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Realistic or Modern 𝔼𝕦𝕔𝕝𝕚𝕕 | Character Sheets

Helias Capo
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[div class=back] go back [/div][/div] [div class=border][div class=opacitybg][/div] [div class=box][div class=over]overview[/div]
essentials ;

name — seonhee im
gender — female
age — 24
sexuality — pansexual
role — helias's capo

physical appearance ;

eye color — black
wolf eye color — amber
mods/tattoos — a scar over the left ear and flank

[div class=over]personality and biography[/div]
[div class=num]1.[/div] Had this young woman chosen the path of a detective, she would have been a remarkable helper on the other side with her remarkable composure, stoicism, and efficiency. Alas, Seonhee remains here as a tenacious mafioso who gets the job done. It's difficult to tell exactly when this capo is weary or exhausted, as the imperturbable air around her never fades even after a long day. She is an idiosyncratic worker with an acute sense of practicality. At work, this mafioso is soft-spoken but sharp-tongued and excels at deciding who lives and who dies. Tenacious and calculating, she even remains detached from personal matters and is a relentless pursuer when given a task to fulfill.

[div class=num]2.[/div] She's been taught that once someone catches wind of her vulnerability, they will never stop looking for that one chance to pull her down to the ground. As a result, Seonhee set many high standards for herself from a young age, tirelessly working to excel. Though she grew up with a loving family, their strict service to the Helias family shaped her a steeled heart from a young age. The moment she was old enough to understand what failure truly meant, she learned very quickly that the disgrace that came with it in any shape or form was unacceptable. Technical perfection was to be achieved through unceasing repetition, sensitive business was to be dealt with winning smiles, and her talent was to be irreproachable for the prying eyes. For the Im tradition, Seonhee increased the hours of physical training she endured to be made into the best capo the family could produce until the next generation, striving to overcome superstitions and expectations. Now, with years of failure and success under her belt, she's learned how to look as if she feels little to nothing when she falls. She may seem reticent and dandy outwardly, but the determined werewolf often works herself to the bone until she collapses, specifically because of her fears: exposure of weakness and failure.

[div class=num]3.[/div] While she may appear unnervingly collected in the face of violence and corruption, Seonhee is redeemed by her unparalleled sense of loyalty to those she cares for. Additionally, she is not apathetic as proven by her genuine attempts at comforting others, albeit a little clumsy. She smiles fairly easily as well. Behind her harsh act, she's much more softhearted and awkward than what the people who look at her from a distance come to believe. If they approach her, if they truly stick by her side without flinching, she does not take their gesture for granted and will do the same, even if it takes some time. Separate from her work, Seonhee is not above feeling streaks of panic, stress, or shock. She's surprisingly empathetic underneath all the calm that tails her, crying easily for someone's loss and helping those around herself to the best of her capabilities without breaking the rules. The identity Seonhee carefully built throughout her entire life comes from her deathly fear of losing her loved ones and creating more close bonds with others. If she turns a blind eye, if she keeps pretending that she doesn't care, it won't matter when they succumb to death, right?

[div class=num]4.[/div] History TBD.

[div class=over]relationships[/div]
The Helias Family — Seonhee is fiercely loyal to the Helias family and that is evident through every aspect of her character. It is near impossible for any individual to skew her view of them, and she is more than prepared to risk her life for them should there be any threat. She takes her job as a capo seriously, especially due to how she was raised along with the influence of her late father. wip

Associates — Seonhee frequently trains those who work for her directly. Like her late father, Seonhee is rumored to be a terrifying yet oddly encouraging capo, making her someone who can either be intimidating or easily approachable. She holds her men to high standards but knows when enough is enough. Additionally, she is never one to put them at risk when she can avoid it. Once, Seonhee was left bleeding out on the streets in place of someone others perceived as a lower-ranking mafioso after shielding them from a rivaling organization's ambush. The incident became widespread, and it took Seonhee months to recover both her health and her reputation as a capo who was strong enough for others to follow. Since then, she's kept a distance with her men. Still, she acquaints herself with them and cares for their wellbeing in her own, subtle ways. Though she will never say it, she's still very protective of them and unwilling to watch them be mistreated by anyone. She hides this fact behind a stoic face and a curt demeanor, but it's still very much apparent through her actions.

Name Here — wip

to be added !
[div class=over]gallery[/div]
[/div][/div][/div] [div class=first] [div class=words][div class=i]s[/div]eonhee
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blood is thicker than water [/div][/div] [div class=line][div class=fimgb][div class=input] [div class=block][div class=inputwords] profile [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=c]made by: @undine[/div] [script class=input on=click] slideUp 2000 first fadeIn 1000 second [/script] [script class=back on=click] slideDown 2000 first [/script] [script class=input on=mouseenter] addClass op inputwords [/script] [script class=input on=mouseleave] removeClass op inputwords [/script] [class=background]height: 400px; max-width: 600px; boz-sixing: border-box; margin: auto; position: relative; overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #f1f1f1 [/class] [class=first]height: 100%; width: 100%; background: #CFCFCF; opacity: 0.99; position: relative; top: -400px [/class] [class=second]height: 100%; width: 100%; background-image:url(https://i.imgur.com/gW6L1ZF.jpg); background-size:105%; background-position: 0% 30%; opacity: 0.70; position: relative; top: 0px [/class] [class=back]width:100%; height: 40px; padding: 20px 0px 0px 0px; margin: auto; font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 1.5px; font-size: 13px; color: black; position: relative; top: 305px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; cursor: pointer [/class] [class=line]height: 2px; width: 100%; background: white; position: relative; top: 130px [/class] [class=fimgb]position: relative; top: -95px; margin: auto; clip-path: polygon(0 50%, 50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%); height: 180px; width: 180px; background: #fff; padding: 7px [/class] [class=input]cursor: pointer; height: 180px; width: 180px; background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/1lVgvm4.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180806190151); background-size: 120%; background-position: 55% 100%; clip-path: polygon(0 50%, 50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%); filter: saturate(70%) [/class] [class=inputwords]height: 10px; padding: 5px 5px 10px 5px; width: 100%; display: block; background: #fff; color: #1E0505; position: relative; top: 85px; font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; text-align: center; transition: all .4s ease-in-out; opacity: 10; position: relative [/class] [class name=op]opacity: 1 [/class] [class name=words]height:100px; width: 100%; font-size: 25px; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; position: absolute; color: #444444; top: 250px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 4.5px; text-transform: uppercase [/class] [class=topimg]height:100%; width:100%; filter: saturate(110%); transition: all .5s ease-in-out; position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px [/class] [class name=topimg state=hover]filter: saturate(150%); [/class] [class=topwords]width:130px; height: 7%; border-bottom: 1px solid #94A12C; font-size: 12px; color: black; position: relative; top: 220px; margin: auto; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; font-weight: 700; word-spacing: 1px; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class] [class=bottomwords]height: 100%; width: 100%; font-size: 0.45em; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: center; font-style: oblique; top: -5px; line-height: 14px; letter-spacing: 0.2px; position: relative; top: 10px [/class] [class=border]height: 300px; width: 345px; position: relative; margin:auto; top: -371px; left: 0px [/class] [class name=opacitybg]height: 289px; width: 350px; border: 1px solid white; background: black; opacity: 0.8; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 5px [/class] [class=i]display: inline-block; font-size: 30px; font-style: italic [/class] [class=box]height: 80%; width: 90%; padding: 5px; font-size: 11px; font-family: 'Hind', sans-serif; margin: auto; position: relative; top: -265px; line-height:16px; word-spacing: -0px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify [/class] [class=over]height: 25px; padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px; width: 100%; background: #ACACAC; font-size: 10px; font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase; position: sticky; top: 0px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 2px; [/class] [class=num]display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-weight: 700 [/class] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px [/class]
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Name: Magus Wiljay


(He's Open to relationships)

Hair color: Violet
Eye color:

Personality:Magus is a free spirit. He goes with the flow for the most part but is quick to switch to serious mode when it's time to get busy. Flirtatious and cunning, as the underboss Magus has a firm grip on the ins and outs of the Wiljay kingdom. Second, only to the boss himself, he exudes an air of confidence and regality. Magus is loyal to his boss and kind to those under him, though he has the Wiljay's best interest at heart he tends to do what's best for him rather than the collective. However,Magus is not one to be trifled his bite is just as bad as his bark. Those bright cyan eyes rip your soul bare and leave you stupified. Weak he is not and you'd do well to never underestimate him
Backstory:Magus was born with an extraordinary amount and aptitude for magic. His childhood is a mystery thanks to a spell that was placed on him to keep his powers in check. He caught the eye of the fae boss and has been with him ever since

Writing sample:
(See previous character)

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Felix Harrison | 26 yrs | Fae | Pansexual | 5'11 | 168 | White | Violet | Left Hand |

Two Hidden Scrolls


Felix Wiljay-Harrison

Name: Fafnir Wiljay-Hreidmarson

Nickname: Fafy, Faf, Felix

Gender: Male

Age: 26 (266)

Role: Wiljay Left Hand Man


Hair color:
Pure White

Eye color: Violet

Height: 5'11

Weight: 168

Mods/Tattoos: Felix doesn't have any tattoos. He doesn't like being stuck with the same design, so would rather will draw on tattoos or use fake ones. What he can't have with tattoos he tries to emulate in his outlandish make-up. He has several piercings though. He has a septum, a gauged ear, a tragus, and two helix.


