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Realistic or Modern Étoile: All-Girls Boarding School

Em was enjoying a nice chat with Tame, completely oblivious to Roku and Nowis' little talk. When Roku spoke to her again and gestured toward the floor, she smiled a bit, "Why thank you Roku" smiled Em before walking with Roku to the dance floor.
Roku made sure to steer Em clear of Nowi's sister and her companion, hand still at the small of her back she found them a spot on the dance floor and took her hand lifting it above her head, spinning her around in circles.
Nowi smiled before taking Tames' hand and leading her to the dance floor, quickly remembering she did not know how to really dance. A slight blush appeared on her face as she mentally punished herself, letting out a deep sigh she admitted to Tame that "I can't really dance.."
Tame let out a big sigh and fiddled with her fingers in front of her, "Neither can I..." she admitted with a blush. "Maybe we could get something to eat at the snack bar?"
This part was bitter sweet, she wanted to give Tame a nice time and dance with her, but sadly neither of the girls knew how to dance. How would she look in the eyes of her Tamey now? thought Nowi to herself before leading her over to the snack bar, not getting much for herself besides for a drink. "I'm sorry" sighed Nowi, referring to her not being able to take the girl dancing.

@Wynn ?)
Tame turned around to face her girlfriend with her eyes shining brightly, a plate and mouthful of sweets she looked up at Nowi. To the timid girl, she was more excited about the desserts than the dancing.
When Tame turned around with a plate full of goodies and a mouthful of them, she couldn't help but smirk at her. "Your too cute princess" stated Nowi with a slight giggle before petting Tame like a cat, a smile on her face.
Nowi let out another small chuckle at Tame as she continued to act like a kid at a candy store. She then placed her hand under Tames' chin and raised her chin before licking off some crumbs from the corner of her lips, "You missed some" smiled Nowi.

(@Wynn @dkitsune : poke)
Haven and Zara walked in to the gymnasium and it seemed like everyone was already there dancing . " Hmm...You don't like dancing so i wont bug you about it now BUT i do want at least one dance.." She looked at Zara hopefully.
"No" replied Zara quickly, coldly, and shortly; not wasting any time after Havens' request of at least one dance. She had already made her stance clear to the girl, she does not like dancing, she does not dance, and she shall not dance; the girl would just have to deal with it. As they walked pass the buffet of food set out, she grabbed herself a bottle of water and quickly downed it in one gulp before throwing the bottle into a trashcan a few feet away.

" Awe not even one?" Haven said following Zara. She thought for a moment and got an idea " How about a trade?"
Zara sighed a bit when the girl would not just bug off about the dancing thing, like a million times she said before, it would remain the same, No. Then Haven tried to haggle with her...foolish girl, she had been raised haggling her whole life, "What could you possibly have that I want?" asked Zara coldly, raising an eyebrow at the girl in curiosity.

Haven grinned " Other than blood? Hmm...this maybe...." She pulls out her phone from her purse and shows Zara a picture.

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"Nonsense!" Anukai exclaimed, pulling Alexia closer to her. "If there's one thing I've learnt in my life, it's that EVERYONE can dance, no matter what they say. Just.." She paused to wrap her hands around Alexia's waist. "..move to the beat. Don't thin about it."



Noctis beamed at Kiki's deflation of love. She knew her Kiki loved her back, of course she did, but it was always nice to hear it spoken out loud.

At her offer of anything Noctis wanted, she froze, not sure what to say. If someone who wasn't Kiki had said that she could have anything she wanted, she would immediately have shot of a list of random, childlike wishes, but when she was with Kiki, she could truly say she was completely and blissfully happy. Noctis couldn't think of anything else she needed for the life of her. "Noctis's first wish? That we could spend eternity just in this moment." She said, beaming happily at Kiki.

