Helias Capo
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essentials ;
name — seonhee im
gender — female
age — 24
sexuality — pansexual
role — helias's capo
crush —
spouse —
children —
physical appearance ;
eye color — black
wolf eye color — amber
mods/tattoos — a scar over the left ear and flank
[div class=over]personality and biography[/div]
[div class=num]1.[/div] Had this young woman chosen the path of a detective, she would have been a remarkable helper on the other side with her remarkable composure, stoicism, and efficiency. Alas, Seonhee remains here as a tenacious mafioso who gets the job done. It's difficult to tell exactly when this capo is weary or exhausted, as the imperturbable air around her never fades even after a long day. She is an idiosyncratic worker with an acute sense of practicality. At work, this mafioso is soft-spoken but sharp-tongued and excels at deciding who lives and who dies. Tenacious and calculating, she even remains detached from personal matters and is a relentless pursuer when given a task to fulfill.
[div class=num]2.[/div] She's been taught that once someone catches wind of her vulnerability, they will never stop looking for that one chance to pull her down to the ground. As a result, Seonhee set many high standards for herself from a young age, tirelessly working to excel. Though she grew up with a loving family, their strict service to the Helias family shaped her a steeled heart from a young age. The moment she was old enough to understand what failure truly meant, she learned very quickly that the disgrace that came with it in any shape or form was unacceptable. Technical perfection was to be achieved through unceasing repetition, sensitive business was to be dealt with winning smiles, and her talent was to be irreproachable for the prying eyes. For the Im tradition, Seonhee increased the hours of physical training she endured to be made into the best capo the family could produce until the next generation, striving to overcome superstitions and expectations. Now, with years of failure and success under her belt, she's learned how to look as if she feels little to nothing when she falls. She may seem reticent and dandy outwardly, but the determined werewolf often works herself to the bone until she collapses, specifically because of her fears: exposure of weakness and failure.
[div class=num]3.[/div] While she may appear unnervingly collected in the face of violence and corruption, Seonhee is redeemed by her unparalleled sense of loyalty to those she cares for. Additionally, she is not apathetic as proven by her genuine attempts at comforting others, albeit a little clumsy. She smiles fairly easily as well. Behind her harsh act, she's much more softhearted and awkward than what the people who look at her from a distance come to believe. If they approach her, if they truly stick by her side without flinching, she does not take their gesture for granted and will do the same, even if it takes some time. Separate from her work, Seonhee is not above feeling streaks of panic, stress, or shock. She's surprisingly empathetic underneath all the calm that tails her, crying easily for someone's loss and helping those around herself to the best of her capabilities without breaking the rules. The identity Seonhee carefully built throughout her entire life comes from her deathly fear of losing her loved ones and creating more close bonds with others. If she turns a blind eye, if she keeps pretending that she doesn't care, it won't matter when they succumb to death, right?
[div class=num]4.[/div] History TBD.
[div class=over]relationships[/div]
The Helias Family — Seonhee is fiercely loyal to the Helias family and that is evident through every aspect of her character. It is near impossible for any individual to skew her view of them, and she is more than prepared to risk her life for them should there be any threat. She takes her job as a capo seriously, especially due to how she was raised along with the influence of her late father. wip
Associates — Seonhee frequently trains those who work for her directly. Like her late father, Seonhee is rumored to be a terrifying yet oddly encouraging capo, making her someone who can either be intimidating or easily approachable. She holds her men to high standards but knows when enough is enough. Additionally, she is never one to put them at risk when she can avoid it. Once, Seonhee was left bleeding out on the streets in place of someone others perceived as a lower-ranking mafioso after shielding them from a rivaling organization's ambush. The incident became widespread, and it took Seonhee months to recover both her health and her reputation as a capo who was strong enough for others to follow. Since then, she's kept a distance with her men. Still, she acquaints herself with them and cares for their wellbeing in her own, subtle ways. Though she will never say it, she's still very protective of them and unwilling to watch them be mistreated by anyone. She hides this fact behind a stoic face and a curt demeanor, but it's still very much apparent through her actions.
Name Here — wip
to be added !
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