Five Positive: Adventurous, Generous, Maternal, Cheerful, Courageous

Five Neutral: Sassy, Flirty, Familial, Effeminate, Outspoken, Confident

Five Negative: Demanding, Possessive, Noncommittal, Blunt, Indulgent

Quirks: He taps his foot when getting impatient. When he is feeling anxious or restless he will fiddle with any jewlery he has on, namely his necklace or an earring. When he is really frustrated he will go running or on night walks to clear his head. Other times he will practice archery in his backyard. Can never tell a full lie. Will sometimes annoingly break out into song, or hum songs. Felix is ambidexterous.

Likes: Make Up, fashion, shopping, nature, walks, archery, shinies, soft textures, jewlery, meditation, herbal remedies, tea, smoothies, lounging, parties, fruity drinks, cream, charity, gossip

Dislikes: Cooking, cleaning, black coffee, bitter foods, not being included, sharing, wasting food, winter, hypocrisy, people who take everything too seriously, people who can't take important situations seriously, child killers, cancel culture, teenagers


Fae: A faerie can shrink down and adopt wings which allow them to fly. Additionally, their blood is toxic to ingest.

Dragon Magic: When he was just a boy Felix became very sick. His father, a powerful fae at the time, managed to slay a dragon and feed Felix the meat and blood of his kill. As his body broke down the dragons flesh and blood, it changed Felix's genetics and gifted him the abilities of a dragon. He can do several things with his dragon magic, such as imbue any weapon with his magical energy and make it so that no one is capable of using the weapons except for those who are worthy of its power. He can also perform more powerful spells due to this kind of magic, or give others a magical or physical boost. Felix can also physically turn into a dragon at will. His form is most like a western dragon, typically depicted as a huge fire-breathing, scaly and horned lizard-like creature, with leathery, bat-like wings, with four legs and a long muscular tail. It is sometimes shown with feathered wings, crests, fiery manes, ivory spikes running down its spine and various exotic colorations. Since he can turn into a dragon, his physiology earns him some great perks such as atmospheric adaption, dermal armor, fire breath, enhanced physical condition, enhanced roar, flight, fear masking, some magical and elemental resistance, and multilingualism. Felix can also summon these traits while still in his humanoid form, but he cannot use more than two at a time. One he explicitly cannot use in his human form is atmospheric adaption.


Fafnir and his twin brother Magus were born out of a affair between Hreidmarr and Wiljay's wife. In typical fae logic she decided to rectify this situation by splitting the brother apart at birth. One returned home with her and her husband, while the other bastard child stayed with their birth father. Fafnir being the later of the two. Fafnir was not Hreidmarr's only child, in fact he grew up with four other brothers. Despite this they did not live in an impoverished home. Hreidmarr was a very wealthy and powerful fae in his time. The lived in a home of glittering gold and priceless gems that was built by his brother Reign. Whenever they were away on hunts, Fafnir was left guarding their home. One day Fafnir intercepted an intruder, and while Fafnir succeeded in killing him he was inflicted with a terrible affliction. When his family returned home they found him collapsed on their door step. His brothers carried him to bed where he remained for several months while his conditioned worsened. Feeling pity for the boy, Hreidmarr tracked down a dragon, killed it, and brought back it's meats, bones, and blood to give to his child. As you already know this not only cured Fafnir of his illness but altered his entire genetic make up. His new found abilities made Fafnir an even greater warrior than before, and as such was able to guard their home from the skies above as a dragon.

Later in life their older brother Otr was killed by a trickster fae and as repayment for their loss their father was gifted with gold and the ring Andvaranaut, which supposedly can turn anything into gold. Unfortunately they were warned by the same trickster that the ring had been cursed by it's previous owner. Anyone other than it's owner could not possess it or misfortune and destruction would be brought down on them. Hreidmarr ignored these warnings about the curse and kept the ring, only to have Fafnir and Regin later kill him for it. Fafnir decided he wanted Andvaranaut for himself, so he turned into a dragon and drove his brother Regin away. Years later Regin's son Sigurd comes for the ring on his father's instigation. As a result Fafnir becomes fatally wounded, and passed out from blood loss. Sigurd being as young as he was assumed that Fafnir had died. When he woke up Fafnir was not familiar with the room he was in. He had been rescued by a medicine woman who found him while she was foraging for herbs. Despite having been saved by this woman, Fafnir killed her and pillaged her home. Burning it to the ground he decided to rebuild what he lost, to some degree, and began to burn down towns and pillage their valuables. Over time he eventually restored the wealth he once had, but had nobody to share it with, not that he minded. One day while he was terrorizing a town Fafnir was approached by another fae who did not recognize him. Fafnir found this offensive and chose to eat the man who dared challenge him. This action enacted a curse onto Fafnir that he did not realize until after decimating the town and collecting it's remaining riches. After piling everything onto a wagon the gold, gems, and coin began to disintegrate into ash. Mortified by this he returned to find that his touch actively destroyed all of his wealth. His greed and avarice had gotten the best of him, and to punish Fafnir for his wicked ways the curse took that which he loved most. Unable to accumulate any wealth Fafnir fell into poverty. For the next hundred years he wandered the earth a broken man, homeless and unloved, resorting to scraps just to get by.

As these years go by Fafnir watched as his people took over the earth, and the human race became a minority faced with adversary. By this point in his life Fafnir had become a changed man. The curse he suffered from humbled him greatly and he did not discriminate like his fellow faeries. Had he no powers himself he would have been no different than these human folk, poor and at the bottom of the barrel. He did lots of selfless deeds during this time, but nothing broke his curse. Eventually the Wiljay's caught wind of a faerie who was making it difficult to collect their debts from small family businesses. A fae who went by the name of Felix. Sending their best they managed to capture this rouge fae, but upon seeing his face were hesitant to do anything with him, because the man looked just like their underboss Magus. This news shook the Wiljay family to it's core, and a DNA test was immediately conducted to determine whether or not this was some trick of magic or simply the truth. When the results came back they were argued over what to do with him. Fafnir, who was now going by the name of Felix, was a troublesome man as his ideals did not align with the rest of the group, but he was still part of their family and a fae. On top of that his abilities were ferocious and that kind of power would favor them greatly. Deciding it was too much of a risk to leave Felix to his own devices Felix was forced to join the Wiljays. He was incredibly problematic at first, going out of his way to sabotage missions and cause trouble. He was not quick to throw away his new found ideals and commit to people he barely knew. When he became too problematic he and The Boss held a special meeting between the two of them. Nobody knows what was discussed behind those closed doors, but a deal was made. While Felix had grown attached to those of the less fortunate, he had no qualms taking from the rich. Realizing that he had been using Felix's talents the wrong way The Boss started using Felix to take out their competitors Faralans and Helias. Felix's methods were ruthless, and after much success Felix was anointed The Boss's left-hand. While he established his role in Wiljay's group, Felix started to grow familial with his long lost twin, and discovered that he had become incredibly happy for reasons previously unknown to him. He isn't really sure how it happened but somewhere along the way his curse had been broken, and he wonders if becoming a full fledged Wiljay had something to do with it. With a new family and place to call home, Felix had truly started to live his best life.


Hreidmarr - Birth father. deceased.
Blank - Birth mother. reunited.
Magus - Twin. reunited.
Otr - Half brother. deceased.
Reign - Half brother. ????
Sigurd - Nephew. ????

Alfie - Lover.

Writing Sample

The night winds howl in the dark. The leaves of the surrounding forest rustle as the trees themselves gently sway in the wind. The sky’s above mimic an empty nothing, as clouds shroud the moon and stars. Heavy panting and snorting breaks in the wind, disturbing the usual quiet of the night. Steady hooved gallops beat against the soil, as a lone horse and it’s rider flee into the darkness. As the cloaked woman nears a fork ahead a red glow lightly illuminates her visage, and she curses under her breath. Immediately shifting her cloak to hide the glistening ruby as aggressive voices call out to her from a distance. Turning for a moment, the woman’s brown hues sees the orange flame of torches and lanterns. Other riders in pursuit of her. Whipping back around she urges her steed to go faster by beating the reigns of her horse and digging her heel into its hide. “Come on girl, move!” She whispers to herself as her horse picks up some more speed. As she is approaching the fork in the beaten path a fog begins to accumulate in the air from the right. Deciding to use it to her advantage she steers her steed to the right. Twisting back she extends her arm out with her palm facing her attackers. Flattening it to the best of her ability she mutters a quiet incantation under her breath, and a spark flickers from her palm. Then a flame ignites and she thrusts her hand forward hoping to at least injure one of the hunters. The fireball is quickly deflected by their own magics and the woman swears under her breath. Facing forward she lets the fog completely envelope her visage.

