up fearfully at the bonk on his force field, terrified emerald eyes looking at the guard, before focusing on his lover standing behind. His breath abruptly caught in his throat, and he let out a tiny whimper. Cassidy…?! You’re here to…?! He bit back a desperate grin at the Lieutenant put a finger to his lips. The doctor pressed himself against the steel wall, shivers of nausea and nervousness running through him.

I’ll let you take a look.” The guard sniffed. He pressed a button on the side of the wall, opening an intercom on the other side. “Get up, you sack of shit.” He hissed in Shialan. The doctor looked confused, tense as he flicked a frightened glance at the Lieutenant. The guard rolled his eyes, addressing Cassidy as he jammed his finger onto another button, “The only problem with criminal slaves – they’re defiant as Helmi.” Similar to Dane, the floor briefly became electrified, making Adrian jolt and cry out in pain.He strained against the binds against the wall, legs shaking violently in spasm.

Up.” The guard snarled again, getting impatient as he feared his customer would get irritated and refuse to pay. Still unable to understand the instruction, the doctor guessed, slowly rising to his feet on trembling legs, his breath coming out in weak sobs of pain. His hands stayed chained low to the wall, causing him to slump forward in a degrading manner, his head barely above the guard’s chest. Ade looked up in desperation through the bars at his lover, wondering what the hell was going on. The last he’d heard, he was due to be executed…and now…?

“So…yeah.” The guard said, his face twisted in an unimpressed motion at the Lieutenant, “Tall, red-head. From…some shithole in the U.G.G. Not that strong, though, so don’t expect him to carry much. But, uh, then again…who knows what you’re gonna use him for.” He chuckled, tapping the force-field as the doctor blinked back at him. He then leaned back to the side panel, where his court order sat, waiting to be stamped when the deed was done. "Let's see...Due to be executed...Ooh. Soon. Ah. That’s…that’s gonna be expensive…” He said, cocking a brow at the Lieutenant.
Cassidy's fists bunched up as the guard shocked Adrian, making the other writhe in pain. His face turned hot, a grimace screwing up his lips. He pressed his lips into a tight line, reminding himself to just go along with it. Adrian would survive, mildly scathed at best. He turned the scowl into a smile, as though he was happy with the item he was receiving at a store. Cas entered the cell, leaning down with his arms behind his back, like he was examining Adrian, listening to the guard, who was clacking away at a panel behind him.

Close to Adrian's face, the doctor's head struggling to stay up in the position to look at his husband, he whispered in English, "Just stay calm and quiet..." Before standing again, turning back to the guard, grumbling at the insinuation. "Expensive? For this?" Now he had to try and get away with just a tiny bit of cash, so they could eat. "Here-" Cas began shuffling through the giant wad of cash he had, taking a chunk of out the pile. "Is this satisfactory?" He handed the large watch man over one thousand zarus, a hefty sum to any worker on this planet.

Cassidy watched the man impatiently, tapping his foot as he drooled over the bills. "I am real eager to get him home, you know- Could we speed this up a bit?" The translator blushed, quickly yapping out the phrase with eyes downcast.
W-what are y-you do-“ Ade started to hiss through gritted teeth, flicking a nervous glance back to the guard, whom shook his head in silent threat, moving his hand forward as if it press the button again. The doctor whimpered, terrified by whatever plan the other had cooked up. Did he agree to take the oath…?! Or is that guard being held hostage…?! He saw Cassidy start to pull money out of his pocket, and his confusion only increased.

The guard only cocked his eyebrow even higher at the hurried request, tucking the bills into his pocket and laughing nervously, “Haha, sure, guy…whatever you want.” He continued to tap at the panel, discreetely shaking his head as the Lieutenant seemed to look at the worried human hungrily. Jeez. Officers are such sleazes.

The guard clacked his teeth together as the screen flashed red.“Ach. We usually wipe ‘em from the system, but uh, this guy’s too far gone.” He saw the other snap towards him as the translator passed on the message, and the guard rubbed the back of his neck. “Aw – don’t worry about it. It just means – we do it a little different. Simple, really. Just get a replacement for him, so we get our little…stamp of approval on this here execution form.” He thought for a few seconds, screwing up his face, before radioing to another guard in the facility, with a smirk. “Y-yeah, you know, I know just the guy. But uh…” He didn’t even bother asking this time, merely sticking his hand out expectantly as the other guard radioed back a confirmation. Expecting to bleed the Lieutenant dry, it seemed.

As he was handed another set of bills, he clapped his hands together in front of Adrian’s face, making the shaky doctor jump and whimper again, still having no idea what was going on. He only caught fragments of what the translator was saying. “I’ll leave the cuffs on him. Consider it a freebie.” The guard winked, before pressing a third and final button. Ade’s handcuffs snapped from the wall, and he fell forward, almost headbutting the Lieutenant’s chest.
Cas caught the other instinctively, before letting him go as though he could care less, leaning out and grabbing Adrian by the cuffs, dragging his drahy before he could get a chance to recover. The Lieutenant ignored Adrian's protests, dragging him through the corridor, counting steps as he neared the door. Still he needed to register Adrian as his slave, as his property. Then they couldn't take him away again.

As they neared the front, he heard screams of outrage. Dane's screams, as two guards hauled him from his cell, dragging him kicking towards a back door. Dane caught sight of Cas again, and began screaming at the two quickly leaving. Adrian perked up, tugging at Cas' hold to say, "Dane!" But Cas harshly shushed the doctor, tugging on the bonds to bring him out of sight. Cas' eyes were trained on the floor, wide as he listened to the Private's screams, certainly being torn away from them to a firing squad waiting in a white tiled room.