Zara scoffed at the girls words, she did not need her permission to take blood for one and for the other thing, she didn't need to use knives. After she looked at the blade she simply rolled her eyes at her, "Knives are for the weak" stated Zara coldly at Haven.
Alexia winced when Anukai yelled at her, but blushed when she was pulled closer to the girl. Her blush grew deeper and deeper as Anukai guided her through the dance, she trying her best to do as Anukai stated; moving to the beat. "Uhhh-uhh-uhhh" was the only noise Alexia could make as she danced with Anukai.
Haven tilted her head " Eh? No it's a type of art. Have you heard of blade da-...nevermind. Well is there anything you want?" She asked pouting a bit. Mentally she kicked herself forgetting that Zara hated dancing.

( should I do a mini bio for the teacher or no?)
Zara let out a smirk when Haven basically pleaded her to reconsider the dancing, but of course; the girl wasn't at direct as that.The cold girl then began to walk over to one of the benches left out for people to sit on(I'm just going to assume there is some :3) and lie down on it, taking up the whole bench with her tall figure.
(@PlaguedWithInsanity I'm so so sorry, my computer got taken away so I couldn't reply:()

Jessie fell, hard. Her butt making a thud sound as it came in contact with the ground. Her rubbed her butt, already able to tell that there was going to be bruise in the morning. She thought she fell so hard that her stomach had awoken and decided to tell her that she was hungry as a growl seemed to come from nowhere. "You should watch where you're going." Someone said and she opened her eyes, realizing that it was coming from in front of her and not from her. She found herself looking up at a girl with long blue hair who was also wearing a suit..... And a really angry face. Jessie slowly got to her feet, she could fell her butt throbbing and wondered if she would still have to go to the dance now. Oh right! There was a girl in front of her who still looked massively annoyed. Jessie rubbed the back of her head giving an awkward smile. "Sorry about that." She said looking anywhere but there girls eyes. She didn't quite know what to say after that so instead she stuck out her hand. "I'm Jessie, nice to meet you."
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Riley clenched her jaw to keep herself from barking once again, as the girl on front of her finally rose to her feet. She was very tall, forcing the blue-haired girl to take a half-step back and crane her neck a little to see her face. The other girl merely looked embarrassed and rubbed the back of her neck to show as such. She then apologized. Riley's frown remained where it was, the edges of her lips curved downwards, her eyebrows doing much of the same action, but furrowed. When the tall girl introduced herself and stuck out her hand in an introduction, Riley merely pulled her hands back and stuffed them into her pant pockets. The other girl wasn't even looking at her in the eyes. How pitiful, she thought, looking at the girl's eyes despite not making mutual contact. She runs into me, and acts like it's all right and even gives me her name? It's sad, and almost makes her seen desperate to make friends, in a way. Riley then turned on her heel, after shaking her head, and began to walk again in the direction that she was going in before. "Tch." She muttered sharply keeping herself from saying too much, and then looking back at the girl—Jessie—then back in front of her.

(It's alright, really ^^ @Peter Pan)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Anukai chuckled softly ay Alexia's nervous noises. "It's alright. Just follow my lead. Relax..." She reassured her pulling Alexia closer to her so she could feel her body moving in rhythm with her own.

Jessie was taken aback by how rude the other girl was. When she had stuffed her hands in her pockets and just walked away, Jess found herself left standing there wondering where she went wrong. Sure she had knocked her down but she apologized after. Couldn't she have at least been a little less mad? Jessie ran her fingers through her hair. 'What a way to start the first day.' she thought and went her own way, wondering how much more time was left for the dance. She turned a corner, looking at the empty hallway and wondering where the end would take her. She really had no idea where she was going, and just hoped she would come across the dance.
Haven continued to pout and followed Zara. Getting the probably not best idea she straddled Zara and smiled. " So, what do you usually do for fun?"
Zara smirked up at Haven when she sat on her, "I mostly train or listen to music" replied Zara, pausing for a moment before continuing, "Until... business comes up" finished the cold girl scratching at her head.


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