Despite the fog hiding her presence, she can still hear them riding in after her. Their calls echoing in the foggy distance. Gripping the reigns tighter she notices that the trees were starting to shift around her then gasps as a gnarled and knotted tree suddenly appears in front of her. Jerking the reigns she manages to steer the horse away last minute, but the motion causes her horse to come to a stop. Otherwise she’d lose control. “What on Earth?” She whispers tugging the horse’s reins to get it to trot over to the tree. Beside it she lifts a gloved hand to touch the bark. It seems to pulse at her touch, as if it was alive. Then a bolt lodges itself in the tree, startling her. Not waiting to see who the assailant is, the woman gets her horse moving again. To her disappointment the fog begins to dissipate, and the cloaked woman finds herself lost in a forest. That’s when her horse is suddenly startled. Rearing up its front legs the girl comes to an abrupt halt, forcing the rider off its back. Her brown eyes watch her horse leave her side, and gallop back from whence they came. Disappearing into the fog they had just came out from.The light from her ruby shines brighter now, and she can feel it tugging away from her neck. Almost as if it was trying to force her forward by the throat. Looking back at the riders growing nearer the woman scrambles to her feet and runs into the Nightmare Forest. Only hearing the screams of her name from a distance.

“Serena!!! Shit where did the bitch go!? Find her! Break apart for more ground cover!”

Serena’s cloak just barely touches the forest floor. It flutters behind her as her feet continue to carry her forward. The ruby in her ruffled choker jerking her whenever she starts to wander in a different direction. She doesn’t recognize this forest, and yet it felt eerily familiar to her. In fact it was almost comforting, and she could no longer hear the hunters who had been chasing her. Coming to a stop she looks behind her and sees no one. Not even a single light in the distance. Glancing around she inspects the forest, there’s a rustling as the wind picks up, most likely the trees in the wind. It sparks a memory though, from her childhood. The vision of her younger self getting frightened and running into a tree. She blinks at the thought then her eyes widen in realization. “Nooo..., really? It can’t be....” she whispers in disbelief. Then she hears a garbled scream in the distance, that of a mans. Momentarily frightened she lurches forward, smacking into a tree in the process. Wincing she steps backward and rubs her sore nose. I guess some things never change she can’t help but think to herself with a small chuckle. The ruby pulls again, and Serena looks in the direction the gem is drawn to.

Following it, it doesn’t take her long to come across a small break in the forest. Just enough space for the tiny cottage nestled there. Serena is nothing but giddy at the sight of it. It confirmed her suspicions as true. “I’m....in the Nightmare Forest.” She breathes out, almost breathless. The excitement starts to well up inside her, and then she cheers thrusting her hands above her head. “I’m in the Nightmare Forest!” Then she gets quiet noticing the light filtering out from the cottage window, and the plume of smoke from the chimney. Her thoughts raced at the idea of her childhood friend actually being home. Like a moth to a flame she steps forward. At the door she raps upon it. There is no answer though. “Jack?” She calls out curiously and with an eagerness. When nobody answers again she opens the door to find the home alive with a roaring flame, but empty. The man wasn’t home. This discovery caused Serena’s smile to falter just a little, but she steps inside anyways. She had waited this long, she could wait just a bit longer. Shutting the door behind her Serena inhaled deeply, the house smelled lovely. Just like she remembered. Her attention flutters to the large collection of books lining his shelves, the fire, and then the small kitchen. Pulling a book from the shelf, she drops it off on the lounge chair before stoking the fire. Putting another log on she shuffles over to where Jack most likely keeps his dried meats and pulls out the carvings of a chicken. Taking a breast she hoists it onto the rack above the fire and lets it cook. She might as well enjoyed a meal while she waited....

code by @pasta

Felix Wiljay-Harrison

Name: Fafnir Wiljay-Hreidmarson

Nickname: Fafy, Faf, Felix

Gender: Male

Age: 26 (266)

Role: Wiljay Left Hand Man


Hair color:
Pure White

Eye color: Violet

Height: 5'11

Weight: 168

Mods/Tattoos: Felix doesn't have any tattoos. He doesn't like being stuck with the same design, so would rather will draw on tattoos or use fake ones. What he can't have with tattoos he tries to emulate in his outlandish make-up. He has several piercings though. He has a septum, a gauged ear, a tragus, and two helix.


Five Positive: Adventurous, Generous, Maternal, Cheerful, Courageous

Five Neutral: Sassy, Flirty, Familial, Effeminate, Outspoken, Confident

Five Negative: Demanding, Possessive, Noncommittal, Blunt, Indulgent

Quirks: He taps his foot when getting impatient. When he is feeling anxious or restless he will fiddle with any jewlery he has on, namely his necklace or an earring. When he is really frustrated he will go running or on night walks to clear his head. Other times he will practice archery in his backyard. Can never tell a full lie. Will sometimes annoingly break out into song, or hum songs. Felix is ambidexterous.

Likes: Make Up, fashion, shopping, nature, walks, archery, shinies, soft textures, jewlery, meditation, herbal remedies, tea, smoothies, lounging, parties, fruity drinks, cream, charity, gossip

Dislikes: Cooking, cleaning, black coffee, bitter foods, not being included, sharing, wasting food, winter, hypocrisy, people who take everything too seriously, people who can't take important situations seriously, child killers, cancel culture, teenagers


Fae: A faerie can shrink down and adopt wings which allow them to fly. Additionally, their blood is toxic to ingest.

Dragon Magic: When he was just a boy Felix became very sick. His father, a powerful fae at the time, managed to slay a dragon and feed Felix the meat and blood of his kill. As his body broke down the dragons flesh and blood, it changed Felix's genetics and gifted him the abilities of a dragon. He can do several things with his dragon magic, such as imbue any weapon with his magical energy and make it so that no one is capable of using the weapons except for those who are worthy of its power. He can also perform more powerful spells due to this kind of magic, or give others a magical or physical boost. Felix can also physically turn into a dragon at will. His form is most like a western dragon, typically depicted as a huge fire-breathing, scaly and horned lizard-like creature, with leathery, bat-like wings, with four legs and a long muscular tail. It is sometimes shown with feathered wings, crests, fiery manes, ivory spikes running down its spine and various exotic colorations. Since he can turn into a dragon, his physiology earns him some great perks such as atmospheric adaption, dermal armor, fire breath, enhanced physical condition, enhanced roar, flight, fear masking, some magical and elemental resistance, and multilingualism. Felix can also summon these traits while still in his humanoid form, but he cannot use more than two at a time. One he explicitly cannot use in his human form is atmospheric adaption.


Fafnir and his twin brother Magus were born out of a affair between Hreidmarr and Wiljay's wife. In typical fae logic she decided to rectify this situation by splitting the brother apart at birth. One returned home with her and her husband, while the other bastard child stayed with their birth father. Fafnir being the later of the two. Fafnir was not Hreidmarr's only child, in fact he grew up with four other brothers. Despite this they did not live in an impoverished home. Hreidmarr was a very wealthy and powerful fae in his time. The lived in a home of glittering gold and priceless gems that was built by his brother Reign. Whenever they were away on hunts, Fafnir was left guarding their home. One day Fafnir intercepted an intruder, and while Fafnir succeeded in killing him he was inflicted with a terrible affliction. When his family returned home they found him collapsed on their door step. His brothers carried him to bed where he remained for several months while his conditioned worsened. Feeling pity for the boy, Hreidmarr tracked down a dragon, killed it, and brought back it's meats, bones, and blood to give to his child. As you already know this not only cured Fafnir of his illness but altered his entire genetic make up. His new found abilities made Fafnir an even greater warrior than before, and as such was able to guard their home from the skies above as a dragon.

Later in life their older brother Otr was killed by a trickster fae and as repayment for their loss their father was gifted with gold and the ring Andvaranaut, which supposedly can turn anything into gold. Unfortunately they were warned by the same trickster that the ring had been cursed by it's previous owner. Anyone other than it's owner could not possess it or misfortune and destruction would be brought down on them. Hreidmarr ignored these warnings about the curse and kept the ring, only to have Fafnir and Regin later kill him for it. Fafnir decided he wanted Andvaranaut for himself, so he turned into a dragon and drove his brother Regin away. Years later Regin's son Sigurd comes for the ring on his father's instigation. As a result Fafnir becomes fatally wounded, and passed out from blood loss. Sigurd being as young as he was assumed that Fafnir had died. When he woke up Fafnir was not familiar with the room he was in. He had been rescued by a medicine woman who found him while she was foraging for herbs. Despite having been saved by this woman, Fafnir killed her and pillaged her home. Burning it to the ground he decided to rebuild what he lost, to some degree, and began to burn down towns and pillage their valuables. Over time he eventually restored the wealth he once had, but had nobody to share it with, not that he minded. One day while he was terrorizing a town Fafnir was approached by another fae who did not recognize him. Fafnir found this offensive and chose to eat the man who dared challenge him. This action enacted a curse onto Fafnir that he did not realize until after decimating the town and collecting it's remaining riches. After piling everything onto a wagon the gold, gems, and coin began to disintegrate into ash. Mortified by this he returned to find that his touch actively destroyed all of his wealth. His greed and avarice had gotten the best of him, and to punish Fafnir for his wicked ways the curse took that which he loved most. Unable to accumulate any wealth Fafnir fell into poverty. For the next hundred years he wandered the earth a broken man, homeless and unloved, resorting to scraps just to get by.

