Errors,(Neko asylum RP)

- 6:30 am –

The sun had just begun shinning its glorious light upon the Neko asylum. Its golden rays beamed down on the building’s surface, signalling a new day at the loony bin. The atmosphere around the place was filled with madness and disdain, distain because what lied within the building was not human, but Nekos.

Inside the building was a hallway filled with doors, here is where all of the Neko inmate slumber. The sounds of the restless could be heard, their moaning and groaning echoed throughout the hallway. This hallway filled with the haunting voices of the insane is where the day begins for a Neko asylum inmate.

“Urh… ARh…!!” Iris let out a growl as he woke up, staring at the various blood stains in his cell.

“Shower Time!” a nurse yelled out, unlocking and escorting each inmate.

When it got to his turn a nurse was standing at the open door, looking down at Iris holding a stray jacket. “DO I need to use this?” She asked.

Iris simply stared at the brutish woman with great disgust, twitching his ear. “NO, no you do not need to use it.”

Iris was being co-operative because he already has 2 strikes. He had been in the naughty room once and he didn’t want to go there again.

He walked out of his room and headed to the showers. Because Iris was out of his cell, he was being watched closely by the nurse and the several cameras that were scattered throughout the hallway.

At the showers, Iris began stripping down, exposing his pale skin. He entered the showers and had begun washing himself, getting ready for the new day.
Rosie hissed at the nurse quietly then quickly got in a sepreate shower. She undressed fast and turned on the water, sighing softly. The water felt a little nice on her soft skin, running off the tips of her ears. Rosie slowly washed her hair, wanting to smell a little nice. She stepped out and dryed her ears and tail first, then her hair. The nurse gave her a pair of her clothes before getting in. She came out in blue jeans, a deep purple tank top with a pinkish rose in it on the corner. Black sneakers were put on a little loose, but still tight.

The outfit was comfortable but she didn't like the way it looked on her. The clothes were a little big on her, and didn't fit her body. Rosie was a little greatful for at least getting some clothes though. She walked back into the cell and sat in a far corner where light barely showed. Rose liked being in dark places, as long as it was safe. She had no strikes, really not wanting to go into the naughty room. Rosie hadn't been in there yet and was already terrified.
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Cythia sighed and walked into a different shower. She shut the door and slowly stripped down, turning on the shower. She washed her hair, trying to get done fast, and washed out the shampoo. Cythia then turned off the shower and creaked out the door, snatched a towel and dried herself. When she was dry, she wrapped herself in the towel and put on her clothes: a light blue dress, with dark brown shoes, a hair pin and her copper ring.

She walked into the her cell slowly, trying to be silent, and sat near the wall to wait.
Kira sighed as she was shoved into the shower room but does nothing about it like she the first time since she already has 1 stirke against her and she didnt wanna make it 2 for now that is she would wait a while longer to get her second strike because she knew sooner or later she would end up getting it. Sje stepped in showering quickly dried herself off and then put her tight black pants, blood red shirt, and since she walks barefooted everywhere she just walked back to her dark room since she broke the light and lays in the middle of it looking up at the ceiling.
(ok i have to move this along ok)