You made a vow, and you must keep it. Cas kept repeating in his head. Not that Adrian over Dane was a hard choice anyway. Guilt gripped his chest, and made his eyes sting with tears, but he would never chose Dane over his husband.

As they reached the desk, a door slammed, and Dane's screaming stopped. Cas swallowed, smiling regardly. Urging Adrian with an encouraging elbow into the side to behave. "So- how do I register this slave?"
Ade trembled something awful, making the cuffs clink together quietly as he continued to pace behind Cas. The hardest part was walking away from Dane, who was screeching both of their names desperately, struggling hard against the guards pushing him. The doctor struggled not to say something, extremely uncomfortable with the situation that still refused to piece itself together. Walking barefoot across the tiled floor, he suppressed a worried cry of confusion, trembling as he looked up at Cas’ back. What have you done…?!

That is, until he received a jab in the side, and he heard the word come out of the Lieutenant’s mouth. “…S-slave?” He snorted indignantly, his voice shaking as he said it.

The guard raised his eyebrows, ignoring Adrian completely and nodded to Cassidy. He narrowed his eyes as one of the leaders walked past, and he lowered his head in respect.“Oh, that slave you picked up at the dropshop? Sure, you can-” He waited until they left, before reaching under the desk and handing him a fistful of loose papers from a fingerprinted drawer, “-Those guys are always listening to my conversations. Convinced I’m stealing pens, haha. Anyway – sign these real quick, and I’ll hand it over to the next council meeting, high priority. All part of the service.” He chuckled, tapping the side of his nose. “You’ll need a name for him. Preferably a different one to his current name, although in the long-term it doesn’t matter. By the time they figure out he was a prisoner, they’ll be nothing they can do about it. Beauty of the system.”

“-Cassidy!” Adrian growled quietly, leaning in closer to his partner as he started scanning through the forms, “What the hell are you doing?!” The translator’s eyes only narrowed further, whilst the guard gave Cassidy a pitiful stare for letting his new slave talk to him like that.
Cas rushed a nod, vigorously agreeing. "Good, good." He was surprised there was nothing they could do; but with what he had just done, he certainly had time. And this was the chance. He had no choice. He stiffened at the passing people, drooping his head, like he was listening. Avoiding his face being directly seen, in case someone recognized him.

The Lieutenant's head rose like a bobber, the dark wisps of hair floating up like his eyebrows in astonishment. "Name? A name?" He repeated. The old Cas resurfaced, forgetting his worries. He sensed Adrian's eyes on him, as he peered out of the corner of his dark gaze with a snigger. He whispered, "A name," again, mischief shining in his pupil. If Adrian looked hard enough, he could have seen the devil horns poking up from those floating black wisps. Then again, they were probably just as black as his hair, and in disguise as chunks of light hair breezing around.

"Whiny Bitch." Cas whispered, giggling as Adrian's jaw hit the floor. Only he had understood the English, and the guard blinked.

"Oooh, never heard that one before. Exotic." Cas glanced at the guard, and found him busy on the computer, so he stuck his tongue out in play at Adrian, brows shooting up as a smile spread across his face. The guard stood, ripping a license from the computer, and handing it to Cas. Officially certifying his ownership of "Whiny Bitch".
Why-nee Bee-tch.” The guard said, simirking at the foreign name, as he presented the card. All legal, and binding – permanent ownership. Ade’s eyes were wide in shock and astonishment, literally dumbstruck as his smug drahy sniggered. Like it was some kind of game.

“Right, you’re good to go, Mr Petar. It was nice doin’ business with you.” The guard winked, patting his back pocket, which was almost comically stuffed with bills. “You can er, take it home – actually, do you have a collar for it? They tend to be a little skittish during the first few weeks,-” As he said it, he eyed the doctor, who didn’t just look ready to run away, but ready to leave the galaxy. At the Lieutenant’s request, the guard tapped on the screen a few more times, programming basic details onto a small metal chip that he ejected out of the computer. He clipped it a thin leather collar he retrieved from under the desk, advising Cassidy to buy a new one at his nearest convienience. Giving him an old one since the guy was so desperate to get him home.

"C-Cassidy, I don't - Why are you?!" Adrian demanded at his lover, practically spitting in anger and confusion. In his mind, HE was being sold to the foreigner, the translator. The translator only then noticed the black swirl of writing on the doctor’s left hand as he struggled again at his cuffs, eyes widening. If the reciprocal tattoo was still on Cas' hand, he might've gone straight to the authorities as soon as the Lieutenant got home - but he was still suspicious to say the least.

The guard approached Ade with a sarcastic smile, ignoring his angry protests, “You’ll be good for your new master, hm?” He said in a patronizing voice, and Adrian snorted indignantly as the translator repeated the message. The doctor backed away, only to be grabbed as the guard approached with the collar. Ade struggled without thinking, forgetting Cas' plea to stay calm and quiet. In response the other gave his shoulder a violent shove, causing Adrian to stumble and overbalance, half-collapsing and landing on his knees. He shakily tired to get up again and failed, straining at the cuffs as the guard snapped the collar tightly around his neck.

The guard laughed, folding his arms and smirking in amusement to Cas, “If you’re, er, not satisfied, I can swap it out for something in the next 30 days. But by the looks of things...you won't have much trouble with him.” The guard said, not bothering to help Adrian up. He perched himself back at his post, taking out the stack of notes and starting to count them in earnest.
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