As these years go by Fafnir watched as his people took over the earth, and the human race became a minority faced with adversary. By this point in his life Fafnir had become a changed man. The curse he suffered from humbled him greatly and he did not discriminate like his fellow faeries. Had he no powers himself he would have been no different than these human folk, poor and at the bottom of the barrel. He did lots of selfless deeds during this time, but nothing broke his curse. Eventually the Wiljay's caught wind of a faerie who was making it difficult to collect their debts from small family businesses. A fae who went by the name of Felix. Sending their best they managed to capture this rouge fae, but upon seeing his face were hesitant to do anything with him, because the man looked just like their underboss Magus. This news shook the Wiljay family to it's core, and a DNA test was immediately conducted to determine whether or not this was some trick of magic or simply the truth. When the results came back they were argued over what to do with him. Fafnir, who was now going by the name of Felix, was a troublesome man as his ideals did not align with the rest of the group, but he was still part of their family and a fae. On top of that his abilities were ferocious and that kind of power would favor them greatly. Deciding it was too much of a risk to leave Felix to his own devices Felix was forced to join the Wiljays. He was incredibly problematic at first, going out of his way to sabotage missions and cause trouble. He was not quick to throw away his new found ideals and commit to people he barely knew. When he became too problematic he and The Boss held a special meeting between the two of them. Nobody knows what was discussed behind those closed doors, but a deal was made. While Felix had grown attached to those of the less fortunate, he had no qualms taking from the rich. Realizing that he had been using Felix's talents the wrong way The Boss started using Felix to take out their competitors Faralans and Helias. Felix's methods were ruthless, and after much success Felix was anointed The Boss's left-hand. While he established his role in Wiljay's group, Felix started to grow familial with his long lost twin, and discovered that he had become incredibly happy for reasons previously unknown to him. He isn't really sure how it happened but somewhere along the way his curse had been broken, and he wonders if becoming a full fledged Wiljay had something to do with it. With a new family and place to call home, Felix had truly started to live his best life.


Hreidmarr - Birth father. deceased.
Blank - Birth mother. reunited.
Magus - Twin. reunited.
Otr - Half brother. deceased.
Reign - Half brother. ????
Sigurd - Nephew. ????

Alfie - Lover.

Writing Sample

The night winds howl in the dark. The leaves of the surrounding forest rustle as the trees themselves gently sway in the wind. The sky’s above mimic an empty nothing, as clouds shroud the moon and stars. Heavy panting and snorting breaks in the wind, disturbing the usual quiet of the night. Steady hooved gallops beat against the soil, as a lone horse and it’s rider flee into the darkness. As the cloaked woman nears a fork ahead a red glow lightly illuminates her visage, and she curses under her breath. Immediately shifting her cloak to hide the glistening ruby as aggressive voices call out to her from a distance. Turning for a moment, the woman’s brown hues sees the orange flame of torches and lanterns. Other riders in pursuit of her. Whipping back around she urges her steed to go faster by beating the reigns of her horse and digging her heel into its hide. “Come on girl, move!” She whispers to herself as her horse picks up some more speed. As she is approaching the fork in the beaten path a fog begins to accumulate in the air from the right. Deciding to use it to her advantage she steers her steed to the right. Twisting back she extends her arm out with her palm facing her attackers. Flattening it to the best of her ability she mutters a quiet incantation under her breath, and a spark flickers from her palm. Then a flame ignites and she thrusts her hand forward hoping to at least injure one of the hunters. The fireball is quickly deflected by their own magics and the woman swears under her breath. Facing forward she lets the fog completely envelope her visage.

Despite the fog hiding her presence, she can still hear them riding in after her. Their calls echoing in the foggy distance. Gripping the reigns tighter she notices that the trees were starting to shift around her then gasps as a gnarled and knotted tree suddenly appears in front of her. Jerking the reigns she manages to steer the horse away last minute, but the motion causes her horse to come to a stop. Otherwise she’d lose control. “What on Earth?” She whispers tugging the horse’s reins to get it to trot over to the tree. Beside it she lifts a gloved hand to touch the bark. It seems to pulse at her touch, as if it was alive. Then a bolt lodges itself in the tree, startling her. Not waiting to see who the assailant is, the woman gets her horse moving again. To her disappointment the fog begins to dissipate, and the cloaked woman finds herself lost in a forest. That’s when her horse is suddenly startled. Rearing up its front legs the girl comes to an abrupt halt, forcing the rider off its back. Her brown eyes watch her horse leave her side, and gallop back from whence they came. Disappearing into the fog they had just came out from.The light from her ruby shines brighter now, and she can feel it tugging away from her neck. Almost as if it was trying to force her forward by the throat. Looking back at the riders growing nearer the woman scrambles to her feet and runs into the Nightmare Forest. Only hearing the screams of her name from a distance.

“Serena!!! Shit where did the bitch go!? Find her! Break apart for more ground cover!”

Serena’s cloak just barely touches the forest floor. It flutters behind her as her feet continue to carry her forward. The ruby in her ruffled choker jerking her whenever she starts to wander in a different direction. She doesn’t recognize this forest, and yet it felt eerily familiar to her. In fact it was almost comforting, and she could no longer hear the hunters who had been chasing her. Coming to a stop she looks behind her and sees no one. Not even a single light in the distance. Glancing around she inspects the forest, there’s a rustling as the wind picks up, most likely the trees in the wind. It sparks a memory though, from her childhood. The vision of her younger self getting frightened and running into a tree. She blinks at the thought then her eyes widen in realization. “Nooo..., really? It can’t be....” she whispers in disbelief. Then she hears a garbled scream in the distance, that of a mans. Momentarily frightened she lurches forward, smacking into a tree in the process. Wincing she steps backward and rubs her sore nose. I guess some things never change she can’t help but think to herself with a small chuckle. The ruby pulls again, and Serena looks in the direction the gem is drawn to.

Following it, it doesn’t take her long to come across a small break in the forest. Just enough space for the tiny cottage nestled there. Serena is nothing but giddy at the sight of it. It confirmed her suspicions as true. “I’m....in the Nightmare Forest.” She breathes out, almost breathless. The excitement starts to well up inside her, and then she cheers thrusting her hands above her head. “I’m in the Nightmare Forest!” Then she gets quiet noticing the light filtering out from the cottage window, and the plume of smoke from the chimney. Her thoughts raced at the idea of her childhood friend actually being home. Like a moth to a flame she steps forward. At the door she raps upon it. There is no answer though. “Jack?” She calls out curiously and with an eagerness. When nobody answers again she opens the door to find the home alive with a roaring flame, but empty. The man wasn’t home. This discovery caused Serena’s smile to falter just a little, but she steps inside anyways. She had waited this long, she could wait just a bit longer. Shutting the door behind her Serena inhaled deeply, the house smelled lovely. Just like she remembered. Her attention flutters to the large collection of books lining his shelves, the fire, and then the small kitchen. Pulling a book from the shelf, she drops it off on the lounge chair before stoking the fire. Putting another log on she shuffles over to where Jack most likely keeps his dried meats and pulls out the carvings of a chicken. Taking a breast she hoists it onto the rack above the fire and lets it cook. She might as well enjoyed a meal while she waited....
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“Just cause you're right that don't mean I'm wrong”
  • .

    'you can't sell dreams to someone who has walked through nightmares'

    All day staring at the ceiling, making friends with shadows on my wall. All night hearing voices telling me that I should get some sleep because tomorrow might be good for something. Hold on, feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown, and I don't know why. But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell, I know right now you can't tell. But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see a different side of me. I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired. I know right now you don't care, but soon enough you're gonna think of me and how I used to be me. I'm talking to myself in public, dodging glances on the train. And I know, I know they've all been talking about me, I can hear them whisper and it makes me think there must be something wrong with me. Out of all the hours thinking somehow I've lost my mind. But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell, I know right now you can't tell. But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see a different side of me. I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired. I know right now you don't care, but soon enough you're gonna think of me and how I used to be.

codedbycrucialstar | hover over big photo

Trigger Warning: Suicide, Murder
Do not read if you do not feel comfortable with it.


I've been traveling on this road too long
Just trying find my way back home
The old me is dead and gone...