Suddenly Cythia was startled by the loud ring that indicated it was time for breakfast. A nurse opened her door and she speed-walked into the cafeteria, which was only four lunch benches. Looking around, she sat down on one as the others came in.
Sirah walked into the cafeteria from his shower wearing his typical outfit. Dark jeans and a white t-shirt. Keeping his head down he began mumbling to the "monsters" he always saw. Suddenly freaking out, he yelled, "What the in the hell 6?! That's so messed up!" 6 was the "bad monster" that told him to kill his mom. Realizing what he had just done he looked up to find everyone staring at him. Blusing furiously, he scampered off to the closest table to the back. Plopping down on the bench he hid his face in his hands.
Rosie had just walked in and saw a guy screaming at a person named 6. She decided to meet him to find out more. Her curiosity would always get the best of her as she walked to the table. Rose sat down across from him and started playing with her fingers. "M-my name's Rosie, a lot of people here call me Rose. I was wondering who 6 was. Can I meet 6, you know, if it's possible?" A small smile formed on her face as she realized she was socializing.
Alvina walked into the caffetria, her hair still wet from her shower, and went straight to a table where no one sat at yet. She was wearing a black dress that was tight fitting around her arms and waist, which she didn't like but wouldn't complain. She already been in the naughty room with the scars to prove it and already had two strikes again, so she didn't think getting a third one for complaining about her clothes was worth it.
Peeking through his fingers he saw a girl with light blue hair. "Um.. I'm Sirah." Contemplating on how he should explain 6, he just told her the easiest explanation. "We'll ya see, 6 isn't actually real. He is to me but no one else." He knew he sounded crazy but, hey, we were in here for a reason. Looking down at his hands He saw 14 sitting on his thumbs, he smiled at it.
Cythia looked down at her food, she was one of the people who didn't eat a lot. So she was pretty skinny, she awkwardly force-fed it to herself so no nurses would get mad. She then looked up to the people also eating and talking, and she looked back down and started to doodle with her nail into the lunch tray.
"Aww, I wish I could meet him. That's pretty cool though that only you can see him." She saw him smiling at his hands and wondered if it was 6 or another number. Rose suddenly felt mad. Since this happens a lot she just poked her side and smiled a little. She learned to calm herself down my tickling herself, it may be weird but it works. "So, how many numbers can you see?"
Looking up from 14, he smiled back at her. "I can see all the way up to 400, but I've only seen him once." Suddenly feeling curious he asked "So why are you in here? You seem perfectly normal." Realizing what he said probably wasn't very polite he quickly blurted, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"Oh no it's fine..." She started to think of why she was here herself. "I bit one of the scientists and killed another one." Rosie said and played with her fingers. "And I can sometimes be crazy...." Her nails slowly dug into her hands, almost making her bleed. "So, why are you in here?" Rose looked up at him, a little curious but slightly bored.
"Well I'm schizophrenic and have depression." He explained, a little to hyper. "When I was 11 I killed my mom because the monsters told me too. More specifically 6. 6 is the monster who told me I should kill her, so I did. Then my dad just kind of dropped me off, never saw him again." The words rolled off of his tongue so easily it was almost as if he was oblivious to the past. Looking past her, he saw the line for breakfast had shortened. "So, um, you hungry?" He asked, not knowing what else to say.
Rosie kind of smiled when Sirah told his story. "A little, I don't really enjoy the food here but I don't want to get in trouble with the nurses." She glanced at one that was glaring at her. Rose just nodded at her and got up, slowly walking to the line.
He hopped up quickly, trailing behind Rosie. He grabbed his tail and started smoothing the fur down, he just needed something to occupy his hands. Dropping his tail then yawning, "I swear, this is too early in the morning." He complained as he stretched his arms above his head.
Her ears flickered, wanting attention. They were a little cold but she would have to live with it for a while. Her tail swished slowly, trying not to hit Sirah on out the leg but failed. It would lightly tap him then quickly move. "I'm starting to get used to it." She yawned and smiled a little. "Nevermind."
He smiled at her. She seemed like the nicest person he had met since being in the facility. Grabbing two trays, he handed her one. "I think this is the first time I've ever wanted to avoid food." He said smiling with a hint of disgust in his voice.
Rosie made a face and nodded. "Thanks." She smiled lightly as she grabbed the second tray. Her mind got a little fuzzy and she shuck her head. Rose felt a bit better but still a little light headed. She pinched herself, making her snap back quickly. "Sorry if I act a little crazy sometimes." Rosie wanted him to know beforehand instead of seeing her crazy without knowing.
Hearing her say that didn't phase him. "Well we're all in here for some reason." He said smiling. "Oh and I think 22 has found a liking for you. It's sitting on your shoulder!" He said looking at her shoulder, he waved at 22 with one finger. "22 is like the mom to all of the numbers. It's really nice."

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