Cough, cough

Axel felt as if he'd been swallowing dirt for days, desperately in need of water. He blinked his eyes open and quickly sat up to look around in all directions. He was literally in the middle of nowhere no one was around and there was no sign of life anywhere. Not even plants that could take severe heat stood out in this deserted place, so the question was where was he? He couldn't remember anything and for a brief moment, he thought that maybe he was just kidnapped, hit in the head, and dropped off somewhere that was so far that he would have never found where he was before. Yet something made his thoughts of that go away as he looked up in the sky then down the road, something was definitely off. He turned around on his stomach then stood up using his hands first then his feet, he wondered why he hasn't seen any cars yet...maybe he was on an abandoned road? For some reason, the male started to walk forward feeling as if there was a force making him walk closer to something or someone. Small flashes or some kind of visions came through his head every time he took a couple of steps closer to some kind of store? No.... Axel squinted his eyes to see better, it was some kind of station but it looked like he hadn't had any customers in years. Why was he heading here? What was so important about this place and why are these flashes of visions coming into his mind? He didn't understand any of it, but he knew something was for sure. Whatever was going on, whatever he needed to know was in the rundown station straight down the dusty road.

Step, step, step.

Axel was almost to the entrance of the place, he had no clue why he was here but he needed some kind of information. Maybe whoever was inside of this place would give him answers or at least a cup of water if anything. Another vision flashed through his head, two girls. Two small, beautiful girls who looked shockingly similar to him. Were these his daughters or...maybe his sisters? No, they couldn't have been. Axel knew that he would have remembered something extremely major like that..unless of course all of this wasn't real.. He stopped in his tracks and looked around once again, taking everything in. Was this....was he....dead? For a brief moment, Axel stood there until a huge headache hit him causing him to almost fall over. His green eyes pierced up at the place, he wondered if whatever was here gave him this sign to know that he was in the right place. Soon enough Axel reached the entrance, hesitating to go inside for a moment. He took a little breath before opening the door to see other people sitting around. He spotted the guy who threw the paper at the man behind the counter's face then watched it stop a few inches in front of him. Axel swallowed before picking it up and unraveled it to see something that answered almost all of these questions. This piece of paper, this..contract? Was basically a paper that said some form of authority got to keep his soul, control whether he came back to life and if he got to keep any for his memories. Scanning over everyone in the room again, he set the paper down on the nearby table before walking to the back of the line. He wondered if the man knew anything, surely he'd been here for quite a while. One by one people started to leave in tears or just in deep thoughts about it all. His mind began to wander again until, "Next....Helllo? Nexxxt.." the man called out to Axel who seemed to have been holding up the line. He looked at him for a bit then slowly moved forward, "What is this?" was the first words that came out of Axel's mouth. the male looked up at him and smirked before sliding the white paper in front of Axel and telling him where to sign. He gave the guy a look and sighed before taking the pen and signing the paper. After the man stamped, almost instantly Axel's memories were restored and he remembered the two girls from his visions earlier. He held his head, "Shit.." he basically said to himself before the memories started to pour in....

"I'll get you for this Axel...I'll get you..." said Aubrey as she finished her bottle of liquor and tossed it somewhere onto the road. She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel and watched Axel wash his car then go into the garage for something. Putting out her cigarette, she got out of the car and walked down to his house to do whatever payback she thought was right. Slipping into the back of the house, Aubrey picked the lock and entered his home then went on a search for his two daughters. It was a three-story house, but she finally got around to finding the two sleeping little girls who seemed so peaceful. She smirked and opened the windows up before grabbing them both. "Hey, Axel baby! Look who I found!" she shouted down at him. Axel looked up to see that Aubrey had his two kids. "What the hell are you doing?!" he shouted throwing the towel down and starting to run up to the door. "Stop! I will drop them right now if you touch that door!" she said to him before pushing them out of the window and hanging them from their wrists. Axel swallowed hard and watched his two daughters dangle and scream. "Alright, alright! I'll give you whatever you want...just please don't drop them!" he shouted with a strong worried look in his eyes. Aubrey laughed sarcastically. "You think you can just take my daughters away? Do you think you can just be free? Have a new lover and a brand new family? Well I won't let that happen!" she shouted before letting go of them and letting them fall to their death. Axel dropped everything and ran over to them, trying to get them to come back to life but of course, it didn't work. "Andy...Alice...Speak to me, talk to daddy..." he said shaking them. They were gone, dead and not coming back. The police quickly took Aubrey away and cleaned up the bodies and the evidence. The tragic event played through his head over and over, he hasn't eaten in days...weeks even now. Three weeks have gone by now, still nothing. He had become and shell of his former self and now it was time for him to leave. He drove into town to the highest building he knew, went up to the very top, and jumped...

Axel snapped back into reality and looked at the people who were staring at him. His headache faded away and was replaced by a much greater pain now, the pain he had before he even took that leap. He ran out of the Station and a little way down the road before falling to his knees and throwing different stuff at nothing at all. He screamed, what could be worst than this? He certainly couldn't think of it...he had to live with these memories? Wait, no...the paper said that he would slowly forget everything. So why wasn't the man at the desk happy that he lost all his memory? He was slowly starting to understand things...This place, this place wasn't a good one and he knew it from the jump. He stood up and wondered where he should go from here, he had a feeling that this place wasn't all that was in store for him and the rest of the people who arrived.
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Kirin Rai Helias
[ fifteen ] [alpha's third pup ] [ male ] [ 5'8 ] [ 135lbs ]

[ loyal ] [ sarcastic ] [ fierce and fiery ] [ stubborn ] [ witty ] [ impatient ] [ has no filter ] [ empathetic ] [ not afraid to stick up for himself ] [ likes a challenge ] [ complete disregard for rules ]

Kirin is known for having a great sense of humor, one filled with sarcasm and wit, but sometimes doesn’t know when to stop. Actually, it’s most of the time that he doesn’t know when to stop. Nearly everything he says is sarcastic in some form or has a witty line or two. Kirin tends to lack a filter, resulting in people often having to yell at him to get him to be quiet.

On a bad day (and let’s be real, they happen more often than not), he is snappy and short-tempered, lashing out at the first person that dares to cross him. His sarcasm can turn cruel and cutting with the intention to hurt others rather than make them laugh. Kirin absolutely hates being told what to do and has a complete disregard for rules, often choosing to do the opposite of what was asked of him. He enjoys testing and challenging others, whether it be verbal or physical and never backs down from a chance to spar.


To be revealed later.

Alibaster "The Bastard" Grimm
Gender: Male
Age: 24 (119)

Role: Farlan Soldier
Born or Bitten?: Bitten

Hair color: Light-brown
Eye color: Light-blue
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 165 lbs

Alibaster demonstrates extreme loyalty to his superiors, actively putting the Farlan family's lives above his own without second thought. He has never shown particular interest in rising through the ranks, and some may mistake him for unambitious because of this. However, rather than giving orders and dealing with bullshit politics, his focus is aimed toward complete domination of Euclid by the Farlan family. Although he carries the reputation of a ruthless and calculated soldier in battle, he is known to party nealy as hard as he fights and is quite laid-back in conversation.

Backstory: TBD
Writing sample:
The sound of metal piercing wood jolted Ronin out of his deep sleep. The first thing he saw was a reflection of his face in a blade that was several inches away from his face. He stared deeply at himself in the blade with a blank expression, still slightly drunk and too disoriented to formulate a coherent thought. Per usual, Ronin had fallen asleep at his regular table in the tavern after drinking until he was unable to walk. He groaned loudly as the blade was lifted from the table and began rubbing his temples with his thumb and index finger. "Listen, give me five more minutes and I promise I'll be right with you." he mumbled in annoyance. Lifting his hand away from his head he glanced upward, and a sly smirk came across his face. He slowly raised his head from the table, now leaned back in his chair with a foot on the table. "You're a sight for sore eyes, eh?"

"I want my cut yeh bastard!" said the large figure standing in front of him. A roughly six-foot-two inch man dressed in your standard pirate outfit, except covered in mud, was hunched over the table looking at Ronin with anger and disgust. "We had a deal and yeh done ran off 'fore I got what is mine! Now give it to meh!" he commanded, slamming a fist on the table to emphasize his anger.

"Riiiight… Because you did so much work." Ronin rolled his eyes, recounting how he had ambushed the convoy, subdued easily ten or more guards, and also successfully evaded the reinforcements that chased him for miles. He lowers his foot off the table and straightens his posture. "If it was up to me, I would have left you behind in that ditch you tripped in. Oh no wait, I did!" He burst out laughing, smacking the table with an open palm a few times before regaining his composure. This obviously did not please the infuriated pirate, who cocked his arm back and started to swing at Ronin's face. Before he could complete the swing, Ronin extended one of his legs out and upward, striking the underside of the table. As his foot connects with the wood, a flash of faint blue energy is released so quickly if you blinked you missed it. The concussive forced coming from his foot generated enough power to cause the table to flip and fly forward, striking the pirate and sending him along with the table several feet away.

Ronin takes a deep breath and slowly exhales, rolling his shoulders as he stands from his seat. He sauntered over to the bar as the pirate pushed the table off himself and attempted to stand. Ronin reaches across the bar and grasps an empty ale mug from the hands of the bartender who had been wiping it down before the altercation started. The pirate lets out a rage filled yell and started to charge towards Ronin, but only made it a step before being struck square in the face with the mug Ronin took from the bar. The mug shattered as it connected, sending shards of glass into the pirates face. He collapsed to the ground in agony while reciting about every curse word in the known world and covering his face. "Heh, there's your cut." Ronin chuckled beneath his breath before turning and walking to the door, grabbing a mug full of ale off the bar top on his way.
576489 576490

Name: Amber Nox
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Role: Capo 1


Hair color: Naturally brunette, dyed dirty blonde
Eye color: Hazel
Wolf eye color: Grey
Height: 5'4
Weight: 138lbs
Mods/Tattoos: Black and white double loop helix piercing on her right ear.

Personality: Amber is loyal and respectful to her pack but not to outsiders. Through daily training to earn her position she has become very confident and proud. Her pack is the best, after all, and she needs to help maintain that image. Amber has been known to have a short temper that she struggles to hold back given her competitive nature. As a result, she cannot turn down a challenge in almost any circumstance. Not only is it fun but it helps her grow and become better. One thing she values most is her relationship with her pack. She would do anything within her power for them.

Backstory: Can be be fleshed out in the RP or provided prior if necessary.

Amber Nox

It was earlier in the day and finally time for Amber to make her appearance, as her alpha had previously commanded her, at this so called 'house of the new world' that the Elders had decided to send the packs to. All to share living space with the uptight life source addicts. The alpha was kind enough to let the hunter spend a few days taking out some steam with some hunting practice before having to come to the mansion. Needless to say, it was flawless and trivial practice but it kept her mind clear since Amber knew better, no one would want to play nice in these new arrangements but it was in their best interest to do so. The other pack was meant to be here and there was no way that she would allow them to think anything less than the Selvaggio being superior. Those Tillit are known for being rambunctious rebels and they need to know that their strength pales in comparison to the Selvaggio, even if their pack is male dominated. That better not be the reason for this forced sharing of space...the fact that the ratio balances out... That was definitely not what she wanted among all of this, to be forced into something she really didn't want. She could handle herself but if the Elders willed it, she really didn't have too much of a choice. Her mind was going everywhere on way to the back of the mansion where she believed she would not have to encounter anyone if she entered this way but it was part of her upbringing. To her understanding, the truth, the Selvaggio (mainly herself) were the elite members of the lycan species, being the smartest, strongest, and most successful, and she intended to keep that information true. There is nothing wrong with having fun but in her mind, you shouldn't be partying if you haven't earned it. Thankfully, she was an intelligent girl who is open to being proven wrong, though she wouldn't openly admit it, and she will most likely come around to the members of the Tillit faster than she would like to admit. She is prideful of herself and her pack but she doesn't let it cloud her judgement.

After a long boring walk in human form, the mansion finally came into view. First things first, find Iva. She's probably in dire need of being reunited with someone with a brain. She thought to herself as the scent of male lycan filled her nose. Letting out a sigh, she made her way past the empty pool into the mansion, only to be greeted by a completely contrasting club scene that she couldn't help but crack a smile at. "Not bad. At least they're trying to make us comfortable. This might actually work." She mumbled to herself as she walked through the room. The dance floor was empty as well as everything else but that was to be expected because of the time and since no one else was to be at the mansion besides the heads of each pack and a few vampires she couldn't care less about. As she exited the room she could hear a scream followed by a large splash from behind her, having to come from outside. She couldn't help but shake her head as she didn't even want to know what had happened and continued to follow the scent to find her alpha. It led her to a staircase that lead up to where Iva stood, speaking to two other lycan that she was unfamiliar with. Amber quickly made her way up the stairs and pulled Iva to look toward her, hugging and kissing her on each cheek as they were accustomed to, before turning to the other two. She had barely made it in time to hear the end comments of her alpha toward the two strangers, so she decided to jump in with a polite smile. "Sorry to interrupt so suddenly, I just arrived. I'm Amber, Delta of the Selvaggio pack. It's a pleasure." In addition to wanting to say hello to her alpha and being more comfortable around someone she knew, it was a good excuse to place herself at the alpha's side in case something unfavorable were to occur. The two strangers didn't seem hostile, they actually seemed very...relaxed and slightly unkempt but Amber assumed it was due to them just having changed. Even so, she tried not to judge them without hearing them speak first, since she already knew she was most likely stronger than them anyway and had nothing to worry about.

I apologize that it is not three paragraphs so if you would like something else as a writing sample please let me know! I can provide something in addition to this old post.
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[div class=fyuri11wrapper][div class=fyuri11imagebox][div class=fyuri11overlayparent][div class=fyuri11overlay][div class=fyuri11header]Skylar Thomas
"Us Fae aren't always bad. Sometimes we're even worse"

[/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuri11parent][div class=fyuri11content]Name: Skylar Jake Thomas
Gender: Male
Age: 212

Role: Capo #2


Hair color: Naturally, it is a pastel orange, but he dyed it to be a dark brown
Eye color: He also wears contacts, but they look piercing orange.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 198lb
Mods/Tattoos: He has black stars freckled across his nose, but those are natural and he often just covers them up with makeup.

Very down to earth and chill, he radiates the kind of vibe you wanna be around when hanging out with a group of friends. He likes to tease and make bad jokes with his friends, and he can often get annoying with his dad jokes, much like me. He is also very smart/wise and is usually one of the first people you wanna go to for advice or help. He likes to meditate, and loves peace and quiet, and also enjoys the sounds of rain and thunder. So if you wanna find him, he's usually meditating in his room or outside in the rain.
He was born in a sort of secluded fae family. No ties to the mafia or anything. His father had ran into them once, did a little bit of work with them, but after that they lost all contact. Ghosted the mafia. He was taught a lot of magic by his mother, who was a very powerful faerie. His father, however, wasn't around very much. He'd had a less fortunate life than Sky. A lot of running and hiding. He didn't really have friends, but he was really close with his mother. After all that's the only person he really knew. She raised him alone and taught him everything he knew, and made him strong enough to hold the title of Capo. He would even want to climb higher, but didn't want to risk making someone mad. So yeah, that's just about it... He's had a boring life. I may add more in the future. 'Til then that's it.


[/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuri11credit]code by @Fyuri[/div]
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Ashley Vandreg Wiljay
The demon faerie, demon
Faeries boss

Crush: Aquaria Wiljay
Spouse: Aquaria Wiljay
Florian wiljay
Aerwyna Wiljay
Lillian Wiljay

Hair color:
Deep maroon
Eye color:
Bright gold
In fae form her eyes change, turning from the celestial gold to a brooding demonic red
Perfectly clean

Ashley is what many would call a hard nut to crack. In public she is cold cruel and unmerciful. Giving off a personality of what a mob boss is typacly seen as. Demanding/expecting loyalty and respect from all around her. She never has taken kindly to betrayal and is fond of punishment to those who cross her. Her wings being a big part of the cold evil persona she puts on in public as well as a few of the nick names like demon that she has come to accept, unlike most her wings are of a darker form, big, dark, and brooding. In private though is when her lighter side comes out. She’s caring, loving, and deeply rooted in loyalty and respect with her family and those she’s close to. Her wife being the center of her universe with there children, they are the few she would do absolutely anything for, weather it be giving them the world, or destroying any who would dare to harm them in any way shape or form

Writing sample:
The wear-house was dark, empty, cold in the knight except for the one circular light that beamed down in the middle of the empty building. Sitting under it was a man, taped to the chair and a bag over his head. His breath quick, shaking as he sat there waiting. Then he froze, sounds came from in front of him. A garage door opening and then closing shortly after, a vehicle most likely a truck pulling in and parking. He knew what was coming, fear started to wash over his as foot steps nearing him. A few heavy ones as well as the sound of heels, two girls by the sound of it. Then the bag was torn from his head and he squinted, the light hurting his eyes as he tried to see who held him. As his eyes slowly cleared he could see who it was. Three big men stood to his sides, straight ahead. Ashley, her wife held tightly by her side as she glared down at him with a clear burning hate. “I’m guessing you know why you’re here... Derek.” She said coldly to him. “You did the one thing you know I don’t take kindly too.... betrayal. Not only of my trust, but my respect.” She said softly with a coldness that could kill. The man couldn’t help but notice as the men in suits walked behind him hearing the sounds of tools behind him panic started to set in as he tried to struggle. “W-w-what the hell are you talking about?!” He said in a frantic lie. It brought a giggle to Ashley as she sighed. “Don’t play stupid. You know. There’s no point trying to lie... I already know everything.” She said coldly. Watching the man shake in panic she gave him a clearly teasing pout. “Awww is the little puppy scared of a puny fairy? To bad the pack threw you out. No protection for you any more.” She cooed as she looked at her nails a little before glancing to Aquaria. Giving her a little head gesture to head for the big black suv before looking back to the man. “I’ve heard silver hurts quite bad, I do apologize but it seems I only had silver tools in stock..... have fun.” She whispered the last part with a devilish smirk before turning away. It set him over the edge. He started to yell in panic, struggle and shake as he screamed out for her forgiveness as she walked to the car. With each step she took away. The men behind him came closer, the sounds of pain, sounds of his impending fate came ever closer, and he could do nothing about it but scream as she climbed into the back of truck sealing his fate as it drove off. “There any specific reason why?” Aquaria questioned Ashley as they exited the wear house. Glancing to her she smiled and leaned over kissing her cheek. “I told you no one hurts my family, weather it be breaking out children’s hearts or stealing from us. And that mutt attempted to take you from me.” She said her look growing to one of ruthless hate. “No one takes you from me.” She said softly as she looked forward while pulling Aquaria close.
Listen to them. Children of the night. . .
Ainsley is a male, 165 year old vampire, however he only appears 23 years old. His eyes are brown, but changes to red often. His hair is black and messy, he's 5'7" and 165lbs. He was bitten in 1877 and is currently a Farlan Capo. One of his most distinguishing features is the dark shadows under his eyes.

Aside from the obvious fangs within Ainsley's mouth, he could possibly look and give the impression that he's a normal college student. Sleep deprived and tired upon appearance. One thing stands, yes Ainsley is tired and sleep deprived but no, he's not a college student. It goes to his workaholic attitude , always bending over backwards to make deadlines and heed to the commands of Klaus. He depends on copious amounts of caffeine to get through the day. He works tirelessly to improve technology for the Farlan family and collecting information for anyone willing to pay a good price.

Ainsley is like a fox, sly, cunning, playful, and a trickster. He has a trollish persona that causes him to find amusement in screwing around with people. Be it emotions or just thought processes; just plain out tormenting people. He's a very smooth liar, he will lie and manipulate people to get what he wants. Honestly, it's your fault if you believe him. He can be violent and sadistic, enjoying a dance of knives. He's pretty apathetic, not really comprehending human emotions much after so many years. He, however, can feel emotions such as love and humor and everything in between He can be called a literal demon to be around, despite his youthful appearance. It would be unwise to underestimate him.

He knows the fact that he was made into a vampire was his destiny, however, what he didn't care for was his maker ditching him the next morning. A bit salty on that topic matter, he doesn't even remember who did it to him. Ainsley refuses to drink blood from the source, therefore he drinks from packets from a blood bank. He's rather cocky, smug and arrogant, prideful to a fault. He will play with your mind and soul and that makes him a dangerous and unpredictable person to deal with. It doesn't help that he only cares about the Farlan family and a select few other people. He can act very professional when dealing with associates but screw him over and you'll regret it.


March 3rd, 1854 a healthy baby boy was born to the Yamato family, Haru Yamato, the baby that would later be known as Ainsley Flanders. He grew up in a remote village that wasn't in a very convenient spot when it came to reaching civilization. One of those sleepy towns that everyone knows is weird, perhaps the isolation of both the town and country messed with their head. Rumors around the town's history claimed it was cursed. A hunting grounds of the vampires upon the mountain. Which drove an eerie air about the place. His parents were rice farmers, their income revolving around how much rice they sold. Haru went to a small schoolhouse on the hill overlooking the town, there weren't many school children in the village, but it was a decent education and Haru's parents found that he was an intelligent child. Since that age, his parents had the thought of him having a better life than they ever could. Though the boy didn't know it at the time. He was just a happy kid trying to live his life.

Ainsley had heard of rumors about strange creatures out in the woods, but never really believed them. Everyone in this town was completely odd, so why should he believe the crazy mumblings of the townsfolk. It wasn't until he was fifteen did he start to believe them. It was a cold night in December that he snuck out to go hang out with his friends near the lake. When he heard something clash behind a house. He gained the courage to peek behind a house and saw something that changed his life forever. His heart was beating fast as he saw it, a vampire with his fangs deep into a woman's neck, scarlet drops tainting the ground below them. He felt fear looking at the being as he threw the woman's lifeless body to the ground and sped away at lightning speed. Needless to say, he fled back to his house and went to bed.

He had been haunted, or even a little excited at seeing that nights event. He knew that from then on out, he wanted to be just like that, a vampire, a devil's child.

As he grew older, that night always a prominent memory, he was working to leave his small town and go to college somewhere. So with that in mind, he informed his parents he wanted to take the next ship to England. Of course, they had their doubts but they found their eighteen-year-old was not going to back down from this. He took one of the family's horses and said his goodbyes, personally he wouldn't miss any of them, except maybe his parents. He had a happy childhood so now was the time to make his life matter.

Reaching the coastal town, he used what little money he had to buy a boat ticket. He boarded with his horse and rode out the long journey.

He didn't know how long it was before he reached the shores of England but he finally made it. Getting into any college was going to be hard, though he didn't care how good of a college it was, he just wanted to get out of Japan. The dream of traveling was too far embedded in his goals, he wanted to see the Western world. The naivety of him believing he could get into college with nothing was laughable and something his parents never told him about. He guessed that his parents were as ignorant as they were poor.

Down on his luck, he hadn't a clue what he would do now, no idea where to go forward, no place to stay or anything to eat. His wandering feet took him to a library. It was cozier in the place full of books, he could get out of the weather and he had books to read. That's how he would spend his days, learning about subjects he couldn't learn before. Fiction, non-fiction and history books. This was how he got his education. Sometimes he would sneak in the back of the library and sleep there. Especially in the rain and snow.

The library's owner noticed him and how he would come in every day and just read and sometimes sleep. They took note of his ragged clothes and thin appearance. The owner, Loriana Flanders had recently lost a child in a miscarriage and noticed how young he looked. She ended up approaching him and started a conversation with him. He told her about how he wanted to come to England to get an education from a sleepy village in Japan, finding that the English he was taught in school and picked up from books came in handy. She offered to take him in and he became her surrogate son.

It took a while but Haru cleaned up and gained weight, he started working at the library full-time. He started making a life for himself this way, Loriana was a great mother figure to him. He still remembered that day clearly and began searching for the existence of vampires in London. What he did on his nights was nobody's business. He hung out at taverns at night and would people watch, trying to catch sights of anyone that gave the tell-tale signs of being a vampire.

One night in a town named Elucid he got lucky. It's where he met Miikaelus, a vampire and his maker. Leading them to a quiet room, Ainsley asked the question, "Make me one of you." He said. This was his destiny and if Mike wouldn't do it, he would find someone else. Of course, the vampire agreed under the condition that they slept together, it was the only way he'd get turned. Mike liked to feed while having intercourse.

The next morning Miikaelus was nowhere to be found and Ainsley was in severe pain, his throat dry and every heartbeat from other people around drove him insane. That's when the massacre happened. On the night of June 7th, 1877 several deaths were tallied, they claimed it was the work of an animal but they found the victims drained of blood. Haru found himself hiding away, fearful but also gleeful. It wasn't until Klaus Farlan found him in an alleyway, his murders were on Klaus's territory. Seeing he was a new vampire, Klaus took him in and trained him rigorously and sometimes a bit cruelly. Through this training, Klaus realized that Haru was very intelligent and that's how he got his start gathering information for the Farlan family. For over 100+ years, he had been part of this family, he's seen the city of Elucid grow and evolve with the times, as the years grew, Haru changed his name to Ainsley Flanders, in honor of his mother he never said goodbye to. One of his greatest regrets, sometimes he still cries about that.

As the times grew more advanced, Ainsley continued absorbing knowledge from the times, including technology, picking up skills here and there such as something known as parkour. It would widen his reach from info broker to technology expert for the mafia. His personality has evolved and changed throughout the years, but one thing remains the same, his loyalty to the Farlan Family.


. . . What music they make.

Ainsley is a male, 165-year-old vampire, however, he only appears 23 years old. His eyes are brown, but changes to red often. His hair is black and messy, he's 5'7" and 165lbs. He was bitten in 1877 and is currently a Farlan Capo. One of his most distinguishing features is the dark shadows under his eyes.

Aside from the obvious fangs within Ainsley's mouth, he could possibly look and give the impression that he's a normal college student. Sleep deprived and tired upon appearance. One thing stands, yes Ainsley is tired and sleep deprived but no, he's not a college student. It goes to his workaholic attitude , always bending over backwards to make deadlines and heed to the commands of Klaus. He depends on copious amounts of caffeine to get through the day. He works tirelessly to improve technology for the Farlan family and collecting information for anyone willing to pay a good price.

Ainsley is like a fox, sly, cunning, playful, and a trickster. He has a trollish persona that causes him to find amusement in screwing around with people. Be it emotions or just thought processes; just plain out tormenting people. He's a very smooth liar, he will lie and manipulate people to get what he wants. Honestly, it's your fault if you believe him. He can be violent and sadistic, enjoying a dance of knives. He's pretty apathetic, not really comprehending human emotions much after so many years. He, however, can feel emotions such as love and humor and everything in between He can be called a literal demon to be around, despite his youthful appearance. It would be unwise to underestimate him.

He knows the fact that he was made into a vampire was his destiny, however, what he didn't care for was his maker ditching him the next morning. A bit salty on that topic matter, he doesn't even remember who did it to him. Ainsley refuses to drink blood from the source, therefore he drinks from packets from a blood bank. He's rather cocky, smug and arrogant, prideful to a fault. He will play with your mind and soul and that makes him a dangerous and unpredictable person to deal with. It doesn't help that he only cares about the Farlan family and a select few other people. He can act very professional when dealing with associates but screw him over and you'll regret it.


March 3rd, 1854 a healthy baby boy was born to the Yamato family, Haru Yamato, the baby that would later be known as Ainsley Flanders. He grew up in a remote village that wasn't in a very convenient spot when it came to reaching civilization. One of those sleepy towns that everyone knows is weird, perhaps the isolation of both the town and country messed with their head. Rumors around the town's history claimed it was cursed. A hunting grounds of the vampires upon the mountain. Which drove an eerie air about the place. His parents were rice farmers, their income revolving around how much rice they sold. Haru went to a small schoolhouse on the hill overlooking the town, there weren't many school children in the village, but it was a decent education and Haru's parents found that he was an intelligent child. Since that age, his parents had the thought of him having a better life than they ever could. Though the boy didn't know it at the time. He was just a happy kid trying to live his life.

Ainsley had heard of rumors about strange creatures out in the woods, but never really believed them. Everyone in this town was completely odd, so why should he believe the crazy mumblings of the townsfolk. It wasn't until he was fifteen did he start to believe them. It was a cold night in December that he snuck out to go hang out with his friends near the lake. When he heard something clash behind a house. He gained the courage to peek behind a house and saw something that changed his life forever. His heart was beating fast as he saw it, a vampire with his fangs deep into a woman's neck, scarlet drops tainting the ground below them. He felt fear looking at the being as he threw the woman's lifeless body to the ground and sped away at lightning speed. Needless to say, he fled back to his house and went to bed.

He had been haunted, or even a little excited at seeing that nights event. He knew that from then on out, he wanted to be just like that, a vampire, a devil's child.

As he grew older, that night always a prominent memory, he was working to leave his small town and go to college somewhere. So with that in mind, he informed his parents he wanted to take the next ship to England. Of course, they had their doubts but they found their eighteen-year-old was not going to back down from this. He took one of the family's horses and said his goodbyes, personally he wouldn't miss any of them, except maybe his parents. He had a happy childhood so now was the time to make his life matter.

Reaching the coastal town, he used what little money he had to buy a boat ticket. He boarded with his horse and rode out the long journey.

He didn't know how long it was before he reached the shores of England but he finally made it. Getting into any college was going to be hard, though he didn't care how good of a college it was, he just wanted to get out of Japan. The dream of traveling was too far embedded in his goals, he wanted to see the Western world. The naivety of him believing he could get into college with nothing was laughable and something his parents never told him about. He guessed that his parents were as ignorant as they were poor.

Down on his luck, he hadn't a clue what he would do now, no idea where to go forward, no place to stay or anything to eat. His wandering feet took him to a library. It was cozier in the place full of books, he could get out of the weather and he had books to read. That's how he would spend his days, learning about subjects he couldn't learn before. Fiction, non-fiction and history books. This was how he got his education. Sometimes he would sneak in the back of the library and sleep there. Especially in the rain and snow.

The library's owner noticed him and how he would come in every day and just read and sometimes sleep. They took note of his ragged clothes and thin appearance. The owner, Loriana Flanders had recently lost a child in a miscarriage and noticed how young he looked. She ended up approaching him and started a conversation with him. He told her about how he wanted to come to England to get an education from a sleepy village in Japan, finding that the English he was taught in school and picked up from books came in handy. She offered to take him in and he became her surrogate son.

It took a while but Haru cleaned up and gained weight, he started working at the library full-time. He started making a life for himself this way, Loriana was a great mother figure to him. He still remembered that day clearly and began searching for the existence of vampires in London. What he did on his nights was nobody's business. He hung out at taverns at night and would people watch, trying to catch sights of anyone that gave the tell-tale signs of being a vampire.

One night in a town named Elucid he got lucky. It's where he met Miikaelus, a vampire and his maker. Leading them to a quiet room, Ainsley asked the question, "Make me one of you." He said. This was his destiny and if Mike wouldn't do it, he would find someone else. Of course, the vampire agreed under the condition that they slept together, it was the only way he'd get turned. Mike liked to feed while having intercourse.

The next morning Miikaelus was nowhere to be found and Ainsley was in severe pain, his throat dry and every heartbeat from other people around drove him insane. That's when the massacre happened. On the night of June 7th, 1877 several deaths were tallied, they claimed it was the work of an animal but they found the victims drained of blood. Haru found himself hiding away, fearful but also gleeful. It wasn't until Klaus Farlan found him in an alleyway, his murders were on Klaus's territory. Seeing he was a new vampire, Klaus took him in and trained him rigorously and sometimes a bit cruelly. Through this training, Klaus realized that Haru was very intelligent and that's how he got his start gathering information for the Farlan family. For over 100+ years, he had been part of this family, he's seen the city of Elucid grow and evolve with the times, as the years grew, Haru changed his name to Ainsley Flanders, in honor of his mother he never said goodbye to. One of his greatest regrets, sometimes he still cries about that.

As the times grew more advanced, Ainsley continued absorbing knowledge from the times, including technology, picking up skills here and there such as something known as parkour. It would widen his reach from info broker to technology expert for the mafia. His personality has evolved and changed throughout the years, but one thing remains the same, his loyalty to the Farlan Family.


Name: Caspian Wiljay578377
Gender: Male
Age: 57

Role: Boss' First Twin

Crush: Open
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A

Hair color: Red
Eye color: Turquoise
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 152 lbs.
Mods/Tattoos: None

Personality: Caspian is graceful, though he is one of the youngest of his family. He is free-spirited yet can get quite shy for a male of his stature. The male tends to hide his colorful personality behind a quiet and gentle mask, which can quickly change to a more mischievous once when the mood is just right. Just like anyother Fae, he can become very vexing, seductive, and childish though it isn't usually normal for him to show that much of himself right off the bat.
Backstory: TBD in RP



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Hello! This is the beastiary for Skylar, my Fae character. One of his specialties in magic is growing and raising plants and animals, as well as conversion. Say he could take a blade of grass and turn it into a grasshopper. His beastiary is something he actually carries around. Within it contains some of his studies on one-of-a-kind creatures he has made. Here you can read them and learn something vital to Skylar. He often has most of these creatures around him everywhere. Well. Let's get started!
Kippler, the Fatwokker

This chubby little creature was grown within the bud of a pink tulip. He sleeps inside of it, and it seems as he grows, the bud grows with him. The bud is his source of strength, so watering and feeding is mandatory. If threatened, he can grow thorns across his body and release spores that could knock out a smaller creature, and stun a full sized human. For supernaturals, however, it's more of just like a bad smell. The full exception is Fae. He fully trusts most Fae. He often feeds from other pink tulips with his tongue. At first, I didn't notice it, but upon closer inspection, his tongue is actually like a thick straw, similar to a hummingbird's beak. Also, he seems to highly dislike very loud sounds or very bright direct light, and when he doesn't get enough sunlight, he seems to get really sick and can't fly. He also seems to ooze a strange syrup-like substance.

Terry, the Slicker

Probably the most hard to own. She was born from an extinct plant, called Slickleaf. She is very independent and free minded. However, she understands human language very well. Promise her a bunch of raspberries and she'll behave. I'm not sure how she understands... Possibly a very smart, calculating mind? Maybe it has some kind of passive magic? It doesn't even matter what language. She can also communicate with the other creatures, so she often speaks for them. And by that, I mean she draws in a lost language that only I can understand. Which made me think maybe her communication has more to do with telepathy, but that was off the picture when I started thinking of raspberries and she didn't react. She doesn't really need to be fed or anything, she seems to have a very good self sustaining body. It creates its own nutrients from itself. However, she does need sunlight and occasional feeding to replenish her bodies resources.

Flax, the Pocketgriffin

Not much about this little guy, actually. He was born from a bonsai tree. He's got a mean bite, likes shiny things, mostly flies around or sits on my shoulder. He likes shrimp and flower-water.

Muna, the Senion

Made from an onion. This little bugger moves very slow. He's slower than a snail. He takes nutrients and moisture in through his feet. According to Terry, he talks a lot, and curses like a sailor.

Neeks, the Weedracon

He was born from a cousin of the Slickleaf, called Scaleleaf. While at this age, he doesn't have any scales, and he's got an almost fish like surface. Despite his fiery draconic features, he loves water. He breathes a tiny bit of steam, like a dragon would fire. He's very active, and runs and tries to fly around. He eats fresh raw meat, and often hunts for rats, and he doesn't really need to drink water, but he sure loves orange juice. Terry says he's sort of like a very sassy little boy. Another thing worth noting is his telepathy. He can't talk, but he can project emotions to other creatures or people. It is very effective against Fae. I saw a quiet shy Fae get turned into a highly energetic and happy child, with just one look from Neeks.


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